Prince Andrew-A New Chapter

Started by TLLK, January 14, 2022, 12:44:19 AM

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Agree.  However, it might be a good idea for Andrew to take somewhere smaller, and for someone who can pay a commerical rent to take RL


There is no roof repairs in the planning from the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead.

All the planning permits dated 2004 were gates, pathway, security cameras, lamp posts, internal tiled ceiling removal to put something else, almost 20 years ago.


The roof was probably fixed before the Queen Mother?s death. The Queen would hardly have allowed Mummy to live in a house with a leaking roof. If it is leaking now twenty years later, that is on Andrew.


Quote from: Curryong on March 04, 2023, 01:09:09 PM
The roof was probably fixed before the Queen Mother?s death. The Queen would hardly have allowed Mummy to live in a house with a leaking roof. If it is leaking now twenty years later, that is on Andrew.
Its hardly Andrews fault if the roof is starting to leak.. old places need a lot of money and attention, and it may be that some problems are starting to arise.  It depends if Andrew wants to go on living there, or if he would prefer a somewhat smaller palce that would be easier and cheaper to keep  up.


Quote from: Amabel2 on March 04, 2023, 01:17:01 PM
Its hardly Andrews fault if the roof is starting to leak.. old places need a lot of money and attention, and it may be that some problems are starting to arise.  It depends if Andrew wants to go on living there, or if he would prefer a somewhat smaller palce that would be easier and cheaper to keep  up.

Well, we shall see if Andrew actually wants to move to a smaller place, where he and Fergie are living cheek by jowl, rather than in separate wings as at Royal Lodge. Everything I have seen and heard and read about Andrew over the last fifty years of his adult life does not reflect the persona of a humble person who feels his rank and status are unimportant. If it was Edward and he was single I would say yes he probably would accept being transferred to a smaller dwelling.

However Andrew, pompous arrogant and entitled, I would say he would hate it. However he may be forced to accept a move. I dare say he has a few million in his piggy bank. Enough to maintain and renovate an ageing very grand building for possibly the next 30 years? Probably not.


well we dont know.  If he has enough money, he probably would prefer the bigger house, and if he lives to be very old, he might be ok with a transfer to some smaller place if he's aged and requiring care. He has  a lease and if he can pay for the house, he has the right to live there.


I also think Andrew has a right to live in his home as he bought and paid for the lease and repairs long time ago, that lease has not run out yet. I don't like Andrew and never have as he reminds me of a buffoon, an over grown monkey full of himself.  I think it is just tabloid gossip running off at their mouths to create drama and trouble and getting people riled up to dislike the royal family so that the republican party can take over the country.


There is no republican party, and if there were, and they had a majority, we'd get rid of the monarchy.  which would be fine.


My mistake, I do know that the Labor Party, Conservative Party and Liberal Democrats all have views and ideas of Republicanism in them and some of their members favor getting rid of the monarchy.  From your comment I gather you are not in favor of the monarchy, one thing I learned in reading all these history books that I have here is that no empire, world leader (like the US), kingdom or whatever gov a country has will survive with a gov of greed, corporation and sense of entitlement and egos out of control, they all crash and burn eventually as time has shown us, not just monarchies. That is because we are all different and some want more control of other people.....yet once the people form and take a stand, things then change be it good or bad.  That happens to all countries and their leaders and hopefully sooner than later for Russia.


very few republicans in the UK.  Its most unlikely unless there was a war, or some very major scandal, that the monarchy would end.  If it does, if the British people as a whole want to get rid of it, that is their choice. Andrew is certianly a factor which could put people off having a monarchy, but in relation to his house, if he can afford it, he has a perfect right to go on living there.   If he hasn't Charles will probalby persaude him to move to a smaller house.


An article here about Andrew?s rude, abrupt and off hand behaviour as a trade envoy, dealing with foreign VIPs and diplomats.

?On one occasion described by Mr Wilson, the embassy had prepared a speech for Andrew at an event with the British ambassador.


?The ambassador gave the opening remarks and then said, ?Your Royal Highness, you say a few words.? And Andrew refused to get up,? says Mr Wilson.

?Then he did get up, and he tapped the ambassador on the head tow or three times and said, ?This is the man who?ll tell you all about trade,? and sat down. The whole room went totally silent.?


Mr Wilson once served as deputy head of the British mission in Bahrain, and interacted with Prince Andrew when the royal was a trade envoy. He was not impressed.

?We had a whole raft of things that came out in advance of his visit, his dislikes in terms of eating and stuff. He would only drink water, it had to be at room temperature, no ice,? the ex-diplomat recounts in the documentary, according to LBC.

?He always brought a large entourage with him, a private secretary, an equerry, a valet, a lady clerk and a business adviser.

?We were shocked when a six-foot ironing board was trying to be negotiated into one of the embassy cars. I just could not believe that he was bringing an ironing board with him. I asked the valet and said, ?This is insane.? The valet?s reply was, ?No one knows how to iron His Royal Highness?s trousers like me.??


It's a shame that Andrew didn't realize that his role as a trade envoy would require him to use diplomacy and tact. I'm sure that more than one embassy official wished that the Duke of Kent had retained that position.


Quote from: TLLK on April 12, 2023, 12:36:58 PM
It's a shame that Andrew didn't realize that his role as a trade envoy would require him to use diplomacy and tact. I'm sure that more than one embassy official wished that the Duke of Kent had retained that position.
He wasnt suitable for taht sort of job, I think that was obvious from Day 1 So I dont know whose idea it was to give it to him.  He might  have been a bit more useful as some kind of Sports Envoy


Latest Royal Lodge articles 'cycle' started in UK (leave and go to Frogmore), dispelled, then until all last week, USA (leave for William and Kate)

Page Six claims a source close to W&K:

Prince William and Princess Kate don't want Prince Andrew's home, thank you very much.

Insiders dispelled rumors that King Charles is kicking his disgraced brother out of his longtime home, Royal Lodge, to make room for the Prince and Princess of Wales.

A source close to William and Kate told Page Six the couple is extremely happy at Adelaide Cottage with their three children, Prince George, 9, Princess Charlotte, 8, and 5-year-old Prince Louis.

And a move could prove a costly security headache for the king, multiple sources added.

The Waleses only relocated from Kensington Palace in London to Adelaide Cottage in Windsor last September.

However, there has been chatter that Charles wanted to move the family into Andrew's $38m Royal Lodge in Windsor which boasts 30 rooms and is considerably larger than the four-bedroom Adelaide  after telling his younger brother to move out.

Not only do William, 40, and Kate, 41, want to stay put, but Royal Lodge lies outside the security perimeter of Windsor Castle. As a result, it has separate security for which Charles foots the bill.

However, taxpayers would be stuck with that separate bill if working royals William and Kate were to move in, a fate Charles is eager to avoid.

By Sara Nathan June 20, 2023 | 3:49pm
Page Six


Discussion of the Wales' children's education has been moved to this thread.

The Education and preparation of the Wales Children


Quote from: wannable on June 20, 2023, 08:12:48 PM
Latest Royal Lodge articles 'cycle' started in UK (leave and go to Frogmore), dispelled, then until all last week, USA (leave for William and Kate)

Page Six claims a source close to W&K:

By Sara Nathan June 20, 2023 | 3:49pm
Page Six

I tend to agree that the Wales are content to remain at Adelaide Cottage. Their staff has housing nearby so they don't really require live in help on a daily basis.

I suspect that in time Prince Andrew is simply going to run out of funds for the required renovation work on Royal Lodge and will move elsewhere.  :shrug:


Its up to him.  He has a lease for many years.


Quote from: TLLK on June 21, 2023, 03:25:41 PM
I tend to agree that the Wales are content to remain at Adelaide Cottage. Their staff has housing nearby so they don't really require live in help on a daily basis.

I suspect that in time Prince Andrew is simply going to run out of funds for the required renovation work on Royal Lodge and will move elsewhere.  :shrug:

I agree. In whatever capacity, he?s no longer a working royal, so pay for the expensive upkeep or move elsewhere; not a difficult concept to accept overall, but I?m sure it?s hit him like a ton of bricks.


^^^Good points. Also while like his siblings he's experienced the loss of their parents, he's also lost his role(s) and identity as a working member of the BRF due to his behavior and words. Charles, Anne and Edward all have their spouses too to support them through this transition in their personal lives and duties. They are all moving forward with their roles within the family. Andrew is completely sidelined due to his behavior over the years.

Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if he's in a very low state and that might be why he's dug his heels in and won't leave Royal Lodge.


^Probably so. I can also see it rankle that Charles is in charge now; of the money especially.


Charles is paying for Andrew's private security at Royal Lodge, that mansion isn't 'fenced in' Windsor Estate, is part of Windsor Great Park.

I recall the real story is he wants to rent it to a billionaire, like Fort Belvedere, which is also located at Windsor Great Park.  IMO, This sounds more like Charles, financial savvy person.


Yes, I have always felt that Charles was and still is highly underestimated, he is a brilliant businessman, just look at the Duchy of Cornwall and how he turned it around to become a major firm to help so many people today and he is a master painter of watercolors, some of his  paintings are just marvelous.  The man does not stop for much, he total workalochic with a schedule that many younger men could not keep up with today.  I bet he is a picky person who knows just how he wants things done and when......a big type A personality........ :happy


I have a hunch that Andrew will not spend the rest of his days at Royal Lodge. He's likely to discover that he just doesn't have the funds for its upkeep and he will eventually realize that it's time to "retrench."


^And I think there?s an element of wanting to do it on his terms, not Charles?. I think he knows that he won?t have the funds to keep it up, but I think he feels hard done by (as laughable as that is to even type).
