Duchess of York Attacks Critics of Daughter Princess Beatrice in Bikini Photos

Started by MapleLeaf, May 14, 2008, 04:43:57 AM

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Fabulous Fake

You are forgetting about the taxpayer's money being spent 'protecting' Beatrice,Inge Jones.

Imho she is a drain on the limited resources of the Royal Protection Unit.

If her parents are demanding the security for her then,imho,they should behave like every other parent in Britain and pay for it themselves so yes Beatrice is indeed blowing taxpayer's money.

As far as the other comment about being a parent goes, I too feel protective of my daughters but if they were publically making a fool of themselves ,MY mouth would remain firmly shut and I wouldn't be using their actions as a ploy to get publicity for myself because I wouldn't be having a programme on television this week.

Inge Jones

Well do we have the definitive facts on how her protection works and how it is paid?  Also in what way is Beatrice making a fool of herself in public.  Simple *being* larger than a size 8 is not making a fool of yourself.  If you mean the bikini was not flattering, then it was made for her size, so obviously women who are a size 14 do wear it.

Finally, you can't blame Beatrice for her mother's decision to speak out publicly.


If the lessons of history teach us anything it is that nobody learns the lessons that history teaches us.


Harry~Hands Down


Google on Getty Images, and then type in "Princess Beatrice" in the editorial search box.
If the lessons of history teach us anything it is that nobody learns the lessons that history teaches us.


Quote from: drezzle on May 17, 2008, 09:41:39 PM
Is Harry trying to keep a straight face?
That's what it looks like to me.....:):):)
I wish someone would also teach her how to stand (with her legs together)
!!!!! Wills is Happy!!!!! ( :D click the link to see how happy Wills is!)

Fabulous Fake

That hat is just perfect for Beatrice. :happytears: :happytears: :happytears:

Miss Scarlett

The Duchess of York needs to have a talking to with her daughter about that atrocious outfit Bea wore to the wedding.  There are no words to describe it, other than "beyond hideous."

Fabulous Fake

The more I see,the more I am convinced that this young lady really is in need of serious guidance.
She doesn't need a mother defending her,imho she needs a mother to show some concern about her.

Seriously folks....its becoming quite alarming now and if there isn't a fairly rapid change in her behaviour,she is going to really need that police protection.
The British public aren't idiots and she is dragging down the Royal Family on an almost daily basis. :rant2:

Inge Jones

Fabulous Fake, I think most of the public are not so shallow that they would judge an entire family by the dress sense of one of its peripheral members.  And isn't it only school children who assault each other based on the wearing of the wrong kind of clothes?

I think the antics of Hooray Henries who think the laws of the land, as well as good manners, don't apply to them are more likely to bring the family into disrepute.


Quote from: drezzle on May 17, 2008, 09:41:39 PM


Is Harry trying to keep a straight face?

I don't know how you keep a straight face while another person has a cluster of butterflies on top of their head. I wonder if she looked in the mirror before she left? It looked more like she was trying to upstage the bride, then go to a wedding looking nice and elegant.

Inge Jones

Bea wants to be a fashion designer, so it's right that she would be bold about what she wears.  However, this was the wrong occasion for that outfit.  Now we don't really know whose fault that is.  If the others got together and agreed a dress code, then it was wrong of them not to let her know.  On the other hand if the information was available then she could have asked.  Eugenie looks like she knew what everyone would be wearing.


What would Beatrice be thinking as she saw herself in the mirror, prior to going out the door, dress in that fashion?  I can't imagine. If the Duchess feels she has to speak up again, to protect her daughter from critics, maybe she should think twice. WHO directed and encouraged her to wear such a gaudy outfit?? I'm not saying her mother, but somebody has to step in and give this girl lessons on dressing in a sophisticated manner! She needn't dress "older" then her years but pick a role model from among her celebrity friends, who has a good dress sense...She looked asolutely ridiculous, IMO... Eugenie must have gone to the same dress makes.. She was not a bonnie do either...I see Lady Gabrella Kent there with her husband and brother, now she looked as one should..


Just a second a go the BBC news had a small piece on this. The duchess asked for the press to be more responsible and not

'obliviate the confidence of a normal healthy girl'

I think a few people on here could learn from this! Are we all so insecure we should sit here all day and criticize someone else. I for one have better things to do.

I've said this before and I'll say it again but nobody really seems to have a problem with Bea's except from people on here and a small handful of journos.

Beatrice like the hat, it suited the day. Where's the problem because I don't see it. Hat-gate is really starting to annoy me now.

I can see why people might dislike Bea's outfit but there was absolutely nothing wrong with Eugenies so lets not go picking on her eh!
Why should she wear something she doesn't like just because we like it on here. It's not like we've got to wear it!

I've probably come across as rally nasty - sorry I don't mean anything personally I've just had a hard day and I hate coming on here and seeing such horrible comments!  :flowery:
Harry~Hands Down

Fabulous Fake

Sarah was interviewed on the radio today and she was banging on about the criticism her daughter has been receiving.
She seemed to think that all the criticism was based on her daughter's size. :o

Well I've got news for her. :gaah:

I criticise her daughter constantly and I've never once made reference to her figure.

