Books about and written by the Sussexes Part 2

Started by TLLK, November 12, 2021, 12:34:59 AM

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Quote from: Nightowl on January 05, 2023, 10:37:08 PM
Does putting your sexual experience out there Harry really sell books?  If anyone can spin this in a good way, please let me know.  Harry is being made a fool by the ghost writers of this book I think, he just shot himself right through his heart without even knowing it. 

And to think that even though they were the Taliban men, they were still human beings and for Harry to clarify them as chess pieces is on Harry and makes him look EVIL and SOULLESS and don't tell me it was war only.  Even in war opposite sides still at times help those wounded and no way should Harry ever be allow back with wounded vets after saying that.   

Absolutely NO way back into the royal family now Harry, you have Meghan, live with it ....LOL

I?m agreed with you Harry definitely fool to write his own book but he admit tell all in explosive memoir books he is first royal to tell all more embarrassed his family,his father and Prince William


Henry is a fool who is a special kind of stupid.


^Know what is funny and sad at the same reading all this on social media and news alerts I got to thinking, authors are always writing novels about any royal family, and 99% if it is fake, this is real, Harry is telling his story and it is making him look so foolish and nasty more than any author could write .....something has to give, Harry for the rest of his life can not keep doing this day in and day out....telling lies, telling family issues that do not belong outside the family.  Oh he is surely going to regret this when Meghan is done with him....he has totally underestimated his wife  as has most everyone else. 


At @Nightowl   I agree
Henry is running out of new ammunition as he has not been around KC, W, and Cam, Cath since Jan 2020
He has really said a lot of good juicy lies, truths, half truths and yet nothing really surprising. Some of the things are just personal that can only cause hurt feelings. Exa,pmole. He says William did not their father to marry Camilla.
I would that is true, common sense. I would assume that was a private conversation between Will and Harry.
This was over 15 20 years ago when it was public knowledge C and C were a couple, and even when they got engaged, married.
Since then, a long time, very long time, years, years , years ago when William was a young adult . In college. Before William became father, husband, married, engage, helicopter rescue pilot, etc.

As the man William is today, I am sure he is long at peace from over  years, years of Camilla.
William is an adult and as an adult you see things as an adult. Catherine gets on well with Camilla.
C, D, and C were not her parents.William gets on well with his father and Camilla.

Henry bringing up to light this personal conversation William had with him, ancient history and the purpose is to cause sad feelings between William , Camilla.

But hey Henry wants to simply destroy everyone and everything.
No doubt , my thoughts of what conversation might be like, assuming here on my part, William can apologize to Camilla as his feelings are not that as the man he is today and the life he lives.  Iwould think Camilla would understand his feelings from 20 years ago, ancient history.

Back to my point. Henry is spiteful opening old wounds for his revenge.

Princess Cassandra

Quote from: FanDianaFancy on January 06, 2023, 06:49:08 AM
At @Nightowl   I agree
Henry is running out of new ammunition as he has not been around KC, W, and Cam, Cath since Jan 2020
He has really said a lot of good juicy lies, truths, half truths and yet nothing really surprising. Some of the things are just personal that can only cause hurt feelings. Exa,pmole. He says William did not their father to marry Camilla.
I would that is true, common sense. I would assume that was a private conversation between Will and Harry.
This was over 15 20 years ago when it was public knowledge C and C were a couple, and even when they got engaged, married.
Since then, a long time, very long time, years, years , years ago when William was a young adult . In college. Before William became father, husband, married, engage, helicopter rescue pilot, etc.

As the man William is today, I am sure he is long at peace from over  years, years of Camilla.
William is an adult and as an adult you see things as an adult. Catherine gets on well with Camilla.
C, D, and C were not her parents.William gets on well with his father and Camilla.

Henry bringing up to light this personal conversation William had with him, ancient history and the purpose is to cause sad feelings between William , Camilla.

But hey Henry wants to simply destroy everyone and everything.
No doubt , my thoughts of what conversation might be like, assuming here on my part, William can apologize to Camilla as his feelings are not that as the man he is today and the life he lives.  Iwould think Camilla would understand his feelings from 20 years ago, ancient history.

Back to my point. Henry is spiteful opening old wounds for his revenge.
He actually said in an interview, sometime after he was 21, that he and William "love her to bits".  People who meet her say Camilla is very comfortable, laid back and easy to like. And she has not been negative about all the bad press she got in the past - not does she seem to hold grudges. Of course I haven't read the book, but is he just telling his story of life and naively hurting people, or is he actually wanting to destroy people? I think you would only be able to answer that question after reading the book.


I think that Harry does have his knife out for his brother and for Charles and Camilla, in spte of saying at varous times that he loved all three of them. but he clearly has had a long standing resentment against his brother for being the future king... and Meghan I think has encouraged that feeling and made him think that because he and she were pretty popular for a time, they should be getting a bigger share of the RF's money and admiration, and going on more glamourous tours, living in a nicer house etc etc.  I think that Meg has this idea of a soap star, that if  her character is more popular than other characters in the show, she should get better costumes, a bigger salary etc.


Quote from: Nightowl on January 06, 2023, 10:04:42 AM
This is my opinion and feelings about this issue, of all the people involved in it, the royal family as a whole the one I really hurt for and in my heart I know just how Charles is feeling about his is Charles.  He is the parent of this child who is an adult now and there is absolutely nothing he can do about it in the way of helping Harry, absolutely nothing.  Harry is a grown man, laws says he can make his own life, make his own decisions, live his life the way he wants and even though Harry is on a vengeful warpath against him and the family, nothing can be done for Harry, Harry has to hit bottom on his own, Charles has to be damn tough and honest and straightforward with Harry and just let Harry rage and be as mean and nasty as he wants till he hits that damn bottom and you pray he survives it.  Some do and lots don't.  I know for a fact Charles is suffering deeply and wondering and feeling guilty about all the mistakes he made as a parent, NO parent is perfect ever....not even Harry is a perfect father for if he was he would not be doing this to his family now.

I spent 35 years of my life in the same situation as Charles, my child was hell bent on living her own life on her terms when she was a almost destroyed me as a human being, there is NOTHING out there that I won't do for her, I followed all the rules of the law, the doctors, the mental health professionals, the family church, the teachers, if someone told me to do that or this to help her I did it....and she pulled some of the same tricks I see Harry doing with his family.  Lots of family have a child who will never listen to anyone, everyone in my family, my beloved sister who was the kindest sweetest lady on this earth finally got to me heart and I let go....her rage and anger was at me......not her dad, he had the checkbook and tons of money so she never attacked him, yet it was me, her mother that got the brunt of her rage and anger at the world, she was spoiled and had the best of everything in life, you name it she had it, jewels, clothes, cars, vacations and nothing pleased her.....just like Harry now, what will make him happy, content, at peace ...right now not even his wife whom he says he loves deeply, his children whom he is hurting as they can feel his rage without him showing it to them.....I can only imagine his household, tension and walking on egg shells and jumping at every my daughter lost her life due to a blood clot in the brain.....yelling one minute and gone the next....died being angry at her mom for not getting her own way again.....I would not wish this hell on any Deb would tell me so many times,  she is  adult and it is her  choice to live as she  pleases even when she are hurting and won't talk about her pain....just let go and let God.....that I did so I could survive for me finally. 

I wonder what is going on inside of Harry....doing certain things I see and read makes me question his mental health at this time....someone needs to get to him and help him as this is so unhealthy for his family now.

Mods..if this is in the wrong place, please remove elsewhere....I put this here as it is the thread for Charles.

