Andrew and new Epstein Trial

Started by Curryong, July 10, 2019, 01:18:07 AM

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Blue Clover

Quote from: amabel on August 26, 2019, 08:41:51 AM
the queen has not helped matters IMO by being so indulgent with Andrew.  I think she should have been more wary about the marriage to Sarah as Sarah while not a bad person.. is stupid and self indulgent to an appalling degree.. And I think that Andrew after his marriage to Sarah got involved in S's "greedy money loving" lifestyle..  and being a divorced man, whom the papers largely ignored he was free to lead the free and easy sexual lifestyle that he got involved in which led to the friendship with Epstein. And the queen did not handle it wisely.. She should have insisted that once the initial scandal broke years ago, Andrew completely dropped Epstein and cut back on his royal work.. just doing a modicum..  Instead she seems ot have reverted to her ostriching ways and still gave gestures of support to him which made it clear that he was still the indulged favourite and that he coud get away wth foolish behaviour...

I wish you had been the Queen's advisor back them, this is good advice. It would have kept him out of the awful mess he's in today.  :goodpost:

Prince Andrew really does need to "come clean" as his victim Virginia said today. I feel so bad for all of the very young women who were victimized.


He and Fergie jetted back to London.

He and Fergie's gluttonous ways, (inocent or not related to pedophilia), that need to hang out with Billionaire Celebrities, Grabbing Moneys, Freebies, etc.  is a firm warning to the young royals; William, Harry and their cousins.


Those of Andrew's generation including his older brother would be welcomed by wealthy people  to be guests in their homes. Charles used to stay with Armand Hammer a controversial person. they need to avoid this sort of thing.


Quote from: wannable on August 30, 2019, 01:34:26 PM
He and Fergie jetted back to London.

He and Fergie's gluttonous ways, (inocent or not related to pedophilia), that need to hang out with Billionaire Celebrities, Grabbing Moneys, Freebies, etc.  is a firm warning to the young royals; William, Harry and their cousins.

@wannable-While all royals have had brief or long term friendship/acquaintances   with the celebrities of their time,  I would hope that QEII has had a serious chat with everyone to be extra careful about whom they are spending their private time with and to thoroughly vet anyone who is associated with their charities and patronages.


Quote from: TLLK on August 30, 2019, 01:55:36 PM
@wannable-While all royals have had brief or long term friendship/acquaintances   with the celebrities of their time,  I would hope that QEII has had a serious chat with everyone to be extra careful about whom they are spending their private time with and to thoroughly vet anyone who is associated with their charities and patronages.
She should  have a serious chat with Andrew.. But it does not appear that she's taking tis as seriously as she should...


She should have had a serious chats for years now, but mostly ostriches. And not just with Andrew.

Blue Clover

I don't think this is going to just go away. I think Prince Andrew will have to face the music one day.


Several of Andrew's engagements has been cancelled by the organizer. This action could encourage others to do the same when it comes to Andrew.

Prince Andrew engagements in Northern Ireland cancelled in wake of Epstein scandal | UK News | Sky News

QuoteSeveral of Prince Andrew's public engagements in Northern Ireland have been cancelled, as a direct result of recent publicity about his relationship with the disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein.

Sky News understands that organisers withdrew their invitations, with one expressing concerns that his presence would "change the narrative" surrounding their event.

One of the events would have involved a ceremony at Portrush railway station which has just had a ?5m upgrade. The other venues have not been confirmed by government officials for security reasons. The decision to cancel was taken by the hosts, rather than the Royal Household.


Yes, it's rather humiliating for Andrew, but if the organisers of the events felt that way then it's their prerogative to act on it. If the scandal about Epstein continues then more organisations may well do the same.

Double post auto-merged: September 03, 2019, 11:54:51 PM

Incidentally, this article shows some of the tracking of Epstein's travels over the years. It's been something of a mystery as to how Andrew and Epstein met. However, Fergie comes into the picture earlier according to this. Long before he was known as a friend of Andrew's Epstein flew to meet, guess who, Fergie! They speculate that it was on 'business'. Now what business could a Duchess bring that would interest such a man. And how could he reward her for it? Cash for access, perhaps?

Mystery over when Prince Andrew first met Jeffrey Epstein as flight logs detail close friendship


Andrew's YouGov popularity continues to see him at 15th out of 15 with only 21% of the voters having a favorable rating, 36% have a negative rating and the remainder is a neutral impression of him.

Prince Andrew, Duke of York popularity & fame | YouGov

Blue Clover

Quote from: Curryong on September 03, 2019, 09:49:31 PM
Yes, it's rather humiliating for Andrew, but if the organisers of the events felt that way then it's their prerogative to act on it. If the scandal about Epstein continues then more organisations may well do the same.

Double post auto-merged: September 03, 2019, 11:54:51 PM

Incidentally, this article shows some of the tracking of Epstein's travels over the years. It's been something of a mystery as to how Andrew and Epstein met. However, Fergie comes into the picture earlier according to this. Long before he was known as a friend of Andrew's Epstein flew to meet, guess who, Fergie! They speculate that it was on 'business'. Now what business could a Duchess bring that would interest such a man. And how could he reward her for it? Cash for access, perhaps?

