Books about and written by the Sussexes Part 2

Started by TLLK, November 12, 2021, 12:34:59 AM

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I have five books about Charles and in each case there were complaints about his parents? attitude to him and his terrible life at school. And in Jobson?s later bio of Charles he talks about how William would challenge his father on many occasions, standing toe to toe and shouting directly into his face.

Edward VIII and his brothers would not do that, they were all terrified of their father even as adults, who, when he was in a temper, would snap at and insult the wife he usually adored while they were having a meal, at which Mary would leave the table as soon as she could, and her children would follow her. George V made his son Bertie?s stuttering twice as bad by shouting ?Get it out, boy!? when he attempted to speak. And Edward would make fun of his younger brother. And the Duke of Kent was bisexual and a cross dresser for fun, sometimes dressing up as his mother at parties. So those royals often weren?t a particularly happy family.

It?s doubtful Harry will be writing two more books about his family. Apparently he and Meghan wanted to write health and wellness books about building up self confidence etc. They are more likely to be the subject.


Quite mild compared to the damage Harry has spouted in the past 3 years. 

Anyway so far whatever the couple speak ill against family and friends has backfired in such a way. I can't wait for the book to be out there or serialized by the media.


any family has its  ups and downs and bad times, and I think that provided the members are fair and moderate in what they say, its OK to let some of it out in public.  What is NOT OK, is to exaggerate the problems, tell lies or confusing information about the problems, and to do it for money.


Quote from: Amabel2 on November 01, 2022, 12:40:05 PM
any family has its  ups and downs and bad times, and I think that provided the members are fair and moderate in what they say, its OK to let some of it out in public.  What is NOT OK, is to exaggerate the problems, tell lies or confusing information about the problems, and to do it for money.

Thank You!


Amazon has a deal going where you can have Prince Harry's upcoming memoir Spare available for free.

Prince Harry's book Spare on Amazon for FREE in Black Friday deal months before it hits shelves  | Daily Mail Online

QuoteAmazon's deal is available when customers take out a trial of their audiobook service Audible, and the book is now on the list of free works which can be purchased by Audible listeners during the trial.

It comes after the memoir was already advertised for sale at half of its retail price as early as October.

Princess Cassandra

Quote from: sara8150 on December 03, 2022, 06:06:50 PM
King Charles WILL 'close the door' on Prince Harry if he criticises Camilla in his new book Spare | Daily Mail Online

Prince Harry may reach 'point of no return' if he lashes out at Camilla in book - expert - Mirror Online

Prince Harry 'holds talks' with ITV pal Tom Bradby for interview to promote book - Mirror Online

Per King Charles
The hype over the book (and everything else regarding the Sussex couple) is a bit scary, because any criticisms are likely to become big news. The Queen Consort tries very hard to do her job but not attract unnecessary attention. Rumors are rife that the book targets her. I recall Harry's interview around the time he turned 21 when he indicated that it was not a mean stepmother situation and that "William and I love her to bits".  If true that the book is critical of her it will put the King in a difficult position. He is a kind person and as such would never want to ghost his son, especially if he thinks Harry is emotionally "not himself ".


Frankly if Harry starts attacking Camilla now, after saying that he loved Camilla and she wasnt a wicked stepmother, he will look foolish.. and two faced. but then....


Loose cannon from the elite (1%) that has benefited all his life from the BRF. The more unguarded talk he does, loose lips sink (his own) ship. 

Charles may be in a precarious position because he's the King, the Constitutional Monarchy he represents and leads and a Father as well to a son who has said suffers from MH issues, Meghan is helping  him/Better Up therapists, etc. etc.  If Charles makes a favorable statement to his 1% elite son, he is an ''elitist'' supporting a privileged 1% that can go rampant trashing and has been going full on berserk, and yet retaining that 1% status uncancelled. The UK His Majesty's Government, where applicable will have to give the 'equal treatment' to Harry's and the Morgan's 2.0 and Clarkson's. IF Charles goes ''directly'' against him, the endless oxygen to the H&M soap opera.

The dangers of ''declaring publicly in favour'' being not only a 1% but most importantly a ''representative'' of the nation (Charles, Camilla, William and Kate, extend it to Anne, Eduard and Sophie). They can't. Period.  There is a political implication pampering bad behaviours of 1 vs everything, basically the BRF have to be extra extra careful from this point forward (if they weren't in the past, but I believe they have been, minus a few slip ups, BP inviting the Marlene charity without carefully looking at an obvious available RED flag in the charity commission website).

So, elitist 1% or reply back oxygen to the soap opera? Neither, stay silent, let the system solve the harry's meghan's, morgan's, clarkson's of this world. They also have to be very careful with the official message they send, it is a problem.

Basically, IF Harry can trash in his book and retain status, why can't Joe Public do the same?!  It is more of an issue in this world to support a trashy elitist who has no care whatsoever of his (or her) privilege (and do the right thing because of that privilege)  than a Joe Public that is not privileged. Once one understands this, everything else is more digestable.


Quote from: Amabel2 on December 21, 2022, 03:07:44 PM
Frankly if Harry starts attacking Camilla now, after saying that he loved Camilla and she wasnt a wicked stepmother, he will look foolish.. and two faced. but then....

I doubt that Harry will attack Camilla. He didn?t during the whole documentary. However. When did he say that he loved Camilla etc? Oh, yes, when he was 21 and, like other young royals of that age, under supervision from staff appointed by his father and the Palace to a large extent. People are allowed to change their minds about people as they age, even relatives. Harry was then 21, he?s now 38, and living an independent life. I think everyone should wait and see what is in the book. I have it on pre-order, so I?ll be able to post what I think.


