Chelsy's Studies - what do say about her

Started by Ytsken, August 25, 2008, 05:22:05 PM

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Quote from: Monika on September 06, 2008, 12:02:11 AM
Good point, Lucy. 

It's interesting how Chelsy has never been called "available" when that is exactly what she is.  I realize she is continuing her education, but that is also the best and least controversial way to continue to enjoy all the perks of student life while mom and dad support you.  I'm sure they pay for her tuition, room and board, her car, her living expenses, etc., etc.  And if indeed she is so dedicated to her studies, why isn't she working, even p/t, in the field she is pursuing?  How about an apprenticeship of some sort? 

We've seen more pics of Chelsy leaving clubs than we have of Kate, yet it's Kate who gets the bad press.  I sense a double standard where these two are concerned...  

Isn't that the truth and it remains to be seen if Miss Davy will ever use her education at all.

Since Economics was her subject, it's rather odd she didn't pursue it at the BEST school for it, the London School of Economics.

Did she do well in SA? Perhaps she couldn't get into LSE or she had simply lost interest in Economics.



Chelsy has sent me several messages on facebook (none
recently, albeit, hehe haha...and yes, it's the real her, rofl), and she truly loves studying.
She also loves politics.  Go Chelsy; Go!!!   :chelsy: :windsor1:
Awwww, I was trying hard to reach 1000 posts prior to CONCERT FOR DIANA as a lil tribute. CONCERT^4DIANA^ITE#1 Yipeeeee, I received a LETTER from Harry on June 20, 2007, via Clarence House, written by his secretary!!!  I LOVE Princes Wills & Harry!!! Vote4OBAMA^ite#01 Harryite#0099 QueenVictoria^ITE#01 Chelsyite#0029 LETTER^ITE#01 CINDERELLA^ITE#01


I assume, Lucy, that Chelsy didn't attend LSE  because... she's going for a law degree now. Rather hard to get a Masters in Law at an Economics school. People can major in just about anything in under grad and still attend law school.

While I personally don't feel any convincing evidince has been put forth for the idea that Chelsy attended Cheltenham and Stowe to meet Harry, it doesn't really matter. We'll probably never know. As far as I have seen, there's not much reason for me to believe it. It's possible, of course, it just doesn't seem plausible. But hey, to each his own. I'll say nothing more about Mugabe because that has less than nothing to do with the topic here, and I as a Mod really should know better, so I do apologize for continuing that.

No matter what her motives are for Law School at Leeds, I think it at the very least proves that Chelsy is intelligent. Graduate school, Law school especially, does take quite a bit of smarts to get into. It also takes a lot to do well, and to not crack under the pressure. So, good on her.
Harryite #0094   


Quote from: sillyjobug on September 10, 2008, 04:39:56 PM
INo matter what her motives are for Law School at Leeds, I think it at the very least proves that Chelsy is intelligent. Graduate school, Law school especially, does take quite a bit of smarts to get into. It also takes a lot to do well, and to not crack under the pressure. So, good on her.
Sillyjobug every one knows that Chelsy is a very intelligent girl no one her said she was stupid or dump so i don't really think its necessary to constantly say that she is smart and as Mimi-chan said i also hope she doesn't get married right away shes still very young i hope she uses her degree either economic or law to her advantage



Question: Can anyone tell me what type of law Chelsy is specializing in? I asked before for another member to be more specific than "specializing in helping the less fortunate", but got no response. If anyone has the answer, I'd like to know. I think that would definitely give us more insight into her future plans.

Another thing that I've been thinking about is whether Chelsy is exceptionally intelligent or in the "average-smart" category. I'm think that she's pretty average (not stupid, but no genius) because Leeds actually isn't a great school for law. Again, I'm not trying to put her down, but at the same time, I was under the impression that her grades were excellent back at Cape Town. Yet, she is attending Leeds, instead of: Cambridge, Oxford, King's College London, Aberdeen, Leicester, Durham, Dundee, or University College London, etc.

