Chelsy's Studies - what do say about her

Started by Ytsken, August 25, 2008, 05:22:05 PM

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For the most part, people seem to approve of Chelsy's decision to go to graduate school after getting her undergraduate degree. It shows she's interested in improving herself and even though she most likely isn't ready for a formal job yet, she doesn't want to laze about which (as Lurker pointed out in the 'will Harry marry before Wills' thread) she could do if she wanted to... being a wealthy heiress.

Looking at Chelsy's choice of studies however you really get the idea that University isn't just a place for her to spend time and have fun. Economics, her undergraduate degree, is a very tough subject. Law too is not only tough but also has the reputation of being a very dull, boring subject. Politics, which she wished to pursue first, also isn't exactly a 'fun' subject to study. All these subjects taken together show that Chelsy isn't just interested in tackling difficult subjects, but also ones that have to do with the various complex systems that drive society.

So I'm wondering, does anyone else think that apart from being a very intelligent young woman, Chelsy is also a woman with an interest in society? Or did she choose these subjects because they are likely to give her respectable and well paid jobs?


I actually find Politics & Law much more interesting (and easier) than other, 'soft' subjects :P.

But on a serious note...I don't think we can accurately make any assumptions about Chelsy (and her future plans) yet. She is studying, and from my understanding, studying hard. But the real test comes after the degree is in her hand. Will she get a job? An internship? Will she take a year off to travel? Will she get married or engaged? It's all up in the air right now.

I don't have any reason to suspect that she isn't interested in the world/society around her. But priorities and interests and goals change over time. She may have wanted to change the world when she entered Leeds and when she comes out of it, she may find that she's ready to be a Royal wife...who knows? Different experiences shape all of us differently. She may even decide that law isn't for her, and take up a career in something else.


She may have chosen these 'hard' subjects instead of 'softer' subjects as they will give her a better chance of a job then 'soft' subjects as more people choose 'softer' subjects then the 'harder'

Plus she seems like somebody who likes to challenge herself which something like Media Studies my not ( no offense to anyone who took that :hug2:)

And if everybody like all the same things like would be dull! :orchid:

She is seriously trying to make sure she has a plan in place in case she doesn't become a princess (unlike somebody else  :loco: ) Afterall she is the smart one :teehee:


I think her choice of studies says a lot about her. What it says isn't quite as certain. I think there's a couple of options:

1. She's interested in helping people, in society, in the way the world works. Politics, economics, and law often point to a desire to better the world.

2. She wanted to earn money. We all know lawyers make bank, so maybe she just wanted something that would get her a well-paying job. That one seems unlikely to me, because there are easier degree courses that can lead to well-paying jobs, and she just doesn't seem (IMO) like the sort who'd be an ambulance chasing lawyer out for cash.

3. She's waiting around for Harry, but doing it more intelligently than Kate. I don't think this one is very likely either, but it's possible. She seems like a smart girl, if her grades are anything to go by. Maybe she just wants to marry Harry, but knows it won't happen just yet, so she's doing something to keep herself occupied in the mean time. She's likely read about many other royal brides and how they had solid careers in business and the like before their marriages, so she may have thought "Let me get a serious degree and a respectable job, and then I can marry my prince."

4. She could be a smart-ass like me, and just want to prove those people who call her a dumb blonde wrong. I always love pissing people off by looking like "just a pretty face" with "big boobs and blonde hair" and then actually being much more intelligent than them. I think it's an "Elle Woods" complex. Lol.

In my opinion, it's probably the first option (although she seems like the sort who might at least be amused by the last). I think she's a good girl with a kind heart who wants to make a difference in the world. Sure, she's still young and loves to have fun, but very few are the people who devote themselves solely to helping others, without any enjoyment for themselves.

She seems to me like a smart girl with a sense of humor and a lust for life. She seems adventurous, and like she enjoys a bit of a challenge. She may also be a bit idealistic, but that's just unfounded speculation on my part. She's pretty and she knows it but I don't think she takes advantage of it; she wants to be recognized for her work, not her looks or her boyfriend. I honestly believe the idea that she loves Harry for "Haz," not for the fact that he's "Prince Harry of Wales."