''There are none so blind as those who will not see.''

btw.....she managed to get a plug in about healthy eating and her television programme too :sowhat:

Inge Jones

Yes, the size criticisms and the dress criticisms are two completly different issues.


Quote from: Fabulous Fake on May 19, 2008, 12:18:13 PM
Sarah was interviewed on the radio today and she was banging on about the criticism her daughter has been receiving.
She seemed to think that all the criticism was based on her daughter's size. :o

Well I've got news for her. :gaah:

I criticise her daughter constantly and I've never once made reference to her figure.

''There are none so blind as those who will not see.''

btw.....she managed to get a plug in about healthy eating and her television programme too :sowhat:

She was talking about the bikini gate stuff, not general I think

I've never got why you hate her so much Fabulous Fake

I can see why you dislike her but hates such a strong word, in my life I've never met anyone I've hated I've disliked people or they've annoyed me but I find it hard to believe you hate her so much what has she ever done to you personally, you've never even met her most of what we get is half truths from the media or a snapshot - we never get the full picture.
Harry~Hands Down

Fabulous Fake

Why on earth do you think I 'hate' her?  :hmm:

I reserve such emotions for evil and wicked people (like Hitler). :shrug:


Oh I thought you'd use that word before - sorry  :)

Anyway you still seem unnecessarily harsh on here - but whatever thats your choice 

...and to show I didn't mean any of it personally have a kiss from me  .sticky  :P
Harry~Hands Down

Fabulous Fake

Its ok. :flower:

I actually find her a figure of fun and laugh at her.

I strongly dislike her attitudes and regret that she has inherited so much of the worst aspects of both parents.

I also resent the fawning over her simply because of her connections to royalty and take great exception to the way that she is apparently wasting every opportunity that she could have.
I've never ever seen a public figure fritter away a 'gap year' so wastefully and that is why my dislike is so apparent.

Just look at her cousins who have all got off their backsides and apparently done something/anything other than enjoy themselves.


I understand FabFake's dislike. I find her a spoiled stupid rich girl who hasn't a blinking brain in her head. She looks like the type that shoots off her dumb mouth without any idea of what she is spewing about.
She obviously is not a complete idiot, I just find her personality irritating.
I think she probably has a gregarious personality that gets her some bad raps. Some can have brains and outgoing personalities and really stand apart from the norm...... she's NOT one.
She looks pushy, and I get the impression that she leads that poor boyfriend around by the nose (and he takes it!)
Ah.. but they are still young!
!!!!! Wills is Happy!!!!! ( :D click the link to see how happy Wills is!)

Kuei Fei

Beatrice is not being ripped at because of her figure. I don't think she's in good shape and she dresses poorly and needs to take a realistic look at herself. I'm sick of the politically correct poppycock that states Beatrice looks just fine and we should leave her alone. She doesn't.

She isn't doing anything with herself, which is what I object to. It's not my tax money, but as a 24 year old adult I take issue with people who say she should be allowed to enjoy herself. She's an adult and if she has enough time to go out and get drunk within an inch of her life, she ahs more than enough time during the day to do a few token duties. I also find it interesting how she's nineteen and the legal drinking age I believe over there is 21. She epitomizes everything that is wrong with royalty and she's getting criticized because she deserves it.

The press might at times get petty, but it isn't just the editorialists that are going after her now. It's the public, the people who pay for her and like the French they are rightly getting angrier and angrier.

If  :notworthy: The Queen :notworthy: can scale back a much deserved celebration because of the economic downturn, surely Beatrice could be benevolent enough to do some basic ribbon cutting. As for her boyfriend, I think he's dating her because of her title and not because of her personality or looks. I imagine he takes it because he might want to brag that be boinked a royal princess or because no one substantial wants anything to do with her.

Inge Jones

Well at this stage I have to ask whether FabulousFake knows Beatrice personally.  She's referring to Beatrice's character and attitudes, while I am not aware that anything much about her attitudes is actually in the public domain.  We've seen photos and heard her mother spouting about various things, but what do we really know about Beatrice other than a few biographical facts?


We can drink at 18 - it's only Americas that 21.

Although I might not agree with it, I respect all your opinions

But a lot of you seem to be making big assumptions which we have no evidence for, you're all tal;king as if you know her personally, but you don't you've never met her you're basing it off some press half truths  we don't know the nature of Bea and her BF's relationship at all. To be honest the only people other than the press I see going on a her are people on here....trust me the rest of GB public don't care! I've yet to meet someone who does.

QuoteI don't think she's in good shape and she dresses poorly

This I have to take issue with Beatrice is not fat and it makes my blood boil when people do say that, and I feel like I've said it a million times this weekend but she dresses a lot better than half  the people I see, and at times is very much in the fashion of teens in the UK. I don't agree with all her choices but she feel good in them thats all that matters.
Harry~Hands Down