Cambridges Official and unofficial activities related to COVID 2020-present

Started by PrincessOfPeace, March 18, 2020, 06:38:52 PM

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Prince William becomes the first member of the royal family to address COVID19 as he launches an appeal on behalf of the National Emergencies Trust.

Hello Magazine: Prince William becomes first royal to address coronavirus publicly in video

Double post auto-merged: March 18, 2020, 07:24:44 PM

Coronavirus Appeal | National Emergencies Trust


More on the National Emergencies Trust response to the COVID 19 outbreak in the UK.

UK national disaster relief fund launched to help most vulnerable | World news | The Guardian

QuoteAn unprecedented UK-wide disaster relief fund has been launched to raise money for voluntary groups providing care and support for elderly and vulnerable people hit by the social and economic impact of the coronavirus.

Donations will be targeted at local charities supporting older people, particularly where they are confined to their homes and at risk of social isolation, as well as those supporting people with mental health issues, cancer and chronic disease.

Community organisations that support people on low and insecure incomes, such as food banks or groups that can supply school dinner replacements in disadvantaged communities where schools have been closed, are also expected to benefit.

The launch of the fund comes amid reports that vulnerable people are struggling to get vital food and medicine supplies because of panic-buying, and that many frontline charities are struggling to stay solvent and maintain services because of widespread cancellations of national and local fundraising events such as the London marathon.

The NET was recently launched in November 2019.

Duke and Duchess of Cambridge attend launch of UK disaster relief charity


The Duke of Cambridge has acknowledged the difficulties in effectively channelling public donations to disaster victims in the immediate aftermath of UK tragedies.

Both the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge attended the launch of the National Emergencies Trust (NET), a disaster relief charity that will offer the public a single, trustworthy donation point.

The Duke described how he had witnessed first-hand the difficulties in getting money and other items generously donated by the public in the wake of the Grenfell Tower fire in 2017, noting that the  outpouring of public support "seemed like it wasn't well targeted".

?Whenever and wherever disaster strikes here in the UK, this country has a unique way of pulling together,? he told representatives from the emergency services and NGOs at St Martin-in-the-Fields, in central London.

?From the people who donate their blood, to the children who empty their piggy banks, to the families that set aside a bedroom in their home.

?The way that local communities support those affected shows the very best of our values and human nature.


Matt Hancock, the Secretary of State for Health & Social Care and MP for West Suffolk quote tweeted Kensington Palace:

An inspiring initiative in our national effort to fight coronavirus in communities across the country



Here's the NET.

The homepage is appealing for fundraising because of the COVID19.
National Emergencies Trust | Nationwide Disaster Charity

Both William and Lord Dannatt (the first three trustees are all very famous and know where to knock doors) have family and friends with deep pockets, so I hope they all donate for this great trust.  They have been very active; with the flooding this year and now this.

General The Lord Dannatt GCB, CBE, MC, DL
Richard Dannatt is the Chair of the NET Trustee Board.  He is a former British Army Chief of the General Staff, Constable of The Tower of London and Chair of the Royal Armouries.
He is Crossbench Member of the House of Lords, was recently on the Select Committee for the Rural Economy and is President of Help for Heroes, amongst many other private and charitable sector activities.

The best thing about this trust is all of them are working for free, voluntary capacity. 


Quote from: sandy on March 19, 2020, 01:17:51 PM
I don't have the time to write all the reasons of which there are many.

SInce there are now restricitons on their doing their normal work, I can't see how they would not revamp their work and try to focus on some kind of help for people affected by this crisis.  It woud be odd if they did NOT revamp their work.



Quote from: sandy on March 19, 2020, 01:50:39 PM
I think a check or donation of equipment would be the best.
No doubt they will make private donations, but they wont be able to do normal appearnaces for the time beign.. so they are going ot have to re vamp their work...


William is still vulnerable to the virus and he has young children at home. With more testing taking place, I heard today that those around william's age are more susceptible than was once thought.


IMO it's a very sensible action at this point in time to direct citizens of the UK to resources from NET that they currently or will likely to need in the near future. Also with the NET he's in support for a COVID 19 charity fund that would assist local charities to help those in their communities in conjunction with the Red Cross. With the new restrictions being released ie British schools to go to online instruction and other precautions being taken, people need information if they require assistance. The working members of the Firm have to adjust ie: QEII holding weekly meeting with PM via telephone, so it's not surprising that the Cambridges and other Firm members will have to do the same.

Prince William praises Britain's 'ability to pull together' as he backs emergency coronavirus fund


The Duke of Cambridge is supporting an emergency appeal to help those suffering in the coronavirus crisis, saying the British people?s outstanding ?ability to pull together? must be channeled to where it can help most.

The Duke, who recorded a video message to share details of the appeal, said the response of the public had already shown ?the very best of our values and human nature?.

Supporting a National Emergencies Fund appeal for local charities, which will be run in partnership with the British Red Cross, he shared his hopes that the right support would reach the places which ?need it most, as quickly and efficiently as possible?

?Whenever and wherever adversity strikes, the people of the UK have a unique ability to pull together,? said Prince William. ?The way that local communities support those affected shows the very best of our values and human nature....


Quote from: sandy on March 19, 2020, 03:23:29 PM
William is still vulnerable to the virus and he has young children at home. With more testing taking place, I heard today that those around william's age are more susceptible than was once thought.
so why wont he make changes in his work?  Obviosuly he will have to do so..


Am I missing something  :hmm:  I don't see anything wrong with the reporting of Hello! Magazine.  The Royal Family social media, alike Clarence House and Kensington Palace have in the past and is retweeting or re instagraming what the other royal have said. 

The Royal Family retweeted/re instagramed William's message for the National Emergency Trust.
Kensington Palace retweeted re instgramed The Queen's message in reference to Covid19. 

The media has always mentioned what the 3 households retweet of each other, meaning support. SUPPORT OF WORTHY CAUSES.  I don't understand, this is a great headline. 

Princess Cassandra

Quote from: sara8150 on March 19, 2020, 11:39:39 PM
Prince William will 'step in for Queen and Prince Charles' amid coronavirus crisis plan, say experts | Daily Mail Online

Prince William and Kate Middleton support the Queen's call for change | HELLO!
Stepping in for the Queen does not mean being a substitute for her at public engagements, but not all engagements are public, and certainly their are a lot of meetings. Still, if things get worse I hope ALL family members will stay away from others. It goes against their grain to do so, but they can use technology and media to keep up with their responsibilities, including meetings that he might take over from the Queen. I also hope that the POW is prudent concerning the public, as he is over 70 and his wife is not as strong as he is. She tends to catch heavy colds sometimes.


Quote from: Princess Cassandra on March 20, 2020, 02:56:01 PM
Stepping in for the Queen does not mean being a substitute for her at public engagements, but not all engagements are public, and certainly their are a lot of meetings. Still, if things get worse I hope ALL family members will stay away from others. It goes against their grain to do so, but they can use technology and media to keep up with their responsibilities, including meetings that he might take over from the Queen. I also hope that the POW is prudent concerning the public, as he is over 70 and his wife is not as strong as he is. She tends to catch heavy colds sometimes.
I don't think any of them will be meting the public from now on.  There wont be any public to meet...

Princess Cassandra

Quote from: QueenAlex on March 20, 2020, 07:33:42 PM
I don't think any of them will be meting the public from now on.  There wont be any public to meet...
That certainly seems to be the case! Good thing we live in the age of advanced technology and there are ways to communicate without personal contact.


William and Kate Begin Their Coronavirus Outreach | Vanity Fair

QuoteAs the United Kingdom is gripped by the pandemic, the Cambridges have been asked to step in for the Queen and the Prince of Wales who, being over 70 are at more risk of the potentially fatal virus. Earlier this week Prince William posted a video message on Twitter to promote the National Emergency Trust?s appeal to raise funds for those who have been affected by the pandemic.
QuoteThe Duke, who himself saved lives when he worked as a search and rescue pilot before taking on full-time royal duties, echoed the words of his grandmother the Queen in his latest address.

Shortly after arriving at Windsor Castle, where she will stay for the foreseeable future, the monarch said Thursday that the royal family would play its part as Britain rises to the challenge of overcoming the coronavirus pandemic and assured the country ?You can be assured that my family and I stand ready to play our part.?

William and Kate have been called upon not only to address the public and reassure them, but to take active measures to put the spotlight where it is needed.

With the United Kingdom about to go into a three week lockdown in an effort to flatten the spread of the COVID-19 virus, I expect that we'll hear not only from HM the Queen but likely from the PoW and the DoCam.

Princess Cassandra

Quote from: TLLK on March 24, 2020, 02:29:19 AM
William and Kate Begin Their Coronavirus Outreach | Vanity Fair

With the United Kingdom about to go into a three week lockdown in an effort to flatten the spread of the COVID-19 virus, I expect that we'll hear not only from HM the Queen but likely from the PoW and the DoCam.
I hope so, especially now that we know the POW has the virus (in mild form, they are saying). That shows how contagious it is. But so far Camilla is ok - she tested negative. That's a relief with her smoking and heavy cold history. Hopefully she is walking outside in the Scottish brisk air to boost her immunities. And we all can't help worrying about the Queen and the DofE, Princess Alexandra, the Gloucesters and even the Kents.


@Princess Cassandra - Yes this is especially true in light of the fact that it was announced today that the PoW has tested positive for COVID-19.


Well done. That's very impressive and his MH project with the footballers, whom with deep pockets are helping out.


Prince William: This is a life and death fight to help the homeless during the coronavirus crisis | London Evening Standard
QuotePrince William has issued an impassioned plea for more help for rough sleepers in the ?life and death? emergency during the coronavirus crisis.

The Duke of Cambridge, who praised ?hero? frontline workers and volunteers for their work, said he wants to help 600 more homeless people get off the streets of London by tomorrow.

With millions of people nationwide self-isolating, including his own father Prince Charles, William urged Londoners not to forget those with no homes to go to.

The duke spoke out during a conversation with Mick Clarke, CEO of homeless charity The Passage, of which William is patron, telling him: ?We are in a life and death fight to help those people living on the streets in this public health emergency.?

Mr. Clarke spoke about his conversation with Prince William.

QuoteMr Clarke said: ?We had 20-minute conservation and he recognised that is a public health emergency for those who are on the streets and in shelters.

?So it was good to tell him that everyone in the voluntary sector but also local and central government is doing everything that they can to try and get people off the streets and into places of safety.

?Hotel chains have really stepped up and have offered hundreds of places for the homeless.

"The Intercontinental Group including Holiday Inn, have been great But we need more. Clean clothes for those who have been rehoused and mobile phones so we can keep in touch with.?

Double post auto-merged: March 26, 2020, 02:36:32 PM

Quote from: PrincessOfPeace on March 26, 2020, 11:29:05 AM
Coronavirus appeal launched by Prince William raises ?11m in a week as Premier League stars help vulnerable victims ? The Sun

From the NET social media.

National Emergencies Trust - #NETCoronavirusAppeal (@NatEmergTrust) on Twitter


QuoteChair of the National Emergencies Trust, Lord Dannat says "just under ?12 million" has been raised so far in their #coronavirus appeal.


Wow the National Grid UK has just made a generous donation (GBP 500K) a couple of hours ago to William's appeal with the NET.