The Duke and Duchess of Sussex interviews, TV and other media events Part 3

Started by TLLK, December 07, 2022, 01:25:02 AM

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Nelson Mandela?s granddaughter Ndileka Mandela isn?t sure why people are ?making a mountain out of a mole hill? over Prince Harry and Meghan Markle?s use of the late social justice activist?s quotes. Prince Harry and Markle released their second project with Netflix Dec. 31. ?Live to Lead? profiles several social justice leaders, including U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, climate activist Greta Thunberg, Gloria Steinem and lawyer Bryan Stevenson.

However, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex credited Nelson Mandela as the inspiration for the docuseries.

Fox News Digital can confirm that Ndileka hasn?t criticized Markle or Harry for the use of her grandfather in the opening to the show.

?I?ve watched the first two episodes of this ?Live to Lead,?? Ndileka told Fox News Digital. ?I honestly don?t find anything wrong with them using that opening thing inspirational with a quote of granddad. I just think that people are making a ? mountain out of a mole hill, and they?re wanting to persecute Meghan and Harry for no reason, honestly,? she added. ?I mean, Meghan has always been an activist, and this is in her activism work which my grandfather was, he was, a social justice activist through and through.?

Ndileka emphasized that Nelson Mandela launched his political career through ?social activism? and compared the journey to Prince Harry and Markle?s.

?And his enter point into politics was through social activism, which is exactly what Meghan and Harry are doing. Like I said early on, a lot of people use granddad?s quotes, and nobody has been made such a big rah-rah as they are making out of Harry and Meghan using this quotation.?

[From Fox News]

So after a day full of headlines about ?the Mandela family slams the Sussexes,? it turns out that Nelson Mandela?s granddaughter never said any of what Tominey reported. It turns out Ndileka Mandela is totally fine with the Sussexes being inspired by her grandfather and producing Live to Lead in concert with the Mandela Foundation. Weird. I wonder if this denial will get picked up with the same ferocity as the false quotes.


I'm not surprised, money talks always. 

That Live to Lead was gathering dust since 2019, no channel or streaming service wanted to buy it, hence outdated, the Sussexes purchased it late last year.  By purchasing it; moneys were distributed to the New Zealand producer and the Mandela Foundation.


Quote from: wannable on January 05, 2023, 02:00:39 PM
I'm not surprised, money talks always. 

That Live to Lead was gathering dust since 2019, no channel or streaming service wanted to buy it, hence outdated, the Sussexes purchased it late last year.  By purchasing it; moneys were distributed to the New Zealand producer and the Mandela Foundation.

So when she was criticising Meghan and Harry she was protecting her grandfather?s legacy. Now she?s saying that Camilla Tominey and co at the Telegraph inflated a non existent story that went all over the news services she?s lying because of money. I see. She wouldn?t be genuinely perturbed and annoyed that the British Press brought her into their feud with Harry and Meghan at all by misrepresenting what she may have said. No of course not! (And who knows what she really said. Tominey, like the rest of the British media is more than capable of lying and misrepresentation.)


I doubt Tominey has recollections may vary moment, she has a recorder.

Lady C
I know, not everyone likes her, but It IS her exclusive story, that Harry is using it inverted to London, Not Cot, fight over MM being Difficult, Abrasive and Rude... :wink:

It is also the same period of making up the story of Rose H. The alleged rumours were started by allegedly Harry too (supposedly angry that all his friends and their wags politely said nice to see you, goodbyes earlier than planned), complement of her 3 years ago video, backed up by another famous youtuber who has family and friends at Norfolk...

Mischief in the highest order? From Lady C, Harry or Meghan.  I'm including Meghan because there were articles that she wasn't happy with the ghostwriter, the story, directly involved herself to rewrite some stuff. Now since all of these quotes the media including The Guardian have carefully written  ''Harry wrote'' rather than ''Harry said'' normally used when a ghostwriter is involved.  It is clever in the sense of ''never ending story'', which I get it, everytime H or M or both catch 'stories' in media/social media, they can shelve it and recreate it? Yes, IF that is this case in particular.  They used Piers Morgan's comments in their Netflix  ''rock stars''.  It is hard to follow what these two do, but hey, there are many sleuthes with receipts posting. 

