Team Sussex: Archewell Foundation, Invictus, and charities, news, and activities

Started by Blue Clover, May 24, 2023, 11:12:58 PM

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And still patiently waiting for the actual proof of the claims made on this forum, against the Sussex?s charity. As I said, I?m willing to change my mind if actual proof, hard documentation, and etc can be brought forward and not from a friend of a friend of a cousin of a aunt of a uncle who?s friend with Campbell.


The Archewell financial report from the couple themselves was posted.



I'm so hurt, while I was posting an Invictus update, I guess it timed out?

So when I hit's all gone...and now I'd need to retype OTL


Thank you TLLK but I've seen the report. I'm looking for the information that was claimed, with confidence in this thread the proof from the person that was quoted when it was introduced.

Invictus related stuff. It's almost Invictus Games season! With Invictus season! I see this going around more and more and want to make it clear. Invictus, when created from sponsorships and the Endeavor fund, The fund was created by Harry and used for vets. When he left, any money raised by the fund was sent to The Invictus Games foundation as it was money raised by them. Anything less than them getting the money would be like theft. I'm forever grateful that for Invictus and Sentebale that it was made clear it was a Harry focused effort and kept separate from the RF.


From Invictus UK Team

Ahead of @InvictusGamesDE we caught up with some the friends and family of Team UK. When recovering from injury or illness there's no one more important than loved ones.

And with our support we ensure they get as much from the #InvictusGames as our Team UK competitors.


Get excited for @InvictusGamesDE with this digital program from @StripesEurope. Meet @InvictusTeamUS and get a preview of the events in and around the #InvictusGames. The Opening Ceremony is September 9 at 5:30pm GMT / 12:30pm ET / 9:30am PT. #IG23

Link to the website: Invictus Games | Stars and Stripes
Link to the direct digital booklet: Stars and Stripes - Invictus Games - August 18, 2023

The Booklet is wonderful, has profiles on US vets, information about the games and etc!

A few more points,

Table Tennis will make it's debut at this Invictus Games!

I discovered that there is a Fisher House (partnered with Invictus, supports US vets) is right up the street from my house. We do have a pretty big VA hospital that isn't too far away (20 minute walk? 10 minute or less drive?) but a new building had been built, my mom read it and said Fisher House and I was like! I know that! Invictus! So Imma see if they need anything. Our church as been doing out-reach and we've been looking at places so Imma call them one day and see if anything could help.

Lastly! I do want to post more about the other nations but it's hard to find stuff. Hopefully, during the games, they'll be more active on social media and etc. I can get information, save it and keep up with all of the nations involved! It's just easier if they speak English or they post a lot on Social Media.


Edit: I have more as I was clearing out my likes and reminds me I need not be so slow when it comes to posting.

@InvictusAus  is expanding to Western Australia bringing its “always on approach” to building sporting communities. They’ll support even more veterans & their families by helping them attend the #InvictusGames or engage in sport at a community level.

Invictus Australia rolls West ? official expansion announced by Minister in his home state


HELLO! are the official media partners and the awards will be lived streamed.

Prince Harry to return to the UK next month for WellChild Awards - details | HELLO!


Moving pictures of the German team of
: The photographer Daniela Skrzypczak shows in #ltnrw #Soldatinnen and #Soldaten , who suffered physical or mental injuries during their missions. President Andr? Kuper opened the exhibition today.

Andr? Kuper, President of the State Parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia, opened a photo exhibition by
featuring Team Germany. Germany is the host country for
. #InvictusGames #IG23



Change, thanks for searching all this information out about Invictus and Archewell, and Harry?s great efforts on behalf of WellChild and Sentebale too from the time he was a very young adult. And of course Harry did his bit, more than his bit, in raising funds for these charities close to his heart. Always has, always will. As for Invictus, as I said in a previous post, the Press, media and many on SM can deny, deny all they want. Invictus is still there, those vets are still ready to compete and will be in the future, and this has been Harry?s legacy.


Quote from: Curryong on August 26, 2023, 10:00:28 PM
Change, thanks for searching all this information out about Invictus and Archewell, and Harry?s great efforts on behalf of WellChild and Sentebale too from the time he was a very young adult. And of course Harry did his bit, more than his bit, in raising funds for these charities close to his heart. Always has, always will. As for Invictus, as I said in a previous post, the Press, media and many on SM can deny, deny all they want. Invictus is still there, those vets are still ready to compete and will be in the future, and this has been Harry?s legacy.

Ofc! And yes to everything you said!

The thing about Invictus, there's always so much going on. From countries that are just getting started to all of their endeavor challenges & etc. It doesn't just stop at the games, they continue to have a community year round. In the foundation video I posted a bit back, they said that they're working on an app/website for anyone who was serving, has served and those in military families to access help and care and you don't have to have participated in a game before hand. Just be a vet! or someone who is currently serving!

The best part was the app they're creating that will translate in real time so all of the communtiy could come together, chat with each and etc!



At the start of the sporting event, Prince Harry will come to the current sport studio on September 9th (from 11pm live on ZDF) .
Also guests in the studio are German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius and participants in the Invictus Games. Together with the moderators Katrin M?ller-Hohenstein and Sven Voss, the group discussed the international sports competition for wounded, injured and sick soldiers.

Prinz Harry besucht aktuelles sportstudio - Invictus Games - ZDFheute
Google translate German/English


^^^ Glad to see that the German media are giving the Invictus Games this attention.


Prince Harry appeared at the Heart of Invictus premiere in Chula Vista, CA. Chula Vista is located a little south of San Diego and is close to the sprawling United States Naval complex. It's also relatively close to the Marine Base at Camp Pendelton.

Prince Harry surprises cinema-goers ahead of release of new Netflix series - details | HELLO!

QuoteCinema-goers got quite the surprise when the Duke of Sussex showed up to the premiere of his new Netflix documentary.

In a Reel shared by bonnie_pham on Instagram, Prince Harry, 38, can be seen talking to attendees at a premiere of Heart of Invictus at a theatre in Chula Vista in San Diego County, California on Monday night.


So I have a lucky job in which we?re left on our own and watch stuff / listen to music.

Heart of Invictus was wonderful, finished the last ep just before I packed up so I?m headed home on the buss now.

Lots of tears. I?ll do a full write / up review-ish when I get home but I cried a lot. A lot, a lot. It?s heavy, especially ep 3. They do a general warning in ep 1 but towards the end of ep 3, it focuses on the loss of kids In Ukraine.

If people need time to talk away, take a moment, breathe and etc, do it! It?s emotional heavy.

But it was beautiful.



It does appear to be very emotional and heart wrenching and heartwarming at the same time. Looking forward to your overall perspective on what you?ve seen so far. It sounds wonderful.

How 'Heart Of Invictus Uses Prince Harry To Tell A Bigger Story - Variety

?The Oscar-Winning ?Heart of Invictus? Team on Filming in Ukraine and Collaborating With Prince Harry.?


Q and Answer session with the Oscar winning Producer and Director from the above article.

?Has this project reframed how you?ll think about your work going forward?

von Einsiedel: I?m going to give a really simple example. We were filming with Prince Harry in California, with JJ Chalmers and David Wiseman, who were two of the early Invictus competitors. JJ, who was injured in a bomb attack in Afghanistan, said, ?Look, my injury has changed the way I look at the world. It?s made me a more understanding and empathetic person.? I probably had a very naive, ableist outlook on what an injury might do to you, so it really blew my mind hearing him say that. A lot of people working on this show learned an enormous amount abou their own prejudices and blind spots.?


I need to make this clear because it astounds me to this day, I think that the BM complain about Harry but will spin information themselves.

In Heart of Invictus, Harry mentions there being no support structures for vets returning. Which no, there weren't a lot of. If the UK still has issues with supporting vets (which someone on GB News got upset about) in 2023, then it would've been worse in 2008.

Harry did not talk about his entire tour while he was war. He talked about '08 when he was pulled out because of the media leaking. The help from William (well, William telling him to go to therapy and then not inviting him around for dinner or letting him find out about his engagement through the media) didn't come until he was well out of the army.

