Princess Diana curtseyed

Started by LouisFerdinand, September 15, 2017, 12:29:06 AM

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Quote from: amabel on October 15, 2017, 09:13:42 AM
Diana did NOT move on wth Hoare.  he broke off the affair because he wanted to go back to his wife and children.  he had no real desire to end his marriage,to be with Diana.  and when he did, she chased him with phone calls until the Police intervened. How is that moving on?
he didnt break up with her when he moved back to his wife, they remain seeing each other when he was back to his home family... he broke the relationaship when his chauffeur sold their relationship to NOTW tabloid (in march/1995).  this timeline is in every diana bio out there (sally b smith book, sarah bradford book, kate snell book). elsa bowker said after the chauffeur's story diana was even more demanding about him leave his wife and children, then he broke the relationship.

Double post auto-merged: October 15, 2017, 11:40:22 AM

Quote from: sandy on October 15, 2017, 10:46:12 AM
Diana unfortunately got to a point where she felt she needed Hoare.  His pursuing a vulnerable woman was not an admirable thing for him to do.
I think charles was much more 'not admirable' pursuing a young Lady Diana than Oliver Hoare. By all the accounts Diana fell hard for him and he fell for her too. I've never read he pushed for a relationship with her. As many adults out there, they wanted seeing each other while lasted their relationship. The same about Charles and Camilla they were adults who wanted seeing each other and Camilla not forced Charles to have a affair with her and led on and hurt a young Lady Diana.


That is some convoluted logic @dianab. Because they said nothing, they actually wanted their mother's private tapes to be aired in which she confessed to lusting after a married servant, slapping her father and pushing her step mother down stairs. I am sorry but that does not sound convincing to me. More likely, they just ignored the nonsense and let matters take their course.

It really is a leap of faith and a series of fantastic logical leaps to say that is proof that W&H do not get on with their father. It really is.
"In the past, people were born royal. Nowadays, royalty comes from what you do"...Gianni Versace


William complained about his father using him in the Camilla promotions (he was shocked that the tea with Camilla story got pushed in all media outlets. This is in the BBC documentary

He admitted that he understood why Diana did the Panorama interview.

He is indeed very close to his in-laws.

Diana did not "lust" after a "married servant" who was a security officer. He became her confidante and sympathized with her and I believe he was ditched because she told him too much. She was attracted to him but told Settelen it was not a sexual affair.


Quote from: sandy on October 15, 2017, 10:46:12 AM
Well Diana did move on. She moved on to Dr. Khan. She did not just stew over Hoare who was not worth the fuss IMO. He did move out on his wife while seeing Diana and he of his own volition saw Diana at her home in KP.  Diana also could not realistically have a future with the man, two divorces in two families and she would certainly have had limited access to her sons had she bolted.

My point is that yes, she did move on. She had a relationship with Dr. Khan. Hoare never pressed charges and never commented about Diana. He certainly must have realized he was not exactly an innocent himself. His wife had to share him with this other woman before he started seeing Diana. Quite a guy

There seems to be some effort to make Diana the "villain" pursuing "poor" Hoare who was a womanizer. His wife held the purse strings in the family in any case. And they are still married today. Hoare pursued Diana according to sources. And Diana (unfortunately for her critics) did not have to "pay" and serve prison time.

Diana unfortunately got to a point where she felt she needed Hoare.  His pursuing a vulnerable woman was not an admirable thing for him to do.

Making 200+ crank calls to a married man is not moving on. It is being a bit kooky if you ask me. Saying that she was vulnerable does not convince me. Sounds a bit like excuse-making. He was married and off limits, especially since she had made such a fuss about the adultery in her own marriage.

As for Khan, it was the same high school games. "Oh I will sleep with Dodi to make Khan jealous or maybe to punish Charles and his family by embarrassing them or maybe to make Camilla jealous of my bikini body and ability to court the press". I mean really. This was a 36 year old woman who should have known better. You do not get people to enter a relationship with you by trying to manipulate them. That is a mistake that Diana made over and over again.

