Books written about and by the Sussexes Part 3.

Started by TLLK, January 08, 2023, 02:19:44 AM

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Quote from: Amabel2 on January 20, 2023, 08:31:44 AM
Agree.  Surely only small children throw themselves sobbing on the floor unless it is some terrible sudden tragedy and an adult collapses

Nobody, not even the British media, have stated that Meghan ?threw herself? sobbing on to the floor.


Quote from: Curryong on January 20, 2023, 08:43:53 AM
Nobody, not even the British media, have stated that Meghan ?threw herself? sobbing on to the floor.
If she was lying crying on the floor then presumably she got there somehow.  I can understand someone collapsing in a terrible shock, but generally adults dont lie sobbing on the floor...


Harry found her on the floor. As I posted earlier today there are plenty of young and youngish adults who sit on the floor in informal societies, when phoning, sitting reading or thinking, contemplating things. I myself, before I had a bad knee loved to lie on the floor kicking my heels up and reading a book.

The fact that he found her sobbing AND on the floor doesn?t mean that she threw herself down there in floods of tears. It was in those fraught and worrying days before the wedding when Thomas Markle was playing I?m going to come to the wedding, no I?m not, yes I am? games and Meghan was probably sitting on the floor against the wall as I?ve seen people doing hundreds of times, feeling upset. At no time has anyone, even in the media, who say anything and everything against the Sussexes, stated that she threw herself on the floor!


Sorry but they have furniture, even if its from IKEA.  I cant imagine any adult sitting or lying on the floor, when they have beds, sofas and chairs to lie or sit on. Children do lie on the floor and sob, but that's generally at the throwing tantrums age.


Quote from: Amabel2 on January 20, 2023, 09:16:04 AM
Sorry but they have furniture, even if its from IKEA.  I cant imagine any adult sitting or lying on the floor, when they have beds, sofas and chairs to lie or sit on. Children do lie on the floor and sob, but that's generally at the throwing tantrums age.

Well you can?t imagine me or my family then, or thousands of other Aussies. I preferred lying on  a rug in front of the fire reading on a cold night in my 70s , my nephew by marriage (years older than Meghan) sometimes sits on the floor with his back to a pouffe to watch TV and my grandchildren, including one who?s nearly thirty, often sit on the patio floor talking, with their phones in hand, (and my home and patio are fully furnished.)


Quote from: Curryong on January 20, 2023, 12:07:25 AM
There were a great many books, e-books and audio books that weren?t on sale however, and those sort of deals are common when a prestige book is about to be published. I?ve seen Obama and Mohelle?s books undergo the same process before the publication release date.

I bought through Kindle on Amazon (simply because for me it is more convenient nowadays for me. I have too many full bookcases.) I paid the full price for Kindle. I know thirty people of my acquaintance and extended family who bought on publication or pre-ordered before publication and NOT ONE of them bought the book on sales.

I asked them specifically that question because of the wittering on this thread from you that Penguin wouldn?t make its money back on ?Spare? and the inferences since (because your speculations were proven to be wrong within a week) that it is only a best seller because the majority of the books have been sold at half price or less. Which is not only untrue but frankly ridiculous!

I asked my husband?s friend who still has a lot of contacts in the book trade after Xmas about how he thought Harry?s book would do, and he told me the direct opposite of your speculative posts on here.

So I guess one of the two of you was completely wrong about how Spare would sell, and guess what, it wasn?t my  husband?s friend!

Which part? The book has been on sale from it's original price since launched on internet i.e. Amazon? Hence my comment about playing it safe at half price for the maths.  I also said Penguin recovered the invested moneys (also MADE moneys).  What I didn't calculate in the maths is the fact that other than recovering the investment, meaning not a loss, and gained too, they have to pay the ghostwriter USD1M, the printer, the designer, approx USD500K. 

So which part? The discount sale from original price? or the part where moneys were made?

Google is my friend, anyone can fact check that the book IS on sale. Matter of fact a free audio trial subscription will give you free audio of Spare. That is an Amazon promotion. If you purchased it at full price, IMO that is because you are a Harry super fan. As I originally stated about book lots being stacked, it doesn't mean at that TIME books were ''individually'' purchased, people do tend to wait until a ''sale'' comes, others will wait until it ends up in a charity shop too (and yet the book made the moneys, because at USD 1.25 charity price, selling 3M+books covers the payment of USD5M given to H for delivering the 1st book). 

Now, if you don't agree that he was given USD5M per book.  I don't know what your friend is on about.  The deal is USD20M for 4 books.  No publisher will advance USD20M without delivering YET the 4 books. Publishers pay for what is delivered. 