But they know, no one will check them in real time so.....yeah...I'm going to continue to take stories about him with a grain of salt when it comes from them.   


Military charities say the government needs to do more for veterans | BBK

?The latest UK Armed Forces Mental Health report[3] showed that 2.7% of UK Armed Forces personnel were assessed with a mental health disorder by the MOD Specialist Mental Health Services. Servicewomen were more likely to have a mental health diagnosis than servicemen, while 20 to 44-year olds were the biggest age demographic to present with a mental disorder. The same report found that rates of PTSD were low, making up 7% of all mental disorders assessed at the MOD Specialist Mental Health Services and affecting only 0.2% of all military personnel.
However, I?d argue that these figures may be misleading. It doesn?t take into account the veteran community, which makes up many millions of people. PTSD does not always manifest in the immediate aftermath of trauma and sometimes it can take months or even years before the condition surfaces and symptoms become debilitating. I also sympathise with those personnel who suffer with symptoms but choose not to report to their Medical Officer, sometimes out of fear of what it may mean for their careers, income and families. In a glaring omission, those who have suffered after leaving the service are not included in these official statistics.?


Harry's 'controversial' days are over. Whatever he said in the documentary is not being addressed by top brass, like previously in January about his time at Sandhurst, which was immediately addressed in less than 12 hours. They very likely recognize he is throwing bombshells for attention.

The MOD UK veteran program is top 5 worldwide, #1 in Europe. PTSD program started in the MOD UK 1980. He wasn't even born. The Veteran program gives priority to veterans vs anyone in the UK; housing, NHS, family payouts, funeral services, and much more.  Source: MOD. Clearly Harry didn't feel like going to the Med facility for PTSD evaluation, although it's classified but from the horses mouth - he didn't go.

I wish the Netflix program all the best.


And as I said, If there still issues in 2023 then that means even more in the past.

He didn?t say anything bad nor anything wrong and because he didn?t, they have to find something to attack and figure out a way to attach people not mentioned.

If the TOP military brass don?t want to admit that they weren?t the best in the past and it?s constant growth that?s needed to improve year after year for vets, they should reflect on themselves, not getting upset that there?s is an actual veteran who suffered and didn?t have a support structure. Because it obviously wasn?t there and it?s still an obvious need to develop those skills.

As documented in the documentary by veterans older than Harry who themselves, spoke about the lack of help, support and guidance for the injuries they received while serving.

But since they can?t attack those men, then I guess Harry is up for fair game.

It?d be different if the others serving didn?t have the same story as Harry but they do. They?re not rushing to call those men liars and pick apart their mental health. So until they do that, the top military brass can speak to the air.


Listening to James O'Brien and he opened up the calls from vets about the doc. One man named Steve called in, said he was in Afghanistan in 2010. Said there was help for heros but the flood-gates of support didn't open until Harry came along. Admitted that the US (which isn't GREAT) is far ahead of the UK, admitted that the Military at the time was not a place for support and help for vets. Said that it's better now and there is still a long way to go.

And I'll admit that I mis-read above, but it seems like TOP Brass can't comment because they know it's the truth. Programs started in 1980 obviously didn't help or improve until 2010 when Steve was in the Military.

Source: An actual veteran, who has served who admitted he didn't get the help he needed with mental and didn't see a change in the landscape until Prince Harry brought it forward. The MOD for what it claimed it did was not perfect and for some reason, whatever happened in 1980 wasn't enough in's point still stands.

Edit: He left in 2015 and still didn't get the help. Admitted that the military would throw people out than help. One story of many yes, but a story that backs up what Harry said. But those stories should be shunned because if you don't shun those stories when you can't find a way to attack an veteran (Harry) for his lived experiences.

(That being said, there was nothing wrong with what Harry said in Jan, people just didn't want to hear the reality of it bc they hailed him as a hero when he first got out and obviously the military doesn't like the fact that it was pointed out that they prey on young people who lack direction in life.)

I just wonder if anyone is gonna come out attack this man, like they attack Harry.


As I said the veteran MOD UK services is top 5 in the world, #1 in Europe, the other top 4 are communist countries where military is their priority vs any other government offices; Ex USSR Russia, China, Cuba and North Korea.

Harry comes from a 1% privileged background, he admitted to not have gone to medical PTSD examination, other than his Sandhurst misgivings which was addressed by top brass, the only other occasion his stance within the military was addressed when he was given a desk job and would come once a week to fully disappear for weeks on end, whilst everyone else in the room were the real Invictus workers tied to UK Olympic Committee experts.

The MOD UK has studies, facts, monitors updated/to date. We aren't talking here about a incompetent branch of the UK government. There is 1,250,000 veterans who receive state of the art medical help, other than what I previously mentioned, housing, family payouts, priority at the NHS, priority for many other items, it's UK law. 4,000 of the veterans are homeless, studies by the MOD UK indicate that these homeless vets stated they were used to having everything done for them by the military - the structure, the housing, the food, the discipline, the transition of not having everything done for them hit them hard in the transition to civil life, they ended up homeless, all have been rescued but the lasting doesn't really last, they end up leaving the program, homeless again.  He is being criticized because if he had done his research for free in the MOD website, he'd know. i.e. 2008 there is no excuse, he did not go for his check up, PTSD has been in the MOD UK program since 1980 - he wasn't even born.

When I say his controversial days are over is because his front page news lasted 6 hours, no one reacted, no veterans in strike, no top brass spoke to counter his claims, basically he has been grey rocked. The media obligation is to post the Prince Harry news, the next obligation is IF there is any source either party, the media or the source, contact and say ''their version''. In this case they don't have to, everything you need to know is at the MOD UK website. His front page 6 hour news is at the bottom since this morning.



Another caller, who did 3 Tours of Afghan and 2 of Iraq...the first time he got mental health help once leaving the military was years later where he drank so much and got violent...that he ended up in the criminal justice system.

Once again, thank you for Prince Harry for being open with your own, speaking the truth even when you'll get attacked. I hope he doesn't even stop speaking for Veterans and I can't wait to see the other ways Invictus will grow.


I wish the Netflix program, as I said, All the Best. 

(Even when everyone knows it's not the best for facts - Netflix, 10% of their documentaries are serious and factual, 90% are not - that needs to be fixed, worst than the Daily Mail).

Other than, Harry should be grateful that the British media had him at least for a few hours as front page news.  Other countries not so. Not trending. Variety is USA, but it is matter of fact a specialized California, Hollywood magazine.


Quote from: changemhysoul on August 31, 2023, 03:51:18 PM
Another caller, who did 3 Tours of Afghan and 2 of Iraq...the first time he got mental health help once leaving the military was years later where he drank so much and got violent...that he ended up in the criminal justice system.

Once again, thank you for Prince Harry for being open with your own, speaking the truth even when you'll get attacked. I hope he doesn't even stop speaking for Veterans and I can't wait to see the other ways Invictus will grow.

Did he give his name? Anyone can call and make beiieve, especially now a days with purchased bots = people paid to say what you want them to say. Meta and X social media has eliminated bots this year.

The MOD UK studies are veterans who signed up hence names are used.  Those who didn't want to give names are part of the general studies/stats.


The UK MOD can puff its services up all it wants. And I for one do not believe that every time a vet rings up mental health services and requests to see a psychiatrist that he/she is slotted in for an appointment that day. Mental health services in Britain, as in all First World countries, are short on psychiatrists, therapists and mental health facilities (as are hospitals) all over GB are under-staffed and under-resourced. And that includes the MOD facilities for its vets. .

That branch of government may employ many civil servants. However it doesn?t have the instantaneous power to recruit even 50 new fully qualified mental health professionals a year to spring up ready for action that day. I have relatives who work in large Govt Departments. Like all such bureaucracies they are slow-moving, bumbling, and can and do lose copies of vital documents that clients bring in, meaning any processes have to begin again from the beginning. And that is rock face stuff, not data and statistics from the branch of Govt involved.

The civil servants who run these Govt Depts may be well-meaning with regard to their clients  but what they are undoubtedly very good at is self-promotion and lots of data producing, so ensuring that their slice of Govt money doesn?t get cut when Budget time comes around.