She did become quite bitter and manipulative towards the end but I cut her some slack because that is not what she really was like in the beginning. The tragic and public failure of her marriage turned her that way.
"In the past, people were born royal. Nowadays, royalty comes from what you do"...Gianni Versace


Quote from: dianab on October 15, 2017, 11:13:59 AM
he didnt break up with her when he moved back to his wife, they remain seeing each other when he was back to his home family... he broke the relationaship when his chauffeur sold their relationship to NOTW tabloid (in march/1995).  this timeline is in every diana bio out there (sally b smith book, sarah bradford book, kate snell book). elsa bowker said after the chauffeur's story diana was even more demanding about him leave his wife and children, then he broke the relationship.

Double post auto-merged: October 15, 2017, 11:40:22 AM

I think charles was much more 'not admirable' pursuing a young Lady Diana than Oliver Hoare. By all the accounts Diana fell hard for him and he fell for her too. I've never read he pushed for a relationship with her. As many adults out there, they wanted seeing each other while lasted their relationship. The same about Charles and Camilla they were adults who wanted seeing each other and Camilla not forced Charles to have a affair with her and led on and hurt a young Lady Diana.

Hoare was pursuing a woman separated from her husband who happened to be his friend. He should have backed off. Diana was vulnerable. I don't think Diana wanted to marry him because it would mean losing custody of her sons. Morton in a later book maintained that Diana was not exactly thrilled that Hoare moved out and was ambivalent. She did not rush to move in with him or anything like that.

I agree about Prince Charles.


@sandy writes:

"Diana did not "lust" after a "married servant" who was a security officer. He became her confidante and sympathized with her and I believe he was ditched because she told him too much. She was attracted to him but told Settelen it was not a sexual affair."

Diana said:

"He was the greatest fella I ever had"

Words have meaning and consequences. At the very least, Diana was lusting after her married servant way, way back in her marriage. Hypocritical, particularly for someone that was so bitter about a woman that went after her own husband.
"In the past, people were born royal. Nowadays, royalty comes from what you do"...Gianni Versace


Quote from: royalanthropologist on October 15, 2017, 01:56:14 PM
Making 200+ crank calls to a married man is not moving on. It is being a bit kooky if you ask me. Saying that she was vulnerable does not convince me. Sounds a bit like excuse-making. He was married and off limits, especially since she had made such a fuss about the adultery in her own marriage.

As for Khan, it was the same high school games. "Oh I will sleep with Dodi to make Khan jealous or maybe to punish Charles and his family by embarrassing them or maybe to make Camilla jealous of my bikini body and ability to court the press". I mean really. This was a 36 year old woman who should have known better. You do not get people to enter a relationship with you by trying to manipulate them. That is a mistake that Diana made over and over again.

She did become quite bitter and manipulative towards the end but I cut her some slack because that is not what she really was like in the beginning. The tragic and public failure of her marriage turned her that way.

Read the post carefully. I said she moved on to another relationship with Khan in 1995. She did not pine for Hoare for the rest of her life.

Diana never told anybody why she went out with Dodi. I think it was a Summer Romance and I do think she was fond of him. And he did not mind being seen with her unlike Khan. Attributing sinister motives to someone who is dead and can't give her side is basically futile. It is a projection of dislike on Diana.

If Hoare were off limits, why not blame him for chasing other women> Why is it just always blaming the woman?

Women say they "have a boyfriend." It does not mean she sleeps with him. Diana denied flat out it was sexual but I suppose as usual you don't believe her.


Diana had no choice but to move on from Hoare. They had reported her to the police and it was in effect a defacto restraining order. Any further calls could have landed her in a lot of trouble so she had to give that one up. That does not in any way negate the fact that she went after a married man and tried to persuade him to leave his wife.

I blame Diana because she was a hypocrite who made a fuss about adultery when she was doing exactly the same. She is the victim that became a perpetrator. I do not blame Hoare because he was never put himself up on a moral pedestal as a wronged spouse or complained about adultery. He made a mistake and tried to correct it by dumping Diana. She would not let go.  Why that is his fault is beyond me.

