Beatrice and Eduardo's Wedding

Started by sara8150, November 30, 2019, 04:56:32 AM

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Most likely she will keep her primary title as Princess. Or so I am speculating.

Princess Cassandra

Quote from: LouisFerdinand on March 01, 2020, 11:57:50 PM
It would be delightful to see Prince Louis make his wedding attendant debut as a pageboy.
Yes, but as he will just be turning two his parents might consider him too young. How cute he will be if he does debut as pageboy.

Double post auto-merged: March 02, 2020, 06:55:10 PM

Quote from: QueenAlex on March 01, 2020, 02:31:35 PM
I hope it is not true as it is idiotic.  But I would not be surprised if it is true
Since it will be a small intimate affair he might be ok, but it is the bride and bridegroom's day after all. Anyway, all kids are different, and some are really ok with that sort of thing.


I think this is too much for a three year old. He has been told that he will get a stepmother and his father is getting married.  Being a best man even for adult can be somewhat stressful (what if he drops the ring or loses it?). I think this would be very daunting for a young fellow like Edo's son. Some adult presence would be needed with him. It might confuse him also.


QuoteSince it will be a small intimate affair he might be ok, but it is the bride and bridegroom's day after all. Anyway, all kids are different, and some are really ok with that sort of thing.

I agree @Princess Cassandra that if its' a small wedding and due to its location, I believe that it will be. Also I'm going to trust the parents' (Edo and Dara) instinct on if Wofie can handle the pressure.


It's Wolfie's call. His parents may have trust in him but he's still quite young and might be in over his head.


Quote from: sandy on March 03, 2020, 01:32:18 PM
It's Wolfie's call. His parents may have trust in him but he's still quite young and might be in over his head.

Good heavens he is three years old.  He wont understand the whole thing, and its nonsencial to give him a "best man" role... 


I almost feel sorry for Beatrice, but ..... mmm .... no scratch that up?
no pity for poor sad princess who hasn't worked a day in her life


With Italy devastated by coronavirus, Edo's family may have to be quarantined before going to the UK. I know there was a mass exodus. I wonder if they are out of Italy now.


Princess Cassandra

Quite possibly the pandemic will have settled down by May and we won't see it again until cold weather returns. I hope so, anyway.


Princess Beatrice Wedding Postponed Coronavirus |
Due coronavirus (COVID-19) but I?m not sure when wedding date will be?!? Stay tuned from Palace and Yorks


It's a wise move. Quite mature for a child of Andrew who obviously thinks the world revolves around him.


Best to consider postponing just like hundreds of other couples will need to do in the coming months. :)


Quote from: sara8150 on March 17, 2020, 09:41:42 PM
Princess Beatrice Wedding Postponed Coronavirus |
Due coronavirus (COVID-19) but I?m not sure when wedding date will be?!? Stay tuned from Palace and Yorks


POORgurl.    :no:I feel sorry for her. Her father ,his mess, overshadowed her engagement party that was downsized.
Globally, it is a situation.

She could still get married. :thumbsup:
Just her family, closest friends. Buckingham Palace or Windsor.
No more than 75 people. No media of course. One picture released of the couple. Maybe not even the whole wedding party or parents.
She and her husband could have their big reception next year or December for hundreds of people.

For her to wait until next, year, WoW.

If I were them, just get married. Small, private . Very small.

Double post auto-merged: March 18, 2020, 04:03:52 PM

Quote from: dianab on March 17, 2020, 11:38:52 PM
It's a wise move. Quite mature for a child of Andrew who obviously thinks the world revolves around him.

It is true.

Double post auto-merged: March 18, 2020, 04:08:29 PM



Weddings in Churches today in the US are done with only immediate family present. I doubt 75 people would be allowed.


Poor Beatrice. What a year to choose to marry! Everything that could go wrong has done.

With regard to the guests Prince Philip is reportedly very frail and it wouldn't be advisable IMO for either he or the Queen to be in a gathering of even 70+ people after weeks of self-isolation. I believe Edo's father and stepmother live in France (and doesn't his brother live in the US?) so it's debatable as to whether they could make it to Britain with international travel the way it is all over the world.

It's hard to know what to do in such a situation. Perhaps a very small ceremony at Royal Lodge On the 29th of May with York parents, sister, brother in law and a couple of besties present and then have a big blow out of a reception at BP in the autumn after the Queen returns from Balmoral? Not ideal at all, but at least they would be married.

If the wedding is to be delayed we could be looking at Xmas nuptials at this rate! Some health authorities are talking about this lasting eight months. We all hope not but who knows!


@Curryong- A very sensible suggestion for the upcoming nuptials, though the couple must be exhausted by the delays.  :( The older guests would be better off waiting until things have settled down in regards to Covid 19.


I would say have a private marriage with just a few people..  Eugenie, Andy Sarah..  The queen is not likely to attned but they can have the wedding quietly and celebrate when this horrible mess is over.


They will have to wait.  It seems they are considering a private wedding for a few people...



The 4 weddings of their circle, 2 are leaning to postpone and keep the plans Sept. although still discussing with their family, and access to government officials/family doctor. The other 2 small weddings with family only, but who knows they all may marry Sept/Oct.  The international ones are Edo/Bea, James/Alizee, the local ones are TVS/St. Thomas B Assistant and Henry/Cressida.

Princess Cassandra

It's harder for Beatrice, because she has to schedule around the royal calendar. They are checking to see if they can have a small, private ceremony (which would mean a big party later) or if they have to totally re-schedule. I hope they re-schedule to September.  If they do, one would hope that her wedding would be a priority in the royal scheduling for September. By November the virus is predicted to return. I feel bad for them all.