Team Sussex: The Sussexes Legal Action Part 1

Started by Blue Clover, May 24, 2023, 11:12:03 PM

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Maybe the Judge needs to read ALL the documents of the court case before making a decision, and Harry should show up to say He did Not lie if he thinks this is so important, why sit in Ca thinking of how to sue the Judge or someone else..they must have tons of money with these lawyer fees and they are not cheap as I well know.


Quote from: Curryong on December 10, 2023, 04:41:53 AM
The judge did not say that Harry had lied about saying he was willing to pay when at the Sandringham Summit. And the judge has not seen the notes taken at the Sandringham Summit by Young or either of the others.

And no judge hearing a case before the courts in Britain can (discreetly or otherwise) ask anyone who is not appearing before them on oath any questions in reference to any case they are hearing, or indeed any case currently before UK courts. Or to provide any evidence of any kind without being on oath in a court setting. That would be completely against the law and his remit as judge and no judge or magistrate would ever do such a thing.

Is not telling someone something lying - misinformation?
Leaving out important details to intentionally misrepresent the truth is known as lying by omission.

Curryong, many things have changed unfavorably for Harry after all the  over-sharing, equate that in a court of law as 'public and notorious'.

Quote Judiciary

(c) as such, the Claimant was responsible for attempting to mislead and confuse the public as to the true position, which was ironic given that he now held a public role in tackling ''misinformation''.



Approved Judgment
Courts and Tribunals Judiciary ? uploads ? 2023/12
2 days ago ? public role in tackling 'misinformation'. (?Prince Harry seeks judicial review after Home Office stops him.

The links are PDF latest version in chrome, so if you don't have it installed just copy/paste and it should open in whatever search engine you use.

^ Same goes with his home office case, public and notorious that the couple opened their SussexRoyal website with their own initial plan as if it were already agreed with the Monarch, as time went on they kept on deleting what was not accepted including IPP status.  BUT it did say they were leaving voluntarily for their financial independence.  The initial website was informed publicly to worldwide meida - public and notorious. Now he says he was forced.


Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex
Member, Aspen Commission on Information Disorder
Co-Founder, Archewell

Meet the Commissioners - The Aspen Institute

He publicly carries out information disoder himself. Why should a Judge having the knowledge, which is public and notorious ignore this aspect. The public and notorious is used by all countries worldwide in a court of law. It is the biggest evidence.


LONDON -- LONDON (AP) ? Prince Harry won his phone hacking lawsuit Friday against the publisher of the Daily Mirror and was awarded over 140,000 pounds ($180,000) in the first of his several lawsuits against the tabloids to go to trial.

Justice Timothy Fancourt in the High Court found that phone hacking was ?widespread and habitual? at Mirror Group Newspapers over many years and private investigators ?were an integral part of the system? to gather information unlawfully. He said executives at the papers were aware of the practice and covered it up.

Fancourt found that 15 of the 33 newspaper articles in question at trial had been compiled with the help of unlawful means.


So basically 11 years ago he was offered a settlement of GBP 200,000 which he didn't accept because his brother was offered GBP 1 Million. Now he got less.

Congratulations I guess?! (He can cover partial expenses though; paying the Daily Mail and some of his lawyers work)


Congratulations to  Prince Harry on this partial victory today.


Prince Harry settles phone-hacking claim with Mirror group

Harry has settled his claim with the Mirror group. The organisation has agreed to pay all of Harry?s legal costs throughout the case, plus 300, 000 pounds in compensation. So that?s a good little victory for Harry!


Harry on Piers Morgan, who incidentally has left his failing TV show and Murdoch, to concentrate on setting up his own TV channel, lol!

With the court case finished, Prince Harry, who is now back in the US, took aim at Piers Morgan who edited the Mirror paper between 1995 and 2004.

In a statement via his solicitor Mr Sherborne, Harry said Morgan ?knew perfectly well? what was happening when he edited the paper.

?Even his own employer realised it simply could not call him as a witness of truth at the trial.

?His contempt for the court?s ruling and his continued attacks ever since demonstrate why it was so important to obtain a clear and detailed Judgement.?


A Legal victory for Meghan in the defamation action brought by her half sister Samantha. The Florida judge said, in her 58 page summation that Meghan's statements in the Oprah interview ( including about her growing up as virtually an only child)) were 'substantially true', even if 'they could be considered defamatory in the first place'. The judge dismissed the case 'with prejudice', meaning that Samantha can't bring another adjustment.


Samantha Markle's lawyers have just filed an appeal against the dismissal by Judge Honeywell in March of Samantha's defamation suit, so she's not giving up this hopeless quest. More chances to throw shade in Meghan's direction.

Her lawyers are going to request that the Prss of Wales give them a witness statement about what she supposedly overheard about Meghan defaming Samantha. Yes, I can just see Kate complying with that! Always great to start the day with a good belly laugh!,it%20cannot%20simply%20be%20refiled.


Samantha Markle is delusional, imo. Why would Catherine, who has NEVER met or talked to her, be a witness for her? Witness for what, exactly?
You may think you're cool, but do you have a smiley named after you?
Harryite 12-005

Okay, fine.  Macrobug is now as cool as I am


Quote from: Lothwen on April 10, 2024, 02:40:05 AMSamantha Markle is delusional, imo. Why would Catherine, who has NEVER met or talked to her, be a witness for her? Witness for what, exactly?

According to the article

'On March 18, Ticktin told Wootton during an episode of his Outspoken online talk show that he felt as though the princess would be able to provide a useful witness statement in the trial. 

'I felt that Catherine might have some very important light to shed on what had occurred because obviously something is really really wrong between these two.'

Ticktin is Samantha's attorney. Apparently Ticktin went rushing off to give an exclusive about consulting Kate to that disgusting grub, the ex talk show host and editor Dan Wootton, who now has a online talk show with a few thousand viewers after being kicked off his other roles.


'Prince Harry has won the latest round in his court case against the publisher of the Sun newspaper, after a High Court judge rejected an application to delay the trial.

In the latest ruling, judge dismissed NGN's request to push back the trial listed for next January, saying it would be "unsatisfactory" to delay proceedings to instead hold a narrower preliminary trial to decide if cases had been brought too late.

The Duke of Sussex alleges he was targeted by journalists and private investigators working for NGN, which also published the now-defunct News Of The World.'