I honestly don't think if she'd gotten into a better school, she'd have gone to Leeds for law. I'm not sure how it is in the UK, but here in the USA, it isn't honestly worth getting a law degree from anywhere but the top 20 law schools in the country (I'm assuming it'll be less for England, as it's a smaller country). I mean, that is if you want to start with a great job & salary right out of law school - which most people do.

PS. Sillyjobug, according to this link, LSE is one of the top FIVE law schools in England. Link:


Thanks, Wheet!

Human Rights law sounds interesting if the reports are true. Very similar to International Humanitarian Law. I suppose a knowledge of that could be useful if she were to be a Royal bride, though I doubt she could ever be too hands-on. I don't think she could fight any cases or anything like that I do hope that she finds a job where she can exercise the full extent of her knowledge instead of just getting married.

I wonder which professor at Leeds she wanted to work with...? I cannot imagine anyone turning down an offer from one of the other schools (Cambridge, Oxford, LSE) all of which have amazingly talented professors. Does she know the professor personally or was it just a "I heard of so-and-so at Leeds..." type of thing? Did the report mention anything like that? I, personally, would prefer to go to a big name law-school and have that on my resume than attend a lesser known university for the sake of one professor. But hey, we're all different :shrug:.


Thanks for the info about LSE. That's weird to me...I guess I'm not used to schools being named so specifically unless they really are that specialized. But anywho...maybe with her specialization, Human Rights Law, she thought Leeds was the best place to study that, especially in light of the stories of her wanting to study with that specific professor. And, honestly, maybe she just couldn't get into the top ones.

Quote from: mbb on September 10, 2008, 05:13:32 PM
Sillyjobug every one knows that Chelsy is a very intelligent girl no one her said she was stupid or dump so i don't really think its necessary to constantly say that she is smart and as Mimi-chan said i also hope she doesn't get married right away shes still very young i hope she uses her degree either economic or law to her advantage
Thanks for your advice. I was actually just trying to return to th actual topic of this thread, which is what Chelsy's studies say about her. I was pointing out that all we know for sure that it says is that she's smart, because law school isn't that easy to get into, even if it's not a top school. There may not be much else we can say with much certainty while she's still in school, but we can at the least definitely say that she's bright and probably hard-working.
Harryite #0094   

Lila the Flirt

The name of the professor was named before. I can't for the life of me, remember his name. :dizzy:

Quote from: Lucy on September 10, 2008, 04:21:15 PM
Since Economics was her subject, it's rather odd she didn't pursue it at the BEST school for it, the London School of Economics.

Did she do well in SA? Perhaps she couldn't get into LSE or she had simply lost interest in Economics.

Perhaps she couldn't get into LSE. Not everyone gets accepted to the school they really want.

You can't bash the girl for what she might do in the future! No one ever bashed Kate whilst in school. Why can't we give Chels a break until she finishes her education?? Then we see what she does with it. :sowhat:

And to the statement that said Chelsy was after Harry for half her life, where is your proof? That could border on defamation, you know. There have been reports of schoolmates of Kate's when she was young she's had a poster of William in her locker so there's the proof of that. Where's the proof for Chelsy? And it can't possibly be because she chose the school nearest Highgrove. That's just silly. If we take that as proof, then the thousands of girls who went to said school were also after the princes.

Flirt's the name, flirtin's my game :lila:


good point Mimi-chan i also was thinking the same thing its weird she didn't pick to go to a better uni and as Sillyjobug she probably  couldn't get into the top ones cause i do think as Mimi-chan said I would prefer to go to a big name law-school and have that on my resume than attend a lesser known university for the sake of one professor .
But you right its her choice wish her the best of luck ,oh and didn't she say she was going to uni of Bristol ? or was that just a rumor can some one tell me please.


From what I've read, she originally planned on Bristol, but changed to Leeds for whatever reason. Perhaps it was that professor she sees as a mentor, or she thought their Human Rights law course was better, or maybe she thought she'd be able to avoid paps better. Who knows?

