Kate: Early Years and other patronages related to families & children

Started by cinrit, February 18, 2015, 12:48:06 PM

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The Princess of Wales is set to launch a program aimed at three to five year olds at the end of January.

Kate Middleton 'baffled' by Harry's attacks in book - but has 'already moved on' - Mirror Online

Quotet the end of the month, the mum-of-three will announce a new revolutionary ?three to five year programme? aimed at impacting the vital first five years of every child?s life.


Quote from: TLLK on January 14, 2023, 02:00:49 PM
The Princess of Wales is set to launch a program aimed at three to five year olds at the end of January.

Kate Middleton 'baffled' by Harry's attacks in book - but has 'already moved on' - Mirror Online

Thanks for the article, yes, if there is one royal that really works hard and see what can be done is Catherine to help the babies now.....I know for a fact that she has hit the nail on the head with her wanting to help turn the tide of young children left with families that are beyond help sometimes, homelessness, being hungry, being afraid of living even, families that can't care for their own children let alone love them or cherish them or feed them or keep them safe.  This is a way to really get to those in need of changing their lives for the better so that they can grow into decent adults later in life. I will be watching to see this new program of Catherine's and with what and how she is raising her babies, will in the long run help the monarchy go forward into the future.


The Princess of Wales is visiting Foxclubs Nursery in Luton to hear how the nursery provides support to parents and their children's long-term social and emotional development -

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The Princess of Wales is meeting at Windsor Castle with a group of eight experts from across academia, science and the early years sector, who have been appointed to offer strategic advice and provide oversight of the work of her Royal Foundation Centre for Early Childhood. -

Bilder und Fotos - Getty Images


She's getting there, I recall viewing the Grade I Queen Anne's Orangery at Kensington Palace, the Kensington Burough planning permission to use for Kate's project Education Centre.  It takes a lot of years of hard work and patience (I recall the first article dated November 2019). I believe early childhood education and the education centre are tied in her plans.

So kudos and the best to the eight 'permanent' (the official KP announcement said the 8 are permanent rather than invited guests or temporary) advisers.


This appears to be a preview for this week's announcement.


Catherine's letter found in the Daily Mail.  Kate Middleton says she's 'absolutely determined' to change attitudes to early years development | Daily Mail Online

QuoteI am delighted to reveal that the Royal Foundation Centre for Early Childhood will launch a major new awareness-raising campaign, highlighting the critical importance the first five years of our lives have on shaping the adults we become.

During our very early childhood, our brains develop at an amazing rate ? faster than at any other time. Our experiences, relationships, and surroundings at that young age, shape the rest of our lives.

It is a time where we lay the foundations and building blocks for life. It is when we learn to understand ourselves, understand others and understand the world in which we live. But as a society, we currently spend much more of our time and energy on later life. I am absolutely determined that this long-term campaign is going to change that.

It will start by highlighting how we develop during early childhood and why these years matter so much in terms of shaping who we become. I will be joined by a remarkable group of experts spanning science, research, policy making and front-line practice as well as an exciting group of well-known faces from music, sport and television, to show all of us, why it is in all of our interests to care about this.

We all need to know the critical importance of our early childhood. They really are years like no other in our lives. I urge everyone reading this, to take the opportunity to learn more about this incredible time of life, to think back to your own childhood and how it shaped you, and most importantly, to ask yourselves what you can do to make the world a more supportive and loving place for our children.

Because healthy, happy children shape a healthy, happy future.


Yes, this is one of the most important issues that is so desperately needed in this day and age as when a 6 year old takes a gun to school and shoots his teacher you wonder about the parents and how they let this happen......Catherine is right on target in dealing with these babies in their first years...I hope she gets all the support from the gov on down to everyone she comes in contact with in regards to this issue.


Quote from: Nightowl on January 29, 2023, 03:04:18 AM
Yes, this is one of the most important issues that is so desperately needed in this day and age as when a 6 year old takes a gun to school and shoots his teacher you wonder about the parents and how they let this happen......Catherine is right on target in dealing with these babies in their first years...I hope she gets all the support from the gov on down to everyone she comes in contact with in regards to this issue.

Education with parental involvement and counselling when available lies primarily with govt departments in the UK as with other countries, in other words with the British Govt and its budget. If there is enough money for programmes that will help parents and families in their children?s early years (and housing and healthcare is a problem in the UK that inevitably impacts on that) then it will be doled out, though there will never be enough.

Otherwise, royals and others can make speeches and visit facilities till the cows come home and it won?t make the slightest bit of difference. We?ve seen that with other programmes that royals speak about all over the world. They highlight it and that?s about all they can do.

