The Former Duchess of York Storms Out

Started by HRH Duchess of Poppyshire, August 11, 2011, 06:10:48 PM

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HRH Duchess of Poppyshire

What is up with Sarah?? She doesn't seem very stable to me.. Maybe that is how the news wants her to be seen.


Guests can usually demand that certain areas of their lives not be brought up in interviews.  If they had, indeed, come to an agreement about not asking about the sting and asked about it anyway, she had every right to walk out.  But if that was the case, she should have said something about the agreement before she walked out.  Personally, I think the media should let it go.  She's already gotten beat up over it.  Time to sit it out and hope there isn't another incident.

Always be yourself.  Unless you can be a unicorn.  Then always be a unicorn.


If you read the end of the article it clearly says that she was upset at being made to watch the News of the World sting again.

She wasn't upset at being asked questions about it and had agreed to answer questions about it.  It was being forced to watch it again that upset her.

Mr Scott said the Duchess was shocked when asked to watch the News of the World footage again during the 60 Minutes interview.
He said making the Duchess sit through the footage again was unnecessary, because she had obviously already seen it and had agreed to answer questions about it.


She agreed to answer questions about it, she didn't agree to watch it.

QuoteMr Scott said the Duchess was shocked when asked to watch the News of the World footage again during the 60 Minutes interview.
He said making the Duchess sit through the footage again was unnecessary, because she had obviously already seen it and had agreed to answer questions about it.

She apparently didn't expect to be made to watch it again.  What she did was wrong, but she shouldn't have it pushed in her face at every opportunity in order to raise ratings.


Always be yourself.  Unless you can be a unicorn.  Then always be a unicorn.

HRH Duchess of Poppyshire

If it were a fee for interview, I think you get what you get and don't throw a fit..
Now if it were out of the kindness of her heart, then I would be upset.


Quote from: cinrit on August 11, 2011, 08:48:14 PM
She agreed to answer questions about it, she didn't agree to watch it.

QuoteMr Scott said the Duchess was shocked when asked to watch the News of the World footage again during the 60 Minutes interview.
He said making the Duchess sit through the footage again was unnecessary, because she had obviously already seen it and had agreed to answer questions about it.

She apparently didn't expect to be made to watch it again.  What she did was wrong, but she shouldn't have it pushed in her face at every opportunity in order to raise ratings.


You know cinrit, 60 mins has been losing ratings for some time now here. Used to be avid watchers of the show but for about 6 months it's a far cry to what it used to be.
I'm positive the footage is to be used as a ploy to boost their ratings.
We only ever watch it now when something of interest is worth the wait.
I would've watched this interview whether she stormed out or not.
They really didn't need to go that far.
And I bet when it does air, 60 mins will tell us a story how certain bits of that interview had to be deleted because of Sarah's tantrum.
They just can't leave it alone.


^^ Tsk! :no:  I'll bet that's true, Lindelle.  Sarah might be her own worst enemy at times, but she's also a human being with feelings. 

Always be yourself.  Unless you can be a unicorn.  Then always be a unicorn.


Oh, Sarah! I think she just needs a big hug. Or a kick in the **** One or the other. Who volunteers to hold her down hug her while I give her a swift kick in the pants?


I fear it was done deliberately to provoke such behaviour, and hence increase viewing.
And the show has definitely deteriorated of late.


Agreements or no agreements, the press are slippery and any seasoned public figure should be ready for the unexpected.  More often than not, it's the reactionary events that make the headlines and they know it.  Sarah ought to have handled it more severely and not given them what they were probably half hoping for.
Better still, she should probably just cease the media tours/interviews and retreat into a more demure and discreet life away from the lens. She'll likely do herself more favours in the longer term that way.
"Criticism may not be agreeable, but it is necessary. It fulfills the same function as pain in the human body. It calls attention to an unhealthy state of things."
-Winston Churchil


Very true Orchid. She puts herself in these situations all the time.  Bad enough to have been caught by the newspaper sting but it wouldn't have happened if she weren't willing to do just about anyting for hard Cash.  but to appear on TV then yapping on about it just reminds people of her stupidity.


Precisely, amabel. One would think common sense would dictate that she now distance herself as much as possible from the dramas of past.  Agreeing to talk about these things time and again just keeps the negative press surrounding her indiscretions alive. There are things people simply shouldn't do for money and in Fergie's case, TV interviews is one of them. 

Given Andrew has financially bailed her out, I simply don't understand why she doesn't shroud herself in secrecy for a time and stay away from every TV crew and channel imaginable. I know I would. Go away, write some more books or set up a bona fide business that will restore her image and fortunes. She's fast becoming a disgrace to herself and her Daughters which is a shame as she has the potential to be a fairly respectable figure in the future if she makes the right choices and vindicates herself.
"Criticism may not be agreeable, but it is necessary. It fulfills the same function as pain in the human body. It calls attention to an unhealthy state of things."
-Winston Churchil


Quote from: Orchid on August 13, 2011, 12:37:14 PM
Precisely, amabel. One would think common sense would dictate that she now distance herself as much as possible from the dramas of past.  Agreeing to talk about these things time and again just keeps the negative press surrounding her indiscretions alive. There are things people simply shouldn't do for money and in Fergie's case, TV interviews is one of them. 

I think she likes the attention as much as the money.  She has never really accepted that she just shot herself in the foot oever and again during her marriage and immediate post marriage life, and that people just lost interest in her.  so she tries to keep her face in the papers... but there#s no real HARM in her.. she is just so stupid and selfish...but in a childlike way


I believe she's on a book tour.  As part of the publishing deal, most well-know authors must agree to undertake them.  I've seen her on three or four talk shows, selling the book.  Hopefully, when her obligation is over, she'll retire quietly.