And, Lila, great points. Why condemn Chelsy for what she MAY or MAY NOT do in the future. Kate may get pregnant intentionally, William may become a drug addict, Hary may become a serial killer. Anything MAY happen to anyone. I may stand up on my desk in class today and begin to cluck like a chicken. But don't put me in for psychiatric counseling until after I've done it!

(Plus, you're right, the gold-digging claims could be considered defamation. Actually, at this point, the claims of links to Mugabe could be considered defamation, as Charles Davy has been cleared of those charges.)
Harryite #0094   


He is or was a business partner of someone in Mugabes governement so how can he be innocent.


Links please to Charles Davy "cleared"  of links to Webster Shamu ( Davy's business partner for many years and the right hand -man of Robert Mugabe. )

Many thanks.
" Friends say that Charles Davy confronts an impossible dilemma. His business links with Mr Shamu and, by extension, to the Mugabe regime expose him to outside criticism. But how else, ask Mr Davy's friends, can he guarantee his commercial survival and all the livelihoods that depend on it?

As he sits in his idyllic bush home, these thoughts will never be far from Mr Davy's mind."'s-great-white-survivor.html

The Telegraph is not a tabloid, it is a broadsheet.
As it pertains to Miss Davy's education, it is paid for by her father's profits from the ability to lead tourists to kill elphants et al. He has a permit from the Mugabe governement to do so.

Thank you,

Almost forgot as to 'defamation',  Kate Middleton is almost daily said to be after a prince, I see no harm in asserting that Chelsy Davy has the same goal .She actually moved to another continent whereas Miss Middleton has not.


^ This may be the right time to start a thread about Chelsy's father and Mugabe since Lurker already suggested it.
Again, please stay on topic and any further posts about Chelsy's father and Mugabe will be removed.


Quote from: Mimi-chan on September 10, 2008, 09:49:31 PM

Question: Can anyone tell me what type of law Chelsy is specializing in? I asked before for another member to be more specific than "specializing in helping the less fortunate", but got no response. If anyone has the answer, I'd like to know. I think that would definitely give us more insight into her future plans.

Another thing that I've been thinking about is whether Chelsy is exceptionally intelligent or in the "average-smart" category. I'm think that she's pretty average (not stupid, but no genius) because Leeds actually isn't a great school for law. Again, I'm not trying to put her down, but at the same time, I was under the impression that her grades were excellent back at Cape Town. Yet, she is attending Leeds, instead of: Cambridge, Oxford, King's College London, Aberdeen, Leicester, Durham, Dundee, or University College London, etc.

I honestly don't think if she'd gotten into a better school, she'd have gone to Leeds for law. I'm not sure how it is in the UK, but here in the USA, it isn't honestly worth getting a law degree from anywhere but the top 20 law schools in the country (I'm assuming it'll be less for England, as it's a smaller country). I mean, that is if you want to start with a great job & salary right out of law school - which most people do.

PS. Sillyjobug, according to this link, LSE is one of the top FIVE law schools in England. Link: 

The ranking of schools and of graduate schools is complex, as we all know.  A department may be highly ranked but still not have all the specializations within in, and the quality of professors covering certain specializations may vary.  Another complication is that that the faculty of the very highly ranked departments do not necessarily make the best teachers or mentors because they devote their time to furthering their own career and have very little left for the students. 

The name of the professor was mentioned, as Lila said, but I cannot remember it either.  I also cannot specify whether it was a human rights or humanitarian law.  One wonders to what extent the papers are able to get it right.  My impression is that we have had diverse claims about her majors in SA, and even what she was going to be getting her MA in.   Then, they seem to settle on something having to do with human rights, and eventually named the prof.

We don't know what the situation with Harry and Chelsy is.   They may have already made a commitment to each other, and she may have decided that this would be most helpful to their future roles.   :shrug:

PS.  We have already had threads on that topic.   Can we not just resuscitate them?

Lila the Flirt

Let this serve as notice: The claims of Charles Davy with his links to the Mugabe Government will cease in this thread. If you really wish to talk about that, take it to the appropriate threads.

Further off topic posts will be deleted without notice. Mods, you know what to do.

Flirt's the name, flirtin's my game :lila: