The Iffy-Wiff Club: The Sussex Family General Chat Part 1

Started by Blue Clover, May 24, 2023, 11:05:16 PM

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Quote from: wannable on September 25, 2023, 12:01:13 AM
My reply has to do with questioning Harry's entourage. He has to pay for their accomodation or thought he can get 6 rooms at a crown estate property for independent commercial reasons.

Why six rooms? Were the males that accompanied him insisting on a room apiece?  Why can?t they share? And 99% of the persons who accompany royals who live abroad and come to stay at palaces in England are staff that have to be accommodated somewhere on the premises. It?s nothing new for aides to have to deal with. And those royals that bring staff generally aren?t even related to the BRF, let alone being the son of the King.


Quote from: Curryong on September 24, 2023, 09:26:54 PM
I hardly think Harry or his family would be allowed to use the precious BP swimming pool without written permission at least six months in advance. Nor do we know whether they will be required to ask permission to use Apt 1 months in advance either. And in the meantime FC remains empty, in spite of it being such a fine outstanding ?single family home?.. Efficient usage of vacant royal properties? Doesn?t appear so, does it?

The lease that the Sussexes had for Frogmore Cottage ended at the end of June  2023 and it was noted so in the Sovereign Grant report briefing.  Realistically, it hasn't been that long since the couple moved their furnishings, belongings etc..out of their former residence. Also as the owners of the property, the Royal Estates would have to prepare the property with any  necessary repair work that would need to be done at FC. I expect that in the future a new tenant will take up residence.
Harry and Meghan have left Frogmore Cottage, palace confirms | UK News | Sky News
QuoteAt the annual Sovereign Grant account briefing on royal finances, Sir Michael Stevens, keeper of the Privy Purse, said: "We can confirm that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have vacated Frogmore Cottage.

"We will not be going into any detail on those arrangements here.

"Safe to say that, as has previously been stated, the duke and duchess have paid for the expenditure incurred by the Sovereign Grant in relation to the renovation of Frogmore Cottage, thus leaving the Crown with a greatly enhanced asset."

It is being reported that BP is denying earlier reports that the Sussexes might be offered one of the KP apartments when they visit, so I guess that is no longer an option.

Buckingham Palace denies claims Charles ?might offer Harry a royal home? in UK | The Independent

QuoteRoyal sources allegedly said the palace was considering leasing one of the royal residences to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, because counsellors of state must be domiciled in the UK.

Kensington Palace, where the Prince and Princess of Wales have a home and private office, was reportedly among the options that were evaluated.

However, Buckingham Palace said ?these claims are not true? in a statement to the newspaper. Royal aides added that short-term accommodation would be made available for Harry during any visits to the UK ? depending on availability.

As for the BP swimming pool, I don't believe that Grandpa Charles would deny his grandchildren the opportunity to use it.  :happy:


Quote from: Curryong on September 24, 2023, 09:37:11 PM
Yes, the bunch of add ons included the Sussexes having to pay back millions to the Sovereign Grant, something that wasn?t asked of the Cambridges with any of their properties in spite of expensive renovations, or of any other member of the BRF.

It?s a wonder that FC hasn?t been snatched up to rent by eager wealthy Londoners then if it?s so cheap and wonderful. Instead it is empty and it?s now nearly Oct.

If the Sussexes had not chosen to step back from their royal duties in January 2020, then they wouldn't have been asked to repay the money to the Sovereign Grant. The working royals are not required to pay rent on the apartments and homes that where they reside. Non working royals and other family members who live mostly at one of the KP apartments or cottages, do pay rent ie Prince and Princess Michael of Kent.


The swimming pool as of this year has ''further'' rules to use it in order to save energy.  The heater was on from 6 to 6, now it's off and will be turned on when in use. Some employees had the cheek to moan about that, lol. To do so, the Monarchy must have created a 'hub' which is like a SAP system where you enter all the approving of a use of something/anything. Big corporations have their hub - the ''level'' of use is actually very expansive and complete. The Hub I used had Human Resources to request vacation, to request the use of anything/something, each item had its rules. You have to read the rules, then in the hub take the test which had a timer to actually see if you read the rules, fail - the fail ended up in your HR file, 3 more chances to pass a/any test. People who land a job at big organizations are used to this level of precision, dicipline, requirement.  I say this because clearly by the RR articles since Tiara Gate - the monarchy does have best practices with the use of crown estate properties, etc.

@Curryong 1 guest room 5 staff rooms, shared or not - I very much doubt Charles will take any risk whatsoever. H loose lips sink ships metaphorical warning to Charles. IOW H has already wrote, filmed and what not at crown estate property without permission.  He has done it to his family and friends.

For what it's worth, Neil Sean said last night that the reality is H is not wanted in any of the crown estates. He said IF he ever stays in any of them - the instruction is H has to surrender his smartphone and sign a waiver of no moving or taking of crown estate 'aritfacts'.  Make of that what you will.  It sounds like thievery to me.


^^^ Having the pool heater running daily from 6am to 6pm would have been a waste of energy, so keeping it off until it's requested for use makes sense. Also the pool likely has times when it needs to be drained for maintenance and repair work, so it everyone who uses it would have to abide by the maintenance schedule.


For what it?s worth, what Neil Sean says about anything is worth nothing!


The flip side of Neil Sean's news last night in reference to H requesting a crown estate property room is that he still would have to sign waivers and follow rules at commercial viable hotels, resorts or private member club.  He knows where H stayed, so when in the lobby of this central London private member club - sign entry and then sign departure, the blueprint is basically the same.  Of course, this has 'no value' compared to H loose lips of anything royal connection related, so telling a tale of 'I stayed at Windsor Castle - it's dark, there are artifacts hanging on the walls that I don't like compared/versus I stayed at Soho House, the latter is meh the prior is clicks galore.


Why would Harry be interested in getting clicks for himself? That?s :laugh: the sort of thing that Sean and his ilk (who have never stayed at Windsor Castle) would be heavily into. Harry stayed at Windsor a thousand times in his lifetime as a member of the family, as a small child visiting for Xmas, seeing his grandparents there when he was growing up. He, like most of the royals, wouldn?t be interested in the artwork, furniture, China or artifacts. They?ve seen it all before.

They?ve all seen such things all their lives. They?re of no interest. And Sean has been more viperish about the Sussexes than ever in the past month.  :laugh: He and his bosses at Fox and other right wing affiliates expected them both to roll over and die after Spotify, lol. It must be the fact that the couple got some great publicity during the IG that?s upset him.

A nasty little creep, with an obsession about mentioning the Sussexes every time he opens his mouth, with his ?ex royals? and ?ex cable TV actress?. At least she always earned her own living.

How about ?Kate, the ex picture taker at her parents? business? or ?ex part time buyer at family friends business?? Does that sound good, lol? The ex helicopter pilot perhaps, for Willie!!! And if Harry is an ex royal then why does he have a princely title? Sean always keeps quiet about that one, lol.

His imagination is running riot at the moment spurred on his faux indignation about the Sussexes every darn day and by some old queen who works at the Palace and tells him what he wants to hear so he can fill his gossip reports. What a way to earn a living! If it were me I?d want to crawl into a hole and die of embarrassment and shame but that little egotist thinks he?s doing some service to the world. Something of value!!!!

He?s a nothing. Always has been, always will be. And there is certainly one thing Harry is that Sean is not and never will be and that is a King?s son.


Why bring Catherine into this situation, she has nothing to do with where Harry stays if and when he comes back?  She takes pictures at her parents, their business? So what, that is NOT Windsor, and as for Harry staying there as a child, well today he is a what, man?  We are in a different time period, so why compare 20/30/40 years ago to today?  Yes Harry is a royal prince and a weak insecure little man child playing at being a real man.....he LEFT, He RAN away from the royal family, telling LIES after LIES, is he regretting moving to Ca?   He can NOT expect to be given all that he LEFT/RAN from now. I don't think he realizes just what he did in life.....boy it won't be pretty when he faces FACTS, will it?

