How did Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson meet?

Started by Kritter, December 19, 2017, 11:45:04 AM

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Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson relationship history: Couple introduced by Princess Diana | Life | Life & Style |
Initially, the couple met as children, but fell out of touch until they were adults.

In her autbiography, Sarah recalls sneaking away from her father?s polo matches as a child to ?play tag with like-minded truants ? including Prince Andrew, who was just my age."

Many years later, Diana invited Fergie, as she was known to her friends, to a party at Windsor Castle held after the Ascot Races.

The couple met again at the party and hit it off, starting to date the same week.


The marriage may have ended on paper but they are still together.


They are still friends, but they are not "together".


Living together after all these years with the children all grown up.    :hmm:


They share a house because Sarah needs a base, and she keeps hoping that she can still keep a foothold in the RF.  And he looks afte her to an extent out of chivalry..


I know what the propaganda says but still no one knows what goes on behind those closed doors either. There are many divorced couples with children that remain friends but they don't live together.     :snowflake:


Quote from: amabel on December 19, 2017, 12:15:32 PM
They share a house because Sarah needs a base, and she keeps hoping that she can still keep a foothold in the RF.  And he looks afte her to an extent out of chivalry..
Andrew has more or less stated that he has come to realize that Sarah was not suited to the restrictions that come with being a member of the BRF  so I don't know if they'd ever remarry. However they seem to have found a solution that works for them and their daughters.


Sure use the kids to keep playing man & wife. Good plan they cooked up to fool the public.    :kisskiss:


Quote from: TLLK on December 19, 2017, 03:12:52 PM
Andrew has more or less stated that he has come to realize that Sarah was not suited to the restrictions that come with being a member of the BRF  so I don't know if they'd ever remarry. However they seem to have found a solution that works for them and their daughters.
well yes, they share a house and sleep with other people.. (in Andrews case I suspecta  LOT of other people)


^^^@amabel- Not sure I want to consider and comment on Andrew and his "love life." :lol:


I think they both sleep around as part of their agreement. They did even when they had a piece of paper that said they were married.    :random51:


Really? News to me.

Double post auto-merged: December 20, 2017, 07:00:03 AM

Quote from: TLLK on December 19, 2017, 11:27:31 PM
^^^@amabel- Not sure I want to consider and comment on Andrew and his "love life." :lol:
well I think it is manifestly obvious that while Andrew always will care for sarah, and look after her, he has long since settled into a bachelor life, and certainly wouldn't want to give that up.  I think he was very hurt by the break up of the marriage, and remained loyal to her, but he didn't want to stay married to her..and as  you say realised that she was not able to "fit in" with the confines of being married to a royal.
I believe he was really upset and hurt by the pictures of her with Steve Wyatt and insisted on a separation and divorce, though the queen hoped for a reconcilaiton at least a formal one.
Now he has been settled into a lifestyle that (until recently) he was "off the radar" as regard his love life.. He could have girlfriends and nobody took much notice and he wasn't tied by married life...Of course the scandal a couple fo years ago brought him unpleasantly into public notice again.  but I don't think he'd ever put himself into a marriage again.. and not to Fergie.


Before Princess Diana introduced Sarah to Andrew, did Prince Andrew date any royal princesses from foreign countries?


No he was never associated with any foreign princess. Most of the ones that were  from reigning houses and closer in age were Catholic so they would have been out of the question unless they converted or he left the line of succession. He was also never associated with anyone from a non-reigning house. Andrew's best known  previous girlfriend was an actress named Koo Stark.

Koo Stark- Koo Stark - Wikipedia


How did they meet?
As kids. See the famous pic. Diana  kind of reintroduced them , but they were in each other?s orbit, so not really.  Her dads position....Sarah being on the outer realms of that world, but connected. PD sort of had a chance to sit them together, something like that.

Sad when you think about it , he really loved her. Sarah did ,but loved the lifestyle more. She had it all , but all was not enough. She wanted more than all.
Greed. Too immature. Lonely in a way because Andrew was still away on military duty which is a poor excuse. Many women and  even some men too have spouses in military.. Women are working, kids, household, etc. while their husbands are away on military duty and they did not, do not have the ease of the mind with the  benefits Sarah had of nannies, drivers, no bills to pay, etc.

Next question in this thread...them living together.
Sad again. Neither has remarried to have that special someone. Both have had major affairs. Andrew the wrong way, lol. Sarah, ehhh. S and A live together so she has , will always have per his favor, a secure place to stay.

It seems , maybe they should remarry. Waiting for QE and PP to die is another ten years off. :teehee:

When you think about it, Sarah is running around the world as Duchess. QE has her over now for a minute, lol. Sarah?s ticket will always be Bea and Eug.
A and S did not break up anyone?s marriage but their own.
Camila is the litmus test.

MM on the Camilla litmus test passes.
Sarah, for all her silly, crazy deeds, still passes the Camilla test.
Sarah has been rather quiet for a few hours, lol, no crazy antics.
Okoko, it has been longer than a few hours, lol, so maybe she has grown up.



Quote from: TLLK on December 21, 2017, 11:08:32 PM
No he was never associated with any foreign princess. Most of the ones that were  from reigning houses and closer in age were Catholic so they would have been out of the question unless they converted or he left the line of succession. He was also never associated with anyone from a non-reigning house. Andrew's best known  previous girlfriend was an actress named Koo Stark.

Koo Stark- Koo Stark - Wikipedia

I can't see Andrew being interested in other royal women, or them in him.  He always had that rather louch Randy Andy, image, and prior to Sarah, I think most of his girlfriends weren't really "suitable to be princesses" either.  Of course Sarah wasn't either, but she did come from the "right" background.


Sarah came from the right background in that she was British, Protestant, father was PCharles polo manager or something with horses.
She knew LadyDiana then and later as Princess  Diana.
Sarah worked prior to marriage. She lived with her older boyfriend who was divorced with kids.
Sarah had friends in that world and was in the outer realm, the fringe of it. She was not an aristo, nobility, landed gentry even, but , like Camilla, outer ring of it. Connected still. Sarah had what it took and could have done well.  She started out doing  a really  good job.She got greedy. She chose boredom. She chose to have a little excitement so she had an affair. She forgot her rank and place , 2nd sons consort with no chance of being Q or her daughters. She and Diana fell out on that issue of rank.

Sarah , I believe, has regretted it all her life. What she , she could not get back. Diana , good and not do good, her affairs, but she was mother to the heir. She was born of nobility. She still lived at KP after divorce. She still was in the family in things where she had to be with PCharles for her children...and more.

Sarah really got banished.


yes she came of a sutiable gentry background but she was hopeless at managing to behave in public.  She was loud, silly vulgar and soon began to do a lot less duty work and too much "holidays and pleasure trips".  That's what I said.
She was not given a very generous divorce settlement because the RF were annoyed at her very public indiscretions.  She was not popular with the public and the RF probably felt that given she was hopeless with money, the money should be tied up fro the children.  And if they gave her a lot, she would just spend even more.. which has proved to be the case.  She never stops getting into money troubles...


Totally agreee. amabel.. Sarah had it all and is one of those types who get it all and throw it all away with both hands.
Can we add ,Andrew, despite his greed and things, lovedloved her and just her.

Double post auto-merged: December 27, 2017, 08:55:20 PM

If Sarah had THOUGHT, sought advice from TPTB, where would she be today? In QEIIs car for the Christmas ride to church, Fav daughter in law with Sophie. Sarah would be on top. PPeven liked her.


Sarah Ferguson and Princess Diana - where they friends? | Life | Life & Style |

QuoteSARAH FERGUSON, also known as Fergie, is the Duchess of York and was married to Prince Andrew, the brother of Prince Charles. Were she and Princess Diana friends? Will she be invited to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle?s wedding?


QuoteFergie told how, when she borrowed a pair of the Princess's shoes, she caught verrucas. Diana never spoke to her again.

Well then.  :orchid:



The Beginnings of a Royal Catfight? Princess Diana and Sarah Ferguson?s Fraught Relationship | Vanity Fair

QuoteIn the year since her wedding, the rambunctious redheaded Duchess of York has charmed the Queen, captivated Prince Philip, and romped away with the hearts of the British public. Her angst-free antics have highlighted the mounting pressures on the Princess of Wales. Georgina Howell reports from the throne room


It's fascinating to look back at the different attitudes that prevailed then with regard to the sisters in law isn't it? I read that article last year and was struck by it. In contrast to the vital and lively Duchess of York Diana is portrayed as a sort of melancholic heron, forever stuck with one thin leg outside the full pond of BRF life. It was Sarah who was going to energise the family, make it more informal and relevant etc etc. How good it is that nobody can read the future.


 Yes I agree @Curryong and I do recall those articles about Sarah's first years in the BRF. Incredible how it all turned out. I also thought that this was an enlightening paragraph regarding the contrast in engagement numbers back in 1987. (I'm assuming it's then because the author mentions it's about  a year after the Yorks were married which was 1986.)
QuoteThe Princess of Wales, meanwhile, is often at a loose end when Prince Charles goes off on one of his official tours, or on painting or architectural trips. She has the children and her gently escalating round of official duties?133 last year, as opposed to the Queen?s 156 and Princess Anne?s 255. In between, she is comparatively isolated. She shops, and lunches at San Lorenzo, the fashionable watering hole on her favorite London shopping street.


Seems Diana was doing nearly as much as the Queen. The Queen's count would have included Investiture's & such.


Here's another article from the 1987 when the sisters-in-law were closer friends.

No Titters, You Two, This Is Serious! |

QuoteZoom in, if you will, on a few recent moments with those wacky wives of Windsor. See Fergie, the Duchess of York, leaping into sister-in-law Diana?s lap in the royal box at Ascot and refusing to dislodge herself until Princess Anne drops by for a chat. See Diana giving Fergie the giggles by standing up to straighten her clingy yellow dress, then shaking the royal bum with the finesse of a stripper. See Fergie and Di at the races, jabbing well-dressed gentry in the be-hinds with their umbrellas. Listen to Di taunting snooty Princess Michael of Kent: ?Isn?t that Princess Michael?? she asks Fergie with mock awe, within earshot of their starchy royal in-law. See Di dancing (?Travolta-style,? according to one eyewitness account) with a handsome young man with whom she is rumored?wrongly, it seems?to be having a scandalous extra-regal affair. See Fergie, dressed in medieval garb, hollering like a scullery wench and cavorting with movie stars during a televised charity event called The Grand Knockout Tournament. See Fergie gushing over David Bowie like an awestruck schoolgirl. See Diana turning to her sister-in-law and suggesting jokingly, ?Let?s get drunk.?

Double post auto-merged: January 03, 2018, 04:21:26 PM

And back to Andrew and Sarah's engagement with an 1980's profile of Andrew from Vanity Fair.

How Prince Andrew Wooed Sarah Ferguson?Before Their Marriage Went Awry | Vanity Fair