Bar owner denies Mike Tindall groping claim

Started by megaroozle, September 15, 2011, 06:22:42 AM

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Well, I feel and hope that The Royal Family will freeze him out.... at least for a long while, if they stay together. He made a fool of himself on his Florida Stag vacation. He should realize that in marrying Zara, he was not marrying Jane Doe, cashier in some shop, but a member of The British Royal family and should be acting responsible at all times.  I have never minded him and thought they made a cute type of couple, but  if he is going to act like low life every time he is away from home, she had better he get rid of him or have a long talk with him... I would love to be a fly on the wall when Princess Ann meets up with him.... :devil:


Really, whether Zara and the family feel they are royal or still are a part of the royal family and he should know better. I wouldn't want a friend of mind burying my husbands head in their chest... that's ok? yikes..I wish her well though.


First Harry's video, now Mike's. Too much is being out of thin air. Let the boys be boys, they are not doing anything wrong. I've watched the video and do not see any inappropriate behaviour, maybe flirting, but then many people who are in serious relationships do that kind of harmless flirting. I see Mike as being very much in love with Zara. Being confident in that kind of a secure relationship, he may feel comfortable acting around women.

I found the video to be extremely invasive. Even if he were cheating, if that was my husband cheating on me, I would not be thanking the makers of video for releasing that footage.


He is an *** he married a member of the British Royal family and is "famous" in his own right in the U.K  thanks to his carer he should know better than act like this knowing the press with put it front page humiliating his wife of WEEKS WTF he would be no loss that is for sure ...


Quote from: Kate on September 17, 2011, 12:38:06 AM
Well, I feel and hope that The Royal Family will freeze him out.... at least for a long while, if they stay together. He made a fool of himself on his Florida Stag vacation. He should realize that in marrying Zara, he was not marrying Jane Doe, cashier in some shop, but a member of The British Royal family and should be acting responsible at all times.  I have never minded him and thought they made a cute type of couple, but  if he is going to act like low life every time he is away from home, she had better he get rid of him or have a long talk with him... I would love to be a fly on the wall when Princess Ann meets up with him.... :devil:
Oh that won't be pretty I  wouldn't want to be him right now that is for sure...


Each to its own, I certainly don't want boyfriend, husband, partner however you want to call it touchy feely with any girl, old friend or whatever.  I don't mind casual or formal greetings with a cheek kiss and hug (long time no see), catching up conversations, but the caressing her face, holding hands, groping, inclining to kiss her NOPE. 

Why, because that's the way I am.  I wouldn't stand it!!!   

So memememe you're right, Zara knows who she married.


A news channel in Italy just reported this ... Oh Mike  :no:.


That's why I asked if he'd acted like this before the wedding.  If he did, then Zara wouldn't be surprised.  But if it's made television news, she might have more of a reaction than she would normally have, because now it's become a public embarrassment.

Always be yourself.  Unless you can be a unicorn.  Then always be a unicorn.



'You're married. Pull your head in, mate': Tindall's confrontation with Australian tourist before he walked away with blonde


There are so many different accounts coming out I don't know who to believe anymore, All I know is that I feel for Zara


Its not different, its the aftermath account. 


Quote from: cinrit on September 17, 2011, 05:15:00 PM
That's why I asked if he'd acted like this before the wedding.  If he did, then Zara wouldn't be surprised.  But if it's made television news, she might have more of a reaction than she would normally have, because now it's become a public embarrassment.

Are you kidding British? "Princess" being humiliated by her drunken moronic husband OF WEEKS = GOLD of course it made Italian evening news they love a scandal and he just gave them one  >(.


Quote'My Mike would never cheat'
Tindall tells dad he's innocent over blonde frolic

UNDER-fire Mike Tindall has finally broken his silence over his encounter with a blonde in a bar claiming she's "just an old friend".
It came as his dad leapt to the England captain's defence, insisting his son would never cheat on the Queen's granddaughter.

He only married Zara Phillips six weeks ago – but was pictured kissing the girl and having his face pulled towards her chest last weekend on a night out during the World Cup in New Zealand.

CCTV shows the girl grabbing the 32-year-old rugby ace and kissing his head after they had cuddled .

The touchy-feely frolic with the nightspot beauty looked like something straight out of a rugby training manual.   