How about ?Kate, the ex picture taker at her parents? business? or ?ex part time buyer at family friends business?? Does that sound good, lol? The ex helicopter pilot perhaps, for Willie!!! And if Harry is an ex royal then why does he have a princely title? Sean always keeps quiet about that one, lol.


**If it were me I?d want to crawl into a hole and die of embarrassment and shame**

And if I was Harry I would crawl into a deep hole in the ground and cover myself up with the shame for the way I treated my grandparents after all they did for me and my life was NOT hard at all.   He had EVERYTHING handed to him a silver platter, just how many people in this world would have loved to had a tenth of what he had given to him daily.  He is byond selfish and arrogant as is his wife.......just because he is son of a king does NOT make him a perfect human being, he sheds responsibility like my dog sheds fur......I get sick of reading on the internet all over the world how damn perfect he is....


Harry visited Windsor Castle and his grandmother, all his life. Harry left Britain for good in 2019/20. While he and his wife were at FC and fairly newly married they would have dropped in to see Harry?s grandmother on occasions convenient to both  when she was staying there. 2018 and 2019 is not twenty years ago.

And I will continue to hold my views on Neil Sean. Unlike Harry and the work he?s done with veterans over the years (as well as being in the army for ten years) Sean has done nothing for anybody except spread gossip, much of it unfounded, about people in the public eye. And that?s not just the Sussexes, it?s every celebrity he (and most importantly his bosses) regard as left wing and ?woke? (and organisations such as ITV and the BBC which have to be slammed because they are not right wing enough for him and his employers.)

And I referred to Kate because Sean wouldn?t dream of calling Kate or Camilla, ?the ex photographer of party tatt? or ?the ex Debutante who was really jobless until she married APB? (Camilla) yet every time Sean opens his mouth  (and he talks practically every day (I?ve seen his reports);he ALWAYS refers to Meghan as ?the ex cable TV actress Meghan Markle?.

Number One. Meghan hasn?t been a professional actress on TV since November 2017 when she finished up at ?Suits? and came to live in England. When?s he going to stop referring to her as that, when she is 60? Number Two. Meghan has not been Meghan Markle since her wedding day in May 2018 when she became the Duchess of Sussex (not Essex, Sussex.) When is he going to stop those inaccuracies and BS? When she?s 70? He?s the one who?s years out of date, not me! 


Harry has proven himself untrustworthy.  After the way he has maligned his family, he shouldn't expect to have free rein to come and go on royal properties as he pleases.  When he and Meghan decided to trash his family for money, Harry should have realized that would change the relationships, probably permanently.  If he does stay on a royal property in the future, I expect it would need to be planned and that Harry, and Meghan if she came, would have to agree to certain restrictions and rules.  The Palace is not likely to give them opportunities to film and photograph for the public again.       


Quote from: Kristeh-H on September 26, 2023, 01:17:48 AM
Harry has proven himself untrustworthy.  After the way he has maligned his family, he shouldn't expect to have free rein to come and go on royal properties as he pleases.  When he and Meghan decided to trash his family for money, Harry should have realized that would change the relationships, probably permanently.  If he does stay on a royal property in the future, I expect it would need to be planned and that Harry, and Meghan if she came, would have to agree to certain restrictions and rules.  The Palace is not likely to give them opportunities to film and photograph for the public again.       

Harry didn?t ?expect to have full rein to come and go on royal properties? at all. As the Telegraph article linked here on this forum by TLLK earlier makes clear, he, through his staff in California, FORMALLY requested accommodation at Windsor in communication with officials at the Palace. He asked if he could stay at Windsor in order to visit his grandmother?s tomb, or if not, accomodation elsewhere. He was knocked back except for the tomb request, and told later by Palace staff (and as the Telegraph article notes) that there was no available accommodation. In fact it?s not clear if the King even knew about this correspondence as the article again notes.

He was told that there were no rooms available and all staff were at Balmoral (plainly ridiculous as all royal residences have plenty of rooms and all have skeleton staff even when royals aren?t in residence) and was offered Balmoral as an option as the King was there. The staff must have known that with WellChild the next day Harry would hardly be flying up to the Highlands and back for a few hours. So he stayed at a hotel.


