Prince Harry & Meghan Markle - Engagements

Started by SophieChloe, January 21, 2018, 05:20:35 PM

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Serious event.
Good fir Markle to see.
Her life is not going to be all first run plays and fancy dinners.


Pantyhose. Hat. No hands in hair.
Really good.

This was a best yet . Next to Sandingham Christmas.

This is a serious event. Solemn. Historic to honor those and the time in history.

Double post auto-merged: April 25, 2018, 12:48:29 PM

Anzac Day and Westminster Abbey Service. Serious.


Well done both events, they looked appropriate and somber for the ocassions.


Meghan'sexpanding hat collection now has two lovely additions. I can imagine that we might see one of them in November for Remembrance Day.

DM Photos of today's events are wonderful. There are people dressed in beautiful Maori cloaks.

Meghan Markle embraces Prince William at her second Anzac Day event | Daily Mail Online (Afternoon service at WA)

Meghan Markle attends her first Anzac Day service with Prince Harry | Daily Mail Online (Early morning service)


Yes, Harry says 'I went down on one knee to ask!' Adding 'He's known for months!'


Prince Harry's private secretary, Ed Fox Lane has resigned and will be replaced temporarily by the QEII exiting secretary Sarah Cohen.

Last month Prince William's Miguel Head also had quited replaced by Simon Case permanently.


Prince Harry's private secretary Ed Lane Fox leaves after Royal Wedding to Meghan Markle | Royal | News |

QuoteKensington Palace confirmed the news saying Mr Lane Fox will leave after five years of service and the Queen's outgoing assistant private secretary Samantha Cohen will fill in as interim private secretary.

As Prince Harry's right hand man, Edward Lane Fox has watched him turn his life around from party prince to charity crusader and now husband-to-be.

As a captain in the Household Cavalry, Mr Lane Fox met the prince on military duties before working for RLM Finsbury, a financial communications firm, as a senior associate.

Mr Lane Fox began his royal duties shortly Prince Harry returned from a US tour, which was seen as crucial to repairing his reputation after he was photographed naked in Las Vegas


Leonora met Prince Harry and Meghan Markle when they visited her school in Nottingham. Now she's been invited to their wedding. Find out why shortly on @ BBCNottingham and at 1830 on @BBCEMT #bbc1

Via Jeremy Ball

Leonora has also shared that Meghan made a private visit to Nottingham Academy after this official visit as she had promised Leonora and a few others. She spent time with them talking.



CC 10/5

Prince Henry of Wales this morning attended the Field Army Health Conference at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, Camberley, Surrey.


Garden Party at BuckinghsmPslce. Pictures in.

Meggie  :notworthy:
See the daily mail.


I love, love the hat. I think it's gorgeous. The dress I'm not so keen on as I adore colour and neutral shades in dresses don't do much for me. However, Meghan does look very elegant. The Fail had a little clip up taken from the back in which she and Harry go up the steps and into the Palace and she gives him a gentle back rub!

Meghan seems to be very amused at one point. Apparently Harry was at the podium making a warm and affectionate speech about his father when a bumble bee dive bombed him and flew into his ear! This caused some amusement to his relatives, Charles, Camilla and Meghan, who were standing nearby. 


Oh and pantyhose too.
  Meggie, hmmm, I wonder if she,  B.D. Before Duchess, dressed  ok, nicely  on purpose , but not like A.D, After Duchess.

There Meggie B.D. and Meggie, A.D.


Garden parties at BP are very formal occasions. The Royals dress in morning suits, females in pretty dresses and hats. A bit different wear for visiting a community radio station in Brixton or a charity for the homeless in Scotland.

Pantyhose btw are a big thing in Britain, probably because of the climate. Going without pantyhose is regarded as a bit unusual, and in the winter, chilly. Not so in California, where Meghan grew up, or indeed in Australia unless you're really going to dress up. Few young women wear such things. In Canada of course Meghan kept warm in jeans and boots.


Without a hitch. 

She only needs to loose this walk.
Rebecca English on Twitter: "And it?s goodbye from us....(clearly the post wedding glow hasn?t rubbed off given that PDA!) #DukeandDuchessofSussex?

Double post auto-merged: May 24, 2018, 01:16:30 PM

Quote from: wannable on April 27, 2018, 01:34:30 PM
Prince Harry's private secretary, Ed Fox Lane has resigned and will be replaced temporarily by the QEII exiting secretary Sarah Cohen.

Last month Prince William's Miguel Head also had quited replaced by Simon Case permanently.

The DM knows how to make a new story article (i.e. now its to help MM) to fill in the block spaces of the paper and line their paycheck.  Samantha Cohen announcement was officially landed the temporary position of Ed Fox by mid april 2018 and notified to the royal press pack.



Throughout the Summer, the Duke of Cambridge and Duke of Sussex will be taking part in a series of polo matches all to raise funds for foundations close to their hearts.

Starting off the series, Prince William took part in the Jerudong Trophy at Cirencester Park Polo Club today.
Embed from Getty Images

Since 2007, the brothers have used polo matches as a way to raise money for a variety of causes and to date have brought in ?11 million.

This year?s select charities are Centrepoint, Child Bereavement UK, English Schools Swimming Association, Fields in Trust, Heads Together, Henry van Straubenzee Memorial Fund, The Household Cavalry Operational Casualties Fund, Irish Guards Appeal, Map Action, Mountain Rescue England and Wales, The Royal Marsden, RFU, Injured Players Foundation, Sentebale, Skillforce, Tusk, WellChild, and Welsh Rugby Charitable Trust.

Either Prince William or Prince Harry is Patron to all of the above charities

Prince William kicks off series of charity polo matches he will take part in with Prince Harry ? Royal Central


They're baaaack! Sussexes have 'returned from their honeymoon'. Not sure they went away anywhere significant apart from Royal estates actually, but it might have been to that castle on County Mayo.
Anyway, they've resurfaced, at least Harry has. He had an evening gala last night (Aus time) for youth charity OnSideYouthZones. David Walliams introduced him and supposedly joked about his new status as a married man!

Here Are the First Photos of Prince Harry After His Honeymoon with Meghan Markle


ranvir singh on Twitter: "Prince Harry did turn around ! @davidwalliams making the room crease with laughter as he introduces the newly married Duke

QuotePrince Harry did turn around ! @davidwalliams making the room crease with laughter as he introduces the newly married Duke to the #onsideyouthzones at Kensington Palace 🎉💕

QuoteOnSide?s Youth Zones are designed to give young people aged 8?19 years old (25 for those with a disability) somewhere to go, something to do and someone to talk to in their leisure time; occupying their bodies and minds with fun activities, learning new skills and socialising in a safe, positive way.

OnSide Youth Zones are there for young people in deprived areas, where the alternative for many is spending their evenings on the streets or isolated in their bedrooms, surfing the internet.

I'm impressed with this organization's purpose and plans for the disabled youth.


QuoteNo rest for this royal bridegroom! Newlywed Prince Harry gets back to work after his honeymoon with Meghan by hosting a charity gala with David Walliams
Harry, 33, attended gala for On Side Youth Zones at Kensington Palace
Royal looked dapper in a suit and made a speech at the charity event
Host David Walliams introduced the prince by calling him a 'newly-married man'
Meghan was not present, but will join royals for Trooping The Colour tomorrow 

The DM commentators on all things Prince Harry were his biggest largest fan club no matter what he did or not.  He lost the fan club all of a sudden?!


Why would he have lost his DM fan club, which I don't believe anyway? The DM has always been pro Cambridge not pro Harry. They attack Meghan, not Harry as a rule. Anyway, there's nothing nasty about Harry in that article.


I said DM commentator fan club, he lost it incredibly in a very short time.


Harry next appearance/duty will be Ascot, apparently.


I just checked the "future engagements" section of the British Monarchy site for the Duke of Sussex in the next four weeks and as I expected nothing was listed. I believe that for security reasons, the main KP quartet's engagements are rarely listed there. They seem to prefer using the KP social media.

Yes it is possible that the Sussexes will be at Ascot. I doubt either would be at the Garter Service as Harry is not a member and has only attended for special occasions. We're still waiting to see if there will confirmation of a trip to Ireland in July. AFAIK Harry has not participated in any of the charity polo matches this month, but he might be at one soon.

Meetings with patronages/charities at KP don't usually get advanced notice but typically someone will spot an announcement in the CC that one was held on the following day. If I see it, then I'll post the news.  :)


Harry and Meghan will be at Ascot today. They'll be presenting the prize for the St James Plate in the Winners enclosure.


KP has also announced an Irish trip for both. Dublin July 10th and 11th. At the request of HM Govt etc. Another of those post Brexit charm offensives probably, but there might be something else behind it. A little trade deal perhaps.