Books written about and by the Sussexes Part 3.

Started by TLLK, January 08, 2023, 02:19:44 AM

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Quote from: Curryong on January 13, 2023, 03:07:58 PM
Well, here is another article, coming from a different angle and speaking about lasting grief. As I lost my mother at much the same age as Harry did (and yes it has affected my whole life in various ways) as the author describes.

What Prince Harry's memoir Spare tells us about 'complicated grief' and the long-term impact of losing a mother so young

**Respect is not a given in life just because a person has money, power, or a title, it is earned by how a person treats other people*....Family comes first in life as that is who we are born into yet Harry has shown he has NO respect for his family and mostly his grandparents., There is NO SPIN on how he has treated his family or friends, and that goes double for Meghan.


Quote from: PrincessOfPeace on January 13, 2023, 09:10:59 PM
He's absolutely repugnant. What a disgusting person Harry has become.

Well, so he has more to write another book about the royal family, that was EXPECTED, because that is all he knows how to do and to make money.  Harry and Meghan are both just plain (edited) to the very bottom of their soul.  This will go on for decades or until his last breath....just shaking my head at this insane person or his he really insane?  Could be be doing all this to get attention as he knows the public will lap it up and buy any book he writes and believes the public will believe any and everything he says, all because he is a royal prince who married a woman that is HALF black and HALF white?

Let's tone down the adjectives when referring to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex and refrain from using adjectives ie: "evil" and "dangerous." Thank you


It has been quite a while since I?ve been on this site (Hello again to those still here!). Kept track of the royals tangentially because of my curiosity on how the royal family would evolve, but have been paying special attention since Harry left.

All I have to say is wow. Just wow. It should go without saying that I know no one in this situation and there?s likely some truth to Harry?s comments, but I do find it incredibly sad that he seems to be so vindictive. He?s clearly got a very distorted view of the world.


 :welcome: back @HistoryGirl2 ! It has been a long time but it is good to see you.


Thanks, @TLLK! Good to (virtually) hear from you!

It?s amazing actually. When I was last here I was convinced about the ridiculousness of the royal family, but the Queen?s death made me reconsider the value of a monarchy; when the monarch is one that was as dedicated as she, anyway.

Ironically, Harry?s behavior has reminded me how singular the institution is (with both positive and negative elements), but it?s also done the exact opposite of what I imagine is his intention. It?s reminded me of the wisdom of why the Queen?s motto was, ?Never complain, never explain.?


Posts related to the death and funeral of the DoE's nephew the late Margrave of Baden have been moved to this thread\ linked below. Please continue the discussion there. Further off topic posts will be removed. Thank you.

The Family and Ancestors of the Duke of Edinburgh


Prince Harry?s Spare becomes fastest-selling non-fiction book ever | Guinness World Records

The record was previously held by Barack Obama?s fourth book, A Promised Land (2020), which sold 887,000 copies during its release day.

Spare?s superlative sales figures are made even more impressive when considering the fact that it was leaked five days early in Spain.


Quote from: Curryong on January 15, 2023, 12:41:22 AM
Prince Harry?s Spare becomes fastest-selling non-fiction book ever | Guinness World Records

The record was previously held by Barack Obama?s fourth book, A Promised Land (2020), which sold 887,000 copies during its release day.

Spare?s superlative sales figures are made even more impressive when considering the fact that it was leaked five days early in Spain.

How nice to be able to make money by selling your family. He must be really proud. Honestly, it?s not about him. It?a about him being a royal. I assure you if his grandfather had written a book it would?ve broken records. If William wrote a response he would outsell him by millions. But they didn?t and wouldn?t. Because they?re not angry, bitter and stupid like Harry.


Quote from: Ayse on January 15, 2023, 02:06:10 AM
How nice to be able to make money by selling your family. He must be really proud. Honestly, it?s not about him. It?a about him being a royal. I assure you if his grandfather had written a book it would?ve broken records. If William wrote a response he would outsell him by millions. But they didn?t and wouldn?t. Because they?re not angry, bitter and stupid like Harry.

IF Prince Philip had written books? What? Well he did actually. I can remember the British Press spruiking several of them. They were no doubt entertaining and informative. But no, they didn?t break records. I think he wrote about a dozen actually. But some of them are on the list below.