Assistant producers as my family member tells me, their other tasks (and my fam member says this is all assistant producers do this as ordered) involve checking the internet, gathering and filing/archive/shelving whatever people say about their 'subject'. This can be later used to ''recreate'' a scenario real, objective, subjective, true , half true, more lie than true, but recreated as a fanstasy changing bits and pieces. Or use the info gathered to ''study''.

We will never know, because the other half will not give in or lower themselves to the soap opera.


She may or may not have had a recorder. That doesn?t mean she isn?t capable of inflating some meek and mild comment into an attack on Meghan and Harry. That?s the way journalists operate.

Lady C is beneath contempt and if we are talking about attacking elderly people what she wrote about the QM was disgraceful. She was an extremely elderly lady when Lady C started that scuttlebutt. And as for allegations that Harry or Meghan started those Rose Hanbury rumours, there is absolutely no proof whatsoever that they did anything of the kind or knew anything about it. The Turnip Toffs of Norfolk are experts at spreading all kinds of gossip.

And ?Harry wrote? is customary in English if you are quoting a written statement by someone rather than a spoken one. It?s not ?careful?, it?s customary usage in the the English language.


I'm just restating that her video is being recreated exactly the way she recounted what ''Harry wrote'' BUT instead of Norfolk, Sandringham, half a dozen of friends and wags to London, Cot Not, William.

Hence my comment of who is doing mischief? Note her video is 3 years old, 2019!!! Harry's is 2022 written by him.


She (Tominey) records everything, every journalist does now a days.  Too amateur not to, just look at poor Omid caught at court with more than 30 pages of email exchange, when he absolutely denied having any contact whatsoever.  :laugh:


I neither know nor care what Lady C wrote three years ago, three weeks ago or today. But I do remember untruths from her about the QM and the repeating of gossip she?d picked up from God knows where about Diana. The woman is a disgrace.

And Omid went through Knauf the KP rat. So much for trusting a source. And Omid didn?t appear in court.


So probably Harry recreating Lady C's story?! Too uncanny the similarity, sorry.

Back to Harry, called his therapist 2019 with the alleged physical attack from William, BUT couldn't help his own wife Megs when she felt suicidal? Which day/month did this happen in Not Cot? Very important as they moved to Frogmore C.  Is he also a me, me, me?


Quote from: wannable on January 05, 2023, 02:36:43 PM
So probably Harry recreating Lady C's story?!

Harry called his therapist 2019 with the alleged physical attack from William, BUT couldn't help his own wife Megs when she felt suicidal. Is he also a me, me, me?

Did Harry say it was mental or physical therapy?  He had physical therapy for years after damaging his back during polo. I remember articles about it and he spoke about the back pain occasionally.  If he fell and hit his back on the floor/dog bowl there?s the answer.

And in 2015 he actually got treatment during a polo match. I think he hurt it a couple of years before.

Prince Harry hurts his back after polo fall | Royal | News |


His ''usual'' since 3 years ago vague/blank statements. I called my therapist after the alleged fight with William (words and physical) but his blank statement of the type of therapist.

Another NEW quote from Harry wrote: Harry has confirmed in his book that William is his arch nemesis, IOW he considers william his ''rival''.

Usually people who create in their mind/lives an ''arch nemesis'' can and will invent stories. Factual study about arch nemesis.


The floodgates of LEAKS is wide open, twitter is my friend, fastest news available vs the poor media write, fit in the space, digitalize and go.

Gotta work, till later, the tweets are coming fast and furious, it's like by the time I copy/paste a tweet here in the RIF, I am not kidding 75 NEW tweets muliplying, it's crazy days (and nights) incoming.  Speaking of Crazy Days and Nights, the Sue lady who said she was got in touch by Harry's team investigating Diana which conspiracy theories will be in his book DID appear as a BLIND a couple of years ago. So it IS getting mad hatter status quotes. Am I going to start reading blind items from the California Lawyer??? NO.

Robert Jobson
'The ball is in their court': Emotional Prince Harry refuses to say if he will go to his father's coronation in new ITV trailer as he denies invading William and Charles' privacy.

The look of a happy man with his ''freedom'' in California


Quote from: wannable on January 05, 2023, 02:50:47 PM
His ''usual'' since 3 years ago vague/blank statements. I called my therapist after the alleged fight with William (words and physical) but his blank statement of the type of therapist.

Another NEW quote from Harry wrote: Harry has confirmed in his book that William is his arch nemesis, IOW he considers william his ''rival''.

Usually people who create in their mind/lives an ''arch nemesis'' can and will invent stories. Factual study about arch nemesis.

We don?t know in what sense Harry is using the word ?arch nemesis? it could be nasty, could be comical. I want that book so I can read it all, without as I said a couple of days ago, having it reported through the distorting lens of the British Press with no context given.

And a lot of people use the word therapist, or physio. And there are plenty of photos of a smiling Harry. He?s probably being asked a serious question at that moment.

Anyway, I?m off to sleep. It?s 2 AM and my husband is now woken up and is looking reproachfully at me as I have kept the bedside light on!


I'm reverting to reading all media outlets to compare, contrast, and commenting here what I think is worthy or gossipy. Not waiting for the book any longer, sorry. I will also read and share all analysis I find interesting or that I agree with. 

Wow, the last one until tonight, I really got to shut off twitter in order to work.

Sleuthes  :happy15:

Harry said William knocked him to the floor, H ended up on his back, shattering the dog bowl into pieces, cutting up his back.

Given his dogs have STAINLESS STEEL food & water bowls that's pretty impressive.
:lol:  (William is a Marvel or DC Comic Hero with Powers to break someone's back with Stainless Steel bowls that ''shattered into pieces'')

Oh dear, oh dear


Quote from: Curryong on January 05, 2023, 03:00:18 PM
We don?t know in what sense Harry is using the word ?arch nemesis? it could be nasty, could be comical. I want that book so I can read it all, without as I said a couple of days ago, having it reported through the distorting lens of the British Press with no context given.

And a lot of people use the word therapist, or physio. And there are plenty of photos of a smiling Harry. He?s probably being asked a serious question at that moment.

Anyway, I?m off to sleep. It?s 2 AM and my husband is now woken up and is looking reproachfully at me as I have kept the bedside light on!

Better for the both of you to get some sleep @Curryong. :)


Quote from: wannable on January 05, 2023, 03:03:44 PM
I'm reverting to reading all media outlets to compare, contrast, and commenting here what I think is worthy or gossipy. Not waiting for the book any longer, sorry. I will also read and share all analysis I find interesting or that I agree with. 

Wow, the last one until tonight, I really got to shut off twitter in order to work.

Sleuthes  :happy15:

Harry said William knocked him to the floor, H ended up on his back, shattering the dog bowl into pieces, cutting up his back.

Given his dogs have STAINLESS STEEL food & water bowls that's pretty impressive.
:lol:  (William is a Marvel or DC Comic Hero with Powers to break someone's back with Stainless Steel bowls that ''shattered into pieces'')

Oh dear, oh dear

We don?t know that the dog bowls seen in this particular photo were there at the time of the quarrel at all. People use all sorts of utensils. Could have been a hard plastic bowl down there temporarily. When we had two dogs we used all sorts of bowls for their water.


 (Note this is the Tom Bradby interview that aired in the UK tonight.)

The Daily Telegraph's review of the interview.

Harry: The Interview, ITV - ?It was a strong interview but unpleasant to watch?

QuotePrince Harry has been in therapy for years, and Harry: The Interview made one thing clear: it hasn?t solved his anger issues.
?I?m in such a good headspace now. The reality is, I?ve never been happier,? he said at the end, but the programme told a different story. Furious, defensive and just plain sad, it was a difficult watch for those of us who had hoped that life in Montecito might bring Harry the peace he claims to crave.
To all the historic reasons for that anger, Harry can now add Tom Bradby, chosen by the Sussexes as a friendly face (it was Bradby who spoke to Meghan on the couple?s South Africa tour and asked her, kindly, if she was doing OK). Harry appeared to have turned up for this interview in the belief that Bradby would merely be a conduit for his grievances, a way to deliver them unfiltered to a British television audience.
But Bradby came with a journalist?s agenda and, politely, began to question what he was hearing. With every suggestion he made - that the Royal family will be reeling from the disclosures of their private conversations in Harry?s memoir, that Harry hadn?t so much burned his bridges as ?taken a flamethrower to them? - the interview became testier. Harry?s face grew pinker.He seemed incredulous that someone was challenging his narrative. Bradby ventured that William might view the breakdown in the sibling relationship differently - ?I think he would say he found you emotional, defensive, he couldn?t get through to you?? Harry glared at Bradby. ?It?s quite a list of assumptions you?re making,? he seethed.
The atmosphere seemed rather like the one Harry describes in his book of a meeting between the so-called Fab Four, at which the Duchess of Cambridge gripped her chair so hard that her knuckles turned white.
Bradby suggested at one point that the royal strife was positively Shakespearean. ?You?ve probably read more Shakespeare than I have,? said Harry, somehow turning it into an accusation. Bradby kept telling us that the book contained revelations that will surprise people, which might have been the case had every single one of them not been leaked beforehand (thank you, Spanish booksellers).
The book has its fair share of comedy - you?d need a heart of stone not to laugh at the dog bowl detail, or Harry getting so high on hallucinogens that he had a deep and meaningful conversation with a pedal bin - but that was sadly lacking from this interview.
Bradby attempted to lighten the tone by bringing up the chapter in which Harry talks about losing his virginity. ?It?s four lines or something,? Harry said dismissively. ?We can talk about you losing your virginity if you want.? Well, no, because Tom Bradby hasn?t just spilled the details of his first sexual encounter for all the world to read.
So in terms of scoops the interview had little to recommend it, because every bit of the book had been done to death. As a psychological study, though, it was grimly fascinating. Nothing is Harry?s fault, and almost everything can be blamed on the press. He mentioned the tabloids more times than I could count, with a relentlessness that bordered on the obsessive.Some of it made no sense, particularly on the subject of race. Meghan and Harry are fans of Lady Susan Hussey, and think the press accused her of being racist? The press made up the accusations that the Royal family was racist, when the couple were actually making a very different allegation about unconscious bias?
It was a strong interview but unpleasant to watch. Bradby looked exhausted by the end. Although I do suspect that, after this interview, he will be back on the Buckingham Palace Christmas card list.


The few interviews he has done are really awful. Dangerous. Crazy.
Lots of good, juicy details in his own words written and spoken to give the talking heads on gossip tv shows and news to discuss.

Mission by Harry, accomplished.

Book, sold out.
Back orders.
Library holds.
All of these things.
Best seller.
He earned that 40 milllion or so book deal.

  Ok, yes , but at what future , personal cost to Harry?



'Camilla was dangerous': Prince Harry launches a blistering attack on Queen Consort, branding her a 'VILLAIN' and claiming her 'need to rehabilitate??

Prince Harry launches blistering attack on Camilla, branding her 'dangerous' in 60 Minutes interview | Daily Mail Online

This is not going to sit well with King Charles,

'I don't see it as cutting at all': Prince Harry brazenly insists he 'NEVER intended to hurt his family' - despite launching dozens of brutal attacks on royals in explosive memoir and on TV?..

Henry is just so stupid, disgusting, evil, just a nasty little insecure manchild.

Harry claims William and Kate 'stereotyped' Meghan as 'biracial American actress' | Daily Mail Online 
Henry, despicable creature, is earning his big payday in his scathing book coming full steam for William, but Catherine too.

William needs to just consider Henry dead. Gone. A nobody. Someone he does not know or care to know. Write him off.
Forever. Some things are unforgivable.
When Megan divorces Henry 5-8 years from now, side with Megan. Let Henry fin for himself. No return to England so stay in America.
This fool Henry does not understand here in the USA, media loves you and spits you out as public gets tired of an old show and wants something more. Nastier. Topic du jour.
Henry is in countdown.


And  this gem
'My family helped to drive out Meghan': Harry launches another extraordinary attack on the Royal family, branding them 'abusers' in TV interview likened to taking a 'flamethrower to them'
Duke once again turned the fire on his family in interview with???

CBS interview, 60 Minutes with Anderson Cooper. If anyone wants to see it on you tube. @Curryong in Australia
@ others here on this site from other countries,  in England.


Prince Harry appears to have softened his earlier remarks regarding his stepmother the Queen Consort in today's interview on Good Morning American with Michael Strahen. He now says that he had compassion for her and he's not referred to her as a "villain"   I have to wonder if Harry is viewing the reaction to his earlier comments in his previous 60 Minutes interview with Anderson Cooper and is now pulling back a bit?

Prince Harry claims he has 'huge compassion' for Camilla after branding her a 'villain' | Daily Mail Online

QuotePrince Harry has made yet another sensational U-turn in his attacks on the royal family - claiming he has 'huge compassion' for his father's wife Camilla, less than 12 hours after he branded her 'dangerous' and a 'villain' in a 60 Minutes interview to promote his explosive new book.

The 38-year-old's latest comments about the Queen Consort - whom he reveals in his memoir Spare that he once thought of as an 'evil stepmother' - came in a new sit-down with GMA, his third pre-recorded interview in less than 24 hours.

Speaking to host Michael Strahan, who asked Harry 'what [Camilla] had done' to prompt both he and his brother to 'beg' Charles not to marry her, the Duke of Sussex insisted he actually sympathized with her role as the 'third person in his parents' marriage', claiming that he 'doesn't look at her as an evil stepmother'.

'I have a huge amount of compassion for her, you know, being the third person within my parents' marriage,' Harry told Strahan - despite telling 60 Minutes' Anderson Cooper last night that Camilla's affair with Charles made her a 'villain'.

When asked where his relationship with Camilla stands today, Harry conceded that they 'haven't spoken for a long time', but added that he 'loves every member of his family' and that when he and the Queen Consort 'see each other, we're perfectly pleasant'.


strange that he has revised his opinion on Camilla (within a few hours) but not on William.  It seems to me that he's been really really gunning for his brother....


Yes it is interesting that he is now pulling back on Camilla. Most likely because he knows it would upset his father, but his words from less than 24 hours are still out there. Now that he's stated that they didn't claim that the BRF was racist in the Oprah Winfrey interview of 2021 (neither said the word "racist" but they certainly implied it), will the Kerry Kennedy request that they return the RFK Ripple of Hope award for standing up to the "institutional racism" in the Royal Family/monarchy?


Quote from: TLLK on January 09, 2023, 02:30:53 PM
Prince Harry appears to have softened his earlier remarks regarding his stepmother the Queen Consort in today's interview on Good Morning American with Michael Strahen. He now says that he had compassion for her and he's not referred to her as a "villain"   I have to wonder if Harry is viewing the reaction to his earlier comments in his previous 60 Minutes interview with Anderson Cooper and is now pulling back a bit?

Prince Harry claims he has 'huge compassion' for Camilla after branding her a 'villain' | Daily Mail Online

YES, His PR very likely told him he lost an ARMY of FEMINISTS, basically speaking bad about women no matter what or who, misogynist.  He complains about people not accepting Meghan, the 'stereotyping because she is divorced and an actress, that both have made many mistakes but not sexual, then proceeds  in the PROCESS to trash Camilla for rehabbing her failed marriage/love for Charles (in the 90s female blaming was standard, today it is not) :sarcastic:   (Social media feminist warriors exploded last night on twitter and it went like wildfire to feminist blogs, forums)

Feminist groups liked him, not now.  One of the leaders who was staunch Harry fan, asked me last night what did he smoke, making a point by point of things that have backfired on H

Muslim groups don't like him either...

This is another 'back and forth' 

Mocks and bullies his female teachers, says he's a feminist multiple times between June-September 2020, attacks Camilla/Kate (one may not like Cams and Kate, but they are women, females, it's secondary if one wants to scream through the rooftops grandmother, mother of 3 or one is a divorcee and the other is a robot, that is stereotyping) now retracts in 24 hours