Prince Felipe is going to marry

Started by s089, November 01, 2003, 08:15:33 PM

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Hi  :)  im new here ( well not that new... i never posted because i liked to read only the threads) and i have some news for you

In TVE, an Spanish channel, in El Telediario the reporters talked about the marriage of Prince Felipe and a reporter, Leticia Ortiz ( she is dark blond and has blue eyes, really beautil!). The will marry in the beginning of summer in Catedral Santa Maria ( something like that i dont remember really well the name).

Well i gave you this news because  this forum didn't have a new thread. The news will appear on La Vanguardia newspaper.

P.D: Sorry if you dont understand me! I just speak Spanish and a little English! :angelic:  


Agent Smith: Why, Mr. Anderson? Why do you do it? Why get up? Why keep fighting? Do you believe you're fighting for something? For more that your survival? Can you tell me what it is? Do you even know? Is it freedom?


Welcome to the forum s089 - and thanks for the news.

Letizia Ortiz has been a news anchor on Spanish TV channel TVE1 at 9pm Spanish time - 3pm Eastern -  since the beginning of September. She has also been based in Washington occasionally. I have seen the channel broadcast in the US on some cable channels so you may have seen her if you get TVE Internacional.

El Pais

The picture is of Letizia meeting Felipe last week when Felipe presented the annual Premios Pr?ncipe de Asturias, which gives recognition to Spanish and international individuals. President Lula da Silva of Brazil was one recipient this year.

Letizia married Alonso Guerrero, a literature teacher  in 1999. The marriage lasted little more than a year.

Picture of Letizia

Another one
(> <)


Agent Smith: Why, Mr. Anderson? Why do you do it? Why get up? Why keep fighting? Do you believe you're fighting for something? For more that your survival? Can you tell me what it is? Do you even know? Is it freedom?


thanks to both you!  :)  and yes Leticia is from TVE and yes! she was in the United States one time, i think she made a live report for the 11st September.

Sadly this news is not available right now on the Inernet because that news was given from the royal family to El Telediario this afternoon or morning (i dont remember) but surely it will appear tomorrow in Spanish pages, specially in Spanish Yahoo.

Buenas tardes!


coming to think about it i will buy the newspaper
Agent Smith: Why, Mr. Anderson? Why do you do it? Why get up? Why keep fighting? Do you believe you're fighting for something? For more that your survival? Can you tell me what it is? Do you even know? Is it freedom?


eres espa?ol??? i only saw the ad on the newspaper la vanguardia and el pais ( i think that they mentioned that newspaper)


Agent Smith: Why, Mr. Anderson? Why do you do it? Why get up? Why keep fighting? Do you believe you're fighting for something? For more that your survival? Can you tell me what it is? Do you even know? Is it freedom?


It looks like Prince Felipe and Letizia managed to keep their friendship secret. Letizia was presenting the TVE news until yesterday.

There only seems to be one photograph of them together - and that was one taken when she was in a line of TVE staffers being presented to Felipe at the Premios Pr?ncipe de Asturias last week.

Felipe's official title is Pr?ncipe de Asturias ie Prince of Asturias. Asturias is a region in northern Spain. Letizia was born in Oviedo which is in Asturias - so she will be particularly suitable to become Princess of Asturias.

Letizia will from now have the official status of fianc?e of Prince Felipe, will accompany Felipe on some official duties and will also be given royal security protection.
(> <)


yeah i just saw a pic of her
she is really beautiful
Agent Smith: Why, Mr. Anderson? Why do you do it? Why get up? Why keep fighting? Do you believe you're fighting for something? For more that your survival? Can you tell me what it is? Do you even know? Is it freedom?


im so happy their getting married
Agent Smith: Why, Mr. Anderson? Why do you do it? Why get up? Why keep fighting? Do you believe you're fighting for something? For more that your survival? Can you tell me what it is? Do you even know? Is it freedom?


I'm so happy for him. He's what, 39 now? Took him long enough lol


Agent Smith: Why, Mr. Anderson? Why do you do it? Why get up? Why keep fighting? Do you believe you're fighting for something? For more that your survival? Can you tell me what it is? Do you even know? Is it freedom?


Prince Felipe is 35 years old, but how many years have leticia??

P.D: mediastar thanks for giving pictures of this topic!!! ah and one tip if you are a fan of TVE go and see Operacion Triunfo and pray for my favorite..Leticia! ( has the same name as the Prince's fianc?e)  :mrmouse:  


Letizia is 31.

The BBC has got confused about Letizia's last name. They should pay more respect to fellow journalists.

I watched some of Operaci?n Triunfo last year. My favourite was Beth. I haven't watched it this year yet.

Lots of Spanish people came on another another forum here to talk about their favourites in Operaci?n Triunfo.
(> <)


in that page, the first news is about Letizia and the Prince ( sadly, you have to get an account).

My favorite last year was Ainhoa and my most hated one was the ***** of Vega( sorry im still heating her)

I recommend you watch this version, they sing good and are more human the ones of OT2 :mrmouse:  


A month before the announcement of the engagement, Letizia had been showing some old friends from her university days around the TV studios at Torrespa?a, just before presenting the news.

She confided to them: "I'm going out with a guy at the moment - and if everything goes well, we'll get married."

One of the friends replied; "Well, if you get married and I don't find out about it I hope you're very happy."

Letizia replied: "Don't worry. You'll find out."
(> <)


Well she may have tought this while she was talking to his friend: "?Que ya quiero ver la cara que pondr?is todos ustedes cuando lo sepan!"

Now, she may be thinking: "?Guapa, lo has conseguido..ayy que dir?n!"

Lila the Flirt

hi all. it's been a long time. yes, i have to admit she's really beautiful (darn it!) hehe.. hope he'll be happy. Hola! s089, buenos dias. Are you from Madrid?  

Flirt's the name, flirtin's my game :lila:


No, no soy espa?ol, soy paname?o (es un pa?s con un canal famos?simo y estamos entre Colombia y Costa Rica).

?T? eres de Madrid?

Lila the Flirt

Ah.. Yes, I am from Madrid but I'm in France at the moment, studying. :D  

Flirt's the name, flirtin's my game :lila:


(Si quieres te hablo como espa?ol)

?Qu? guay, t?a!  ?Est?s en Par?s,?o en Le Mans o quiz?s en Toulose? Ja  ?qu? bueno que puedo hablar aqu? con hispano-hablantes!

Mi familia de por alla viene principalmente de las islas canarias y de asturias

Un besazo!

Lila the Flirt

That's alright. I like to use English so others can understand. :)  I'm at the Universite Paris-Sorbonne. Really? Well, I'm "mixed". On my mother's side: My grandmother is Spanish, my grandfather French. On the other side, my grandparents are English

Flirt's the name, flirtin's my game :lila:


Well i prefer to express in Spanish it takes me less time to post and my answers have more "elaboration". ( I have to practice more my English)

Well my mother comes from Cuba, her mother is Cuban and his father is from Asturias. My grandmother( coming from my father) is Italian(Doh! like Homer say :P ) and my grandfather is from Cannary Islands.

Hey it's sad that you aren't in Spain right now, you are losing "Gran Hermano 5". A?da Nizar is the most problematic person that has touched that soil! :)  

Lila the Flirt

You can practice your English on me. :D Italian? So you speak the language? Yes, it indeed is sad but what can I do? I go home on breaks though. :D  

Flirt's the name, flirtin's my game :lila: