The Wales': Joint Mental Health Patronages ie- Heads Together

Started by TLLK, March 06, 2016, 01:37:55 AM

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The Duke of Cambridge as President of the Football Association attended the launch of the new mental health campaign "Heads Up" at Wembley Stadium in London today, May 15:

Bilder und Fotos - Getty Images

Blue Clover


William going full fledge with the Mental Health.

Rebecca English
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Rebecca English
A truly heart-breaking revelation by Prince William makes our splash in the #DailyMail tomorrow. This story is embargoed until midnight, so I can?t go into it further except to say that the full story will be available on our MailPlus app later, in the paper tomorrow and online.
Saturday?s MAIL: Wills: Losing my mother was like no other pain #tomorrowspaperstoday

The front cover of the DM, Express and other tabloids and broadsheets is heartbreaking; William, Harry and Diana.

Blue Clover


It must have been very difficult for both Prince Harry and Prince William.

I also thought it was interesting the way he described the encounters he had due to his job.

Oftentimes it helps opening up to someone so it's good that PW is taking the lead and talking about his experiences and emotions.


^^^I agree @oak_and_cedar and I for one applaud that the Wales brothers have been forthcoming with their own experiences with grief and how it impacted their lives. IMO each needed to wait until they were ready to discuss the issue with a professional like Harry did or with close friends/family in William's case. IMHO for those who are on the front lines of emergency response: police, fire, paramedics can be as well prepared and trained as possible knowing that you will encounter the worst situations that human beings can encounter, but there will still be those cases that still take an emotional toll. Even when your hours of professional training kick in so you can work with your team to handle the on site tasks, there will still be those situations that will touch you more deeply. As he is the father of young children, I've suspected that the tragedy he's hinted at in early conversations did involve the death of a child and/or children.
     First responders have to care for their own mental health if they want to continue providing the best possible care to the public. IMO it  is extremely important to have counseling available to those who choose to run toward danger and to assist their fellow human beings in life threatening situations.

Princess Cassandra

It's quite a mission, and has the Queen's blessing. It will take a lot of this type of PR to break the stigma, but I am glad they've taken on the cause. Mental health issues are probably at the base of much of the world's troubles. For example, just think about the trouble Alexandra Romanoff's mental health caused her, her family and many others.


Prince William delivers powerful speech on cyberbullying, criticizes social media companies | GMA

QuotePrince William gave one of the most compelling speeches of his career, lambasting social media companies like Facebook, Google and other social media giants who he doesn?t think are doing enough to protect children from bullying, hate speech, trolling and privacy and are putting profits before the protection of young people.
    ?We have to acknowledge that much of the early optimism and hope of social media is giving way to very real concern, and even fear about its impact on our lives.? ? The Duke of Cambridge #AntiBullyingWeek

Full Transcript of Prince William's Speech at the BBC - The Duke Condemns Social Media Companies

QuoteI am very concerned though that on every challenge they face ? fake news, extremism, polarisation, hate speech, trolling, mental health, privacy, and bullying ? our tech leaders seem to be on the back foot.

Their self-image is so grounded in their positive power for good that they seem unable to engage in constructive discussion about the social problems that they are creating.

The journey from inventors in the student dormitory to the leaders of some of the most valuable companies on earth has been so fast that they may struggle to understand that their incentives have changed. The noise of shareholders, bottom lines, and profits is distracting them from the values that made them so successful in the first place.

The above is from 2018 though the original call on the Social Media companies was made in 2017. William acknowledges in his 2018 speech that he'd underestimated the time it would take to stop the ongoing problems associated with cyber bullying.

Original call for change in 2017.
Prince William Wants to Stop Bullying on Facebook and Snapchat in Nine Easy Steps

QuotePrince William, second in line to the British throne, is urging technology companies to promote a ?code of conduct? designed to stop children being bullied or victimized on their platforms.