But, hey, this is all just my opinion, the feeling I get when I see pictures of her.
Harryite #0094   


I think it shows she doesn't take her 'status' (money) for granted. She could be another Waity Katy but she is using her money to attend a good school with a challenging curriculm. Good on her!  :happy: Its inspiring and she gets my approval nod :) I also think it shows her independence. I feel this is a degree she will actually use.. unlike a certain royal girlfriend we can mention  :thumbsdown: cough cough... I really think she would be great as a wife for Harry if he is fortunate enough to land her permanently. :windsor1: I think those two could be the future! Too bad haz is the spare...he has Dianas magic of compassion and isnt afraid/too shy to show it....but now im rambling...Gosh a topic about CD and i manage to insert kate, harry, and wills! :blush:


To me it first and foremost says that she is rather academic and can't be a dumb blond. Everything else is nothing but speculation since we do not know what Chelsy intents to do after her master degree but we will know next summer. It'll be interesting to see what kind of occupation she choses or whether her and Harry may actually announce an engagement (which I wouldn't put past them either). Can't wait for 2009!  :woo:
Thomas van Straubenzee fan No. 1! :wub2:


Well I have to agree, she's clearly not dumb. As to what it says about her, I'm not sure. She could be simply biding her time, like Kate, but instead chose to stay in school to avoid all the negatives Kate had to learn the hard way.

Or growing up in Africa could have instilled a sense of social responsibility and she thinks that studying and practicing law is the best way to go about whatever it is that she wants to do.

Or it could be something else entirely based on things we don't know about her.  :shrug:

I'm with lurker, I think we have to wait and see what she does when she has her degree.

Stix Chix

i agree with you does show that she's got a brain.  that she's not afraid of standing up in a room full of people and arguing a point.  that she's probably got a sense of what is right and wrong, what is just and unjust.  a desire to help people....mixed with a wish to make pretty good money while she's at it! :laugh:

Harryite #0004


What does it say about her ? That her parents are still pushing her at Harry with her full cooperation.
Here is a family who lives in South Africa and sends their child thousands of miles away to Harry's neighbourhood to go to school so that she will be down the road from Highgrove and Harry's other friends:
Cheltenham College for ages 13-18
Bath Road
GL53 7LD

The schools in South Africa are good enough for Earl Spencer's children and were fine for Jecca Craig , of course the Spencers and the Craigs are much much higher up the social scale than the ill-reputed Charles Davy.

I must say it was subtle for Chels to attend uni first in SA before enrolling at Leeds.


I'd say her studies show she's hardworking and dedicated. Law is no walk in the park. But whats most important is what she does after her degree in 2009. If she ends up announcing an engagement I will probably think Law School was her smart way to pass the time.

Lucy, Chelsy's mother is a former beauty queen, I can totally see her pushing Chelsy to travel thousands of miles to snare Harry.

Chelsy was raised in Zimbabwe not South Africa (and Charles has said he has no intention of leaving Zimbabwe) so maybe he thought sending them to England to get a impressive education would be better than any Zimbabwean or indeed South African schooling. Or maybe Charles was to selfish to leave Zimbabwe for his children's sake and decided to ship them off to boarding school instead.


Good point, Lucy. 

It's interesting how Chelsy has never been called "available" when that is exactly what she is.  I realize she is continuing her education, but that is also the best and least controversial way to continue to enjoy all the perks of student life while mom and dad support you.  I'm sure they pay for her tuition, room and board, her car, her living expenses, etc., etc.  And if indeed she is so dedicated to her studies, why isn't she working, even p/t, in the field she is pursuing?  How about an apprenticeship of some sort? 

We've seen more pics of Chelsy leaving clubs than we have of Kate, yet it's Kate who gets the bad press.  I sense a double standard where these two are concerned...   

AP:  "Kate Middleton Found Guilty of Breaking 11th Commandment:  Thou Shalt Not Be Luckier Than I"



I totally agree with you Monika they slag Kate off for virtually everything but they turn a blind eye for Chelsy. I think shes continued with her education so she doesnt have to find a job.

Lila the Flirt

^You may have a point there but I do not think people would have slagged Kate had she done something productive whilst waiting for William. Yes, Chelsy may have gone to postgrad school to wait for Harry as someone said, if that were her main reason then she was very smart about it.

I don't begrudge Chelsy for going to clubs whilst in school as long as she does her work and passes her exams. Perhaps she doesn't need to study as much as other people do for exams? Lucky her. Maybe she's smart that way. I've had guy friends from uni who drank almost every night yet still passed with flying colours, without studying I might add. They just retained everything by listening to the lectures :shrug:

Flirt's the name, flirtin's my game :lila:


Quote from: Monika on September 06, 2008, 12:02:11 AM
Good point, Lucy. 

It's interesting how Chelsy has never been called "available" when that is exactly what she is.  I realize she is continuing her education, but that is also the best and least controversial way to continue to enjoy all the perks of student life while mom and dad support you.  I'm sure they pay for her tuition, room and board, her car, her living expenses, etc., etc.  And if indeed she is so dedicated to her studies, why isn't she working, even p/t, in the field she is pursuing?  How about an apprenticeship of some sort? 


Agree, I wrote somewhere on the forum, from my point of view, Chelsy is intelligent girl, so intelligent, she choose the eas.way to obtain visa to stay in UK and wait around for Henry.What will she do after study?Her pros is - she drinks during her vacations and she is silent more than Kate with her I want the ring and tiara.I read somewhere in newsagents in UK German mag Bunte - sorry, I don't speak German, maybe ask the friend of mind, but an idiot understood the article with many princesses, mostly commoners, married in Europ.RF and how long they waited for the ring.This is a little from this thread, but I think, when Kate and Chelsy date princes the similar time, I can tell it.What I understood, Weinachten and the dates of last year, they wrote about Kate, she has dated Wills for 3,5 years, the break of couple of months.How long does Chelsy dates Harry?The same time, doesn't she?Mary had 3 years, the longest with Sonia of Norway, Norweg.CP with Spanish CP had only one year.Chelsy waits for the opinion.


Those are some cool classes in fact with going back to school, my focus maybe on Business, Economics, Political Science, International Studies, or something similar. I also had toyed around when I was first starting to think about going back was also History, Sociology, or Literature.
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)


Quote from: QueenK on September 06, 2008, 06:27:34 PM
Those are some cool classes in fact with going back to school, my focus maybe on Business, Economics, Political Science, International Studies, or something similar. I also had toyed around when I was first starting to think about going back was also History, Sociology, or Literature.

I loved History and Lit. Political Science is interesting and I really enjoyed Psychology, not that I ever found it exactly useful in daily life but it made you think about motivations.

I'm not sure just what sort of law course Chels is pursuing.

Quote from: porsche on September 06, 2008, 05:58:46 PM
Agree, I wrote somewhere on the forum, from my point of view, Chelsy is intelligent girl, so intelligent, she choose the eas.way to obtain visa to stay in UK and wait around for Henry.

Exactly ! Clever manipulation.

~Please do not double post


Please. Chelsy doesn't club/party much unless she's on holiday from school. That is her work: she is a full-time student. She's probably exhausted from studying and is on a well-earned break. Law school is hard work. I suppose next we're going to start making fun of school teachers because they get a few weeks off during the school year and summers off unless they get the few available summer positions?  :rolleyes:

Her parents pay for her education. Who cares? She's not even eligible for many/most grants/scholarships because her parents are high income and expected to pay for school. Some are academic based, while others are based on financial need as well as how well you do in school. No need to take out loans when she doesn't have to. Some people have to work their way through school, and build up debt from loans along the way. Chelsy is lucky that she isn't one of them, but to be bashed for having parents with high income? :thumbsdown: And she's only 22. She's still very young. It's not like she's in her mid-20s/late-20s/early-30s and still living off her parents.  <_<

I think Chelsy is smart. She is "available" (WTF?! What girl doesn't want to date her boyfriend... you think she should work full-time on top of GRADUATE SCHOOL? No free time?) but not too available. She has some free time but also studies hard during the school year. She probably has her weekends full and isn't as "available" as people think while school is in session.

And she took one week off during the year, right after Harry got back from Afghanistan. So what? She probably got all her work done ahead and/or brought it with her so she wouldn't fall behind or fail. And with internet, she can always get a friend to email the notes to her, and submit her papers on the web. Most schools make you do that anyway so they can scan it for plagiarism.  :shrug:

Chelsy is also studying law specializing in helping the less fortunate. That is smart planning for her. She'll be able to use her education, regardless of whether or not she ends up with Harry. Go Chelsy!

I think it's actually quite funny people compare what Chelsy is doing with what Catherine is doing, try to excuse Catherine by twisting Chelsy to make it sound like she's doing the same thing. They are nothing alike. And Catherine is almost four years older than Chelsy! Catherine is 26, almost 27. Chelsy is 22, almost 23. Chelsy is in her early 20s, while Catherine is in her mid-20s, just a few years away from 30. They're not in the same point in their life, so they're not really comparable, IMO.  :shrug:


leogirl what if  Chelsy decides to go travel the world after she finshes university  and never uses her degree like Kate did, what if it terned that Chelsy was just buying time until prince harry proposes to her but shes doing it an a smart  way ( good for her) not the stupid way Kate is doing  if Chelsy was really interested of persowing law even just for a wail antell she Mary's harry  why didn't she work at a law ferm or got an internship for the summer  it doesn't have to be the howl summer  but Chelsy could still use her time to do  more pulse it would look good for her CV if she wants to get a job quickly


Chelsy could be just waiting for Harry to propose whilst she wastes 2 years at Leeds. Don't dismiss this idea; it could turn out to be true. No-one thought Kate was possible of this back in 2004 and look at her now!

I believe she is only at Leeds so she doesn't have to get a job.


I see no reason to attack Chelsy now or to question her motives for studying law either. Of course her parents would pay her living while she's at university. Why should she take on a job to make money when she can focus on her studies instead? I'm sure no student would if their parents could afford it.
She's studying and she gets the same amount of time off other students get. We do not know how successful she has been, because we do not know her results but she must at least have passed everything or she'd have been thrown out of college by now. Once she's got her degree we'll see what she does with it. Even if she gets engaged to Harry right away that would still not prove that she only studied law to bide her time but at least these alegations would have some ground then. For now they are completely unfounded, IMO.

leogirl, I understand what you're trying to say but I doubt one needs 3 months of summer break to "recover" from law studies. It's a challenging subject but it's not that hard.  :teehee: And while I admire your faith in the good of people, I doubt doing good for others is a main reason to study law - usually it's seen as a safe way for a good job later. Neither of us knows why Chelsy chose this subject or how much work she puts into it so I think you give her more credit than you have reason to when you say she studies "hard" and wants to help others later. You can impossibly know that.
Thomas van Straubenzee fan No. 1! :wub2:

Lila the Flirt

Quote from: brittanylala on September 07, 2008, 10:26:47 AM
I believe she is only at Leeds so she doesn't have to get a job.

Well good for her! At least she's doing something productive in the meantime. At least she can say well, I'm in law school. What are you doing?

Next we'll be hearing law school is as easy as pie. Please.

Flirt's the name, flirtin's my game :lila:


Quote from: leogirl on September 07, 2008, 03:33:48 AM
...but to be bashed for having parents with high income? :thumbsdown:

I agree.  But that should apply to Kate as well.  Kate and Chelsy's circumstances are not all that different. 

AP:  "Kate Middleton Found Guilty of Breaking 11th Commandment:  Thou Shalt Not Be Luckier Than I"


Quote from: leogirl on September 07, 2008, 03:33:48 AM
Chelsy is also studying law specializing in helping the less fortunate. That is smart planning for her. She'll be able to use her education, regardless of whether or not she ends up with Harry. Go Chelsy!

What is law "specializing in helping the less fortunate"? What is the exact name? There are many types of law that can lead to "helping the less fortunate" (i.e. Bankruptcy, Admiralty, Civil Rights, Consumer, Criminal, Education, Elder Law, Employment, Family, Immigration, Media, etc.)?