And a list of Charles?s books below. I remember he produced Visions of Britain in a numbered copy very expensive leather edition that didn?t sell particularly well. And of course he cooperated greatly in Jonathon Dimbleby?s book about himself in which he criticised his parents, upbringing, the fact that he had never loved Diana and in the interview accompanying that book outed Camilla as his mistress. From his own lips?old and dear friend?

The 17 Best Books written by the British Royal Family.

The 17 Best Books Written by Royals - Books by Meghan Markle, Kate Middleton & More


Quote from: Curryong on January 15, 2023, 02:35:51 AM
IF Prince Philip had written books? What? Well he did actually. I can remember the British Press spruiking several of them. They were no doubt entertaining and informative. But no, they didn?t break records. I think he wrote about a dozen actually. But some of them are on the list below.

And a list of Charles?s books below. I remember he produced Visions of Britain in a numbered copy very expensive leather edition that didn?t sell particularly well. And of course he cooperated greatly in Jonathon Dimbleby?s book about himself in which he criticised his parents, upbringing, the fact that he had never loved Diana and in the interview accompanying that book outed Camilla as his mistress. From his own lips?old and dear friend?

The 17 Best Books written by the British Royal Family.

The 17 Best Books Written by Royals - Books by Meghan Markle, Kate Middleton & More

Yes lots of books written by many in the royal family yet there is only one that I know of that was written to destroy the family, it is full of lies, innuendoes, and threats is the one by Harry.  Any one who sings praises for that book is surly a very sad insecure person in my opinion because so much of it can and has been *fact checked* to be filled with LIES as much of what Harry spouts out of his mouth is lies.  If he can't remember something well just make something up and the stupid public will believe him all because he is Prince Harry who does NO WRONG in this world, right? He walks on water, he is God, so we all must bow down and kiss his feet praising him for LYING and treating his family like they are the dirt under his feet, right?

I will say this, Harry is plain evil and a danger to William and his family as so many that I have talked to believe he would be a threat to George and Charlotte and Louis as he is now dragging them into his world of hell to get revenge on his dad and brother. Let anyone stand int he way of what Harry wants then hell will be knocking on their door/life real quick.


The Guardian's review of Spare is now available.

Spare by Prince Harry review ? dry your eyes, mate | Autobiography and memoir | The Guardian

QuoteIt?s now almost a week since Prince Harry?s memoir Spare was published and what thrillingly hectic days they?ve been: hard to pick a highlight. Amusing as it was to find Nicholas Witchell reporting for the BBC on the book?s release by filming the sole person queueing outside Waterstones? London flagship to buy it, I think the sound of the ex-Sun hack Dan Wootton railing flatulently in the Daily Mail at Harry?s description of him as a ?sad little man? just edged it for me (?no, YOU?RE the sad little man, Mister Prince!?). Meanwhile, in the US, Harry went on The Late Show With Stephen Colbert, where he performed a skit with some trumpets and Tom Hanks and spoke of his ?frost-nipped todger? ? said todger being, by the way, just one of dozens of be-nicknamed rude mechanicals who appear in his masterwork (others include his mates Badger, Skippy and Chimp; the venomous royal courtiers known as the Bee, the Wasp and the Fly; and Rehabber Kooks, AKA Rebekah Brooks, chief executive of Rupert Murdoch?s News UK).

It has to be said, however, that none of this coverage, barmy and excessively fixated, is even half so unlikely as Spare itself, a book that must rank as one of the most bizarre I?ve ever read. Yes, it is ? at moments ? very sad. There?s ongoing shame in it for tabloid journalism. But for a title written explicitly in the cause of securing sympathy and understanding for its so-called author, boy, does it misfire. It?s not only that Harry is so petulant: a man who thinks nothing, even now, of complaining about the bedroom he was allotted for his summer hols in Granny?s castle. With every page, his California makeover grows less convincing.


The Times' Roya Nikah suggests that there might be discussion between KCIII, the PoW and the DoS prior to the coronation. (Note-not confirmed but suggested.)

