Books about and written by the Sussexes

Started by sara8150, May 13, 2020, 03:10:36 AM

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Her friends in behalf are going bonkers and crazier. 

Today they are claiming she has a diary, made notes of everything since meeting Harry.  If so, that diary, superficial or juicy is worth a lot of money.


Ive said before but this will all end in tears.


If it's true (diary), mentioning it intentionally to the media is for what reason? It sounds like a warning of a statement of a possibility of menace, damage. 

Her new life in LA, what will new or old people that meet her or know her think about this? Will she be taking notes about those people too?

^ @PrincessOfPeace I had heard (and read) early into their wedding 18th May 2018 (in a few days their 2 year wedding anniversary) that she had a diary and was writing daily notes.  But now we have Sebas Shakespeare stating what another of her anon friends. Only time will tell if she writes an autobiography or journal as SS mentions about her 4 years to date with Harry.   

IMO, anything said or done in those 4 years of dating plus marriage is not deep reading into and compared with people experience of 20 or more years writing about their lives.  The controversy of departing and how they did it, is what has many more people curious.

BTW, I also think it will end in tears. 


' Anonymous friends'!! The 'Meghan writing a diary' story  began on Tumblr anti-Meghan sites even before her engagement. She was going to flog it to US publishers after Harry had finished with her, 'convinced by sites like theirs that were determined to SAVE him from the WITCH.' And yes, they were that deluded!

We know journalists trawl Twitter and Tumblr for stories, and as for Sebastian Shakespeare he's the reverse of any credible reporter of Royal goings on. I remember reading it on one called Felix that was later closed down by Twitter authorities as early as Jan of 2017.


Quote from: wannable on May 14, 2020, 06:36:30 PM
Only time will tell if she writes an autobiography or journal as SS mentions about her 4 years to date with Harry.   

^ This. and

I personally have no problem with diaries, I used to have one, now its electronic  :teehee:.  But then I'm not famous, so I have no reasons to have a supposed friend in my behalf mention it to the media, especially when one split like a lightning bolt from the BRF.



Why would a supposed friend (always anonymous as is usual when the tabloid journos mention Meghan) go running to a columnist or anyone working for tabloids that Meghan is suing in order to confide that she has a diary?

And as I have already posted, rubbish about a supposed diary of hers  was whizzing around anti Meghan sites on Twitter and Tumblr as early as Jan of 2017, if not before.

Double post auto-merged: May 14, 2020, 10:42:27 PM

Meghan Markle Is Not ?Publishing a Kiss-and-Tell,? Despite New Rumors About Her Diaries | Vanity Fair

Time will tell, won't it, just like all those rumours about Ellen and the Sussexes, Oprah and Doria, Oprah and Meghan tell-all sit-down interviews that were trumpeted by the Fail to be happening on US TV  and never ever appeared.

And, as pointed out in the above article, Shakespeare made a basic error about the date of Meghan's guest editing of Vogue in his entry about this diary. Accurate, Much!  :hehe:


I hope to know in the court trial, as it has been assured, Meghan will have to disclose the 5 anon friends of People Mag.  Through that court case, we may probably learn who is who, and if one or two spill the beans of other disclosures.

With the admittance that her anon friends did talk to People...

I think Oprah and Harry finished before the Covid19 their MH special?! Not sure, but Oprah announced this past Monday that she has completely halted all and any project until January 2021. She and her hubby according to her are vulnerable and won't take a chance.


We don't know who spoke to People or whether they are British or American, close friends, people trying to defend Meghan, or just publicity hounds.

And No power on this earth can compel the citizens of another country to appear in a civil trial in Britain (in contrast to a criminal trial.) Also, the Court has no power to compel Meghan to uncover the names of those who supposedly spoke about this information to the magazine. And they have no power to force People to reveal these names either.

Double post auto-merged: May 14, 2020, 11:05:36 PM

Quote from: wannable on May 14, 2020, 10:45:29 PM
I hope to know in the court trial, as it has been assured, Meghan will have to disclose the 5 anon friends of People Mag.  Through that court case, we may probably learn who is who, and if one or two spill the beans of other disclosures.