If Diana spoke and understood English (I a sure she did); there can be no mistaking the meaning of this statement "He was the greatest fella I ever had". No mistaking. You cannot play about it because its meaning is pretty clear.

Diana denying something is not proof of anything. She swore to her brother in law that she had nothing to do with Morton. He believed her and was made out to be a fool later on when it was discovered she was lying. Diana was quite capable of lying and lying convincingly when she wanted to.
"In the past, people were born royal. Nowadays, royalty comes from what you do"...Gianni Versace


well which is it? She said he was the greatest fella I'd ever had, which sounds like "the best lover I ever slept with." 


Unless Diana was lying about that, the statement shows she slept with him. Later on she sanitized it as not being sexual but I think that was just saving face. I am on record saying that Diana was quite free to sleep with anyone she wanted as long as they were not married. Wanting to have romantic relationships is nothing to be ashamed off. However, hypocrisy is another thing altogether. Unfortunately for her, Diana let it all hang out. She told all and sundry about what was happening in her life. The retractions only came later as a damage limitation exercise.
"In the past, people were born royal. Nowadays, royalty comes from what you do"...Gianni Versace


Well, to be fair, she said it wasnt sexual in the very next question Settlen asked, so its not like she thought about it and 10 minutes later, or the next day, realized that it would be wise to say that. So I have to disagree a bit with the damage control aspect(however, im going to put my fat in the fire along with you as well, by suggesting that the body language and how quick she says no when asked if there was anything sexual, makes me wonder if she was being truthful, just my opinion, but id say its a fairly educated one).

Now she was young and immature, so its natural for her to imagine going away with a man she described as she was "desperate for praise" from,but for Barry a man in his fourties to think it was, means it was either more serious than she said, or he might have been just flattering her, or maybe felt that it would be a good idea, if not for the complications that existed in their lives. "Conveniently" Barry's no longer alive to tell us. Men, mid-life and Diana at her peak of lovliness and following one around with dreamy eyes  :crazylove: would be impossible to resist.

As for the "greatest fella I ever had" comment, I'll have to lean on you UK'ers to know if that meant just a chum to talk to because over her it suggests more of a sexual nature if you said that on this side of the pond.

I know Ken Wharf thinks nothing happened, it could just be a professional courtesy, as he replaced him, likely knows his family, hes a fallen comrade, and all. But there was tremendous jealousy among the staff at these places for position and they felt Barry had overstepped his place, so might have jammed him up to get even blowing a comforting arm or something out of proportion.

We'll never know, but by that time and sooner(Diana was surprised they had Harry because he was with her so much by then) Charles was with Camilla, she was desperate for love, although it was foolish to choose someone so close to home, the ol pooping where you eat thing. I am, however more inclined to give her more of a pass on it, as it was her first foray into finding love outside Charles, and with her immaturity it was bound shed make a rookie mistake like that. Compared to say (brace for it) Hoare, Carling or Adams, etc when she knew better, but did it anyway and had by then cemented a long media legacy as the "wronged woman" by her husband.

Had there not been all the unpleasantness with the calls (and the suspected reason for them) Hoare would have been the ideal first choice, as they were "in the game" so to speak, and while it was a bit close to Charles circle, at least everyone could keep tabs on everyone and I think an understanding could have been reached, had she been older and more worldly when she married Charles.

However, the RF wanted a young girl "still in the wrapper" for Charles, well they also had to deal with the romantic expectations, proper or not, that come with tinkering with the feelings of a girl that age, and some prep work over what the marriage was really going to be like was lacking, much to everyones regret in the 90s, nowadays, the windsors probably feel everything worked out rather nicely.

"No other member of the Royal Family mattered that year, or I think for the next 17 years, it was just her." Arthur Edwards, The Sun Photographer, talking about Diana's impact.


As always, an intelligent response from @Duch_Luver_4ever :goodpost:. It does mean sexual experience btw in UK English.

One of the things I find appalling is the notion that a princess has to be in "wrappers" whilst hubby can sow all his wild oats. What Charles really deserved (rather than was given) was a woman who was totally experienced. Seen it all and done it all. Instead he was allowed to pluck a virgin and toss her away when he was done with her. That is somehow annoying to me.  :notamused:
"In the past, people were born royal. Nowadays, royalty comes from what you do"...Gianni Versace


Glad you liked it, as far as the damage that could of, and ended up being incurred on his "newly unwrapped" bride. Thankfully the conventions have changed, although they do have some roots in evolutionary psychology. Men sowing their wild oats, aside from the obvious enjoyment for the man, is designed to show the mans status (back in the day when men had to fight to either have access or keep other men from) and to provide "social proof" of the mans fitness by other women finding him acceptable.

Women were more focused on being selective, as the limited number children they could have compared to the number of women a man could fertilize and "virtue" so to speak was the outward interpretation of that, back in the day only one man was required to repopulate the tribe, so it was crucial that it be the best man possible. Women that would be seen to "sow their wild oats" were viewed as less selective in the choice of a mate that might not be able to protect and provide for his family and thus put a burden on the whole tribe.

Might not be fair today, with many of the selective pressures removed, but we carry thousands of years of that in our DNA. People dont like to think about the fact that monogamy and marriage exist pretty much only to prevent 80 percent of the men being killed or injured fighting to be the estimated 20 percent of "alpha males" that used to have near exclusive access to females.

But back to Charles, yes, the one thing that was disastrous for him was the requirement of a woman without a past, not only for the women it eliminated from his choice, but for their understanding of his plans and ideas about marriage and having other women.
"No other member of the Royal Family mattered that year, or I think for the next 17 years, it was just her." Arthur Edwards, The Sun Photographer, talking about Diana's impact.


Quote from: royalanthropologist on October 15, 2017, 04:20:16 PM
Unless Diana was lying about that, the statement shows she slept with him. Later on she sanitized it as not being sexual but I think that was just saving face. I am on record saying that Diana was quite free to sleep with anyone she wanted as long as they were not married. Wanting to have romantic relationships is nothing to be ashamed off. However, hypocrisy is another thing altogether. Unfortunately for her, Diana let it all hang out. She told all and sundry about what was happening in her life. The retractions only came later as a damage limitation exercise.

You think the worst about Diana. No it does not show she slept with him. She said it was not sexual. I know you believe the worst of her and she slept with the bodyguard even though she flat out said she did not. She can't win.

A woman says I have a boyfriend. He was the best boyfriend I ever had.  It does not mean they had sex.You apparently want to believe they had sex so put your interpretation on the phrase. Settelen said was it sexual, right away no hesitation she said no. I saw the tape. This is what she said. And she's dead so she can say no more about it.

Diana was having a private conversation with Settelen and did not know she'd die at 36 and assumed the tapes would not be aired. She said it was not sexual in the same conversation about Mannakee. No it was not damage control because nothing was ever said publicly by Diana to Settelen it was not like she was on a talk show or something that aired on TV.

I am curious do you insist that she slept with him to "help" defend Charles and Camilla?

She said it was not sexual. It was a private conversation. She would have had nothing to lose if she admitted an affair (which she said was not sexual).

Even Ingrid Seward wrote after the first airing of the tapes she did not have an affair with Mannakee.

Junor OTOH.. practically presents Camilla as a virgin and DIana as a "loose woman." Just to defend her two darlings. Or try to defend them.

Mannakee was a confidante she had a crush on. It was just "talk" that she "wanted" to run away with him. She knew darn well she could not  risk having her two sons she could lose custody of if she Bolted

No it shows that you don't like Diana and you think she slept with him despite her saying she did not. Speaks volumes of your attitude towards her.

Double post auto-merged: October 15, 2017, 09:15:55 PM

Quote from: amabel on October 15, 2017, 03:06:40 PM
well which is it? She said he was the greatest fella I'd ever had, which sounds like "the best lover I ever slept with." 

It depends on how ones feel about Diana. Diana is heavily criticized here by some and no it does not mean she slept with him. She said it was not sexual. What more is needed to know. Women say I have a boyfriend and the interpretation is she is dating somebody and seeing someone. It does not necessarily mean they hit the sheets.

Double post auto-merged: October 15, 2017, 09:19:41 PM

Quote from: royalanthropologist on October 15, 2017, 02:10:37 PM
Diana had no choice but to move on from Hoare. They had reported her to the police and it was in effect a defacto restraining order. Any further calls could have landed her in a lot of trouble so she had to give that one up. That does not in any way negate the fact that she went after a married man and tried to persuade him to leave his wife.

I blame Diana because she was a hypocrite who made a fuss about adultery when she was doing exactly the same. She is the victim that became a perpetrator. I do not blame Hoare because he was never put himself up on a moral pedestal as a wronged spouse or complained about adultery. He made a mistake and tried to correct it by dumping Diana. She would not let go.  Why that is his fault is beyond me.

If Diana spoke and understood English (I a sure she did); there can be no mistaking the meaning of this statement "He was the greatest fella I ever had". No mistaking. You cannot play about it because its meaning is pretty clear.

Diana denying something is not proof of anything. She swore to her brother in law that she had nothing to do with Morton. He believed her and was made out to be a fool later on when it was discovered she was lying. Diana was quite capable of lying and lying convincingly when she wanted to.

It was a blessing for Diana to give up Hoare. He was toxic. I notice Diana is damned for being involved with him yet Hoare is spared. Diana is the one who pursued him according to some. Hoare was a willing participant and chased women while being married. Unlike Diana he was allegedly not in a sham marriage. So if he were "happily" married he should have steered clear of involvement with other women.  Diana was separated from her husband who as you say rejected her. So was she to live like a nun?  She had been involved with Hewitt. Diana was in a one way street. She could not seriously think of any future with these men. Divorce was discouraged back then.

Yes there can be mistaking the phrase. Because Diana clarified it in the interview it was not a Sexual Relationship. If you don't want to accept that and trash Diana so be it.

Double post auto-merged: October 15, 2017, 09:22:23 PM

Quote from: royalanthropologist on October 15, 2017, 02:10:37 PM
Diana had no choice but to move on from Hoare. They had reported her to the police and it was in effect a defacto restraining order. Any further calls could have landed her in a lot of trouble so she had to give that one up. That does not in any way negate the fact that she went after a married man and tried to persuade him to leave his wife.

I blame Diana because she was a hypocrite who made a fuss about adultery when she was doing exactly the same. She is the victim that became a perpetrator. I do not blame Hoare because he was never put himself up on a moral pedestal as a wronged spouse or complained about adultery. He made a mistake and tried to correct it by dumping Diana. She would not let go.  Why that is his fault is beyond me.

If Diana spoke and understood English (I a sure she did); there can be no mistaking the meaning of this statement "He was the greatest fella I ever had". No mistaking. You cannot play about it because its meaning is pretty clear.

Diana denying something is not proof of anything. She swore to her brother in law that she had nothing to do with Morton. He believed her and was made out to be a fool later on when it was discovered she was lying. Diana was quite capable of lying and lying convincingly when she wanted to.

Diana never ever was issued a restraining disorder. None of her biographers said it even Penny Junor!

Diana had no choice but be in denial about Morton. She would have risked losing custody of her sons. I don't blame her for denying it, at least she got her side out there.

You don't blame Hoare?! Really. So Diana was the evil one and forced Hoare to have an affair. Let's get real here. 

Double post auto-merged: October 15, 2017, 09:23:43 PM

Quote from: royalanthropologist on October 15, 2017, 04:20:16 PM
Unless Diana was lying about that, the statement shows she slept with him. Later on she sanitized it as not being sexual but I think that was just saving face. I am on record saying that Diana was quite free to sleep with anyone she wanted as long as they were not married. Wanting to have romantic relationships is nothing to be ashamed off. However, hypocrisy is another thing altogether. Unfortunately for her, Diana let it all hang out. She told all and sundry about what was happening in her life. The retractions only came later as a damage limitation exercise.

I am not surprised by your take on it. No it did not show she slept with him. Who was Diana saving face with? It was a private conversation what did she have to deny. When the tapes aired she was six feet under. So why would she have to deny what she considered a private conversation.

Yet you say nothing about Charles sleeping with his friends' wives and that is perfectly OK with you. He admitted not loving his bride but you give him a pass. Diana gets demonized for an expression you twist in a confession of having a sexual relationship with Mannakee and she denied it!!! Go figure.


of course Sayaing something like "he was the greatest fella I iever had" is an indication that there was a sexual relationship... what else can it mean?  that she denied it apparnetly in another sentence only shows how volatile she was. Diana often did this, saying something and then contradicting it, soon afterwards.


No not in Diana's case. Since the Second Question was "was it sexual?" She said NO clearly. So why the insistence that greatest fella I ever had must mean sex when she said it did not. Wishful thinking that she had sex with him perhaps? I know C and C people want to believe that DIana  "cheated first." Especially people like Penny Junor. I don't get why her saying it was not sexual is not believed. Women can say I have a fellow, I have a boyfriend, it does not mean sex especially since Diana clearly denied it was Sexual.

It is a case I think of people 1) wanting to believe she lied; 2) wanting to believe she cheated first, and 3) ignoring she said it was not sexual

Thinking it was sex does not make C and C's actions any less despicable IMO.

I do notice that some months after Diana died, the first Diana bashing came out by Junor and there was a feverish attempt to try to Prove Diana cheated first. I think it must have been a come down for Junor to hear Diana in her own words say the relationship with Mannakee was not sexual. Though of Course she believes Diana lied all the time and was "mad."


Diana's words condemn her. I am absolutely certain that if at any point in his marriage Charles had said about another married woman "she was the greatest woman I ever had", you would take it as gospel truth that he indeed slept with her.

The battle to sanitize Diana's own confessions are futile. You can play about with the words or try to contextualize them but there is no getting away from the fact that the Princess of Wales admitted to an inappropriate and sexual relationship with a member of her staff very early in her marriage. The affair itself is of no interest to me but the hypocrisy of going after a married man definitely is.

It is the same kind of strange defense which blames a victim of stalking for triggering those feelings in their stalker. Really an outrageous thing when you think about it. Mrs. Hoare was not part of Diana's adultery and I absolutely fail to see why she should be inconvenienced in any way because of it. She was married and Diana was trying to woo her husband away from the family home even after the man had already said goodbye.
"In the past, people were born royal. Nowadays, royalty comes from what you do"...Gianni Versace


You think they condemn her. You don't like Diana. Diana said it was not sexual. Even Ingrid Seward backed off saying it was sexual after she watched the tapes.

The battle to slam Diana and ignore evidence is futile. It is out there that it was not sexual. Settlelen asked she said no. Period.

Yes, so how come you don't condemn Hoare for running around on Mrs Hoare and he had a mistress before he started seeing Diana. Where is the condemnation of him? Oh that's right. Diana is the devil and she was the woman who made Hoare pursue her. Hoare was a willing participant and he pursued Diana.  Why Diana wanted him at all is the odd part.  Though I think it's great he never confirmed or denied what went on, he was a willing participant. Do you think men are helpless? The man was a player and had kept a mistress. And DIana did not break up their marriage. How could she when they are still married? If Hoare had not been outed by the chauffeur he may well have kept up seeing Diana (he never slammed Diana, so why do you do it? Mrs Hoare never condemned Diana so why do you do it? You are not her spokesperson.

If Diana said, OOOH Settelen Mannakee and I had Great Sex and we were always in bed together. Then there would be evidence. She said it was not sexual but you choose to ignore. She's dead and that's the record she left of what went on with Mannakee.


Settelen himself said, Diana talked about him as a person who she liked having around not a lover. Diana herself said she saw him as a father figure. She had said to Morton as when she married she'd dreamed her husband being a father figure who'll be supportive of hers. Probably because she saw him as a father figure was the reason she developed a crush on Mannakee.

BTW this doc in UK destroyed the Charles spin
Charles 'was seeing Camilla a year after he married Diana' | Daily Mail Online


How did we go from Diana curtsying to discussing how many lovers she had?. First of all saying Manakee was the greatest fella she ever had could have meant He was the greatest fella she ever had who listened to what she had to say or giving her sound advice Not everything has to be sexual but then to some this is Diana we are talking about Not the common mistress.


Yes, that was a good doc, thanks for mentioning it, @dianab  I do think that, although I dont think this is the case with @royalanthropologist  that in general yes, theres a war with Diana and Camilla fans over dates, and who cheated first. My take is look at what Diana had at the beginning, she had everything she wanted, why would she risk losing it by cheating first? She was easier to chuck out of the family than Charles.

Diana ~ Portrait of a Princess - YouTube

Is a good refresher doc made around 95/96, before her death and andrew morton mentions Barry Manakee around the 36 min mark, in the group of relationships shes had that ended in tears. I dont think he'd mention it, pre Settlen tapes, and risk losing access to Diana, his cash cow, unless there was enough to it to avoid risking her wrath.

But I think both sides in the dabate are a bit off, and the answer is in the grey middle, Dianas words dont condemn her, and at the same time, that one "no" doesnt automatically get her off the hook either. Its complicated....

"No other member of the Royal Family mattered that year, or I think for the next 17 years, it was just her." Arthur Edwards, The Sun Photographer, talking about Diana's impact.


I think Diana over confided in Mannakee. She could not go to her parents or sisters and there was this sympathetic person to her. I think he just knew too much and Diana would not risk cheating with someone employed by the royals. It would very easily have been detected and Charles could have used it as ammunition when the divorce settlement was decided.

I believe Diana's No. And it was not like Panorama she had no clue she would die at 36 and this be aired after she died. It was supposedly a private conversation.

Charles cheated first because he went into the marriage preferring the mistress and he stayed in contact with her.


Was watching the doc in the post i put up earlier, and even if you watch them a bunch you always pick up little things. Just noticed a sickly sad irony that would have been unknown at the time it aired. Theres a scene where Diana has taken Harry and William to a military show, there were just a couple cuts of showing the various troops, and the first ones were the the kings artillery that frove her gun carriage and then they showed some welsh guards type soldiers next to a rolling gun carriage.  :eyes: :no:

They cut showing Diana talking so happy and sweet to Harry, knowing that 2 years later what would happen was just horrible to watch. Add to it the comment she asked Penny Thornton if there would be light at the end of the tunnel.....just awful
"No other member of the Royal Family mattered that year, or I think for the next 17 years, it was just her." Arthur Edwards, The Sun Photographer, talking about Diana's impact.


@sandy says about me "You don't like Diana."

Not having rose tinted tunnel vision about a person does not mean I dislike them. In any case I am sure I am much fairer to Diana in my assessment than you are to C&C so I make no apologies for my views.

I go back to my point. Had Charles said "She was the greatest woman I ever had", I doubt the Diana fans would be making excuses for him about what he meant and said. Charles said he was faithful until the marriage "irretrievably broke down" but the Diana fans say no. He must have been unfaithful in the mind because they know him better.

I think the discussion about lovers is quite pertinent @Trudie. Why? Because Diana was accused by some of having an inappropriate relationship with the king of Spain. That is how this thread started.

Diana had many good qualities and many faults. The attempts to silence criticism of her faults is just a futile exercise. There many, many commentators that just do not buy the notion of a perfect Princess and perfect person. Good luck trying to stop them writing.
"In the past, people were born royal. Nowadays, royalty comes from what you do"...Gianni Versace


Well you rarely say anything nice about her. And I can apply the same about Rose Colored glasses about you and C and C.

You don't believe what Diana said, so that does not sound like "liking her" to me.

Charles said he was unfaithful so it is a moot point.  Charles (fact) admitted to Dimbleby that he preferred Camilla when he married Diana and never once told Dimbleby he loved Diana or married her for love (fact).

This veered off topic when a poster brought up Juan Carlos.

Stop them writing? When they are cozying up to a future King and bucking for honors? No way will they stop. Junor probaby has a space on her wall for future honor plaque she will get from C and C.