Peace talks plan: moves to reconcile Prince Harry with the Windsors before the coronation | News | The Sunday Times

QuoteWho shall separate us?? asks Prince Harry in his book, as he describes bidding ?farewell? to Prince William on his wedding day, his big brother leaving him ?terrifyingly alone?. Harry?s memoir, the fastest-selling non-fiction book yet, has separated the brothers even further, leaving ?the Spare? more isolated than ever from the royal family.
The question now is who shall unite them? Can Harry come back into the fold as friend rather than foe, and how?
?Reconciliation? is Harry?s word of the day. He called for it in many interviews last week to promote Spare, probably the least-conciliatory read in royal history. He wants ?accountability? and ?an apology? from his family, but says they have ?shown absolutely no willingness to reconcile? since the Sussexes? painful split from the Windsor clan. He wants to ?sit down and have a proper conversation about this? and says he wants his brother and his father back.There has been deafening silence on the subject from the King and the Prince of Wales, who kept calm and carried on with engagements in Scotland and Liverpool this week, buoyed by the rousing receptions and messages of support they received out on manoeuvres. Some in the royal households believe a ?least said, soonest mended? approach is the best way forward, a mantra being wilfully ignored by Harry. But there are other wise heads in royal circles who acknowledge that, much as it might stick in the craw after Harry?s nuclear detonations, a reconciliation is ?the only way forward? for the royal family. Furthermore, it is only achievable if both sides put their hands up and Harry puts his guns down.
A royal source, who has the King?s ear and who knows the Sussexes well, believes a reconciliation meeting will happen in the coming months and needs to take place before the coronation on Saturday, May 6. ?It?s going to take flexibility on all sides, but it can be done, it?s fixable,? says the source. ?It needs Harry over here, in the room with the King and Prince of Wales, a couple of other family members, some of ?his people? he trusts who always had his back, so he doesn?t think he?s being ambushed. Someone like Elf [Ed Lane Fox, Harry?s former private secretary] and Christopher [Lord Geidt, the late Queen?s former private secretary who advised the Sussexes].But can William? The heir is the spare?s punchbag over Spare?s blistering pages of character assassination and friends have said William is ?burning inside? over his brother?s disloyalty. ?He is loyal to the throne and understands what needs to be done for the country,? says the source, who also knows William well. ?Not everyone here behaved well, but Harry?s got to be able to sit down and say ?we didn?t behave well either?. That takes a lot of academic flexibility, which Harry isn?t great at.?Time is of the essence, says the source: ?We?ve got to move on it, and get it done by April. Then, we need to get the wives in. The King needs a clear run for the coronation.?
Another well-placed royal source agrees: ?They have to invite them in before the coronation, or it will become such a circus and distraction.?
If such a summit is achievable, who could be trusted by both sides to mediate and encourage reconciliation? Perhaps the best candidate is a figure who continues to call for greater ?forgiveness? in society and who has his own ?reconciliation ministry? dedicated to ?peacebuilding??
Step up the Archbishop of Canterbury, trusted confidant of the royal family and the Sussexes, who married Harry and Meghan at St George?s Chapel, Windsor, and to whom they often turned when life inside the royal goldfish bowl became unbearable for them. Asked last month if reconciliation was possible, Justin Welby said: ?There is always a way forward. But it has to be at the right time.?
In an interview with The Daily Telegraph last week, Harry acknowledged that his family would find it hard to forgive his betrayal: ?Some of the stuff I?ve put in there, well, they will never forgive me anyway. But the way I see it is, I?m willing to forgive you for everything you?ve done.?If he is as willing to come to the table as he says he is, he will need to leave his messiah complex behind in Montecito. Harry also claimed his blistering assessment of his family in Spare ?is not about trying to collapse the monarchy, this is about trying to save them from themselves? ? a remark that has been met with groans across the institution that the Sussexes quit. In the same interview, he said it was his ?life?s mission to right the wrongs of the very thing that drove us out? and to ?fix? things: ?When you?re trying to change an institution ? that is not a small task. The scale of the challenge is enormous.?
After 38 years as a prince, Harry still doesn?t seem to grasp that the royal family is not going to change just because he says so. The modernisation of the monarchy, clearly already under way with a King who has a notably different style and approach to his mother, will continue to be led by Charles and William, whose popularity with the British public continues to soar in the polls, as Harry?s plummets.
What could be on the agenda at a royal summit? A ceasefire from the loose cannon, for starters. A royal source says: ?They have to now be quiet and get on with their thing in America and Harry has got to realise that it might all go down better there, but here in the UK, people have taken it very badly. You?ve said your piece, but why are you trying to torch the whole house??
Harry bares his soul to from far left, Michael Strahan on Good Morning AmericaPalace sources agree, and point out that reconciliation and forgiveness is made much harder after Harry?s four broadcast interviews, two print interviews and 407 pages detailing his ?truth? of how horrible his family is. Inside Buckingham Palace, there is wishful thinking that Harry?s family-bashing might be at an end, giving the King and his family the space to see how they feel about the next steps in a few weeks? time.
The issue of titles for Harry and Meghan?s children is also unresolved. As children of the sovereign?s son, Archie, 3, and Lilibet, known as Lili, 1, are automatically now a prince and princess and entitled to be styled His Royal Highness and Her Royal Highness, something Meghan previously claimed Archie would be denied because he was of mixed race. Harry and Meghan are understood to fear the King may strip Archie and Lili of their titles, after his reluctance immediately to recognise their elevated status after the Queen?s death. Four months on, they are still styled as ?Master? and ?Miss Mountbatten-Windsor? on the royal family?s website.Harry and his father had a ?brief discussion? in the days after the Queen?s death. The conversation ended unresolved and left the Sussexes dismayed. Palace sources say all will be decided in good time, but the King would be wise to make his position clear on it before the coronation. If he was to decide to issue Letters Patent to remove their titles, it would not be motivated by vindictiveness, more an acknowledgement that Harry?s book has revealed what a ?poison chalice? a royal title has proven for his second son and his wife, according to a source close to the King.
And what of Harry?s intriguing and surprising remarks that after all the mudslinging and railing at monarchy, he might still fancy some kind of supporting role? ?If my father asks us for support across the Commonwealth then that is certainly an open discussion,? Harry told ITV?s Tom Bradby in an interview. Two days later, in an interview which aired on ABC?s Good Morning America, he added: ?If there was something in the future where we can continue to support the Commonwealth then that?s of course on the table.?
A royal source says: ?In time, perhaps. There could still be an opportunity down the road, but it will need time for them to settle down and be quiet.?
To that end, Harry might want to lay off what feels like ongoing threats to his family. In his Telegraph interview, he also revealed that he has enough material to write another book, having held back many more revelations about Charles and William which neither would ?ever forgive? him for if they were made public.Harry and his father had a ?brief discussion? in the days after the Queen?s death. The conversation ended unresolved and left the Sussexes dismayed. Palace sources say all will be decided in good time, but the King would be wise to make his position clear on it before the coronation. If he was to decide to issue Letters Patent to remove their titles, it would not be motivated by vindictiveness, more an acknowledgement that Harry?s book has revealed what a ?poison chalice? a royal title has proven for his second son and his wife, according to a source close to the King.
And what of Harry?s intriguing and surprising remarks that after all the mudslinging and railing at monarchy, he might still fancy some kind of supporting role? ?If my father asks us for support across the Commonwealth then that is certainly an open discussion,? Harry told ITV?s Tom Bradby in an interview. Two days later, in an interview which aired on ABC?s Good Morning America, he added: ?If there was something in the future where we can continue to support the Commonwealth then that?s of course on the table.?
A royal source says: ?In time, perhaps. There could still be an opportunity down the road, but it will need time for them to settle down and be quiet.?
To that end, Harry might want to lay off what feels like ongoing threats to his family. In his Telegraph interview, he also revealed that he has enough material to write another book, having held back many more revelations about Charles and William which neither would ?ever forgive? him for if they were made public.What is clear from Spare is that his mental turmoil endures to this day and by his own admission, the book is a continuation of his ?mental health journey?.
By Harry?s own admission, there is a ?lot of soap opera? in the book. There is high drama, tragedy and comedy gold, including an anecdote about how Meghan thought Prince Andrew was ?the Queen?s assistant? when she first met the late monarch, and more about Harry?s penis than was expected.
Much has been made of the factual inaccuracies throughout Spare and Harry?s accounts of dates, times and details that simply don?t tally with what actually happened. Last week his ghostwriter, JR Moehringer, tweeted: ?The line between memory and fact is blurry.?
As fascinating as what is in the book, right or wrong, is what isn?t. Harry dedicates many chapters to his two operational tours of Afghanistan, detailing how precious the moments were when he had access to a satellite phone, but describes how his father wasn?t much of a talker, encouraging him to write letters, rather than call. It is one of many details that casts Charles as a remote father, often unable to connect emotionally with his son.But a friend of the King wonders why Harry hasn?t mentioned the weekly care packages he sent to his warrior son at war. ?He used to delight in sending Harry care packages to Afghanistan. He would send a weekly package, injected with humour and his favourite things. He thought long and hard about them,? says the friend. ?Why does Harry not want the world to see that side of his father??
How the next few weeks and months play out will be crucial to the longevity of any family relationships that can be salvaged, but all in royal circles believe the monarchy will weather this storm. A friend of the King?s says of the mood behind palace walls: ?They?re buoyed that the tide has turned here on Harry and people think it?s all so petty. They feel vindicated that much of the public are not taking it all in.?
A former royal aide who was in the eye of several previous royal storms, said: ?It?s a bump in the road. It?s not an abdication. When the Princess of Wales died, people said it would lead to the end of the monarchy. It didn?t. This is a knock, it?s not Armageddon.?
A close friend of both William and Harry?s believes a reconciliation must happen, for the sake of both brothers. ?The silence for now has been the right thing, but this is not going to go away. This has to be resolved and neutralised, so that when William has the top job, his brother isn?t still sniping from the sidelines. I genuinely don?t think this is the end of things. Harry simply cannot do without his brother.?


I don't think it's going to happen. Anyone can 'receive' a suggestion (idea, proposal, advice). 

Apparently Harry has already placed his terms in the mix, conditions. As usual he (or Meghan) conditions are vague, they don't detail who, where, what the apologies they require, multiple times that the public have layed hold on it.

I'm pretty sure there IS another suggested article (there has been too many articles, but I did read it) in similar vein to the above in reference to Samantha vs Meghan, the later wants a mediator to settle.

Can both be related as to where the information is coming from, Montecito team? Maybe, but I have a feeling 'someone' not in that team spilled both articles.


On a personal level, and I suppose a public level too, it might be nice if there could be a reconciliation.  I expect Charles would like that, although I'm not sure anyone else in the family is pining for it.  But I have serious doubts that it can be done, and especially before the Coronation.  Despite Harry's words, I see no sign that he and Meghan are truly interested in reconciling.  Not a real reconciliation.  It seems that what they want is for the Palace to apologize-for not recognizing how special and wonderful Harry and Meghan are, for any perceived slight real or not, and then for the Palace to agree to giving Harry and Meghan whatever they want, including money and possibly roles in the Commonwealth. 

As the article says, Harry and Meghan would also need to acknowledge their own faults and mistakes, and would need to apologize too.  Even more, they would need to agree to turn away from their current path of trashing and telling lies about the monarchy and the family.  I don't think Harry and Meghan are in a place where they are willing to do any of that. 

Obviously, the Palace cannot and will not agree to a one-sided 'reconciliation', and I don't think there's really any need for them to.  The British public is largely sympathetic, and every time Harry and Meghan appear with a new project, they make themselves look worse and less credible.  So even if the family reaches out and makes an attempt, I don't think a true reconciliation will happen anytime soon, if ever.       

Princess Cassandra

Perhaps what the King and other family members are really hoping is that Prince Harry will be returned to better mental health so that a reconciliation is possible. It doesn't look like that's possible under the present circumstances. Netflix and all the interviewers and anyone else making money out of his illness have so much to answer for in my honest opinion.

Princess Cassandra

Quote from: TLLK on January 15, 2023, 01:42:40 PM
The Guardian's review of Spare is now available.

Spare by Prince Harry review ? dry your eyes, mate | Autobiography and memoir | The Guardian
Smile and whole world smiles with you, cry and you cry alone. That old adage really has some truth to it, unfeeling as it is. 

Nightowl can anyone in the royal family have a reconciliation with Harry if they are leery of any conversation they have that will end up in some book, podcast, interview or another reality show?   There is NO TRUST anymore with Harry nor Meghan as we all know that  Harry is so darn jealous of his brother being first born and the heir to the throne.

Just my opinion here, I think Harry and Meghan want the roles back of the Commonwealth for one reason only, they then can go there, build a home, help the people their way and then someday crown themselves as king and queen of the commonwealth regardless of Charles or William or anyone else, they will have their own royal country, a new royal court, and will fight to keep it.  They do not want to answer to anyone, they are their own people, they want to do as they want, say what they say and be totally free of the *real* royal family .....totally independent of anyone but the 2 of them. can NOT TRUST either one of them ever again......Charles has to come to terms that he is not a bad father and should not feel guilty about Harry for I seriously believe that is what is going on with him right now.  Guilt over Diana's death, Harry and William not having him around 24/7 to help them with their grief as he could not even help himself over  Diana 's death.   He needs to *let go of Harry* right now to find his own way in life and just turn his back and do the job he was born to do.   I think William has learned that at HM's knees all those Sundays when he visited her for tea and talk. As HM said NO to HIHO to Harry and Meghan then Charles has to do the same now.......regardless of Harry's rants, lies and threats, for I am darn sure there are many in the royal family that know LOTS about Harry and what he has done that is not public news .....YET.  It works both ways yet for now the royal family is letting Harry hang himself one knot at a time all by himself. And that rope is getting tighter and tighter each time he opens his mouth to spew more lies.....and threats.


From Nightowl.
?Just my opinion here, I think Harry and Meghan want the roles back of the Commonwealth for one reason only, they then can go there, build a home, help the people their way and then someday crown themselves as king and queen of the commonwealth regardless of Charles or William or anyone else, they will have their own royal country, a new royal court, and will fight to keep it.  They do not want to answer to anyone, they are their own people, they want to do as they want, say what they say and be totally free of the *real* royal family .....totally independent of anyone but the 2 of them.? End quote.

Is this a serious opinion?
Fact. There are 56 countries in the Commonwealth at this time.

Fact. 36 of those countries are republics, that have very little ro nothing to do with the BRF at all, other than that King Charles is at the moment Ceremonial Head of the Commonwealth. He was elected as such, it is generally accepted, because his mother, the late Queen, wished it.

Fact. There are 15 realms at the moment, of which Charles is Head of State.

( A lot of these are very small islands or confederations of islands in the Caribbean and the Pacific. Many of the larger realms are likely to end up as republics in the Commonwealth. Jamaica has already signalled that it will remove Charles as HOS in the next year or so. And where Jamaica goes more Caribbean realms will follow. Australia will have a referendum in this Govt?s next term.)

As most countries in the Commonwealth are already republics (and ALL members of the RF know this) it is hardly likely that Harry and Meghan would be wishing to be ?King and Queen of the Commonwealth? is it? And as Harry did a Commonwealth tour of the Caribbean (he danced and hugged with the Jamaican Republican PM) and spent part of his gap year in Australia, officially visiting us here on several other occasions, and has also visited NZ and Canada (and NZ has significant republican sentiment), he knows that things are changing even in the realms. The end of Charles?s reign is likely to see few if any realms remaining.

And so what you have suggested is so far beyond the realms of possibility, both constitutionally in those countries and in practical terms, as to be well, ?..

Sorry, but to me as a Commonwealth citizen what you have posted Nightowl, could only be suggested by someone who knows little to nothing of how the Commonwealth works or how it is formulated.


I never said I knew how the commonwealth worked, and I don't so there.  I do think Harry and Meghan want the former roles of the Commonwealth that was given to them by HM before the ugliness hit the fan.  Just ask yourself WHY today they still make comments about them here and there.  That was just  my way of trying to put pen to paper as to why they would still want them today or tomorrow is all. Heck they do not like anyone telling them what to do, do they?  They don't take advice from anyone, it is their way or the highway we have seen time and time again. Look, HM sent many people that worked personally for her to help them and they all got what, fired or left, doesn't anyone wonder why? I sure do! As an adult I still take advice and work on learning something that effects my life, I don't know everything, and hope I never do as I still like learning even when my bread flops and does not rise....just ask KA and Nagi about that.

Oh Thanks for the history lesson on the Commonwealth, that was interesting and appreciated!   


Harry (and Meghan) intentionally are inconsistent, in reference to the Commonwealth too. 

Empire 2.0 (Netflix)
GG of Bermuda (Spare, another blunder)
I would want a part time job in the Commonwealth if Charles asks (Interview 1)
They (Monarchy) will not have me (same question as the above 12 hours difference Interview 2)

The tactic of being an intentional X, is to emotionally abuse firstly the family, followed by friends and the public, in this case because the senior working royals are part and parcel to the constitutional monarchy.


Quote from: Curryong on January 15, 2023, 02:35:51 AM
IF Prince Philip had written books? What? Well he did actually. I can remember the British Press spruiking several of them. They were no doubt entertaining and informative. But no, they didn?t break records. I think he wrote about a dozen actually. But some of them are on the list below.

And a list of Charles?s books below. I remember he produced Visions of Britain in a numbered copy very expensive leather edition that didn?t sell particularly well. And of course he cooperated greatly in Jonathon Dimbleby?s book about himself in which he criticised his parents, upbringing, the fact that he had never loved Diana and in the interview accompanying that book outed Camilla as his mistress. From his own lips?old and dear friend?

The 17 Best Books written by the British Royal Family.

The 17 Best Books Written by Royals - Books by Meghan Markle, Kate Middleton & More

Yeah, not that kind of books. You know that.


Quote from: Kristeh-H on January 15, 2023, 02:53:20 PM
On a personal level, and I suppose a public level too, it might be nice if there could be a reconciliation.  I expect Charles would like that, although I'm not sure anyone else in the family is pining for it.  But I have serious doubts that it can be done, and especially before the Coronation.  Despite Harry's words, I see no sign that he and Meghan are truly interested in reconciling.  Not a real reconciliation.  It seems that what they want is for the Palace to apologize-for not recognizing how special and wonderful Harry and Meghan are, for any perceived slight real or not, and then for the Palace to agree to giving Harry and Meghan whatever they want, including money and possibly roles in the Commonwealth. 

As the article says, Harry and Meghan would also need to acknowledge their own faults and mistakes, and would need to apologize too.  Even more, they would need to agree to turn away from their current path of trashing and telling lies about the monarchy and the family.  I don't think Harry and Meghan are in a place where they are willing to do any of that. 

Obviously, the Palace cannot and will not agree to a one-sided 'reconciliation', and I don't think there's really any need for them to.  The British public is largely sympathetic, and every time Harry and Meghan appear with a new project, they make themselves look worse and less credible.  So even if the family reaches out and makes an attempt, I don't think a true reconciliation will happen anytime soon, if ever.     

I completely agree. I think Charles wants this to end, both for personal reasons and because he doesn?t want this overshadowing his coronation. However, it?s difficult for me to see William apologizing to Harry and Meghan, especially after his interview with the Telegraph where he sounds like he has a Messiah complex and subtly threatens more material.

It really is quite sad to see an adult behaving this way, but here we are. It would be best if everyone took responsibility for their actions, but I think the Royal family is wary behind the actual motive of Harry and Meghan and Harry and Meghan don?t trust the motive behind the actions of the Royals.


^As the BRF should *never* trust Harry and Meghan again, ever.  This is all they have going for them, telling lies, backstabbing, endangering the lives of the royal family, the entire country, the military. writing more books with threatening info about the royal family, more podcasts of nothing and the list goes on forever.  Their fans think all this is OKAY, do more, keep it going, shout to the world how evil the royal family is........this is called *work*, this is helping their charities (what charities?).  All this is doing is making them MONEY as they need money to support a 14 bathroom house for 3 or 4 people.......who flushes all those darn toilets each day to keep them working I wonder and do not tell me that is not done as I had to do that once with 5 bathroom house.......gotta keep the pipes in working order the builder said. They have NO real jobs, they really do nothing of importance to help anyone do they?  They are a waste of human life imho......This: ..........*TRUST* is the most important word in my language, more so than LOVE as without TRUST how can a person honestly LOVE another person? The BRF can never TRUST Harry and Meghan again..just NEVER and I will shout that to the world and back.