With the admittance that her anon friends did talk to People...

I think Oprah and Harry finished before the Covid19 their MH special?! Not sure, but Oprah announced this past Monday that she has completely halted all and any project until January 2021. She and her hubby according to her are vulnerable and won't take a chance.

I'm sure she is anxious about Covid-19 like everyone else. However, Oprah isn't married, and if it's her boyfriend she mentioned, they don't even live together.

Oprah Winfrey reveals why she never married Stedman Graham


Her Lawyers said 5 friends did speak to people about the letter allegedly without Meghan's knowledge. The Judge accepted, and the defendants can question MM and request the names of the 5 friends. That they will sign up to help MM is another story, but MM will have to say who are the 5.

In reference to Ellen, Oprah and Gayle, they themselves opened pandoras box for the British Media and the rest of the world who wished to follow to write 1. first the fact for each lady involved with Harry or Meghan or both in a very open way stating/showing off/blurting/whatever you want to call it in their own TV programs 2. Speak out of turn by bait (Ellen was asked by a pap, joking or not she said yes I will interview them, Gayle by notifying minutes before exclusive visits, exclusive we are the only TV, Oprah by making her people reply to tweets, especially her Oprah Mag twitter).


The Court can request all they like but they cannot compel citizens of another country to appear in a civil case. That's the point.

As for Ellen and Oprah, neither Oprah nor Gayle hinted that they had signed up Doria, Meghan or Harry to a sit down interview on US TV. Ever. The speculation that they were going to do so came from British tabloids, notably the Fail. As for Ellen's joking, the British tabloids again tried to make two and two make five.

And to this day, Doria has never said anything publicly about her daughter or son in law, apart from a short statement stating how pleased she was that Meghan and Harry had become engaged in November 2018.


Of course they can't compel, it is up to MM to convince those 5 to testify, if not she's doomed and will have to settle before court date.  Doomed because the Lawyer admitted the 5 spoke to People about the letter, the Judge accepted, and the Defense pushed.  So Judge told MM Lawyer get the 5 to testify or without saying but we know settle.

E O and G did throw it when and I said baited.  That is to keep traffic in the viewing/advertisement/money.

I never said anything about Doria in this convo, but since she's up, Meghan uses her for PR 48 hour moves IMO. They have a weird relationship.  It would have been nice when they lived in the UK, 1 week stays. 


I've said all I'm going to about the court case. Not going to repeat it. I've said before I'm not prepared to come on this forum to repeat myself dozens of times.

Time will tell with the People, the 'friends' the court case, as with so many things, and time certainly has given the lie to all the speculation about those sit down interviews of Doria/the Sussexes with anybody on US TV. Including to you and others on this forum who were convinced interviews were forthcoming.

We don't know what sort of a relationship Meghan and Doria have, nor do we know when Doria stayed at FC or at what times, nor how many times they write and/or phone each other per week or month. Everybody is on the outside looking in at this relationship through a particular prism which colours whether they like the Sussexes or not. And I certainly do not believe that Meghan uses her mother for PR, nor that she visited for Mother's Day for PR purposes.


I understand and had hoped it not to be true, but what options did she have 1. say yes my friends mentioned the letter to People Magazine (the one her lawyers stated) 2. someone stole the letter from our home, either option is not good, first will be taken as evidence the letter was shared so TM wasn't first, so implicitly she will settle because she broke her own data protection/privacy of the letter, technical aspects, etc., the later a full investigation to whom stole the letter from home, Met Police involved, as I'm told they would do a full investigation to help a Princess, because they did it to help a sister (Pippa Middleton's vehicle was violated and film scrolls were stolen and recovered by the MetPol) of a future Queen.

She's a Princess of the UK, I don't think she understands the scandal. 

