Forum Safety

Started by Jenee, June 22, 2006, 02:37:01 AM

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A Message about Forum Safety.

Please don't give out any personal information to anyone. This includes your last name, phone number or email address. There are too many weirdos out there and we really don't want anyone here to be misled by anyone.

All over the world, predators use the internet to lure unsuspecting women out of their safety zone by telling them what they want to hear, offering them things, then inviting them to meet and attacking them. With this being a royalty forum, we are bound to get people here that claim to know one of the royals personally. Please don't give out personal information to anyone even if they tell you they will contact William and Harry for you. It is WAY too dangerous so please don't do this. The odds that anyone can get you in contact with one of them are slim to none, so please use your best judgment with these situations. 

The internet makes it very easy for predators to find information about people-- phone numbers, addresses, personal records, etc. Please be careful when sending PMs to members, and never give out your personal information!

Very recently, there was a story about a girl who met a man online and was subsequently raped by him. While this is an extreme case of what can happen it's important to realize that bad things can happen. Don't let your guard down because someone promises you things.

Along these same lines we do not want to censor anyone's right to say what they want (as long as it's within the rules). If someone really does seem to know one of the royals, or talks to them just be respectful about what you post about them, please. (Refrain from giving out personal information or relaying personal conversations.). Don't personally attack anyone that claims to know them or see them. If you have a different opinion, it's fine to post it just do so in a respectful way. If anyone is contacted by someone on this forum claiming to be one of the royals or says they will contact them for you it's strongly recommended that you contact a mod or an admin. DO NOT BELIEVE THIS AND DO NOT GIVE THEM ANY PERSONAL INFO!!

Thank you for you help. If you have any questions please Pm a mod or an admin.

Visit these sites for more information about internet safety:
"It does not do to dwell on dreams, and forget to live" -Dumbledore