Mental Health can't be used as an excuse for this abomination of a book.  Harry is evil personified, as an adult he authorized the ghost writer and the publisher 100% of the content. He is not a homeless person, as I commented a couple of months ago in reference to society, how rules were invented to not have a mad max world, universal ''uniforms'' for each profession, to repeat myself, the closest people are co-responsible for his well being, ''to date'' it IS: the wife  and his employer (in the case of Spare) the publisher Penguin Random House, to an extent Better Up, whom allegedly are there for ''mental health''.  IF Harry hasn't filled out or signed any of the universal forms, it doesn't matter, all countries, including the communists will defer to the wife.  Separated or Divorced living in a third country, the embassy will notify his next of kin; Charles.

So after repeating myself from the two months ago comment, these close people did not stop Harry from the abomination.  IF they did, the abomination is so great and damaging to Harry himself, a person worried and in the know would literally shout if from the rooftops. IOW, IMO MM is as equally evil as her husband and Penguin Random House is the wolf of wallstreet.


dont be silly.  They are not a nice pair but evil is a ridiculously over the top descrption.



the world is full of spiteful people, we can all be spiteful.  Evil is a word for exceptionally bad people and Harry and Meghan are not that.



Harry opened pandoras box to discuss his 'autobiography'.  The Pandora's box is the 'unlimited' information about himself, wife and 'others'.  This unlimited information from Harry, he is and the way he describes stuff 'happening' to him, his wife, both are malignant narcissist. IMO they checkmark all the traits. Harry has let out all sorts of information publicly, meaning everyone can have their own POV.

Because Spain broke launch date, the book is physically available and has been serialized as long as the 'limitation' of quotes does not exceed what is in the law for copyrights because it is not precisely authorized serialization where the media outlet pays Penguin and Harry, therefore the availability in Spanish speaking countries and as so far in the English speaking countries journalists with a gazillion articles.  The gazillion articles within the quotes used and analisis of the journalist (s) POV.


Quote from: wannable on January 06, 2023, 04:34:28 PM
Not to you, but they are to me.
sorry but I think that is very exaggerated.  They are selfish, and stupid, yes, they hold grudges and lie at times.  None of this is different, except in degree to what most people are like at times.  Evil is a whole other game.  If you call everyone who has a grudge, who holds anger, who lies at times, evil what is left for people like Hitler?


That is your POV.

I'm not going to detail the Harry quotes/malignant narcissist traits of the couple.  Too much detail, with a profound discussion, IMO would be off limits in this site.  :flower: BUT thanks to Harry, one can find articles and discussions about it.


mod note: ok.  Time to move on.  Back to the book please


Quote from: wannable on January 06, 2023, 02:06:25 PM
Mental Health can't be used as an excuse for this abomination of a book.  Harry is evil personified, as an adult he authorized the ghost writer and the publisher 100% of the content. He is not a homeless person, as I commented a couple of months ago in reference to society, how rules were invented to not have a mad max world, universal ''uniforms'' for each profession, to repeat myself, the closest people are co-responsible for his well being, ''to date'' it IS: the wife  and his employer (in the case of Spare) the publisher Penguin Random House, to an extent Better Up, whom allegedly are there for ''mental health''.  IF Harry hasn't filled out or signed any of the universal forms, it doesn't matter, all countries, including the communists will defer to the wife.  Separated or Divorced living in a third country, the embassy will notify his next of kin; Charles.

So after repeating myself from the two months ago comment, these close people did not stop Harry from the abomination.  IF they did, the abomination is so great and damaging to Harry himself, a person worried and in the know would literally shout if from the rooftops. IOW, IMO MM is as equally evil as her husband and Penguin Random House is the wolf of wallstreet.

I would never use mental health as an excuse or escape from reality or anything in life, I have had some of the best mental health professionals help me deal with  my life and it has worked for me, yet Harry is in deep trouble and I believe he is acting out his anger and rage at whomever for whatever and I don't think at this point he even knows why he is so angry. He needs an intervention or someone to help him deal with his anger before it explodes into something worse...that worse does happen in life as it is in the news daily.   I just see his actions and behavior from my own experiences in life.....I don't think Meghan is any help at this time at all as she is also part of his problem.  He is a ticking time bomb right now and many see it, not just me.  I certainly do agree with your comments as they are very informative and insightful to read.   Life just throws us storms to deal with and how we deal with them makes us who we are today...all those storms get easier to deal with as time goes by as I well, life is precious and beautiful even with all the storms around us in this world.


^ I have to move on from 'that specific' subject *The Sussexes and their Mental Health.

^I understand you very well  :flower: and I am sending you blessing for the way you handled your daughter and the big sorrow, your own life, and huge hug to you and your sister.  :hug?:


IPSO chair Lord Faulks on Harry book and press coverage of royals
The chairman of the press regulator IPSO has hinted that it will be harder for Prince Harry to defend his privacy in future, echoing comments made by the editor of Press Gazette. 

NOTE from a RIF member/Me Wannable: please be mindful when reading ANY articles related to Harry's book, body part organs and class A drugs MAY be discussed within the posted links or the article contains a link that will take you to deeper analysis.  Thanks Harry!


Taliban says Prince Harry should face ?international court? after ?proudly confessing? to killing 25

Now the head of the police in the UK are studying if to place the country in high alert for the Coronation, too many VIP packed in one place.  Thanks Harry.


It all leaves very little off-limits when it comes to future press coverage of Harry's private life.

The royal appears to believe that only one version of his life should enter the public record, his own. But journalists can't just be stenographers for Harry and Meghan. They have to hold the claims made by celebrities up to scrutiny.

One of the big factors judges take into account when assessing privacy claims is the extent to which claimants have put matters into the public domain themselves.

Prince Harry book revelations undermine privacy of estranged royal


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King Charles feared being 'overshadowed' by Meghan Markle, Prince Harry says  | Daily Mail Online

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Prince Harry was allowed to miss drugs test and leave UK RAF base after it was put in lockdown | Daily Mail Online

Prince Harry reveals he once believed that Diana faked her own death by staging Paris tunnel tragedy | Daily Mail Online

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's Netflix expert slams Duke | Daily Mail Online

How Harry and Meghan's high street furniture compared to William and Kate's lavish Palace apartment | Daily Mail Online

Taliban taunts 'big mouth loser' Prince Harry | Daily Mail Online

Prince Harry reveals brutal taunts about his mother's death in Army training | Daily Mail Online

Prince Harry kept a box of Diana's HAIR in his nightstand - and says it helped Meghan get pregnant | Daily Mail Online

Harry's confessions could have 'dire consequences' for Meghan's political hopes, experts claim | Daily Mail Online

MEGHAN MCCAIN: Harry, you can't brag about your Taliban kill count AND moan about princely punch-up | Daily Mail Online

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Prince Harry has 'undermined his own security', MPs and military figures warn | Daily Mail Online

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Inside Meghan and Kate's long-standing feud: The fallings out which drove them apart | Daily Mail Online

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So who WAS the older woman Prince Harry 'mounted in a field'? | Daily Mail Online

Taliban taunts 'big mouth loser' Prince Harry | Daily Mail Online

Princess Diana's bodyguard reveals how Prince Harry taunted his brother William when they were boys | Daily Mail Online

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DAILY MAIL COMMENT: Harry's crass comment that endangers our troops  | Daily Mail Online

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Prince Harry Says Diana Would Be Sad About Rift with Prince William
Late Diana,Princess of Wales not happy with William and Harry what Harry?s claims in the books if Diana was here today from heaven and Diana will heartbroken!!

Prince Harry's Spare Book: The Biggest Revelations

Prince Harry Says He Was Probably Bigoted Before Dating Wife Meghan

Prince Harry and Prince William Asked Dad Charles Not to Marry Camilla

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's kitchen where Prince William altercation took place | HELLO!

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Prince Harry reveals truth about pregnancy announcement at Eugenie's wedding | HELLO!

Meghan Markle's secret visit to Princess Diana's grave with Harry last year ? details | HELLO!

Prince Harry reveals love for Kate Middleton in Spare memoir | HELLO!

Charles Spencer takes to social media after Prince Harry's bombshell memoir is leaked | HELLO!


Quote from: Amabel2 on January 06, 2023, 05:25:53 PM
sorry but I think that is very exaggerated.  They are selfish, and stupid, yes, they hold grudges and lie at times.  None of this is different, except in degree to what most people are like at times.  Evil is a whole other game.  If you call everyone who has a grudge, who holds anger, who lies at times, evil what is left for people like Hitler?

Do you want to know *evil*?  It is when a family member records all your conversations without you knowing it and then put all those conversations on social media to hurt and try to destroy another family member  all because someone in the family stood up to her and told her NO, you can not do that in my home and your not getting any more money from me.....that is EVIL and mean and hateful and backstabbing, Harry and Meghan are just plain EVIL, for Meghan to make fun of HM with her so called curtsy, to look down her nose at HM who has spent her entire life serving her country, that is EVIL and mean and hateful and spiteful. Going out of your way to purposely hurt someone else be they family or friend is EVIL.  The best way to deal with EVIL is to turn your back and walk away not looking back and shut the door and locked it is way to damn short for EVIL in anyone's life, did that and no regrets doing it either!  Made me one heck of a strong independent woman!
Thank you sis!

Mod warning: please move on from the evil discussion. There already was one mod request. 


Harry book - 'Crime against humanity' - senior Taliban leader hits out at prince's claims of over '25 kills' | UK News | Sky News

Diana would have told Harry book 'isn't a good idea', says her former protection officer | UK News | Sky News

Prince Harry: Biggest revelations from his new book Spare | UK News | Sky News

Ex-royal protection officer recalls argument between Prince Harry and Prince William | UK News | Sky News

Army veterans criticise Prince Harry?s claim he killed 25 Taliban in Afghanistan | Prince Harry | The Guardian

Prince Harry saw ?red mist? in William during brother?s alleged attack | Prince Harry | The Guardian

King poised to punish Harry and Meghan with 'nuclear option' after 'outrageous' new claims | Royal | News |

Prince Harry has put 'himself and others in danger' as Taliban accuses Duke of war crimes | Royal | News |

Charles: All Harry has to do is call me - King wants to reconcile with his warring family | Royal | News |

Prince Harry says he had frostbitten 'todger' at William and Kate's wedding in tell-all bo | Royal | News |

Prince Harry recalls kissing Page 3 girl during 'best nine weeks of his life' in new book | Royal | News |

Harry claims William was 'plotting revenge' after Charles broke up furious fishing fight | Royal | News |

Prince Harry: Royals praised for ?retaining dignified silence? over Duke's allegations | Royal | News |
Polls says NO!!

Prince Harry news: ?Stupid Taliban bragging' puts family at risk, Duke is warned | Royal | News |

Prince Harry reveals he was NOT William's best man and says it was a 'bare-faced lie' - Mirror Online

Harry recalls William's four-word response to Meghan's pregnancy at Eugenie's wedding - Mirror Online

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Prince Harry's Taliban kills confession 'puts family at risk of suicide bomb retaliation' - Mirror Online

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Prince Harry's Spare claims at a glance - 'illegal' activities, sordid sex and 'violence' - Mirror Online

Harry held up pair of underpants in room full of shocked royals at William's wedding - Mirror Online

Prince Harry heard about Queen's death on BBC site after urgent text from wife Meghan - Mirror Online


It is just shocking that Harry could refer to anyone in war as chess mouth dropped to the floor over that..that is words to describe how any military man or woman would feel reading that.  I hope he is banned from the IG for that.....he does not deserve to be with them anymore.......war is mean and scary and ugly and powerful at the same time.....yet all men and women in wars are human beings also with families back home......some respect should be given for the ones that died and he did not even do that.  He will now suffer the consequences of those words for I don't think the Taliban will sit back and let this pass unnoticed....oh no, Harry just put his family and the royal family and all military in danger with that statement.