Duchess of York Attacks Critics of Daughter Princess Beatrice in Bikini Photos

Started by MapleLeaf, May 14, 2008, 04:43:57 AM

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I don't think she's going into the fashion industry, she's taking a history degree :) (like my sister coincidently bot obviously different uni)
Harry~Hands Down


I thought I read she was, guess I read wrong, good thing she's not :) (kidding).
B does get on my nerves, but she's an ok kid, spoiled but ok. It's Eugenie that is going to be the sparkler!
!!!!! Wills is Happy!!!!! ( :D click the link to see how happy Wills is!)


Yes there were rumors and some mags were reporting that she'd already decided on doing a fashion degree. But I think they were all just rumors she probably just mentioned in a jokey way that it would be fun to do - and they all took it in there usual way assuming thats what she'd do!

I think it's much better that she's doing a History degree myself. Much more worthwhile. I was rather worried when all things were flying about saying she was going to go into fashion - not really an ideal industry for a Princess IMO.
Harry~Hands Down

Inge Jones

Yes I was surprised I felt sure I had read she was going to study fashion design, but lo and behold the latest article says history.


Whatever she takes ( I'm inclined to agree with her selection of History etc) hopefully she lays off the junk foods and looks after herself...She is a pleasant looking young lady and with the priviledge of her position in life, should, by all means, be a role model for her age group. :thumbsup: Do we still have Girl Guides and Brownies or CGIT, ??????  I've never seen any of these two girls in uniforms of such... I believe that is the direction that Sarah should have taken them and not out to Sir Elton Johns huge party at the age of 15.... :sowhat: :thumbsdown:


I went to Brownies, and Guides :D

They might have gone when they were younger, but then they might not have liked it, not all girls enjoy that kind of thing.I know they used to do Ballet when they were about 10 and horse riding, and Eugenie used to do a lot of sport.

I wouldn't see her as that much of a role model for my age group (17-18) at sixth form I doubt I'd find more then a handful say 5 of us out of over 250 who even knows who she is!!!
Harry~Hands Down