First grandchild for Caroline of Monaco

Started by fawbert, March 22, 2013, 02:59:32 PM

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Tatiana Santo Domingo, fiance of Andre Casiraghi, has given birth to a son. Princess Caroline's first grandchild.  :stars:


That's exciting! Congrats! :vday4:

QuoteAndrea Casiraghi's fiancée Tatiana Santo Domingo gives birth

Andrea Casiraghi and fiancée Tatiana Santo Domingo have become parents for the first time after welcoming a baby boy on Thursday.

Princess Caroline's press office confirmed the news via a statement which read: "Her Serene Highness Princess Caroline has the pleasure of announcing the birth of her grandson, born on 21 March 2013.

The missive added: "Both mother and baby are doing well".

The newest member of the Grimaldi won't be a potential successor the Monegasque throne given that Andrea and Tatiana have yet to marry.
Harryite #0009


Oh, I guess I wasn't paying close enough attention.  I didn't know she was that far along!  How exciting for them, and the whole family!

Always be yourself.  Unless you can be a unicorn.  Then always be a unicorn.


Harryite #0009


Wow.. hadn't read that since I saw the article in the daily mail.    No class. Super Rich trash. Poor Grace. Poor Rainer too. Their kids and grandkids are so unlike Grace n Rainer. Sorry here for posting a different opinion.


QuoteWhy Andrea Casiraghi and Tatiana Santo Domingo Won't Bring Up Their Baby In Monaco

The arrival of a royal baby in Monaco is traditionally greeted with some fanfare. So followers of the reigning family may be expecting grand celebrations to mark the birth of Andrea Casiraghi's first child with fiancée Tatiana Santo Domingo.

After all at his mother Princess Caroline's baptism in 1957, four bishops and 15 priests presided. The ceremony took place amid the splendur of the principality's cathedral, which had been filled with 10,000 lilies and tulips for the occasion.

Such pomp and circumstance is unlikely to welcome her grandchild. The new parents are boho spirits who are happier soaking up the sun on a beach in Ibiza than holding court in the Grimaldi clan's stately 13th-century palace.

Tatiana Santo Domingo baby: why they won't bring up son in Monaco - 

Always be yourself.  Unless you can be a unicorn.  Then always be a unicorn.


Quote from: FanDianaFancy on March 22, 2013, 06:14:34 PM
Wow.. hadn't read that since I saw the article in the daily mail.    No class. Super Rich trash. Poor Grace. Poor Rainer too. Their kids and grandkids are so unlike Grace n Rainer. Sorry here for posting a different opinion.
In what way?  Grace was notorious for her affairs with her leading men and Rainier had a longstanding affair with an actress.


Is it true that Grace was having affairs even while married to Rainier?

Always be yourself.  Unless you can be a unicorn.  Then always be a unicorn.


Quote from: cinrit on March 23, 2013, 01:05:55 PM
Is it true that Grace was having affairs even while married to Rainier?

Don't know but there were rumours.  She certainly spent a lot of time living in Paris when the girls were teenages to "supervise tehir education" and She did travel abroad doing poetry readings.  I think she found Monaco a bit stifling at times and maybe found Rainier a bit boring. But I think that they did love each other.. he was certainly very grieved when she died.
This child of Andrea's will it be a legal heir, since they aren't married?  I think that Monaquese law si that if a couple marry, then their children born before the marriage are legitimised.  Since Albert has still not had any children, I suppose it is like that the throne will go to Caro's children.


Thanks, Amabel.  I wondered about the baby, too, since the couple isn't married yet.  As things sit now, isn't Andrea second in line after his mother?

Always be yourself.  Unless you can be a unicorn.  Then always be a unicorn.


Yes.  He's the eldest son...Actually I saw a tiny item in an English paper the other day about how Charlene is now 34 and they've been married 2 years and she's still not pregnant. (and that apparrentenly she's not over popular in Monaco because she said apparently that she was lonely there and hadn't many friends).


Monaco seems to me to be ... I'm not sure how to put it, but it doesn't surprise me if she doesn't have many friends.  It seems sort of clique-ish.  She does look unhappy in pictures more often than she should, considering her position there.

Always be yourself.  Unless you can be a unicorn.  Then always be a unicorn.


Uh huh.. Never been there but it is such a tiny place.  I suppose to have a decent crack at a circle of friends you have to look outside it...This Little piece said that she'd been less than popular because of saying she Had no friends there and that Charlotte Casirigghi, Caro's daguther, was much better liked.  I remember when she and Albert got married, there was all this story that she'd found out about another love child of Albert's' and that she tired to run out on her wedding.. and had all but been forced back.  I gather that that was some kind of silly tabloid story which had no foundation?
I wonder why Andrea C didn't marry the fiancee when she was pregnant.  Even if the baby can be legitimated later it would be just as easy to marry her first.


I remember the story about Charlene trying to leave the day (or two days?) before the wedding, and that some of Albert's security men (?) prevented her from getting on the plane.  I think I read a few months ago that they'd sued one of the papers that had reported it, and had gotten a retraction.  I don't know if the story was ever true, but there must've been some basis for it?  We'll probably never know the truth.

I'm surprised Andrea didn't marry his fiancee before she gave birth, either.  It seems that sometimes people do it the other way around these days.  Baby and then marriage, instead of marriage and then baby.  Times sure have changed!  I remember a time when peoples' eyebrows would raise a little higher if they heard that two people were living together, but not married.

Always be yourself.  Unless you can be a unicorn.  Then always be a unicorn.


As someone in my family said when I once told her(being a  teenager and trying to be sophisticated) that someone i knew had had a baby and then gotten married "she did the thing arseways!!!!"
Marina Ogilvy, P Alexandra's daughter, was pregnant before her marriage and said she didn't want to get married looking all big and lumpy, that she and her boyfriend would wait till they Had their baby.  But I think she was pushed into getting married at  5 months pregnant...Her marriage ended in divorce a few years later.
Actually in English law, if a baby is born before its parents' wedding, the child can't inherit any nobile title...
I am not so sure what the situation is in other European monarchies.  I think that Princess Steph of Monaco's first 2 kids were born before she married their father, so I suppose that they will be in the line of succession as they were legitimated by  their parents marriage.  But she has another child, Camille, Not sure if the father is officially known, so she wont be,.


I think one of Stephanie's children is ineligible to be in line of succession.  Isn't Marina Ogilvy the one who angered the Queen by getting pregnant out of wedlock, and when she (the Queen) signed the consent for the marriage, she left out the words "much beloved" ... ?  Anyway, I think the Grimaldi's are more lenient about that kind of thing, though they can't change the rules about the succession.

Always be yourself.  Unless you can be a unicorn.  Then always be a unicorn.


yes, that was Marina Ogilvy.  I think the queen was pretty smokin' mad!!!   she did show it by leaving out "beloved"!!!!
I must look at Steph's bio again. I think that Rainier cut her out of the succession but Albert put her back in.  But the Grimaldis have some illegitimate descent, where I think Rainier's father or mothr was legitimated so that he could take the succession. But albert of course has 2 kids himself.


I'd forgotten, but you're right.  Somewhere along the line, there was illegitimacy in Rainier's line.  His mother, maybe?  And now that you mention it, I believe Rainier did cut Stephanie out of the line, but I didn't realize Albert put her back in.  I wouldn't be surprised if he did.  He likely has a fondness for his sister, and since it's unlikely that she or her heirs would ever be first in line, it can't hurt anything for her to be back in.

What ever happened with Albert's rumored third illegitimate child, I wonder?

Always be yourself.  Unless you can be a unicorn.  Then always be a unicorn.


yes Rainier's mother was illegitimate and her fathere legitimated her.. since he had no other heir.  I looked up Stephanie and she had 2 kids by Daniel Ducuet before they married - she married him so they became legitimate.  Then she had another child Camille, whose father has never been officlaly named and she didn't marry the Father so Camille's not in the line of succession. (she also had another brief marriage that ended in divorce).
I think that the final straw for Rainier was when Steph moved in with someone form a circus and he cut her out and disowned her.  But her relationship with the circus Guy did not last -  I think that Albert took her back..and put her back in the succession,. I suppose he could legitimate Camille but they have enough heirs.. All the same I think that Albert would like his own heirs as certainly Caro and Steph's marital careers have been pretty messy...
I think that maybe the story of the 3rd child and Charlene running away from the wedding was a lot of made up stuff...

Double post auto-merged: March 24, 2013, 10:36:07 AM

Re Marina O... I Wonder if they pushed her to get married before her baby was born because in the very very very unlikely event of half the RF dying and Marina coming to the throne, her child wold NOT be eligible to succeed, if she'd been born before her parents' marriage, even if they had married later on.. I assume that the rules on the throne's succession are similar to the rules about inheriting a title.


I remember when Stephanie got involved with the guy from the circus.  I thought it a little surreal, at best.  I mean, that's what some children have fantasies about doing ... "I'm going to run away with the circus."  Just seemed odd to me.  I thought she'd married the guy, but I didn't follow the story.  She did not? 

I'd sort of lost track of Marina.  I wasn't sure when she got married, but now that you say that, it makes sense that she did it before the baby was born.

Always be yourself.  Unless you can be a unicorn.  Then always be a unicorn.


I don't think the circus guy lasted long, he may even have been married!!  She really really does seem a bit crazy, with these weird affairs with bodyguards and circus guys and I won't be surprised if she'd taken to being a trapeze artist herself. I think she's setlttd down  bit now..
Marina O sort of is a bit like Steph, she was noticed for a year or 2 after her marriage, but then she seemed to disappear and I read that her marriage had ended in divorce.  I think it was a case of rebellion against her class by marrying this guy, but she soon found out it was a mistake.  Notsure what she does now, but probably not very much.  Her kids must be almost grown up.


I'll be humming "The Daring Young Man On the Flying Trapeze" all day now. :lol:  I wonder how Stephanie met him?  I wonder how in the world they possibly got together?  I don't know ... strange happenings in the Grimaldi family sometimes ...

Always be yourself.  Unless you can be a unicorn.  Then always be a unicorn.


Congratulations to the couple and also to Princess Caroline!  :congrats: