Charles & Camilla during COVID pandemic news

Started by PrincessOfPeace, March 25, 2020, 10:46:53 AM

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Quote from: Princess Cassandra on March 26, 2020, 03:57:36 PM
I understand why folks are asking why the POW was tested over those in the NHS. I'm sure they are testing the NHS workers also, but I do understand why it was important to test the POW. He came in contact with so many just before the concerns about the virus became serious enough to cancel engagements. Those with whom he had contact are many and need to know they were exposed. It could have been a lot worse but there were enough engagements that several were put at risk. I also don't think Camilla is out of the woods. Even though she is isolating away from her husband it is possible that she might pick it up. She is not what I would call frail by any means, but as a former smoker and one who catches colds easily I would say she has a higher risk that most.

I agree @Princess Cassandra that due to the large number of people (Staff members, the public) that the PoW came in contact with it was wise to have him tested and the news shared.

CH Twitter shares its message of gratitude for the well wishers.


Quotehank you for all your ?Get Well Soon? messages for His Royal Highness. He is enormously touched by your kind words.


Quote from: TLLK on March 26, 2020, 05:32:50 PM

I agree @Princess Cassandra that due to the large number of people (Staff members, the public) that the PoW came in contact with it was wise to have him tested and the news shared.

CH Twitter shares its message of gratitude for the well wishers.


Well of course he was going to be tested. Charles comes into contact with probably hundreds of people in any given day with many engagements a day. It would be irresponsible not to test him especially as his parents are 98 and 93. That said the Prime Minister is also infected why is no one up in arms over that?. IMO celebrities are being tested even those showing no symptoms just because they were at some event. I'm just Happy Charles so far is showing mild illness and I continue to hope he has a speedy recovery.

Princess Cassandra

Quote from: Trudie on March 27, 2020, 03:49:25 PM
Well of course he was going to be tested. Charles comes into contact with probably hundreds of people in any given day with many engagements a day. It would be irresponsible not to test him especially as his parents are 98 and 93. That said the Prime Minister is also infected why is no one up in arms over that?. IMO celebrities are being tested even those showing no symptoms just because they were at some event. I'm just Happy Charles so far is showing mild illness and I continue to hope he has a speedy recovery.
I agree with you 100%. I was actually responding to someone who questioned why he was tested.


?He Might Be In Isolation, But He Is Not Isolated?: How Prince Charles Is Spending His Coronavirus Quarantine | Vanity Fair

Double post auto-merged: March 28, 2020, 01:46:23 AM

Quote from: Trudie on March 27, 2020, 03:49:25 PM
Well of course he was going to be tested. Charles comes into contact with probably hundreds of people in any given day with many engagements a day. It would be irresponsible not to test him especially as his parents are 98 and 93. That said the Prime Minister is also infected why is no one up in arms over that?. IMO celebrities are being tested even those showing no symptoms just because they were at some event. I'm just Happy Charles so far is showing mild illness and I continue to hope he has a speedy recovery.
:goodpost: @Trudie

Princess Cassandra

Yes, we wish them all a speedy recovery, though so far we are hearing about all the positive tests and nobody saying anything about how long the recovery period is and who of the famous have recovered. I am genuinely concerned about the POW. His sons and wife have all said how hard he works and how many hours he works, plus we already know about his unbelievable schedule. He may look robust, but what does that sort of life do to one's immunological system? One of the fly-by headlines I read this morning said he has a really bad cough. But now I can't find the piece to see where it came from. It might be fake pap news.  We know that the Palace will not provide details...."he has tested positive for Covid-19 and has mild symptoms." is all they have said. 


From CH Twitter-Phone numbers for senior charities which can offer companionship for the elderly in isolation.


QuoteThe Prince of Wales is Patron of @age_uk
and The Duchess of Cornwall is Patron of  @TheSilverLineUK
- both charities offer advice and friendship via their helplines.

Age UK: 0800 678 1602
The Silver Line: 0800 470 8090

Double post auto-merged: March 30, 2020, 03:18:29 PM

The PoW is out of isolation now.

Prince Charles is out of self-isolation after seven days ? Royal Central

QuoteThe Prince of Wales is out of self-isolation at Birkhall, seven days after testing positive for coronavirus.

A statement released on Monday afternoon said: ?Clarence House has confirmed today that, having consulted with his doctor, The Prince of Wales is now out of self-isolation.?

A spokesperson added that Prince Charles is ?in good health? now following his COVID-19 scare.

The 71-year-old heir will be following the government?s social distancing guidelines going forward.

It is understood that the Duchess of Cornwall will remain in self-isolation for a further seven days as per government advice.

She will continue to hold meetings via telephone, and is permitted one form of state approved exercise per day.


  May I ask a question-I thought that someone had to remain in isolation for seven days.

[gmod]@Nightowl-I accidentally removed your original post. I sent you a PM. My sincere apologies. :blush:[/gmod]


@Nightowl - To be honest I was a little surprised to read seven days, but I might be confusing that with the recommended initial quarantine if someone has come in contact with others who may have been infected through travel or when others in their group have tested positive. I know that it was applied to US citizens who were originally living Wuhan and for cruise ship passengers in which others on board had the virus or tested positive.

Princess Cassandra

Very glad he has recovered, but I hope they totally disinfect the premises at Birkhall before the Duchess moves into the areas where he has been living. I saw scary recommendations today that the virus can live on some materials for many days. Yuck. More chances to get sick! 


Prince Charles' message from Birkhall on his recent recovery and with messages for UK seniors.


Quotes Patron of @age_uk
, The Prince of Wales shares a message on the Coronavirus pandemic and its effect on the older members of the community.


Quote from: Princess Cassandra on March 31, 2020, 05:07:35 PM
Very glad he has recovered, but I hope they totally disinfect the premises at Birkhall before the Duchess moves into the areas where he has been living. I saw scary recommendations today that the virus can live on some materials for many days. Yuck. More chances to get sick!

Im sure they'll do whatever's necessary.. or rather their staff will...

Princess Cassandra

We have a similar issue here in the US: not enough test kits, despite the efforts ramping up production.  In New England they are testing front line and first responders, and those who arrive at the ER with breathing problems. But there is a new test out that they hope to make very available right away.


Quote from: Princess Cassandra on April 01, 2020, 06:51:53 PM
We have a similar issue here in the US: not enough test kits, despite the efforts ramping up production.  In New England they are testing front line and first responders, and those who arrive at the ER with breathing problems. But there is a new test out that they hope to make very available right away.

Yes we have protect the American and countries also till coronavirus (COVID-19) are over

Blue Clover

I am happy Prince Charles recovered from COVID-19, when so many are struggling.

Princess Cassandra

SO happy - I had read somewhere that he had a bad cough, which gave me concern on his behalf. But he seems to have got over it in great time. He is very healthy, despite the hours of work and engagements.  :thumbsup:


Yes he has made a good recovery. Unfortunately PM Boris Johnson who announced he tested positive shortly after  the PoW made his announcement, has been moved into the hospital.

Coronavirus: Boris Johnson admitted to hospital over virus symptoms - BBC News

QuotePrime Minister Boris Johnson has been admitted to hospital for tests, 10 days after testing positive for coronavirus, Downing Street has said.

He was taken to a London hospital on Sunday evening with "persistent symptoms" - including a temperature.

It is said to be a "precautionary step" taken on the advice of his doctor.

The prime minister remains in charge of the government, but the foreign secretary is expected to chair a coronavirus meeting on Monday morning.

Mr Johnson, 55, spent the night in hospital and is having what has been described as a series of "routine tests".

In a statement, a Downing Street spokeswoman said: "On the advice of his doctor, the prime minister has tonight been admitted to hospital for tests.

"This is a precautionary step, as the prime minister continues to have persistent symptoms of coronavirus 10 days after testing positive for the virus."

She added: "The prime minister thanks NHS staff for all of their incredible hard work and urges the public to continue to follow the government's advice to stay at home, protect the NHS and save lives."

Princess Cassandra

Very nervous now as he is in ICU, but at least doesn't need a ventilator.  The COVID19 is scary in part because it hits some so brutally and others not so much.  He is 55 and the POW is 71 and he is very sick and the POW had a mild case.  Hoping for a strong recovery for Mr. Johnson.


Yes @Princess Cassandra and those who appear to be making a recovery can have a sudden relapse with dire consequences. It's better that he's in ICU to be monitored at this point in time. According to today's report, PM Johnson has not been on a ventilator but has required some oxygen.

Princess Cassandra

Will keep praying for him, as he was reported yesterday as a little better.