^ After stating that, the remaining 3 books WILL have to convince the publisher to go ahead or not.  When one sells themselves the way Harry (and Meghan) have done, the entertainment industry WILL want more of your private life. If you don't give it to these people, your done.  Does Harry (and Meghan) have more? Double edge sword, because we know that Penguin lawyers slashed 40 or 400 pages. This only can happen because there is a high possibility of defamation, libel incoming.  Simply put, NO PROOF of his malicious claims. Harry himself in his 400 page interview boasted about 400 pages out, saying it would completely damage his relationship with Pa and Willy. Malignant narcissist.


The book has a US cover price of $36 but was being sold at $22.42

How much is Prince Harry's book Spare?
You can order Prince Harry's memoir online right now through Amazon. The site has it available on sale and ready to order for $23 saving you 38% off the suggested retail price of $36.

Spare is currently retailing at the inflated price of USD33 on the Blackwells website, while is currently selling the book for USD26.60.

The Kindle edition is currently on sale for USD13.99 on the Amazon website.


I don't want to go deep about Meghan's crying spree and why, one because crying a lot may mean depression or crying a lot for sympathy motive. But I can say that 99% of the crying stories come from the Sussex camp (again Google is my friend: Meghan crying, 20 pages of articles of Meghan crying since 2016)

Meghan cries over unflattering pics of Doria
Meghan cries over her father Thomas
Meghan cries after shopping at Kensington
Meghan cries over the Charlotte debacle
Meghan cries over bust up with Kate
Meghan cries in Netflix episode

ETA: What I can say IS that
Harry: ''What happened''...  :angeldevil1: Incoming tale of MM telling Harry why she's crying. 😭😢

  Yes he is her husband and it's good to share/communicate, but I'm confused in the sense that she for one is an actress, a public person, famous or infamous, Harry ''reacts'' to her crying and has gone public stating cruelty from the family, from the media, from who knows who. That is why I don't want to go on a deep thought about the crying spree.


Quote from: Curryong on January 20, 2023, 12:38:19 AM
Nowhere does it say that Meghan ?threw herself on the floor?, in any sort of melodramatic fashion. A lot of young and youngish adults often sit on the floor in preference to chairs, talking, when using cell phones, reading magazines etc. especially ones from more informal societies than the British. I?ve seen it myself here in Australia. So I would imagine that Meghan was already seated on the floor when she began to cry.

This is possible, true.  But an adult crying on the floor still seems a bit odd to me.

I guess I'm old, cause I greatly prefer chairs, sofas, and beds to the floor!   


No Curryong, I haven't read the book in it's entirety and won't.  I am learning here and elsewhere all I need to know about the book and for years and years now I have seen and watched and read all I need to know that both Harry and Meghan are LAIRS....TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY and there is no way anyone can spin that differently either.  His very treatment of his grandparents while Philip lay dying in a hospital and then his grandmother during her last few years treated like she was not being taken care of by her family who was with her day in and day out. Harry broke the TRUST with his family, not anyone else and he knows they will not play tit for tat with him either so he can say whatever he wants and gets away with it to the enjoyment of his fans.  His LYING is a big part of him now and he can never be trusted again for if anyone is his friend all their conversations might end up on TV in an interview if things go wrong in that friendship.  Hey, let the cards fall where they may and let Karma take bits where she may for it will come back to him someday and we will all see him crash and the end won't be pretty.....later


Quote from: Kristeh-H on January 21, 2023, 12:00:05 AM
This is possible, true.  But an adult crying on the floor still seems a bit odd to me.

I guess I'm old, cause I greatly prefer chairs, sofas, and beds to the floor!
I agree.  Even if its a kid lying sobbing on the floor any parent is going to say Come on, get up none of that yelping on the floor.


Quote from: Nightowl on January 21, 2023, 03:34:19 AM
No Curryong, I haven't read the book in it's entirety and won't.  I am learning here and elsewhere all I need to know about the book and for years and years now I have seen and watched and read all I need to know that both Harry and Meghan are LAIRS....TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY and there is no way anyone can spin that differently either.  His very treatment of his grandparents while Philip lay dying in a hospital and then his grandmother during her last few years treated like she was not being taken care of by her family who was with her day in and day out. Harry broke the TRUST with his family, not anyone else and he knows they will not play tit for tat with him either so he can say whatever he wants and gets away with it to the enjoyment of his fans.  His LYING is a big part of him now and he can never be trusted again for if anyone is his friend all their conversations might end up on TV in an interview if things go wrong in that friendship.  Hey, let the cards fall where they may and let Karma take bits where she may for it will come back to him someday and we will all see him crash and the end won't be pretty.....later
He has crashed already.  the whole set of interviews, books etc since 2020 has shown a very different Harry to the public image of H. and the book shows a man who is out of control, who has been in the throes of a breakdown for years.  People mostly are reading the book to see what weird thing he comes up with next, it is watching a car crash, not wanting  to know anything about his life.  The bitter anger and bias he has shown against most of his family is disturbing esp the attacks on William.  Even those who feel he has a case against his father and stepmother, are probably bewildered by the attacks on his brother who has done nothing but be born 2 years earlier and occasionally tried to rein him in. He claims to be a soldier yet he's afraid for his life when his brother gets annoyed wiht h im?
He accused the family of being racists, even though I'm sure he knew perfectly well that his grandmother was not a racist and that she was spending her last few weeks with her husband who was dying.  He let that shadow lie over the family for 2 years and then said that he hadn't said they were racist. He tells so many lies and so does Meghan.


Prince Harry's revelation about using his mother's favorite brand of skin cream has given the product sales a boost. I guess he could always become a spokesperson for the brand, but I don't believe they'll ask him to model how he used the moisturizer.  :wink:

Sales of Elizabeth Arden cream soar 60% after Prince Harry's 'frost-bitten' penis revelation | Daily Mail Online

QuoteSince Prince Harry revealed his unfortunate 'frost-nipped' debacle in his memoir Spare, his secret cure has been flying off the shelves.

Sales of Elizabeth Arden's Eight Hour Cream Skin Protectant, priced at ?29, has increased by 60 per cent compared to last year according to drugstore giant Boots.

Online searches of the cream have shot up by 180 per cent.

Princess Cassandra

Quote from: Amabel2 on January 21, 2023, 09:37:44 AM
He has crashed already.  the whole set of interviews, books etc since 2020 has shown a very different Harry to the public image of H. and the book shows a man who is out of control, who has been in the throes of a breakdown for years.  People mostly are reading the book to see what weird thing he comes up with next, it is watching a car crash, not wanting  to know anything about his life.  The bitter anger and bias he has shown against most of his family is disturbing esp the attacks on William.  Even those who feel he has a case against his father and stepmother, are probably bewildered by the attacks on his brother who has done nothing but be born 2 years earlier and occasionally tried to rein him in. He claims to be a soldier yet he's afraid for his life when his brother gets annoyed wiht h im?
He accused the family of being racists, even though I'm sure he knew perfectly well that his grandmother was not a racist and that she was spending her last few weeks with her husband who was dying.  He let that shadow lie over the family for 2 years and then said that he hadn't said they were racist. He tells so many lies and so does Meghan.
Yes, he has crashed. I just can't believe his wife, friends, publisher, ghost writer, lawyers, etc, did not stop this train wreck. How could they let his state of mind be exposed and make money from it? Exploitation is alive and well.


^There is only one reason that any of them are not helping Harry right now, they are all in it for the MONEY as they are raking in millions by the people that are buying this book and maybe some are believing what is in the book also.  I was wondering also lately as I was reading other sites that these people, Meghan, lawyers, ghost writers, friends ( what friends as who would be afraid to be his friend if everything they said ended up on an interview), publisher are actually using Harry and letting him purposely act out in rage and anger to go and have a breakdown.  They sure are not doing anything positive to help him are they?  I have a very dear and close friend who lost her son to drugs and she is a somewhat royal watcher and first thing she said to me, Harry is on drugs.  I learn from her about drugs as she is the expert and a professional.  Something is driving Harry to extremes right now and if and when he hits bottom I hope he is still alive and can recover and learn to accept who he is and the responsibility that goes with it..One day at a time and sometimes as Dr. Shelia says, one hour at a time.


Quote from: TLLK on January 21, 2023, 05:14:58 PM
Prince Harry's revelation about using his mother's favorite brand of skin cream has given the product sales a boost. I guess he could always become a spokesperson for the brand, but I don't believe they'll ask him to model how he used the moisturizer.  :wink:

Sales of Elizabeth Arden cream soar 60% after Prince Harry's 'frost-bitten' penis revelation | Daily Mail Online
honestly that's just sick. 


Harry exposing Meghan and Archie, the child is trending in social media, for the wrong reasons. 

Transcript Spare

''When the contractions became more intense, Meghan climbed into the room's bath and also had an epidural for the pain.''

''After just 2 hours, Harry writes the pair returned home to Frogmore Cottage.''

^ You can't have an epidural with water births firstly, so if this is true, her medical team can be sued for malpractice, negligence.

Can you get an epidural if you have a water birth?
If you deliver your baby in water, you won't be able to have any other type of pain relief, such as an epidural.

It's not possible to have an epidural in water. TENS is electrical stimulation so it's also incompatible with water births.

Science fact, IF you take an epidural, water birth is instantly out.  How do doctors know, 100% negative data affecting the baby to the worst case death of epidurals/water birth.


^Or according to some doctors with official blue checkmark with profile of where they practice, the malpractice, negligence of the team of doctors according to Harry's tale, is they carried on with the malpractice, Harry said there was complications, the umbilical cord tangled to Archie's neck, the doctors were able to loosen it up...

Pain relief = electrical stimulation is not compatible with water (from electrical shock movements to electrocuted death), so it is possible that the umbilical cord was moving with the electrical stimulation, negative data recollected by science hence a fact rather than still studying or theory, choking the baby.

The Daily Mail has started to make a list of inconsistencies, growing.

Now Harry's flight instructor has denied him, saying H's recollections is a complete fantasy, although the instructor said ''Harry will always have MY ear''. (The instructor Michael is sending a message to H that he is available to give him advice). After the interview with the Instructor, the list of inconsistencies or outright lies.


Harry didn?t say that Meghan had a water birth with Archie. She may well have just popped into the bath for a few minutes while some warm water from the taps was splashed over her tummy. That?s what happened when my daughter had her first child. Labour can take hours and hours sometimes, and whatever makes the mother comfortable for a little while would be fine.

That doesn?t mean that Meghan was fully immersed in water or that Archie was actually born in the bath. In fact I?ll bet a couple of thousand he wasn?t. Meghan was probably in and then out, patted dry and then laid on the bed to have an epidural. Plenty of babies born in my family, my three and four grandchildren, and that description of Harry?s doesn?t resemble a water birth by any stretch of the imagination. And umbilical cords wrapped around babies? necks at birth are by no means rare.


When the contractions became more intense, Meghan climbed into the room's bath and also had an epidural for the pain. Just before Archie's arrival, Harry held Meghan's hand and encouraged her to push. In what he describes as a 'complicated birth', Harry writes that Archie's head became 'tangled' but once safely delivered and wrapped in a towel, the couple cried tears of joy.

During pregnancy, Meghan had worked with an Ayurvedic doctor who said that new babies absorb everything that is said to them in the first minute of life. Harry recounts how he and Meghan simply told Archie how much they loved him. He then watched the birthing team do all the usual checks and held off from messaging anyone.

After just two hours, Harry writes the pair returned home to Frogmore Cottage in the same nondescript car they arrived in.


What the air instructor had to say, glowingly, about Harry as a pilot, no doubt disappointing the Fail.

From the Fail article.

Former Sergeant-Major Booley, 57, served in the military for 33 years and ranks prince Harry as one of his top five students.

He blames ghostwriter John Joseph Moehringer for the inaccuracies, saying the tales have been 'dramatised'.

He also said he did not ever call the prince 'Lt Wales', as is suggested in Spare.

Despite the 'fantasy' in the book, Mr Booley told the paper he still sees the prince as a 'friend', adding he is a 'man I respect immensely who would always have my ear'.


The ghostwriter writes what Harry says. The basic point without the embellishment or drama IS still not true. Especially Harry thinking his instructor wanted to commit suicide.

That the instructor after this defamation, STILL wants to help Harry is very noble.


Quote from: wannable on January 22, 2023, 02:11:57 PM
When the contractions became more intense, Meghan climbed into the room's bath and also had an epidural for the pain. Just before Archie's arrival, Harry held Meghan's hand and encouraged her to push. In what he describes as a 'complicated birth', Harry writes that Archie's head became 'tangled' but once safely delivered and wrapped in a towel, the couple cried tears of joy.

During pregnancy, Meghan had worked with an Ayurvedic doctor who said that new babies absorb everything that is said to them in the first minute of life. Harry recounts how he and Meghan simply told Archie how much they loved him. He then watched the birthing team do all the usual checks and held off from messaging anyone.

After just two hours, Harry writes the pair returned home to Frogmore Cottage in the same nondescript car they arrived in.

Yes, Meghan was in the bath. That does not mean that the bath was full of water and Meghan was immersed up to her chest. And Yes, the placenta got caught around baby Archie?s neck and after the placenta was loosened, something that happens in more births than expected, the family were allowed to go home. So all was well.


It doesn't matter, I can be with one foot in the water, electrical shock ''induced'', what will happen? From electrical shock to fully electrocuted/death.


Quote from: wannable on January 22, 2023, 02:15:26 PM
The ghostwriter writes what Harry says. The basic point without the embellishment or drama IS still not true. Especially Harry thinking his instructor wanted to commit suicide.

That the instructor after this defamation, STILL wants to help Harry is very noble.

Of course Harry didn?t believe that suicide was intended by the instructor or anyone. It?s a bit of typical British black humour.


Meghan was not in the bath or under any water at the time she was given an epidural. Harry doesn?t mention water, he mentions a bath. I got on all fours on the floor with my second baby for a few minutes. It?s where the pregnant mum feels most comfortable.