Prince Albert & Princess Charlene On Official Visit to The Netherlands in June

Started by cinrit, May 13, 2014, 10:36:08 AM

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QuotePrince Albert II of Monaco and his wife Princess Charlène are scheduled to pay an official visit to The Netherlands, the Dutch Government Information Service announced Monday. The sovereign prince of Monaco will visit on June 3 and will inaugurate an exhibition devoted to his mother, the late Princess Grace.

The exhibit 'Grace Kelly, style icon and Princess of Monaco' will open June 5th at the Het Loo Royal Palace Museum in Apeldoorn. King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima will accompany the princely couple, and will host a dinner in their honour later that day at the Apeldoorn Palace.

More: Prince Albert and Princess Charlene of Monaco in June on official visit to The Netherlands - News Summary R O Y A L B L O G. N L

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