The Iffy-Wiff Club: Archewell Foundation, Invictus, and other charities, news, a

Started by Blue Clover, May 24, 2023, 11:07:24 PM

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Blue Clover

Quote from: Kristeh-H on June 27, 2023, 01:23:34 PM
Thanks, Blue Clover!  I don't think Meghan wants to live a quiet lifestyle at all.  I think her dream has always been to live as an A-list celebrity / global philanthropist, except not doing the nitty-gritty work of philanthropy just having photo-ops and receiving awards.

I don't know what Harry wants.  I don't know if Harry himself knows what he wants.   

Hi Kristeh H, I agree. Meghan wanted to reach the highest level A-list celebrity status all along, and she won't stop until she, in her mind, reaches this goal. She will stay in the media forever, although it is unclear if she will be like a Wallis Simpson-type person or something else. She will most likely crave "celebrity" level attention for the rest of her life.


^^A play of words from Sussex Camp.

To put it basic and simple, Netflix DOES have the Invictus  which is part of the half of the USD 120Million contract.

The remaining USD 60Million is IF and only IF Netflix accepts any projects from the couple - they have until 2025 to propose and earn that amount if it receives a go ahead from the company. The contract is until 2025 with this stipulation. IF Netflix had broken the 2025, they'd have to pay a penalty. Stipulation is the Sussex give ideas/projects, Netflix can accept or reject with no penalties until the day/month/2025.

Neil said yesterday the couple were going to do a counter PR about their Netflix situation starting today but the situation is basically the ^ above two sentences. A project that is being studied by Netflix from the Sussexes is called Bad Manners (poked idea from Dickens Great Expectations)


Prince Harry, interviewing Putin? Just imagine what it would have been like...

I don?t usually comment on him anymore, but given the situation that occurred in Moscow recently, I thought this was hilarious.

The thought of Putin and Harry in a room together with Harry trying to get him to hug his inner child is just absolute comedy gold 😂


The idea as I've said is Joe Rogan esque. There is nothing wrong with the copycat idea. The issue is 'finding a producer who has the real and truthful factual contact book who actually can minimum write and have a 'consideration of', meaning the letter reaches to the 'first line circle with direct secretary to mention an invitation to Trump, Putin, Zuck short name for Mark - the facebook man he himself uses his also known as AKA and the Pope'. 

Harry's idea - he should have written directly to these people IF he really wanted to 'work'.

The couple IMO are too lazy, 3 years of very low to none productivity. They themselves in their tax form to the IRS, we work 1 hour a week.


^But Vladimir Putin? Come on. I actually enjoy the wide variety of guests that Joe Rogan has on his podcast and it?s taken time to gain enough reputation to make it a destination for these figures to make appearances.

But I don?t even think Joe Rogan would have enough hubris to believe he could call up the Kremlin to ask Putin for an interview.

Additionally, Putin is one of the most intelligent men out there. He?s not a role model in terms of literally anything else, but the man isn?t an idiot. To think that Harry would have the ability to keep up with him is funny in and of itself. The idea that Putin would even want to address the fad that ?childhood trauma? has become is the funniest part of all.

I think it really shows the delusion of where Harry believes he ranks in the grand scheme of things. Clearly doesn?t seem to have accepted that he?s now just another Hollywood celebrity and also doesn?t seem to realize that it takes skill to interview anyone, but to interview someone like Putin would be quite the challenge for even the most experienced broadcaster.


^ Vlad has acceded to interview (s) with someone from the West - Oliver Stone.
^ Trump has acceded to interview (s) - Piers Morgan
^ Zuck and the Pope acceded via film or documentary about themselves. Zuck went through a mandatory congress interview/too much database about everyone, big brother style.

^  This is what I mean in a illustration of contact of ''intention'' to do business or whatever motive to make sure it reaches the center of inner circle, the person in question.


^Sure and I agree, it doesn?t sound like they have much in the way of follow-through, but I think that?s mainly because neither of them have any background in producing or creating content.

Meghan was an actress, but that?s not the same as being the one responsible for manning the entire ship. And blogging about your experiences is also not the same as putting a podcast together. Two different things. And Harry had an entire staff of people to put together his visits. He just showed up and read the briefings. And army life doesn?t equate to podcast production.

It?s the idea itself that shows that he genuinely believes himself to be in the stratosphere of someone like Barack Obama. Sitting down for a chat with Putin? Just a folly.


IMO just because they are (ex) royals, they think they can/may have and do everything. They did initially, not their fault US companies handed out moneys because of WHO Harry is!.

The hard part is 'sustaining' the handout. The 3 words from Simmons was the ''alerting'', i.e. black balling, Human Resources warning to the rest of the industry of  fired line by the book of financial loss (all companies have a fired/redundancy handbook)- Simmon says.


I?ve always loved Bill Simmons for the way he?s always said what was on his mind. Whether you agree with his statements or not, he was and is never one to mince words about how he personally feels about someone or something.

He clearly saw straight through Harry; not that it?s hard. And that?s actually a great point you made. It?s not their fault, but they got handed something because of who they used to be and their connections. The issue is, as you mentioned, sustainment. Here, the contract came before the ideas. That?s bad business. But that?s on Spotify.