**when he was 21 and, like other young royals of that age, under supervision from staff appointed by his father and the Palace** Harry did not have a  mind of his own when 21?  He obeyed the staff and did everything they wanted......I have the late Queen's  Girls Tiara to sell if anyone believes that.  At that age I bet he very much had a wild mind of his own as did William, Charles, or anyone of that age. It is only when we grow older that our thinking takes a turn, we learn and see things very differently.   Like someone said to me, when we are young dumb and foolish all our decisions and choices come back to haunt us when we are older and very true for everyone.  We all make mistakes and have regrets and I wonder if Harry will ever regret the harsh and cruel treatment of his grandparents in their final years that he did to them...for the world to see no less.  Neither Harry nor Meghan are perfect human beings as their fans so want to believe.....oh yes Karma will come for them sooner than later.


Jamie Lowther Pinkerton was PS to both William and Harry from May 2005 onwards. He, along with people from Clarence House, knew very much how the Palace works (he had been Equerry to the QM for years, and yes, he would have had a look over what the two Princes said in their Press interviews as would the RF Press Secretaries.

You don?t really think that young men in their twenties would be sent out to meet the Press on even an innocuous occasion as a 21st birthday without some sort of instructions as to what to say, the right response to a question, or what was going to be asked? Because that just ain?t so.

Even as late as the first long BBC programme the brothers did on the 20th anniversary of Diana?s death, there were reports that Charles asked for and received a list of the questions to be answered that were going to be on the programme.

And yes, most royals have any organisation or journalist that is going to interview them submit a list of questions to be approved first. And if they are not approved (by either the royal or their PS or Press Sec or both) then they aren?t asked. And that?s what would have been going on with that interview Harry did at the Royal Stables when he was 21.

PS I have never stated that I believe that Harry and Meghan are perfect human beings who have never made mistakes. Nor has anyone else I know who sympathises with the couple on anything. However, I do not believe that other members of the RF are perfect angels at all times either.

And that goes for Prince Philip and the Queen as well, admirable though I feel she was. Old age and having grandchildren doesn?t excuse anybody from being unfaithful, being cut off from modern life, making bad decisions or any other event in life.


How Charles evades media scrutiny. This one?s Charles, but almost all the others who agree to interviews do it too.And their aides and Press Secretaries etc prepare the documents for signing.

How Prince Charles evades media scrutiny in television interviews | Roy Greenslade | The Guardian


The fact that the duo have attacked their family in the past and present directly or indirectly throwing lots of shade, in this woke era, the use of frequent words of racist, misogynist, feminist, all other ''ist'', that both like to exalt to be against those who commit the cardinal sin and defenders of,  but break it minutes, hours, days, weeks later after talking about it, like valid for everyone except our families. 


There are no plans for a newspaper serialisation of Spare, Prince Harry's memoir, his publisher Transworld has confirmed. The book will be published on 10th January.


it will be nice if his bio had private pix of him with his mother.... though by his netflix doc, it appears be unlikely


There were many many clips and photos of Harry with his mother (and grandmother, father and brother) that were shown in the Netflix documentary.


Quote from: dianab on December 23, 2022, 12:24:40 AM
it will be nice if his bio had private pix of him with his mother.... though by his netflix doc, it appears be unlikely

Hopeful that there might be a private photo of the two of them. I wonder how the family photo albums were divided after Charles and Diana divorced? I have a feeling that Paul Burrell was in possession of these personal items as he did have so many of Diana's belongings in his home. I would imagine that Charles, William and Harry have their personal sets of pictures. I recall William and Harry browsing through an old album during their 20th anniversary tribute to their late mother.


The lies. The lies. The half truths.
His book. Then Omids
trip to Coronation in May for more ammunition .
Time to reload.


Quote from: TLLK on December 23, 2022, 03:14:34 PM
Hopeful that there might be a private photo of the two of them. I wonder how the family photo albums were divided after Charles and Diana divorced? I have a feeling that Paul Burrell was in possession of these personal items as he did have so many of Diana's belongings in his home. I would imagine that Charles, William and Harry have their personal sets of pictures. I recall William and Harry browsing through an old album during their 20th anniversary tribute to their late mother.
I cant quite  understand why Paul Burrell would have so many of Diana's personal things, so that her sons had toe get them from him. I would imagine that th boys got her albums iwth personal pics of her with them or with Charles, and Charles had siome of his own.


The Sunday Times has an alleged insider (source at Penguin) saying Harry's Spare is  a William and to a bit of a lesser extent Kate bashing and trashing.

Diana and how he never got over her death
William and Kate bashing/trashing
Media bashing/trashing

The Sunday Times concludes that IF their Penguin source is spot on with the info, William will have a forever break up with his brother Harry, allegedly there are ''minute notes' meetings between the brothers that Harry will spill.


My reply to all this speculation is ?Wait until the book is actually published?. The media, both broadsheet and tabloid, did a whole lot of speculating about the Netflix series, hardly any of which came to pass and it continues with what may be in this book by Harry. And IF there are minutes on meetings with his brother that show William in an unfavourable light then so be it.


Great advice.

With all the Netflix thing, the Sunday Times broke the South Africa ''move'', Harry confirmed it at Netflix and IMO using it as an excuse to say 'they spoiled it hence we didn't move there'.  All famous people abode is one way or another disclosed by the media.

I use the above example as a 'probability measure' that the Sunday Times has a Peguin insider spilling the beans?!