The Commonwealth Nations and the British Monarchy News

Started by Curryong, February 01, 2020, 09:27:47 AM

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Well, Ron DeSantis looks as if he?s going to throw his hat into the ring for the 2024 election. Seeing what he has done and is doing in Florida, if you think Trump is bad then watch what else is on the horizon.


I have voted all my life, even when I didn't like anyone, this today is horrific in all ways, so many people want T back and the same with the Idiot in tiny vote does nothing anymore, so maybe I will put it up for sale...   :unsure: 


Quote from: Nightowl on May 14, 2023, 04:53:23 AM
I have voted all my life, even when I didn't like anyone, this today is horrific in all ways, so many people want T back and the same with the Idiot in tiny vote does nothing anymore, so maybe I will put it up for sale...   :unsure:

Go and live in Canada for a while?


Quote from: Curryong on May 13, 2023, 10:04:52 PM
Excuse me! The poll was NOT for subscribers for the Republican Movement Website at all! I am not a subscriber to that website (or to any other as a matter of fact.) Pure Polling is an Australian polling company that (like every other company) undertakes polling for whatever company or organisation commissions it.

It was quite clear in the link that I put up with the poll on it that this poll was COMMISSIONED  by the Australian Republican Movement and undertaken a few days before the Coronation. The information was within the text of the polling company link, as was the question that was asked of the respondents.

Pureprofile Business | Data, Research & Media Solutions - Pureprofile

Who We Are - Pureprofile

Above is the website of pureprofile. It has NOTHING whatsoever to do with the Aus Republican Movement website AT ALL. It is a completely independent company.

I am also getting very very sick of being challenged on the subject of how Australians feel about a republic by those who have never resided here. I have published polling here before from various polling companies in the past and it has been constantly questioned.

Well, what was posted by purepolling is in line with other polls around the question taken here.

And btw, HistoryGirl asked me the other day how Aussies felt about the Coronation and I posted back with what I found. I also went out for Mother?s Day lunch yesterday with my extended family. Ten adults were present. Of those ten adults beside myself how many do you think viewed the Coronation? Precisely one, and that was my elder daughter who saw a bit of it, got bored, doesn?t particularly like Camilla or Charles, thought they looked old and disinterested, and switched over to watch something else.

I hardly think my extended family, including several inlaws, are outliers. The restaurant was full. Of adults present I would be extremely surprised if even a half viewed the Coronation all through. Monarchists? Hardly!

And that is also something I wonder. This sounds like apathy and I don?t see this as any big shock. I think the ascension of a new monarch is as good a time as any to become a republic if that?s what the country wishes. But is apathy enough for that movement to be successful?


Quote from: Curryong on May 14, 2023, 03:19:36 AM
Well, Ron DeSantis looks as if he?s going to throw his hat into the ring for the 2024 election. Seeing what he has done and is doing in Florida, if you think Trump is bad then watch what else is on the horizon.

I just received some devastating personal news and I?m on here trying to regain some sense of normalcy (or to abate the shock?). And I?m trying to find a way to be positive. I always say I enjoy reading about the monarchy because I like seeing such an old institution change and it?s true. Our country isn?t nearly as old and we have had many crises that have threatened our future as a union. The country was basically held together by rope and even from the start, all the members distrusted each other and didn?t particularly care to have to compromise with each other. Throughout our history those fissures have gotten so deep that it?s looked so close to complete disbandment.

I say that all to also show why I am not fully in support of a republic emotionally. Mentally it?s the most logical. Monarchies exhibit unfairness and inequality. But as someone who is part of the aforementioned country that?s been falling apart for 250 years, there?s something so attractive about having one symbol for the nation that isn?t marred by the vitriol that our elections bring every 4 years. As I?ve grown older, I see that not even our Constitution is safe from this.

I?m sure other countries do and would do a better job at not allowing that hatred to seep into a choice for HoS. I wish Australia well, regardless of their choice. And I also hope that whatever change comes in the future for the US, it?s one that?ll eventually lead to a reminder of how devastating civil wars or wars of any kind can be.


They (USA politicians) seem to ALL have some kind of 'trouble' criticized by whichever side the citizens are. The social media war is truly ON since about a month ago, but it IS tied to what random US citizens film and post.  Most of the 'situations' are really crazy, Edit To Add: with NO law and order of any kind.

HistoryGirl2, wishing you well with whatever you are going through.


@HistoryGirl2 - I am so sorry to read that have been affected by some devastating news.


History Girl: Whatever your going through just remember that it will pass in time and take time to heal your soul and heart, grief knows no time limit!

I am fully agreeing with you when you mentioned above that our Constitution is not SAFE anymore, and I don't think neither is any of the docs that our forefathers put together safe as there are to many egos out of control in our gov, our congress and people that have tons of money to even buy a congressman or congresswoman, even our Supreme Court has been bought with tons of money.

I see America falling apart and being more violent each day.......when a man can walk into a school and kill dozens of people even tiny children and our gov does NOTHING to stop it show me just how damn dangerous my country has become. 


I'm a realist and do my best to adapt to  all circumstances of life. Easy to say, hard to follow, but the best thing to do is follow. 

I've got an easier job since I left the oil and gas industry, which took me to different countries with political and social situations. What I did note is their citizens (mostly) don't stay put and let things go on as if normal.

What I've noticed since a year ago via citizens news rather than mainstream media (since the coverup's have been spilled) is that there is a lot of bad and ugly things going on in the States, which didn't happen before, people are resisting to do something because they are laser focused on I rather this, ^ the corruption going on as stated by Nightowl, than ''look who it might/may be''. Tremendous situation (s). I can only pray for our American friends.

In reference to Canada, their government mentality since end of pandemic is akin to Jacinda, ufff. It can be a silent pressure cooker.

Big  :hug?: and  :flower: to everyone today, mothers worldwide to people, mascots and plants.


This thread has started to veer off-topic, let's get it back to the main discussion of The Commonwealth Nations and the British Monarchy. Further discussion of non-Commonwealth nations and their elections will be removed.

Here's a  thread suggestion for the upcoming American elections and the current state of the nation.

Global Political News and Elections Thread


Quote from: HistoryGirl2 on May 14, 2023, 12:51:23 PM
And that is also something I wonder. This sounds like apathy and I don?t see this as any big shock. I think the ascension of a new monarch is as good a time as any to become a republic if that?s what the country wishes. But is apathy enough for that movement to be successful?

Apathy reigns on the subject at the moment because it is not at the forefront of people?s minds. That?s always been so. Aussies have never been a hugely politically minded people arguing about legislation over the dinner table unless it directly involves their lives. Some Covid laws did it, and that was the last time I?ve seen people become riled up about certain legislation.

The govt is focused at getting the Voice (of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people) through Parliament at this session. They want a consultative committee made up of people from this sector of the population to become an advisory body to the Govt on legislation that involves them.)

It will be after the next election that the matter will be more focused on people?s minds and they will start to really examine the issues. The role that the new President will take will be the big one. Imo the last referendum (and the only one) in the 1990s) failed (though the figures weren?t bad at all) was due to the fact that people did not want a US style Presidency. There was enormous respect for the late Queen as well. And so a ?if it ain?t broke don?t fix it? mood was present, especially among older people.

It also failed because the PM at the time was a monarchist and so there wasn?t a huge heartfelt push from the Govt to get behind it. That won?t be so next time as Labor will be determined to examine all the issues.


Gert's Royals

At least 463 killed, 700+ injured in the first cyclone of the 2023 North Indian Ocean season.

Myanmar & Bangladesh were both formerly a part of the British Empire. Bangladesh is still part of the Commonwealth.


The 2026 Commonwealth Games have been cancelled due to cost overruns  and there's growing concern about the event's future.

Commonwealth Games 2026 host Victoria, Australia pulls out over cost | CNN

Brisbane, Australia CNN  ?

Plans for one of the world?s biggest sporting events have been thrown into disarray after the Australian state of Victoria pulled out of hosting the 2026 Commonwealth Games due to cost overruns.

Premier Daniel Andrews told reporters in Melbourne Tuesday that initial estimates had put the cost of the Games at 2.6 billion Australian dollars ($1.7 billion), but new estimates suggested it would be closer to 7 billion Australian dollars ($4.77 billion).

?I?ve made a lot of difficult calls, a lot of very difficult decisions, in this job. This is not one of them,? he added. ?Frankly, 6 to $7 billion for a 12-day sporting event. We are not doing that. That does not represent value for money. That is all cost and no benefit.?

The Commonwealth Games is a multi-sport event involving thousands of athletes representing 72 Commonwealth countries and territories, held every four years. The last edition of the event, held in Birmingham, England in 2022, was the largest Games on record.

Victoria was announced as 2026 host last March after organizers had struggled to find an appropriate location due to lack of interest and Covid-19 disruptions.

The decision to pull out appears to have surprised the event?s organizing committees, who say they had no warning about cost overruns, nor any opportunity to work on alternative proposals.

The Commonwealth Games Federation (CGF) said in a statement Tuesday the decision was ?hugely disappointing for the Commonwealth Sport Movement,? and suggested that Victorian authorities hadn?t previously raised cost concerns.

?We are disappointed that we were only given eight hours? notice and that no consideration was given to discussing the situation to jointly find solutions prior to this decision being reached by the Government,? the statement said.

The statement said the estimated cost of 6 billion Australian dollars quoted by Victorian authorities on Tuesday was 50% higher than the figure advised to the Organizing Committee board in June.


Sad for all the athletes as the results are oficially taken by the IOC. 

There are not many results taken officially by the IOC, so I hope a new city can be resolved.


I'm sorry that the Trudeaus have come to this decision, but I hope that all will be well for them and their family in the future.

QuoteCanada's PM Justin Trudeau and his wife Sophie are separating after 18 years, following "meaningful and difficult conversations".

The couple said they would remain "a close family with deep love and respect" in an Instagram post.

They were married in Montreal in 2005 and have three children together.

In a statement, Mr Trudeau's office said that while the couple had signed separation agreement they will still make public appearances.

"They have worked to ensure that all legal and ethical steps with regards to their decision to separate have been taken, and will continue to do so moving forward," the statement said, adding they would be on holiday as a family next week.

The couple have asked for privacy for the "well-being" of their children, Xavier, 15, Ella-Grace 14, and Hadrien, nine.

"We remain a close family with deep love and respect for each other and for everything we have built and will continue to build," Mr Trudeau, 51, and Ms Gregoire Trudeau, 48, said.

They have been seen together publicly less frequently in recent years, though they attended the coronation of King Charles III together in May and hosted US President Joe Biden in Canada in March.


This is sad news. The Trudeau children are still quite young, especially the youngest son. Sounds like a growing apart process over a number of years rather than anything dramatic.


I've read an update that the three children will reside with their father. Sophie has moved into a different residence in Ottawa.


There's a lot of trending trolling from 1 to 10, from mild to very hot about Justin's extra curricular activities. I don't know which of all the multiple gossip is true.

Don't follow it, but I did read a gossip about 3 years ago, she was/is living at Harrington Lade with the children?!. Then the 'latest' before this official separation news was she had opened her own company at Toronto - I only knew/read the news because she had used her maiden name.


Just a few comments here about William and the FIFA World Cup (female) and what was said in the other thread.

I?ll just explain here that decisions to hold the Commonwealth Games in a certain location is NOT, as far as Australia is concerned anyway, a matter for the Federal Govt. It is in the hands of the State Govt concerned, who generally nominate their capital cities, Melbourne, Perth, Sydney etc as the location, because naturally those cities have the pools, stadia, arenas etc. I?m not a great fan of our State Premier here in Victoria, Daniel Andrews, as anyone who reads my epistles on the other Aus thread knows.

Basically however, he announced in his usual grandiose way that Melbourne (and some Provincial locations) would hold the next Commonwealth Games. Details, like costs, would be worked out later. I doubt that our Federal Govt had any input into it other than Andrews informing them that he was going to throw Victoria?s hat in the ring. Later, much more recently he realised that the infrastructure in some of Victoria?s minor cities wasn?t there and would have to be built, requiring gigantic expense that Victoria, post Covid, hasn?t got. Should he have thought of that before his big announcement? Absolutely!

Other States and their cities have hosted the Commonwealth Games before and naturally in a post Covid world that drained much of the resources of every State and Territory, don?t want to do it again. However, Gina Rinehart, billionaire and mining giant, has stated that she would be prepared to help out the Gold Coast authorities in Queensland if they feel they could host a CG. So it may happen, it may not.

Now, about William. Some of the arguments do hold water, basically I think if the World Cup was in Europe he would be there in a heartbeat. However, as it is, he thought, I believe, that his environmental credentials would receive a boost from his refusing to go to this World Cup. I think that was a miscalculation as we are seeing now.

His other reason, imo, is that he did n9t want to travel for 24 hrs to Aus and 24 back for the women?s final because it would chew a chunk off the family holidays at this time of year. And as he didn?t want to he used the carbon footprint excuse not to. As I said, I think he and his advisers miscalculated. However it?s done now. If he changed his mind it would be seen as bowing to media and public pressure.


Just want to add, on Wannabie?s ?other political questions? remark on the other thread. I do not believe that the coming referenda on a First Nations consultative body in our Federal Parliament had anything whatsoever to do with William?s decision not to attend. People ARE discussing it, and as a newly retired social worker I do mix with those who consider this issue vital. However, even there discussions haven?t reached any sort of fever pitch. The referendum will probably happen in late October. In other words there is no Civil War brewing here about the referendum. So (imo) that wouldn?t enter the calculations of those advising William.


It's complicated, whilst the King is doing let's call it behind the scenes work and talk with ALL the members of the commonwealth to fix the ''immediate'' issue of the commonwealth games - it would be irresponsible to just meh leave it like that - there needs to be a consensus between the 56 countries will have to fix it/a 'positive' solution whilst there may be a some penalization too. Meanwhile the heir apparent has to give priority firstly to the King and ''his/His Majesty's government'' with what he does, it's just like that, secondly the heir apparent has the travel to Australia tied to his philosophy, mission and vision with the Earthshot prize. 

The other issues, political is related to the commonwealth games, being a realm for now, commitments 'either way'. I don't want to get to deep into it.

For W to fly in, operational expenses, the security, etc. for a 2 hour game....he has, as I heard today a solid rumour of good tidings that may equal or be better for the Lionesses win or lose the final.


Quote from: wannable on August 19, 2023, 12:05:51 AM
It's complicated, whilst the King is doing let's call it behind the scenes work and talk with ALL the members of the commonwealth to fix the ''immediate'' issue of the commonwealth games - it would be irresponsible to just meh leave it like that - there needs to be a consensus between the 56 countries will have to fix it/a 'positive' solution whilst there may be a some penalization too. Meanwhile the heir apparent has to give priority firstly to the King and ''his/His Majesty's government'' with what he does, it's just like that, secondly the heir apparent has the travel to Australia tied to his philosophy, mission and vision with the Earthshot prize. 

The other issues, political is related to the commonwealth games, being a realm for now, commitments 'either way'. I don't want to get to deep into it.

For W to fly in, operational expenses, the security, etc. for a 2 hour game....he has, as I heard today a solid rumour of good tidings that may equal or be better for the Lionesses win or lose the final.

Why would Charles be deep in discussions about the Commonwealth Games? There?s been no talk of that in Australia. A separate Committee (Federation) looks after the Commonwealth Games. Charles isn?t involved in its operations and the late Queen certainly wasn?t. In fact the only statements from the British side of Andrews? actions have been fury from the head of this organising committee that Andrews has pulled out so late leaving little time for any other city, State, Province elsewhere in the Commonwealth to bid for it. And yes there will be penalties for that. A billion dollars in compensation has been mentioned, which is ?being negotiated?. Either way it won?t be Andrews paying it, but Victorian taxpayers.

Commonwealth Games Federation (CGF) | Commonwealth,held%20once%20every%20four%20years.

As for the issue of Aus republicanism possibly keeping William away that?s not been mentioned. Itsnot a burning issue at all in Aus at the moment. The next term of the Labor Federal Govt, it may well be, but not now. (The next Federal election is a couple of years away.)

90% of the criticism directed towards William has come from the British public and media, not from Aussies. The vast majority of Australians couldn?t care less if Will turns up to support his nation?s team. With the Matildas? loss a lot of local interest will be gone And most of the criticism about William?s non attendance at this Cup may well die down somewhat in Britain with a Grand reception/dinner as a soothing gesture. However, it won?t be forgotten. And his future actions as President of English soccer will be looked at with a very careful eye in future.


Recent Commonwealth Games Statement about the cancellation of the Games which were to be held in Melbourne in 2026.

2026 Commonwealth Games Statement

?in July 2023 the Victorian Government announced its decision to withdraw from hosting the 2026 Games.

Following that decision, the affected parties have been involved in confidential good faith negotiations.

The parties subsequently agreed to refer the dispute to Mediation and appointed former New Zealand Judge, the Honourable Kit Toogood KC and the former Chief Justice of the WA Supreme Court, the Honourable Wayne Martin AC KC as joint mediators.

All parties engaged respectfully and made appropriate concessions in order to reach an agreement.

The State of Victoria has agreed to pay the Commonwealth Games parties (CGF CGFP and CGA) AUD $380 million.

The parties also agreed that the multi-hub regional model was more expensive to host than the traditional models.

The settlement was supported by the mediators.

The terms of the settlement will otherwise remain confidential.? End Quote.

(1) Charles had NOTHING to do with this. Nor did William or any other royal. It was solely between the above and the Andrews Govt.

(2) Victorian taxpayers are now liable for nearly 400 million Aus dollars to be paid in compensation for the cancellation of ?the multi-hub? model he himself proposed. Thankyou Daniel, thanks very much!