I personally do not see Harry and or Meghan ever being welcomed again in the royal family or anywhere they are at.....and that is *on* Harry and Meghan only.  Just who in the world makes fun of a 96 year old woman with a stupid courtesy and for Harry to sit and say or do nothing shows what a weak stupid little man he is...he is totally a disgusting human being. If someone ever would insult my grandparents they would face the fear of wrath....100 fold!  And that is just part of why the royal family has I believe shut the door on fact imho it was insulting for Harry to even pay a visit to his grandmother's tomb for the insults he dealt her in her last remaining years and NO one can put a spin on that ever. I could care less what they do in life as long as they leave the royal family to go about their own lives. Go kiss the bottoms Harry and Meghan for that is all your good for in life now....and that is very sad for they could of done so much  more, Yet Meghan had stars in her eyes, and Hollywood was calling.....well time will tell just how long that will last!


This discussion was beginning to go off topic. This thread should be about the general chat for the Sussex family. Comments about the various royal reporters and biographers have been moved to the thread linked below.

The Iffy-Wiff Club: The Sussexes' Relationship with the press, tabloids, media


Harry and Meghan polls are down  in both countries is all what needs to be known.

I am almost certain Netflix will be running circles around them until they can be freed from the contract.


Quote from: Curryong on September 26, 2023, 02:39:19 AM
Harry didn?t ?expect to have full rein to come and go on royal properties? at all. As the Telegraph article linked here on this forum by TLLK earlier makes clear, he, through his staff in California, FORMALLY requested accommodation at Windsor in communication with officials at the Palace. He asked if he could stay at Windsor in order to visit his grandmother?s tomb, or if not, accomodation elsewhere. He was knocked back except for the tomb request, and told later by Palace staff (and as the Telegraph article notes) that there was no available accommodation. In fact it?s not clear if the King even knew about this correspondence as the article again notes.

He was told that there were no rooms available and all staff were at Balmoral (plainly ridiculous as all royal residences have plenty of rooms and all have skeleton staff even when royals aren?t in residence) and was offered Balmoral as an option as the King was there. The staff must have known that with WellChild the next day Harry would hardly be flying up to the Highlands and back for a few hours. So he stayed at a hotel.

Well, 'free rein' might be a slight exaggeration, but obviously Harry does expect to be able to stay on royal properties, even after the shameful way he's treated his family.  Perhaps Charles didn't know about it, but I, for one, would be surprised if he didn't.  I think it is likely that when Harry made the request, someone on staff contacted Charles to see how to proceed, or that Charles and his advisors had already discussed and decided how to handle the matter if the Sussexes requested accommodations on royal properties.  The fact that Harry can be turned down, or given conditions is not at all surprising to me.  It's a sad necessity to protect the monarchy and other beloved family members from further attacks or exploitation. 

Harry and Meghan didn't just burn their bridges.  They rather spectacularly blew them up and ground them into the dust.  The relationships have changed and it can't be the same as before.   


Oh WOW, Thank you for putting all that into words I didn't know how to.  Harry has *no* idea what he has done the last 3 years, he didn't just blow up those bridges and make them dust........he exploded himself before the entire world to let everyone see the type of person he is and boy did he blow it big time. Meghan when she met Harry, boy she set her sights on him and planned the path to a gold Welsh ring with a title and millions and got just what she wanted with a home in LaLa Land with all the Hollywood stars around her for company.  This was her goal/plan from the beginning of meeting Harry and with Harry feeling free to talk about the issues he had with the royal family well their plans took off in biding their time  could  just run as far as they could with no regrets, it worked for both of them and *Shame* on both of them for they used the royal family to make millions anyway they could.  I hope the royal family has shut that door,  burned the bridges on their end and built a very strong wall to never let them back in just like Queen Mom did to Edward and betray the family, you do not get back in period.