Quotebouncer threatened to release more damaging footage of Tindall, 32.
The CCTV footage shows him stroking a blonde girl's face and hugging her while she kissed his bald head.
Bouncer Jonathon Dixon uploaded the 12-minute clip on to YouTube even though bar manager Blair Impey tried to talk him out of it.
It was during those talks Dixon claimed he had even more revealing film.

Palace sources say the video has rocked his royal in-laws. The insiders say Tindall has spent the last few days "grovelling" to Zara after a "blasting" down the phone.
A well-placed aide said the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh think Tindall has been "a blithering idiot".
And Zara's parents Princess Anne and ex-husband Captain Mark Phillips are "deeply saddened".
Yesterday Zara, 30, was competing at cross country horse trials in Cork, Ireland but still plans to go to New Zealand for a reunion with her husband.
"She was looking pretty stoney-faced and surrounded by bodyguards and police," said one onlooker.
Zara's spokeswoman refused to identify the mystery blonde in the video but insisted she was an English friend of the couple who was out there on holiday and had been a guest at their wedding in Edinburgh.

Dixon, 40, was yesterday arrested over the CCTV leak and charged with "accessing a computer system for dishonest purpose". He will appear in court tomorrow.     

That's even worst a friend, old friend  <_<


While I do think that this story has been blown out of proportion, I am very disappointed with Mike's behavior from that video -- friend or not.  I do hope Zara is genuinely okay with everything.  And for this to happen so soon after their wedding is just sad.   I think it's best for them to stop talking and justifying the footage because it's just giving people more things to talk about.

Now I wonder what the bouncer's arrest might reveal. 


He has revealed to have more damaging footage. 

The more trying to justify from Mike's boss and Zara's rep, the more harm is done to the obviously seen in the so far 12 minute footage.  As I said in previous post, I don't like nor want a boyfriend, husband, companion or partner like that - all touchy feely, it is in my view overtly sexual.


I agree with Lindelle, he'd be out the door quick smart - with my footprint on his backside!  No ifs, or buts about it.  If he can behave like that now, imagine the future!
Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me


^^ That's what makes it even worse.  The ink is barely dry on the marriage certificate, and if he feels he can act like that now, how will it be years from now?  Poor Zara. :(

Always be yourself.  Unless you can be a unicorn.  Then always be a unicorn.


I don't understand the reasoning that his flirting is 'okay' because it's with a mutual friend. Lots of affairs begin with a 'close friend'.

Shame on you Mike.


Quote from: cinrit on September 18, 2011, 04:35:54 PM
^^ That's what makes it even worse.  The ink is barely dry on the marriage certificate, and if he feels he can act like that now, how will it be years from now?  Poor Zara. :(

The most horrifying thing is he was HOLDING HANDS with the [edit]  :no: :no: :no: :no: I hope he knows that this [edit] are after him because he is married into the RF and plays sports  <_<  and that he has so much to loose [edit] ...

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QuoteTindall CCTV drama: Bouncer turns lens on media
The bouncer accused of stealing footage showing England rugby captain Mike Tindall cavorting with a mystery blonde has turned his own lens on waiting media as he appeared in court.

Queenstown bouncer Jonathan Dixon was remanded without plea when he appeared in the Queenstown District Court this morning.

A media scrum, including representatives from the United Kingdom, waited outside the court for the 40-year-old bouncer to appear.


This I think is the original video:  the person responsible for the video gives a brief introduction.

Mike does playfully grope the girl and she then quickly tweaks him back.  He's clearly drunk. 

I agree with all those who say that the PR has shifted to damage control.

I feel sorry for Zara.  As for Mike.......surely he should realise that once he married a member of the RF then he would have to be extra vigilant????   Besides the fact he is a celebrity in his own right as is Zara.  The RF give all stories an edge.

I bet Mike comes home telling Zara that he and the girl stayed up talking ALL night and nothing happened.  :no:


^^ I'm trying to control myself so that I don't say what I think of him (or the girl who is his "friend").  Poor, poor Zara. :cry: 

Always be yourself.  Unless you can be a unicorn.  Then always be a unicorn.


If this is true, then Mike is disgusting because he has only just got with Zara and it really does underline the committment he has towards this relationship. As bad as the footballers.