The Wales' Official Foreign Visits & Tours Part 2 Feb. 2022 to present

Started by TLLK, February 09, 2022, 01:37:47 AM

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Kate Middleton and Prince William's flirty exchange on tour revealed | HELLO!

Caribbean: William suggests monarchy will respect any decision to become republic | Prince William | The Guardian

Prince William left seething as Caribbean tour with Kate Middleton dogged by controversy | Royal | News |

Prince William makes sweet mention of Princess Diana on royal tour 'Best holiday ever' | Royal | News |

Kate Middleton spotted cooing over newborn baby just weeks after her 'broody' confession | Royal | News |

Queen was told by Jamaicans back in 2016: 'We don't see you how benefit us' | Royal | News |

Kate Middleton and Prince William blasted after they mimic Queen on royal tour | Royal | News |

Kate and William personally introduce themselves to every child in heartfelt moment | Royal | News |

Prince William vows to ?respect decisions? about independence in last minute speech change | Royal | News |

Kate Middleton's sassy response when she was told she's lucky to have Prince William - Mirror Online

Prince William adds last minute detail to speech after storm of criticism and PR blunders - Mirror Online

Prince William speaks on future of Monarchy at end of Caribbean tour: ?relationships evolve, friendships endure? ? Royal Central

The William vs Kate rivalry returns as they take to the waters in The Bahamas ? Royal Central


The Duke And Duchess Of Cambridge Visit Belize, Jamaica And The Bahamas - Day Eight:

Bilder und Fotos - Getty Images


Prince William brings a young photographer to meet his wife during the couple's visit to Abaco.

The Duke of Cambridge releases a statement on the recent tour of the Caribbean. Click the link to read Prince William's statement in full.
Quoted portion is from Rebecca English
QuoteUnprecedented statement from the Duke of Cambridge regarding the Caribbean tour.
The trip has prompted conversation and debate. This acknowledges it and shows how he is reflecting on it. Interesting line on his future as head of the Commonwealth. Shows leadership


Quote from: TLLK on March 26, 2022, 09:45:05 PM
Quoted portion is from Rebecca English

It is extremely unlikely that William will ever be Ceremonial Head of the Commonwealth. His father only got the future gig because of respect for the Queen and the Commonwealth leaders not wanting to upset a very elderly and increasingly frail woman.

In Charles?s reign most if not all the overseas realms are likely to become republics and the Commonwealth is almost certain to be a very different beast than it is today.

By the end of Charles?s reign and looking forward to William?s reign, any candidate for a ceremonial Commonwealth position is likely to resemble more a Secretary General one in the UN and would be voted on in turn with every Commonwealth country putting forward a candidate for say a four year term. No member of the BRF is likely to be involved at all.


I think it was a short success.

At least not totally right now.

Times, things change BRF has adapted to this throughout their history as well as British govt.

The tour should have been called more a tour fir future good relations on behalf of TQ to support The Commonwealth Nations choices they want to make in their future.

Nit mywirding, lol. Something like.

Fact FACT is Jamaica and all TCNations no longer, after QE does, want BRF as Head of State Ceremonial stuff .

THE OTHER TRUTH NOT SAID IN THE MEDIA is PC as King Charles and then William and the govt too probably welcome i


It's a great success, William and Kate, especially W are completely aware of everything going on hence his last speech before boarding flight back home.  He has received kudos for that alone, which summarizes the whatever the people want. Huge backbone.


Quote from: wannable on March 27, 2022, 02:41:29 PM
It's a great success, William and Kate, especially W are completely aware of everything going on hence his last speech before boarding flight back home.  He has received kudos for that alone, which summarizes the whatever the people want. Huge backbone.

A royal tour can hardly be considered a great success if it?s been as surrounded by controversy and protest from prominent Jamaicans as this one has been. And to their credit the British newspapers reported it. William was criticised by some for not saying a heartfelt ?Sorry? in his speech on 19th century Empire slavery in the West Indies and the 20th century Windrush scandal..

Accordingly the advisers who travelled with the Cambridges quickly wrote a speech before they left, making nice and emphasising that any decisions to do with future Commonwealth realms (or other members) rested with the countries? leaders. In reality, as everyone recognises, there is nothing the monarch or RF can do if any Commonwealth realm decides to become a republic.

Let?s not pretend that William wrote out the farewell speech on his own. He merely read out what had been written. And the sentiments in it are hardly new anyway. Before Australia had a referendum on getting rid of the monarchy in the late 1990s the Queen herself expressed exactly those sentiments, at a reception for the Australian rugby team which she attended before an England-Australia rugby match. Charles has also said the same thing (that the future of Commonwealth countries is totally in their hands.)

So it?s hardly showing enormous backbone to be parroting what other senior members of the BRF have said before you!

After that disastrous royal tour, is the sun finally setting on the Commonwealth? | Moya Lothian-McLean | The Guardian


His previous to the last speech, he did say sorry for what happened with slavery.  It was all over twitter.

It's not like he is the only one who uses advisers, all monarchs and politicians are surrounded by them. As well too, the individual has the final say.


Basically W is being lauded as a true and real leader. Huge backbone


William did not specifically say sorry for the English/British monarchy?s part in the slave trade from the 16th century to the early 19th century. That lack was noted by several commentators.

The Jamaican government and their supporters are said to be 'incredibly disappointed' the Duke of Cambridge did not say 'the word sorry', an insider on the Queen's fourth largest realm has claimed. Omar Ryan, Centre for Reparation Research at the University of West Indies, also said William should have gone further in the speech: 'That is a statement of regret - but he is not admitting their role in the enslavement of African and Caribbean people'.

Lauded by whom? Some British journalists? Lol! Certainly not by leaders of Caribbean nations! This tour was not a success, and as I noted below, what he said was said by the Queen nearly a quarter of a century ago.

Analysis: Prince William, Kate Middleton Tour Proof They Need to Adapt


Near identical sentiments on the slave trade expressed by Charles in Barbados in 2021.

Madam President, Prime Minister, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,
I was so deeply touched that you should have invited me to return to Barbados and to join you, on behalf of The Queen, at this moment of such significance for your remarkable Nation.
The creation of this Republic offers a new beginning, but it also marks a point on a continuum ? a milestone on the long road you have not only travelled, but which you have built.
Emancipation, self-government and Independence were your way-points. Freedom, justice and self-determFrom the darkest days of our past, and the appalling atrocity of slavery, which forever stains our history, the people of this island forged their path with extraordinary fortitude. ination have been your guides.
Your long journey has brought you to this moment, not as your destination, but as a vantage point from which to survey a new horizon.

?Appalling atrocity? ?stains our history?, etc etc etc.


Those you mention want a profound apology which offers moneys, he can't.  He offered a profound sorrow of the events hundreds of years ago.

The UK government finished paying the British Slave Owner Compensation, it is up to the USA to pay their part.


Quote from: wannable on March 27, 2022, 04:31:29 PM
Those you mention want a profound apology which offers moneys, he can't.  He offered a profound sorrow of the events hundreds of years ago.

The UK government finished paying the British Slave Owner Compensation, it is up to the USA to pay their part.

You?re suggesting that the US govt follows what the British Govt did in the early 19th century with their West Indian sugar plantation owners, and pay compensation to slave owning families for loss of slaves after the American Civil War? !!! Boy, that will go down really well with today?s US citizens!

I?d point out too that the UK Govt freed its West Indian slaves (and indeed slaves through the British Empire) thirty years before the US did so, and without a war either.


Give it to the Brits in re to abolish and payments (2015 done and dusted). I am only mentioning this because there are loud mouth journos in the USA who love to criticize their neighbours BUT don't like to look within themselves (They proudly tweet their piece, but get very angry with tweet responses about themselves, backfire mode  :laugh10: ). (Same thing happening like since 1.5 weeks ago, and getting full traction in SM in re to Russia/Ukraine, OOT)

Just pointing out that the apology i.e. Jamaica wants is tied to moneys, which I am mentioning.  I read it all, just in case.


Yes, well, wrong thread to be mentioning it but there was a little war in a country called Vietnam that lasted well over a decade but nobody in the West was calling for tricky Dickie or Lyndon Johnson?s head on a platter after an overthrow. And George W Bush?s actions in Iraq wouldn?t bear too much close scrutiny either. Regime change anyone?

As for Biden and his completely inappropriate remark about Putin and regime change in Russia when he was in Poland the other day reaffirms my opinion that Jill or some other minder ought to be with him at all times, with a muzzle. That would save US officials having to rush subsequently into damage control.


"I want to thank the Bahamian people for giving a great Bahamian welcome to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. You shared our culture and stories of how climate change impacts our beautiful islands. Together we have shown the world it is Better in The Bahamas."

- Philip Brave Davis - Prime Minister of The Commonwealth of The Bahamas.




Outrage in Jamaica over cost of the Cambridges? recent visit there, and remember they visited smaller and poorer countries on the Caribbean trip whose costings have not yet been published.

Gov't spent $8 million during visit of William and Kate - OPM - Jamaica Observer

Jamaican dollars but still?For four days!

?The Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) is reporting that a total of $8 million was spent during the visit of their Royal Highness, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, William and Kate Middleton, to Jamaica in March.

According to a budget released by the OPM, the Government spent $4,198,129 for the King?s House State Dinner and $422,615 on transportation, which included fuel and vehicle rental charges.

The OPM has also reported that $804,576 was allocated for portalet, cleaning services, decor and rental, among other things, while $302,965 was allocated to printing programmes, labels, stickers and promotional electronic banners. At the same time, $122, 829 was used for media and support accreditations.?


Yup, as I said. 

General rule of thumb (for official travel) is when the economy worldwide is in default (similar or worse), don't do it.