I?m not here to rehash on their delusions. Clearly, their connection to reality is?tenuous, to say the least. I just thought that bit about Putin was absolutely hilarious and I almost wish it had happened just for my own entertainment. After all the destruction that Putin has caused, he at least owes us one good thing and that interview could have been the comedic highlight of my month 😂


IMO the only way their Netflix contract can hold is Season 2 of Harry and Meghan reality show of their life in Montecito. US articles suggesting this point.  I am making this point as it is together with Penguin House the remaining contracts the couple have. I can't comment on any possible new projects until they are available news to the public. It sucks to be a public person in all honesty and be dependant at the same time of a company, the couple are ''employees'' or hired externals via contract.

The company has axed a lot of films and series that didn't see the light of day OR didn't have a ''ending'' (series).  Source: social media fans of books (possible film about a book fantasy or real life) and series with no ending because of the chopboard. Note: As I said since last year, all industries have had to axe employees and whatever they produce, from consumer goods to this particular industry.  Lately as I also mentioned, i.e. Disney was very honest with the situation; all production that will/is going forward are ALL DELAYED, no axing.


Eh, idk. I?m a believer that people like this will always land on their feet. Will they be respected? Likely not. A reputation, once lost, is difficult to regain. But they don?t need respect, they need money, which I think they?ll be able to get.

Part of the reason I don?t post here is because their conduct just disgusts me. But also because it?s so boring now, they don?t influence the RF anymore, so they don?t intrigue me anymore. I only posted that bit because it made me laugh lol the most interesting thing I?ve seen about them in a while.


Quote from: HistoryGirl2 on June 29, 2023, 01:46:32 PM
^Sure and I agree, it but I think that?s mainly because neither of them have any background in doesn?t sound like they have much in the way of follow-through, producing or creating content.

Meghan was an actress, but that?s not the same as being the one responsible for manning the entire ship. And blogging about your experiences is also not the same as putting a podcast together. Two different things. And Harry had an entire staff of people to put together his visits. He just showed up and read the briefings. And army life doesn?t equate to podcast production.

It?s the idea itself that shows that he genuinely believes himself to be in the stratosphere of someone like Barack Obama. Sitting down for a chat with Putin? Just a folly.

I have to say that I am a bit surprised that Meghan didn't seem to have some idea of what is involved with the production side of any video project. Was she not aware of what her ex-husband did as a producer? I have to guess that it wasn't a topic that they discussed when they were together.


Meghan does, she just wanted to be in every single bit and piece of the entire picture. Argumentative for every 'move' is micro managing, translate that to problematic. No matter which company, there are functions and responsibilities for every person.

She did it with her time at the BRF, she did it at Spotify, she did it at Season 1 Netflix.

She just can't help herself,  unable to control her actions or stop herself from doing something. Super controller. She doesn't see anything wrong with being a micro manager too. Nothing wrong if you will be your own boss, your own employee, your own everthing (For Real).


^^I think it?s hard to truly grasp the work it requires to genuinely produce content in today?s media world. And sometimes there?s vanity producing where you get the credit of being a producer and don?t do much.

A podcast is your voice; literally and figuratively. What people are starving for is original content. They can tell if it?s manufactured or disingenuous. Truthfully, Harry seems lost. I don?t think he knows what his niche is, if he even has one. Hence the ridiculous Vladimir idea 😂


It's actually easy from what I've read or seen from producers who have written or made social media comment about their profession. Right people, right attitude, letting go of minor detailing every day, interrupting, getting into the hair of helps things move forward.


^Producing is a very broad job title though. I agree that there are times where there?s literally no work involved, but there?s producing jobs that require you to do a lot. It?s not a one size fits all type of definition.

Creating content is not an easy job though. It might look easy from the outside, but it?s an every day kind of a job while the content is being provided. You don?t just show up on the day/time the podcast is being recorded and that?s that.


If you start from the 'bottom' it is. The thing is the spotify articles (consequently the Netflix paragraphs too, asking Netflix to edit here there everywhere on a frequent basis) do state that the couple, mostly Meghan is micro managing hired people making it difficult to move forward.

To make a simple example, If you edit a film, the edit will affect absolutlely the entire film; voice, background music if any, timing of each scene, I can go on. Hence the micro managing comment. This produces delays, interruptions, no ending to no ending, people tired of getting into their hair...


I?d have to see exactly what she?s doing to make it difficult. If it?s her attitude that?s one thing, but there?s nothing wrong with her wanting to have control over the content that?s being produced. It?s her podcast. If we?re talking about wanting to do someone else?s job outright, that?s stepping over the line. But podcast hosts (even the super famous ones) don?t just show up to work to talk for an hour and then are never heard from till the next time.