Launched on Thursday and backed by companies including Snapchat and Facebook, the code is called ?Stop, Speak, Support,? and is aimed at helping young people to ?look out for their friends, to stop the bullies, to speak out and to get support.?

Double post auto-merged: May 23, 2019, 04:21:48 AM

And in March 2019 the then joint Kensington Palace guidelines for interacting on their social media accounts was published.

Royal social media accounts will block trolls trashing Kate, Meghan

Double post auto-merged: May 23, 2019, 04:22:44 AM

QuoteThe guidelines come amid concern about the online abuse aimed at the wives of Prince William and Prince Harry. Much of the social media abuse has centered around rival fans of the Duchess Kate of Cambridge, the former Kate Middleton, and Duchess Meghan of Sussex, the former Meghan Markle.

"Palace aides have been spending hours each week moderating comments on the official palace Instagram account and removing racist and sexist content," AP reported last month.

Double post auto-merged: May 23, 2019, 04:23:31 AM

While it will never erase the trolling that Meghan has endured, I believe that it is a step in the right direction.

Princess Cassandra

Quote from: Blue Clover on May 10, 2019, 03:01:48 PM
The is a great cause! I think Prince William and Kate have done a phenomenal job given their role as royals. Well done!
I agree. At the time of the so called rift one of the rags showed a picture of Catherine driving to BP to see the queen.  Later an announcement that the project was in development was made and that she had gone to consult with the Queen about it. That leads me to believe there was a lot of behind the scenes preparation from all is almost like the culmination of what all four have been working towards, as they described in that joint press meeting before the Sussex wedding.


"The Duchess of Sussex has revealed she does not read newspapers or engage with Twitter during a discussion held to celebrate #InternationalWomensDay"

The above quote is the step in the right direction for Mental Health.


A Heads Together news


FSB backs The Royal Foundation's Heads Together charity

Heads Together, a mental health initiative spearheaded by The Royal Foundation of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, has been named as the FSB National Chairman's chosen charity.
Mike Cherry named Heads Together as his chosen charity in an effort to help destigmatise mental health in the workplace.

FSB will support Heads Together in amplifying the conversation about mental health among the UK?s 5.7 million strong UK small business community. FSB will also work to raise money for the vital work and programmes led by Heads Together including the Mental Health at Work Gateway.

Addressing mental health in the workplace remains a challenge, particularly for smaller employees and the self-employed. Research shows that poor mental health in the workplace is widespread with around half (48%) of people saying they have experienced a mental health problem in their current job.

Talking about why he chose Heads Together, Mike Cherry reflected on his own experiences and how he hopes it will lead to more small business owners talking about mental health in their workplace.

He said: ?As business owners, we have a crucial role to play in starting the conversation about mental health in our workplace. We need to lead the way in both destigmatising mental health in the workplace and acting to help members of our team when they are struggling.

?My father struggled with depression for many years and this was something that impacted his ability to run and manage the family business. His struggles have made me very aware of the impact poor mental health can have on small business owners, as well as employees.

?I am extremely proud to have chosen Heads Together and I am confident that we can help change the conversation around mental health in the workplace. By supporting the great work that they do, we can get even more small business owners talking about mental health and supporting themselves and their staff.?

Lorraine Heggessy, CEO of The Royal Foundation said ?We are very grateful to FSB for their support. This is a perfect partnership as both The Royal Foundation through Heads Together and FSB are committed to ensuring that all businesses have access to the best possible resources to support good mental health in the workplace. Research has shown that only 23% of employees in SMEs say they are comfortable talking about poor mental health.

?We are helping to address this issue by working with Mind on the Mental Health at Work Gateway, which was developed particularly to help small businesses.  We have also recently supported Mind?s new training toolkit ?Mental Health for Small Workplaces. We urge you to spread the word about the Gateway and the toolkit so that employers and employees alike can find the support they need, regardless of the size of their business.?

FSB backs The Royal Foundation's Heads Together charity


Update on Shout since its launch.

'A tidal wave of problems': texting on the mental health frontline | Society | The Guardian

IMHO its an article worth reading in its entirety. It features an interview with one of the male volunteers who times his availability during school breaks and lunches when the number of texts tends to ride. The article also features a sample conversation between client and volunteer.

Quote?It is attracting a different generation into volunteering,? said Victoria Hornby, the chief executive of Mental Health Innovations, said of those answering the texts. ?It makes sense to them. They can do everything remotely.?

QuoteThe computer dashboard at Shout, a suicide prevention text service, flashes up with a new cry for help every minute or two. The really worrying ones are highlighted in yellow by software that attempts to detect if a texter is about to try to kill themselves. Words and phrases such as ?overdose? or ?I can?t do this any more? trigger an urgent priority flag, and a trained volunteer armed with a laptop starts trying to calm down, reassure and then help the texter.

This is the new digital frontline in the fight to deter young people from taking their own lives or even thinking about it. Since Shout was launched last month as part of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge?s mental health campaign, its operators have been handling 500 conversations a day, 70% from women and girls, sometimes from classrooms and playgrounds. The crises are often so severe that the emergency services have had to be despatched in ?active rescues? as often as 22 times a day.

Suicide rates in the UK have been falling slightly in recent years and the most vulnerable group remains men aged 45 to 49. But Shout is catering to younger people who might not pick up the phone or talk to friends or family but are happy text their problems to a stranger who will try to guide them to professional help



The Heads Up launch will take place this Sunday.


QuoteWe will use our national game to spread the message that mental health isn?t a sad, difficult topic. It is just part of everyday life."

#HeadsUp, officially launching at the #CommunityShield, aims to spark the biggest-ever conversation around mental health.


QuoteOn Sunday, we'll be launching #HeadsUp - our brand new campaign with The @FA. It's time we talked about mental health as much as we talk about football.

Watch the launch just before @ManCity & @LFC go head to head at The FA Community Shield. Read more ➡️ Heads Up will launch at The FA Community Shield | Heads Together ?
Heads Up
Heads Up, launching this weekend at the Community Shield, aims to spark the biggest-ever conversation around mental health.

Blue Clover




QuoteBBC ONE has commissioned a landmark film focusing on men?s mental health through the prism of football, with access to the Duke of Cambridge over the course of a year.

Princess Cassandra

And it's back to work they go! This topic is so important - it may not be glamorous, but it is critical that mental health be addressed. I'm a lot older than most of you and have seen the disintegration of the nuclear family and all sorts of sad back peddling of the social fabric. I was a volunteer parent and was shocked at the sad situations many of the children were in that were unheard of (or extremely rare) a generation before. IMO this lead to issues then passed along in their future children.  Kudo's to the Duke and Duchess who perceive it as a fundamental need. If they can influence a new generation into addressing their mental health just as they do their physical health, they will be doing the world a huge good. 


Duke of Cambridge gets a Heads Up on Hendon FC?s mental health campaign ? Royal Central

QuoteThe Duke of Cambridge has set out to use football ?to start the biggest ever conversation on mental health? this season, and Friday he spent the day with Hendon Football Club learning about how they are tackling these issues within their club and community.

The Duke, who is president of the Football Association, visited as part of Heads Together?s ?Heads Up? initiative. The programme, which launched at The Community Shield in August, focuses on using the popularity of football to help normalise talking about mental health challenges.

Hendon FC run an innovative mental health project of their own, which they carry out with Brent Early Years Intervention Service, and the duke spent time with the club to hear more about their initiatives.

Princess Cassandra

Quote from: TLLK on September 07, 2019, 03:19:15 PM
Duke of Cambridge gets a Heads Up on Hendon FC?s mental health campaign ? Royal Central
I sincerely hope the football clubs help in this - we all need to consider our mental health as well as our physical health, and athletic stars can be so influential.