The only ongoing programmes in my lifetime that I?ve seen really make a difference in ordinary humans? lives because British royals headed them (and Im leaving Invictus out of it) were The Princes Trust due to extremely wealthy donors helping the POW out, and Diana?s Landmine Halo campaign because governments, headed by the British Govt, decided to do something about it in the wake of her death. That was impactful. Otherwise speeches by anyone, royal and otherwise, don?t cut it.

As for the six year old who shot his teacher that says more about US gun laws than anything else. Apart from the statement by the boy?s family that the gun was secured, which imo has a huge question mark over it, it?s clear from various news reports that this was a young child who had intellectual issues, was very troubled and had been allowed by his parents and school authorities to wander about alone at times around school property without superintendence.

No number of nice speeches about the importance of early life would have helped that child, and the State authorities apparently now have some decisions to make about where to go from here.


^I am not going to stop believing in what Catherine is trying to do, if it helps one child and parents learn from the program I am all for it regardless of who says what.  As long as there is talk out there then someone somewhere will hear it and maybe do something or help in some way.  I am a firm believer in early childhood care as of my own life's childhood and experiences.....If this program can reach teachers, professionals and other besides parents then there is nothing wrong with it.  It is all about communication and getting the word out there to parents. There is way to much negativity in everything anyone tries to do good things for other people.....and if the job of the royal family does no good then why keep them? I would like to believe that HM loved her country with all her heart and did the best she could even if I didn't always agree with her.   Sometimes we all fall into the trap of life and just have to make do and try to do the best we can in some situations. At least Catherine is trying to do something where some royals do nothing to help those that need it.  Catherine does not strike as a lady who just does *lunch*...she walks the talk more than some.

It is about guns laws in my country and today my country is at war within itself over guns.  Yet this child'
parents should be tried and sent to jail for the neglect they did to this child and those in the school should be fired for letting any child wonder around freely.  NOBODY in their right mind should ever let a child just wonder freely anywhere......that right there is one of the problems in child care.  I go to a park close to where I live...parents with babies and small children ....parents are more interested on what is on their darn phone then the child they have....many times I have seen 2 years wondering around...and I keep an eye on them......maybe that is the ole fashioned mother in me...lol


@Nightowl -The use of technology around young children and the fact that they are increasingly involved with it at a very young age has been a concern for pediatricians, educators, and mental health specialists for decades now. However the advent of the smart phone and other devices has made it so much worse. 

I expect that the Early Years campaign is going to try and address this issue. 


Oh Gosh yes, social media is one of the biggest crimes in this world, sure it does some good yet look at how the UGLY have taken over and lure the young into a world of hell when they are kidnapped and sold as sex slaves to the rich men of this world.   Just walking down the streets in this city is hard enough at times let alone dealing with the news alerts of how many young women and mothers are killed in domestic violence here. I so deplore social media as most parents aren't knowledgeable about what really goes on in those dark places there.

I so applaud Catherine for trying to do something so very important for the babies of this world and hopefully it will grow into something international for children.  Some people with extreme wealth and over the top eogs need to come down to earth here and realize money is not the key to whatever they are missing in their lives and get on board with taking care of the planet and the babies being born. Oh don't get me started on the evils of this world on children, women and animals.......I firmly believe that someone does to hurt another be it a human or an animal should be done to them with no regrets.



We're so excited for the launch of the Royal Foundation's new #ShapingUs campaign which aims to increase awareness of the importance of #EarlyChildhood. It's great to see this commitment from the Princess of Wales in this open letter -






Pics: Wales Bafta January 30 Pictures and Photos - Getty Images,%202023&sort=newest&irgwc=1&esource=AFF_GI_IR_Skimbit%20Ltd._10078&asid=Skimbit%20Ltd.&cid=GI&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_source=Skimbit%20Ltd.&utm_content=10078


The Princess of Wales' speech tonight.


QuoteIn a speech, the Princess explained why she believes it is as important to focus on children's? social and emotional needs as much as their physical and cognitive ones,

Kate Middleton Makes Landmark Speech to Kick Off Major New Campaign


The number of  Reception level children who are showing a significant lack of school readiness skills  has grown substantially over the years. Covid has made all of this dramatically worse. The United States had already shown similar levels of concern especially in the last decade.

Half of all children not ready to start school ? according to national survey - Kindred?

QuoteIn November 2021, Kindred? commissioned YouGov to conduct our second annual ?school readiness? survey of school professionals. Almost a thousand primary school teachers and staff responded. They reported that on average, 50% of all children are not ready to start school. 88% of primary school teachers and teaching assistants reported having to spend additional time with those not achieving their developmental milestones, with the result that they have less time for the rest of the children in their class.

In addition, 90% of teachers surveyed had at least one child in their class who is not toilet trained and 91% of teachers surveyed had at least one child in their class who doesn?t have basic language skills (i.e., cannot say their name, answer questions, etc.) 97% of teachers surveyed had at least one child in their class who doesn?t know how to listen/respond to simple instructions.


Catherine is most surely on the right track to help the young children in this day and age, we all need to get on board with the babies being born so that our future generations have a head start.


I?d like to see that report unpacked a bit. My guess is that most of these schools are in low socio-economic areas with high unemployment, parents struggling to get by, and that also have high levels of migrant populations from non English speaking areas of the world. Though it doesn?t seem to mention those factors.

And, as I wrote in my original post most of this comes down to parental education and British Ministry of Education budgets for ALL schools. Without that, and as I said, what is given it is never enough, then children and families will continue to suffer.

?On average, teachers estimate in 2022 that the average financial cost to their school for the additional time spent supporting children who are not ?school ready? is ?21,562 (in 2021 the estimate was ?17,784). Senior school leaders costed this at ?23,403. This is equivalent to
a full-time staff member?s salary.
As 99% of respondents had at least
one child in their class who was not school ready, nationally this equates to almost ?450million per year.
the average financial cost to schools for the additional time spent supporting children who are not ?school ready?
?If there is early intervention, we effectively shouldn?t need to be spending the time and money playing catch up like we are currently doing. In fact, I think we?re just putting plasters over things rather than dealing with what needs to be dealt with.?

And royals making speeches about these problems is going to help exactly how? I will be interested to see exactly what improvements have occurred in these schools after say five years of this initiative of Kate?s.


This is  a short article written before the Covid outbreak really bit, and remember, Melbourne and Victoria were in lockdown much much longer than most kids in the UK and the US.

One in three kids not prepared for school, and they aren't to blame

But a new study has revealed that even before the upheaval caused by the pandemic, one in every three Australian kids was not ready to go to school ? and it wasn?t the children?s fault.

A study has found that of the 4000 Australian children entering their first school year, 640 (16 per cent) were being held back by their parents.

That may be because they aren?t being read to at home, or their parents are being inconsistent with their day-to-day approach and not following through with what they tell their child they will do.

Those students, aged between four and five, were more disadvantaged than their school peers because of the psychological distress their parents may be causing them at home.

Kids of parents with ?low? parenting abilities were 12.4 times more likely to have emotional and behavioural difficulties at age eight.

?In other words, school readiness is not just a question of whether the child is ready for school, but also whether the child?s family, school and community are ready to support the child in going to school,? the researchers wrote.


Quote from: Curryong on January 31, 2023, 06:36:01 AM
I?d like to see that report unpacked a bit. My guess is that most of these schools are in low socio-economic areas with high unemployment, parents struggling to get by, and that also have high levels of migrant populations from non English speaking areas of the world. Though it doesn?t seem to mention those factors.

And, as I wrote in my original post most of this comes down to parental education and British Ministry of Education budgets for ALL schools. Without that, and as I said, what is given it is never enough, then children and families will continue to suffer.

?On average, teachers estimate in 2022 that the average financial cost to their school for the additional time spent supporting children who are not ?school ready? is ?21,562 (in 2021 the estimate was ?17,784). Senior school leaders costed this at ?23,403. This is equivalent to
a full-time staff member?s salary.
As 99% of respondents had at least
one child in their class who was not school ready, nationally this equates to almost ?450million per year.
the average financial cost to schools for the additional time spent supporting children who are not ?school ready?
?If there is early intervention, we effectively shouldn?t need to be spending the time and money playing catch up like we are currently doing. In fact, I think we?re just putting plasters over things rather than dealing with what needs to be dealt with.?

And royals making speeches about these problems is going to help exactly how? I will be interested to see exactly what improvements have occurred in these schools after say five years of this initiative of Kate?s.

At least Catherine is trying to do something to help and that is better then just doing nothing or lunching with friends day in and day out or playing tennis or doing nothing at all but playing at being a princess or duchess in the family.  As I said earlier if the word gets out and someone hears it and *maybe* there will be someone to do also do something.  I have learned we all can't rely on our government to help us, it is the People that need to do what is important to get things done and the ball rolling also.  I would rather be *Positive* then *Negative* about what the royal family is trying to do.. ...Jealousy is not a good look for anyone as we all can't be born royal as some are learning.  In this day and age if being born royal or marrying into a royal family, I think that also means actually doing the work for the people and that is what Catherine is trying to do.....I give her credit for at least trying to do something where our governments and others sit on their tushes and do very little to say the least. I am one that does not believe every report written or produced for the people as I know for a fact they are just words to con the people. 


A video from Kensington Palace:

Meet Layla @earlychildhood

Our earliest years shape the rest of our lives. From pregnancy to the age of five, the world around us, the people we meet, and the experiences we have are all #ShapingUs