Quote from: Nightowl on September 27, 2023, 12:34:41 AM
Oh WOW, Thank you for putting all that into words I didn't know how to.  Harry has *no* idea what he has done the last 3 years, he didn't just blow up those bridges and make them dust........he exploded himself before the entire world to let everyone see the type of person he is and boy did he blow it big time. Meghan when she met Harry, boy she set her sights on him and planned the path to a gold Welsh ring with a title and millions and got just what she wanted with a home in LaLa Land with all the Hollywood stars around her for company.  This was her goal/plan from the beginning of meeting Harry and with Harry feeling free to talk about the issues he had with the royal family well their plans took off in biding their time  could  just run as far as they could with no regrets, it worked for both of them and *Shame* on both of them for they used the royal family to make millions anyway they could.  I hope the royal family has shut that door,  burned the bridges on their end and built a very strong wall to never let them back in just like Queen Mom did to Edward and betray the family, you do not get back in period.

Thanks, Nightowl.  I don't know that I would go so far as to hope that they can never reconcile.  It is a sad situation for a family to be torn apart.  But realistically, I think a full reconciliation is unlikely.  As I said, I don't think things can ever be the same, for the simple reason that I don't think anyone could ever trust Harry and Meghan again.  When you can't trust someone, you can't be close to them.  You always have to be on guard, and that's exhausting. 

There's also the fact that Harry and Meghan don't seem willing to admit to any mistakes or regrets on their own part.  That's another aspect that would make any meaningful discussions impossible.


Having a similar situation in my family I can tell you, you nailed it with the word *Trust* as that was so broken in my family by someone who was deeply loved and who betrayed the family till the day they died.....anger has a way of building up when there is no place to put it when the person who created the situation is gone forever...because of my situation I see Harry as deeply troubled person right now who lives in his own head without seeing the situation he created. It is very sad what has happened to him and Meghan is not his cure all at all......he must dig real  deep down inside and face himself and his lack of responsibility before anything else, I just hope he survives for if not, his life will never have peace or real happiness for the end will not be pretty.  Trust is my middle name now in all my son says.   


Yes, I agree.  Trust is crucial to being able to have a good relationship.


Yes it is and one thing I learned from my sister is about *telling lies* we were totally honest and up front with each other always..even when it hurt yet she believed in this...*when a person tells a like, it puts a black mark on their soul* so we never lied to each other and to this day I will not tell a lie regardless of that it is or the situation.  I know people think I am nuts and that is okay for I am that way and do not expect anyone else to be that way....we all have our own lives and way of living them.  I think you would of like her, she was the most incredible kindness and understanding human being I have ever known...she also taught me about 2nd chances in royal woman got that......LOL!


Does Harry want his old life back?

Meghan?s frustration - ?Prince Harry wants his old life back? - OK! Magazine

Following reports last week that Prince Harry is desperate to return to the UK, an expert has told OK! his desire to get his old life back is a source of frustration to his wife, Meghan Markle.

Entertainment commentator Mark Boardman told us that the 39-year-old Duke of Sussex ?longs? for his friends and would love a home in London. But he said Meghan, 42, wants him to leave that chapter behind.

Will Charles give him related to Counsellor of State a residence?


Harry WON'T attend King Charles' 75th birthday: Duke of Sussex 'turns down invite' in latest snub - amid claims pair 'don't speak much' after Prince

Prince Harry and the King still 'don't speak much' partly due to Charles' 'disappointment' at Duke's depiction of Queen Camilla as 'dangerous' and a

Charles 'hasn't forgiven Harry' - and hasn't spoken to him in year, claim palace sources - Mirror Online

Prince Harry 'snubs' Charles AGAIN as Duke 'rejects invitation to King's 75th birthday party' | The Sun
Palace and Sussex have no comment it?s private matter and private business not back to Netflix December 2022 and his memoir January 2023 more embarrassed his own family but Harry definitely sold his soul according express says but it?s hurtful for his father the King Charles and his brother Prince of Wales definitely insult his own family expect members of the royal family


Who cares about what the tabloids including The Express have to say about anything regarding the royal family, and that includes Charles and Harry?s relationship. Their so-called royal reporters know nothing, as most of their stories about relationships between family members are bits of gossip. And the aides aren?t much better. Anybody who believes stories about the RF printed in tabloids needs their head read IMO.