King Charles III and the Queen Consort's offical overseas travel Part 2

Started by TLLK, October 01, 2021, 05:46:46 PM

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It will be interesting to see the reactions of Kenyans to what Charles has to say about the Mau Mau period. If it?s not fulsome enough in a humble way then many aren?t going to be happy.


My ancestors way back when in  Ireland and Scotland did some of the most horrific evil things that I  would never do and I don't want to say they are my ancestors yet they are, so there is NO way in hell I will ever say sorry for that some dead ancestors of mine did, that is on them, NOT ME.  The world needs to stop saying sorry, paying money for the past mistakes of dead people period. I am responsible only for me, not someone else in my family dead or alive.....I was not born to please the world or to kiss the butt of those that want a fat bank account or a plack saying I am sorry.   I am not sorry for what happened in the past as I did not do those terrible things...yet I can learn from the dead on how to be a decent kind human being today by not treating people with indifference just because they are different then me........BIG difference then saying sorry or paying money to someone today who just wants a fat bank account. 

I hope Charles knows he is not responsible for the past mistakes of his ancestors, maybe he needs someone to point that out to him. Sometimes saying sorry or forgiving someone is just pointless as all must humans want is MONEY as that is the first thing they ask about.



TM the King and Queen laid wreaths at the Commonwealth Graves commission cemetary today. Also four elderly veterans including a 117 year old WWII veteran received replacement medals as well. Congratulations to these fine service men!!

117-Year-Old WWII Veteran Receives Replacement Medals From King - YouTube

QuoteThe King has presented replacement medals to four Kenyan veterans including a 117-year-old, who fought alongside the British during World War II.

Both he and the Queen observed a moment's silences before laying a wreath at the Commonwealth War Graves Commission cemetery.


At the State Banquet the King referenced Prince William and Catherine Middleton's engagement which took place in Kenya.

King Charles Talks Prince William's Proposal to Kate Middleton in Kenya

QuoteKing Charles spoke at a state banquet in Kenya on Tuesday as part of his visit with Queen Camilla. The visit marks the monarch's first trip to a Commonwealth country since his accession in September 2022 upon the death of his mother, Queen Elizabeth. In his speech, he recapped some of the memories that his family members have in the African country.

"It was here, in sight of Mount Kenya, that my son, the Prince of Wales,  proposed to his wife, now my beloved daughter-in-law," King Charles said, recalling the 2010 engagement.

The King also noted that his late mother's ascension to the throne which took place when she and the Duke of Edinburgh were staying at Treetops inn. The late Prince Phillip was present at Kenya's Independence ceremonies.  Prince William has shared that Charles took his sons to Kenya in the months after Diana's death.


Chris Ship

King Charles and Queen Camilla to visit Australia 🇦🇺

It would be the first time as Monarch and Head of State of Australia.
We know King is due at Commonwealth Summit in Samoa 🇼🇸 in October '24 so it's a reasonable bet to predict he'll travel to Oz around then.


The King will travel to Canada next spring marking his first visit to a realm since his Coronation. Information to follow.

King Charles travelling to Canada for first time as monarch - but faces huge opposition - Mirror Online -

As a Canadian, there's no 'oposition' in the sense of the monarchy being replaced


The Spanish media is reporting that the King and Queen will have a state visit to Spain, ending of January beginning of February.

Princess Leonor might attend the banquet having her tiara debut


Quote from: PrincessOfPeace on December 12, 2023, 08:42:04 PM

The King will travel to Canada next spring marking his first visit to a realm since his Coronation.

Information to follow.

King Charles travelling to Canada for first time as monarch - but faces huge opposition - Mirror Online -

As a Canadian, there's no 'oposition' in the sense of the monarchy being replaced

I am very glad to hear this @PrincessOfPeace .


Quote from: TLLK on December 29, 2023, 11:45:08 PM
I am very glad to hear this @PrincessOfPeace .

No, there isn?t rioting in the streets for a revolutionary republic. And, like Aus the constitutional barriers to changing anything are huge for Canada (though Quebec would go in a heartbeat.) That doesn?t mean however that there isn?t mass indifference to the idea of monarchy in Canada, sometimes marked by a mild hostility. Poll after poll for years has shown it.

One of the main arguments against Canada being a republic rather than a monarchy is that being a realm marks it out from its huge neighbour, the US. We don?t have that.

However, even that argument has faded in the past couple of decades. There was some loyalty to the late Queen, but Charles doesn?t have that broad sweep of support. And the monarchy slides into indifference and irrelevance in these realms with every decade until finally it will be gone.

Growing number of Canadians want to reconsider monarchy ties: poll - National |


King and Queen to visit Australia this year
Country's prime minister Anthony Albanese confirms trip, expected for late October circa Commonwealth meeting in Samoa

The King will visit Australia later this year, Anthony Albanese, the country's prime minister, has confirmed.
The King and Queen are expected to visit the country as part of a long-haul trip in late October, when they attend the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Samoa.

A government spokesperson told The Australian newspaper that ''the prime minister enjoys a warm relationship with the King, and looks forward to welcoming His Majesty to Australia later this year''.

Victoria Ward,
2 January 2024  2:05pm


Preparations are beginning for a potential royal visit to Australia later this year, despite King Charles's recent cancer diagnosis.

The federal government is beginning talks with the states and territories about when and where King Charles and Queen Camilla might visit.

Earlier this year, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese confirmed the king was planning a visit to Australia. -