Always be yourself.  Unless you can be a unicorn.  Then always be a unicorn.


Cindy you really think that??? I wish I could believe it.  I suppose you could say "what else Can the woman do?".  She isn't likely to get a job now, all she can do is write these books selling herself... Perhaps it would haven been better had the RF given her a more generous divorce settlement iwht the proviso that she should do NO commercial stuff.


^^ Which?  Do I believe she's obligated to hawk the book?  Yes, I do believe it.  I know that there are some authors who have to do it as part of their contract with the publishing company.  We see them all the time here in the States.  We never see first-time authors (unless they're very famous for something other than writing a book), but we see established authors on the book tour all the time.  They don't do that in the U.K.?

Always be yourself.  Unless you can be a unicorn.  Then always be a unicorn.


Well it's being televised here tomorrow night.
And they've already advertised it as 'the weirdest interview', yes they're playing it up.
Anyone want me to send the link for it once it's aired?


Quote from: Lindelle on August 13, 2011, 01:42:40 PM
Well it's being televised here tomorrow night.
And they've already advertised it as 'the weirdest interview', yes they're playing it up.
Anyone want me to send the link for it once it's aired?   

Thanks, Lindelle ... I'd like to see it.

Always be yourself.  Unless you can be a unicorn.  Then always be a unicorn.


Cindy Yes authors do book tours here as well.  when I said "you might Say "what can Sarah do". I meant "Someone might say what can S do?"
I didn't mean you personally ! sorry. 
but you know what CAN she do, if she needs money?  I don't think she's got a business brain to set up a proper businss and make a lviing that way.  She Can hardly go back to being an editorial assistant... But people will buy her silly books becuase of who she is.. so I suppose she's going to write them and  sell them.


Quote from: cinrit on August 13, 2011, 01:50:58 PM
Quote from: Lindelle on August 13, 2011, 01:42:40 PM
Well it's being televised here tomorrow night.
And they've already advertised it as 'the weirdest interview', yes they're playing it up.
Anyone want me to send the link for it once it's aired?   

Thanks, Lindelle ... I'd like to see it.


okey dokey.
Stay tuned til then


Quote from: amabel on August 13, 2011, 02:02:08 PM
....  She Can hardly go back to being an editorial assistant...

It might prove her saving grace if she did.  If Sarah retired behind the scenes to do a worthwhile job, earn her own money and eschew the commercial limelight she may regain some long lost decorum and credit.  But I doubt she would ever wish to do such a thing. I sense her ego would prevent it: I'm guessing she enjoys fame and celebrity as a sort of extension of her lost royalty (if that makes sense). Poor woman - she does need to get her act together. 
"Criticism may not be agreeable, but it is necessary. It fulfills the same function as pain in the human body. It calls attention to an unhealthy state of things."
-Winston Churchil


You may remember the hue and cry when Jackie Kennedy Onassis started work for a publisher.  People thought that was beneath her to take such "lowly" job as a book editor, but she was good at it.  Sarah worked in public relations before her marriage didn't she?  Why couldn't she do something along that line again?  I think she would be quite successful if she got involved in something that did not involve public appearances.


Quote from: amabel on August 13, 2011, 02:02:08 PM
Cindy Yes authors do book tours here as well.  when I said "you might Say "what can Sarah do". I meant "Someone might say what can S do?"
I didn't mean you personally ! sorry. 


Quotebut you know what CAN she do, if she needs money?  I don't think she's got a business brain to set up a proper businss and make a lviing that way.  She Can hardly go back to being an editorial assistant... But people will buy her silly books becuase of who she is.. so I suppose she's going to write them and  sell them.   

I don't know how popular she is here now, but I doubt her popularity is anywhere near where it used to be.  She'll probably never make the kind of living she was able to make when she was the spokeswoman for ... was it Weight Watchers? ... so maybe she should just downsize and adjust her cost-of-living to meet her income, whatever that might be.  She isn't the first, and won't be the last, woman forced to live in "genteel poverty".  That said, I do feel sorry for her.  I hope Dr. Phil helped her ... for some reason, I'm not convinced Suze Orman did.

Always be yourself.  Unless you can be a unicorn.  Then always be a unicorn.


She made enough to clear her debts with her wowrk iwht Weight watchers... but I dont know why her job iwht them ended.  She's not at ALL popular in the UK.. so America is her only hope.


Quote from: Carolyn on August 13, 2011, 03:10:57 PM
You may remember the hue and cry when Jackie Kennedy Onassis started work for a publisher.  People thought that was beneath her to take such "lowly" job as a book editor, but she was good at it.  Sarah worked in public relations before her marriage didn't she?  Why couldn't she do something along that line again?  I think she would be quite successful if she got involved in something that did not involve public appearances.

I too feel it would be the best path for her too take. Any cry's of it being a 'lowly' position would be met with sheer incredulity given the lows to which she has stooped in other pursuits for money.  Frankly, anyone who utilises a skill in a worthwhile career is high on the ladder in my estimation - it certainly beats possessing a sense of superiority and involvement in dubious business dealings. Most of the extended royals would do better to get a proper job in my mind anyway. 
"Criticism may not be agreeable, but it is necessary. It fulfills the same function as pain in the human body. It calls attention to an unhealthy state of things."
-Winston Churchil