All memorials to Diana including the fountain, playground, and statue discussio

Started by Curryong, January 28, 2017, 10:39:00 PM

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Well it appears that no one won the poll now that we know that Diana was in a standing pose.

Blue Clover

I watched the unveiling today and I was happy the brothers and Spencers put on a united front. Diana was monumental for me and someone who follows royalty. I think the statue speaks to her legacy.

It is hard to see the boys aging and bald!  :teehee:

@Curryong The joint statement was great!



I see Diana in Marble, but hey the above was approved by her sons.


China Pink Tulips and Maureen Tulips were among the blooms used. I have planted both types of tulips.


I kinda like it.  Not certain about the grip she has on the girl.  It?s rather static but that?s not a complete negative.  This isn?t meant to be a art masterpiece but a memorial - the outfit screams 90s Diana, the kids represent her humanitarian activities and interest in kids.  Not a 100 but a solid 75. 


The statue?s received a mixed reaction. I?m not that keen on the interpretation by this sculptor to be honest but I do have the feeling that as people get used to the statue it will grow on them. I was hoping there would be children around her so I?m glad that there are three there. Apparently it?s very much representative of this artist?s work. To me it seems too hard-looking, too large and looming, too dark.

I was lucky enough to see Diana in real life several times, and can remember the softness, warmth and humanity that shone out of her even in casual moments. There?s nothing of that in this statue, but of course it would be virtually impossible to capture Diana?s personality in bronze, marble or paint.

Nevertheless this representation of Diana and her work was chosen by her sons, the people she loved best and who remember her with such love too, so really that?s all that matters. And I am absolutely sure that she would have loved the little gathering today, her sons, brother, her two sisters there to honour her. I also loved the verse on her character and impact on the world, engraved nearby.


Someone said ?Why is Diana wearing a wrestling/ santa belt?? The fashion of the time.  :lol: She has the look of an elementary school teacher at recess.  :shrug: Determined, Focused and gazing out at the water. A protective arm around the little girl who is about to sprint off. A ?secret garden? kind of vibe. Nice book. Very similiar in cause just like UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Audrey Hepburn was devoted to helping the world's children and now Kate. Overall, it?s a nice lovely statue.  :thumbsup:


I was unsure about a statue.. but thsi was worse than I imagined. I think that it shows that Diana's image can't be captured in art... sadly...


I guess I like it. Not sure what I was expecting. It'll grow on me.


 There's been a good deal of discussion regarding the outfit she's wearing and honestly I believe that it was a deliberate choice by her sons to portray her in her post-divorce working outfits rather than one of her sheath dresses that she wore frequently during her tenure as Princess of Wales. I have to wonder if Diana felt more confident and self-assured in the separates when she was working with her charities and patronages. Perhaps she believed that people took her more seriously and she shared that with her sons. They obviously wanted to portray her in the last year of her life, so this must have been what she was choosing to wear then.

Though I have to say that perhaps the belt could have been scaled back a bit.


I?ve read that the depiction of her outfit on the statue was taken from the first Xmas card Diana sent on her own after the separation from Charles. It featured a photo of her with her boys and wearing a skirt, blouse which wasn?t fully buttoned and a wide belt. It very much resembles what?s shown on the statue.


The outfit is exactly what I remember Diana wearing in the last few years of her life. It was her sons choice and this is what they wanted.  Not exactly my cup of tea but not my mothers memorial. 


I dont think that anyone's made very favourable comments about the statue...  i wonder if a lot of people will go and see it.


The Princess Diana statue, unveiled by Princes William and Harry in July, will open specially on Tuesday to mark the anniversary of her death. It's normally open Wed-Sun but @HRP_palaces
has arranged for the public to view it on 31 August - the 24th anniversary of the Paris crash.


Glad that Historic Royal Palaces has arranged for that area to be open on Tuesday so those who wish to see the new statue will be able to view it.


A new memorial plaque for Diana was installed at her old flat by the English Heritage group.

QuotePrincess Diana has been honoured today with an @EnglishHeritage
blue plaque. It was unveiled by her former flatmate Virginia Clarke at Coleherne Court on the Old Brompton Road, where she was living at the time of her engagement to the Prince of Wales in 1981.


This is a thread about Diana memorials etc.  NOT Harry and Meghan. I have moved the off topic posts and further discussion here regarding those two will be removed.  Please discuss them in the appropriate threads.  Merci Buckets, mis amigos.   :shake:


HELLO! Canada

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have hosted a postponed reception in Kensington Palace's sunken garden


I have a feeling that we won't see many photos from this private reception. Perhaps there might be one taken of the donors or Diana's family, but that might be it.