Prince Philip - the longest serving Royal Consort in history

Started by Alexandra123, April 10, 2009, 07:34:27 PM

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Champion consort Prince Philip

Prince Philip will become the longest serving royal consort this month.
The Duke of Edinburgh will overtake the record - currently set by Queen Charlotte, the wife of King George III - on April 18 after spending 57 years and 70 days by Queen Elizabeth's side. The 87-year-old Duke's official duties as consort began on February 6, 1952, when his wife Princess Elizabeth became queen.

Fabulous Fake


Thank you Alexandra.  Long live Prince Philip also. 

Stix Chix

 :thumbsup:  cool! 

there haven't been many male consorts but Prince Philip and Prince Albert both really impress me.  it would be nice if the occasion were marked in some way....but i'm not surprised that he'd rather it not be fussed about. :happy:

Harryite #0004


He's one of the hardest working British Royals, regardless of his age. *Applause*


  Well Done Sir, long life and health to your Highness.


QuotePhilip has now become the longest-serving royal consort in British history.

The 57 years and 70 days that have passed since the day of the Queen's accession mean that Philip has surpassed the record set by Queen Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, wife of the 18th Century British monarch, George III.
(> <)


What can you say Phillip has truly been blessed with good health and being in love with HM. May he and HM live another 20 years together. :thumbsup:

Fabulous Fake

Quote from: Trudie on April 18, 2009, 11:06:51 AM
What can you say Phillip has truly been blessed with good health and being in love with HM. May he and HM live another 20 years together. :thumbsup:

Yeah...swallow the hype and ignore the facts. :laugh:

Miss Scarlett


This is a great article about Philip.  He really is an amazing man, and I do wish he'd get more credit for all the hard work he's done throughout HM's reign...  but it says even more about him that he so often goes without the recognition he deserves while working his hardest anyway.

I particularly liked this quote about his loyalty to HM and how seriously he takes his job supporting her:

QuoteBehind everything lies an uncompromising loyalty to his wife. 'He never plans anything until he knows what the Queen needs,' says Sir Miles. 'When her officials have drawn up her diary of engagements it goes to the Duke and he ticks off all the things he will do with the Queen and then he sends it down to me. Only then do we start planning anything in this office.'

And then this one about how good he is at his role.  I've always heard he's simply wonderful at engagements.

QuoteHe describes himself as a pragmatist rather than a romantic. On royal walkabouts, the Duke accepts he is not the main attraction. Realising that the Queen can only walk down one side of any street, he will go down the other, lifting up disappointed children and steering them over to the Monarch. His staff call it 'going off-piste'.

Also, in one of the comments to the article, someone says that Philip was never made Prince Consort because the Queen Mother blocked it. Does anyone know anything about this and whether it is true?  I simply thought it was a recognition Philip himself wouldn't want because of how he is, but I do think it would be something the Queen would want to give him.  Thoughts?


Don't scrape to much below the surface.... Take what you see today...

He has been constant in her life and a great support!!


Thank you for the articles everyone. Prince Philip is an legend of a man...I hope he has it in him to last another decade or two :)