I recall Bloomberg and WSJ wrote about edits, copy/pasting to put everything together. Very likely if one was just natural rather than contrived, there would be less editing. Many of the 'in' podcasts are existing and alive do to being natural, video filming a podcast as it comes and posted in their spotify channel, youtube and social media as it is.

i.e. my favorite tennis podcast, there are two of them are just as I explain here, which is also translated to what the above two bibles of business said, which was generalizing the arts and entertainment world - not easily understood the behind the scenes of ''editing'' and its complications, delays, etc., luckily as I said in the past, I do have a family member - top management - in top 3 worldwide tv services. This family member started as a radio producer for a very very famous person...climbed the ladder because this person is good at the job, excelled.

Nobody is perfect, natural with all warts included, i.e. Kate low voice, English accent to a point of being nervous or scared to speak out loud makes her wannable.  :D because of the no pretense of being 'perfect'. The next best thing then if this is a 'con' learn to the point of almost getting a real diploma of the 'subject', in her case, be honest to God as natural as one can be. W is doing the same.  IMO IMO IMO!!!  One thing is for sure, that is more endearing to the public than being contrived.


Well, that I can see. She is highly conscious of her image down to the T. I don?t think there?s anything ?natural? about her, everything feels forced and contrived, in my opinion. I?m not sure that type of broadcasting is popular these days. I think most people would prefer that relaxed, honest conversation. I can only speak from my personal experience, and that?s what I like, too.

But at the very least, she actually provided a podcast. Harry did not. And dag nabbit on that front 😂


Spotify takes ?34m hit on podcasting in wake of Harry & Meghan split

QuoteSpotify has taken a ?39m (?34m) hit on podcasts after ditching a string of deals including its high-profile tie-up with the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.

The music streaming service revealed that it had taken the writedown in the second quarter of the year as a result of ?write offs and contract termination? costs ?in connection with rationalising our podcast content portfolio?.

Spotify has recently been making heavy cutbacks in its podcasting division after spending millions expanding into the market.

Last month Spotify and Archewell Audio, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle?s podcast production company, agreed to mutually terminate a $20m (?16m) deal they signed in 2020.

The Duke and Duchess reportedly failed to meet performance targets to secure the full payout. The commercial arrangements have not been disclosed.


^ More of the above strategy campaign of victimhood (blaming everyone)

Inside Meghan Markle, Prince Harry's Growing Pains in Showbiz - Exclusive

Whitewash:  please forget that Spotify built a recording studio at our property, please forget the 'archetypes' ads and promos, please forget the 20 something people Spotify hired for us, please forget we published in our own website after a 2 year pandemic - normalization of the planet we decided to take a 5 month maternity/paternity leave despite the economic downfall and tribulations worldwide.

Will it work? The saying about 'the 3rd time's a charm'?!

The 3rd is WMA, the 2nd was Sunshine Sach, the 1st was their own chosen by them KP Staff (moved to BP).


Richard Eden

When even #PrinceHarry and #Meghan's favoured media outlet @people says their career is suffering 'serious growing pains', you know they must be in trouble.


Quote from: wannable on August 02, 2023, 04:01:44 PM
Richard Eden

When even #PrinceHarry and #Meghan's favoured media outlet @people says their career is suffering 'serious growing pains', you know they must be in trouble.

Everything in Hollywood and out of it is suffering ?serious growing pains? at the moment. Studios here in Aus employing US actors and crew have closed. The Aus premiere of Oppenheimer saw the lead actors walk off the red carpet. Actors and crew employed at all streaming services are on picket lines or sitting at home. Nothing?s moving, so of course the Sussexes are affected. So is everyone else. Moneys still coming in to the Sussexes from their publishers and from other projects no doubt. And next month, after this month?s activities, polo, conference etc, comes Invictus.   


Quote from: wannable on August 02, 2023, 03:43:45 PM
^ More of the above strategy campaign of victimhood (blaming everyone)

Inside Meghan Markle, Prince Harry's Growing Pains in Showbiz - Exclusive

Whitewash:  please forget that Spotify built a recording studio at our property, please forget the 'archetypes' ads and promos, please forget the 20 something people Spotify hired for us, please forget we published in our own website after a 2 year pandemic - normalization of the planet we decided to take a 5 month maternity/paternity leave despite the economic downfall and tribulations worldwide.

Will it work? The saying about 'the 3rd time's a charm'?!

The 3rd is WMA, the 2nd was Sunshine Sach, the 1st was their own chosen by them KP Staff (moved to BP).

The part of that article that I found completely incredulous was a paragraph that said (paraphrasing, but this was the gist) that Harry and Meghan left because they didn't want royal life for their family, and everything else flows from that.  Seriously??!!!  The Duke and Duchess of Sussex didn't want royal life for HRH Prince Archie and HRH Princess Lilibet???

No one has forgotten that this is not what Harry and Meghan wanted.  They didn't want to give up being royals.  They wanted half in, half out.  They wanted to pick and choose royal events to participate in, and also build their own personal fortune.  Their leaving is rooted in two things, imo:  jealousy of William and Catherine (they still can't seem to let that go, can they?) and a desire to build their own Hollywood empire.  And even that desire is connected to their envy of the Wales.  Of course I think they wanted money and fame for its own sake, but I also think they want it because they want to upstage William and Catherine.  If they can't actually move ahead of W and C in the hierarchy, then H and M at least want more wealth and popularity. 

At least that's what I think.