Mystery over when Prince Andrew first met Jeffrey Epstein as flight logs detail close friendship

"it is getting curiouser and curiouser."  :censored2:

Princess Cassandra

Quote from: Curryong on July 26, 2019, 04:23:06 AM
Yes, Andrew and Epstein were probably friendly but it wasn't just friendship. According to filed documents Andrew was a passenger on Epstein's private plane, like Pres Clinton and other prominent men, and flew to his island which had luxury accommodation. Young girls serviced the men on this island and elsewhere all over the world.

Virginia Roberts, the 17year old Andrew was photographed with, testified that she was flown to England and other places. She was ordered to have sex with Andrew on at least three occasions.

Epstein was and is nothing but a pimp in my estimation, and there was more than a hint of blackmail in his interactions with 'friends' IMO. He's a nasty piece of work and I hope he serves a proper sentence in NY when he's convicted this time, not treated as if he's at a holiday resort as he was years ago under the Florida prison system. He's already received neck injuries while in jail on remand in NY which is unacceptable, but I just hope he gets a long sentence this time.
The only question is, can Ms. Roberts be believed, and can the report be believed? I do not like to question someone who has been brave enough to step forward about being sexually abused, but lately I find I cannot believe most of what is reported. 


Andrew was seen going in and out of his homes. Virginia Roberts I doubt is going to lie about anything like this. What on earth was Andrew doing there in the first place. This should be pursued. The man involved committed suicide under mysterious circumstances, Andrew guilty or not is associated with a very notorious person.


Quote from: Princess Cassandra on September 04, 2019, 03:17:20 AM
The only question is, can Ms. Roberts be believed, and can the report be believed? I do not like to question someone who has been brave enough to step forward about being sexually abused, but lately I find I cannot believe most of what is reported. 
why what she and the other (now) women says cant to be believed?

Princess Cassandra

Quote from: dianab on September 05, 2019, 12:23:13 AM
why what she and the other (now) women says cant to be believed?
If there is no physical evidence and no credible witnesses, the allegations are impossible to prove. That is what makes things like this so sad...a young woman may be in the right but many times it cannot be proved.


Quote from: Princess Cassandra on September 17, 2019, 02:37:14 AM
If there is no physical evidence and no credible witnesses, the allegations are impossible to prove. That is what makes things like this so sad...a young woman may be in the right but many times it cannot be proved.
\Ther is a difference between can't be proved and can't be believed...

Princess Cassandra

Quote from: amabel on September 17, 2019, 07:23:03 AM
\Ther is a difference between can't be proved and can't be believed...
Yes, the one can get you into severe legal troubles, and the other can damage your reputation irretrievably. I think Andrew has most likely been deemed guilty in the court of opinion, and I agree that he should no longer be participating in royal work. However, I'm pretty sure the Queen is not currently looking at it this way.


Quote from: Princess Cassandra on September 19, 2019, 06:09:08 PM
Yes, the one can get you into severe legal troubles, and the other can damage your reputation irretrievably. I think Andrew has most likely been deemed guilty in the court of opinion, and I agree that he should no longer be participating in royal work. However, I'm pretty sure the Queen is not currently looking at it this way.
She may be hoping it will blow over if she says nothing and does not make any changes.. Possibly it will but only in one sense.. Anew will always be somewhat damaged by this whole thing


Quote from: Princess Cassandra on September 17, 2019, 02:37:14 AM
If there is no physical evidence and no credible witnesses, the allegations are impossible to prove. That is what makes things like this so sad...a young woman may be in the right but many times it cannot be proved.
that doesnt changes what those women went through ... there are definitely credible witnesses.... and definitely it isnt without evidence... there are many people telling the same things... happened a investigation... justice was on their (victim) sides

Princess Cassandra

Quote from: dianab on September 20, 2019, 03:23:10 PM
that doesnt changes what those women went through ... there are definitely credible witnesses.... and definitely it isnt without evidence... there are many people telling the same things... happened a investigation... justice was on their (victim) sides
I said IF there are no credible witnesses or evidence. I would not presume to know any of the details of the case.  I also noted how sad it is for women who have been reaped when it can't be legally proven. I agree that having no proof doesn't change what they went through - it just serves to hurt them all over again.


Mark Twain:
"Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it."
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please."


I remember the rumors about Andrew remarrying and he dated "suitable" young women. If he wanted to remarry he should have dated women instead of finding women through Epstein.


Quote from: sandy on September 21, 2019, 03:09:42 PM
I remember the rumors about Andrew remarrying and he dated "suitable" young women. If he wanted to remarry he should have dated women instead of finding women through Epstein.
What rumours about him remarrying? I cant remember any stories about him "dating suitable young women" after his divorce.  I always go the impression that while he may have had some relationships that were not "just sex".. a lot of the time his sex life was carried on, in private and the press simply weren't that interested in him any more... so he could enjoy a private life  iwhtout pressure...