Princess Cassandra

Regarding the book, if I were in her shoes I would also want to "set the record straight".  But as I see it, Meghan does not see herself as others see her. She may not be happy with the reaction that the book receives. Also, she still does not understand that she needs to remain under the radar for a time, and the book being published will ensure that doesn't happen. I'm sure the book will receive a lot of attention.


What a total friggen mess...again...and again.


Her wanting an earlier release is obvious to me. She is in the background now and wants her name kept out there in this pandemic before she fades too much. When things lift, she will be in line with a bunch of celebs trying to regain public notice for their shows, gigs, charities, politics, etc. We have an election for President. She will not be in the front. If she keeps putting herself out, then people have her in mind. She is a very simple person to understand if you understand narcs. Harry married one, God save him.


Comment from Buckingham Palace in reference to Omid's book or any book about the BRF

The book?s description says it will offer an ?honest, up-close, and disarming portrait? of the Prince Harry, 35, and Meghan Markle, 38, and will portray in a positive light their decision to step down from royal duties.
But senior members of the royal family are understood to have been briefed about the book and have dismissed it, The Sunday Times reports.
?It was a soap opera. Everyone knows the narrative that?s coming,? a source told the paper.
?The feeling is that drama and everything that comes with it has left. Let the rest of the royal family get on with it.

?It?s just not a hot topic of conversation in the family. They have had so many books written about them that have lobbed some hefty bombs over the sides. They?re used to it.?

The Sun taking a quote from the Original piece Roya Nikkhah, The Sunday Times

Wow, the courtiers (I'd believe are the sources) calling the book a Soap Opera.  Roya Nikkhah says its true that Harry and mostly Meghan are desperate for the book to be available sooner rather than later, so whoever the friend that talks to the DM, apparently it's true.


Soap Opera: The Chilling Days of Sacramento. Vanity is pushed off the theater balcony by Ash. Ms. White frantically polishes a candlestick.  Adaire pays off a debt to Meade for the first time. Carmello decides the fate of Baird. Francesca meets with Pryce in Vroom.  :lol: :shrug:

To write a book. Attention much. Kinda backwards. But whatevs. Reader, she married him. Blah. Blah. Blah.   :lol:  :orchid:


That BP considered to comment to Roya Nikkhah, insulting the book referring the couple as drama queens, also known in better terms as soap opera.

The war of the books, I'm considering to purchase audio or electronic ebook of Omid and Lady Collin.


We know that some courtiers/BP staff couldn't stand Meghan so its no surprise that they would go sniffing superciliously and tittle tattling to Roya Nikkah about a book that they haven't read.

These people however, do not speak for Harry's grandmother or his father, and they are the only ones worth worrying about. As for Roya, must be a great job reporting gossip from people with an axe to grind within royal palaces, and even then she has got reports wrong!


They represent the Queen, the Firm, the Sovereign, the Monarch.  Easily fired if they are speaking out of turn in detriment to the Monarchy.

All firms worldwide, its workers represent, are the image of the company.


IF these people are speaking on condition of anonymity to a journalist, they are hardly likely to inform their Royal employers that they are the ones who are blabbing. If they do then said employer might well wonder what other facet of Royal life they might speak about to newspapers in the future.

And if anybody seriously thinks that the Queen thinks of her grandson's life as a soap opera or drama or that Charles does of his son, then they are seriously deluded.


I'm sure it's easy to catch a whisperer, works everywhere, should work for the 1000 year plus old firm.

The Sunday Times claims that BP senior royals all think the book is a Soap Opera. :hehe:


Royal Households do not act in the same way as business firms. There have been countless accounts over the years of how they operate, in both books and articles, and they just don't. In many ways they are founts of jealousy, envy, gossip and innuendo, much of it baseless, and often working against each other and the other Households.

Did she? The way I read it was that she reported that BP sources thought that THE BOOK was going to be written in the form of a dramatic soap opera, not that the Queen or Charles thought that Harry and Meghan's life was. And I can read English. Unless  Roya's been hanging from the chandeliers in the Queen's sitting room at BP, listening to her conversations with Charles.  :hehe: