The Education and preparation of the Wales Children

Started by TLLK, March 24, 2017, 11:21:20 PM

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I don't think we will see George in boarding school before 13. Which is the age for Eton.

The couple have made a great show of 'we are normal and relatable' and shipping kids off to boarding school at 8/9 is not that.

Both Marlborough and Eton start at 13. It is pretty safe to think they will continue day school until they enroll. And considering their parents had great experiences at both schools, are strong candidates.

I also don't see the family moving to Bekrshire. Again optics. They have a 4.5 million pound apartment at Kensington. They have Amner hall. They have a cottage in Scotland. William does not have the huge private income of the Duchy of Cornwall to purchase a private house. Yes he has money, but eating a chunk out of their interest building accounts to buy a house they don't need, doesn't seem likely.

Eton and Marlborough are close enough for them to see their kids all the time without moving close to the school.


I think its possible that when the children are older they'll go to a flexible weekly boarding place, not Eton.  That way the children will still be able to go to school, make new friends, and be looked after during the week.  If their parents are away on weekends there are staff around to take care of them or they can stay at school for some weekends.


The article doesn't actually tell us anything. All options are on the table. I agree with people who say they won't board before they're 13.


The couple are acting like ordinary rich citizens that have to visit and enroll 5 years before rather than jumping the list.

Source: a few years ago Ofcom had it's best schools list and what parents had to do whilst ahead of date time.

The couple were spotted visiting several schools around Berks

So whatever the resulting boarding school, points to the couple, woke era,  no Queue jumping is millenial. The couple have to be with the new times and generational thinking.

With social media imagine to date child was next but was jumped by Prince George.


Not my culture, soci- econ group.
Them. This is normal.
I can see at 13. I cannot see so young.


Prince George and Princess Charlotte will be returning to school on Sept. 9, 2021 when the Michaelmas Term begins. Enjoy the last weeks of summer break!

School Life | Thomas's

Princess Cassandra

Quote from: FanDianaFancy on July 20, 2021, 02:24:39 PM
Not my culture, soci- econ group.
Them. This is normal.
I can see at 13. I cannot see so young.
My children boarded at 14. It was fine because they were both independent and responsible. Teenagers really want to run their own lives as much as possible; at boarding school You can run your own life within the context of the rules, and everyone has the same rules and privileges. There are a lot of advantages and a few drawbacks. It doesn't work so well for kids that are not independent or who can't follow the rules.


Quote from: sara8150 on August 26, 2021, 03:26:46 AM
Kate and Prince William in 'open communications' with George | Royal | News |

They can hold as many open conversations with George as they want. However, with a depleted number of royals to call on for royal duties and many of them 70 years old+, and one well over 90, the facts are that in the future both of the Cambridge adults will have to be almost doubling their present numbers in order to get business done.

The situation is very different from when Charles and Diana were doing royal engagements and Pr and Prss of Wales and their children were young. The Queen and PP were both active and reasonably youngish as were the Queen?s cousins. That is no longer the case. 

William and Harry were better off in boarding school while Diana was still performing royal duties and Charles was performing about 500+ a year. All it needs is for Charles, Camilla or Anne to get sick and be off for a few months (at their age certainly not an impossibility) and the BRF schedule will really be in trouble.

If the Cambridges think that they will be able to go on tour anywhere, perform as Charles and Anne regularly do, hundreds of engagements a year each and those arrangements will allow for vast amounts of family time during the school year for their three children I?d like to see them try!

The Wessexes have only been successful in that area because they have had relatively few duties but that?s not a luxury any Prince and Princess of Wales can be afforded.

My prediction is that George will go to boarding school in the next couple of years, followed by Charlotte afterwards and they?ll probably be joined by Louis when he?s nine or ten. The PR from the Palace may be that it will be the children?s choice but it?s not likely to be, solely anyway. Needs must when the devil drives.


I dont see them rushing. If the queen passes, there is still Anne, Edward and Sophie even if the cousins have retired. They could even have one of the York girls step up if needed. I know the rumors suggest Charles wants slimmed down but he had Harry in mind and Harry's wife in that slimmed down version. So adding one of the York girls would not add to that at all. They would still be down a royal from his suggested plans.

But yes boarding school is a sensible reality at least for the children of the heir. If their parents are travelling frequently, it makes just as sense to have them away at school then at home full time with a nanny.

If they do send them to boarding before 13, I see them choosing something like Eagle House. Its close to Windsor and offers flexible boarding so when their parents are not on the road they can be home weekends and such.

Princess Cassandra

If George's friends all go to boarding school he will want to go as well. I don't see William and Catherine encouraging it until 13 or 14, however. 


The DM is reporting that the Cambridges are considering to move to Windsor Castle...related to school and the Queen.

William and Kate are ?seriously considering' a move to Windsor, Mail can reveal
Royal couple have been ?eyeing up? accommodation suitable for their children
Move would bring them closer to Queen as they prepare for more senior role
William and Kate are 'seriously considering a move to Windsor' to be closer to the Queen | Daily Mail Online


They would hardly be considering living in Windsor Castle. And houses with large gardens suitable for royals would be at a premium around the town of Windsor and/or on Crown land. Most of them are taken. It?s more likely to be Buckinghamshire, IF the Cambridges are moving. However the Fail makes up fairy stories all the time.


If they do move, security is already existent. If they move somewhere else close by, the couple would have to pocket it themselves.

I find the possibilities in the castle or grounds logical for the family, boarding education, close to the Queen sounds sweet but secondary.

Also with ISIS and Taliban on the loose, if it were me, I'd move to Windsor. London has a higher percentage of unsafe.


(Full disclosure I was doped up on allergy meds yesterday when I first read the article, so forgive me if my comprehension is sketchy. )I got the impression from the article that they're looking for a weekend retreat instead of a full time residence. Amner is not close by and the kids are likely now involved in weekend activities (ie football, riding etc..) So I   believe that the Cambridges will continue to live at KP during the majority of the week but like QEII did would go to Windsor for the weekends. Amner Hall  would  then be saved for longer school breaks.

This article also seems to imply that it's Amner Hall that will not be used frequently by the family.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge ?seriously considering? relocating to Windsor to be closer to The Queen ? Royal Central

QuoteThe Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are ?seriously considering? relocating to Windsor and are looking at possible accommodation options.

According to the Mail On Sunday, the Cambridge family are exploring the possibility of leaving their current home, Anmer Hall, for a residence closer to The Queen as the couple take on more senior roles.

Anmer Hall is located on the Sandringham Estate in Norfolk, and was gifted to the couple as a wedding present from The Queen.

William and Catherine currently split their time between Anmer Hall and Kensington Palace in Central London, both of which properties provide offices and living spaces.

However, with the three Cambridge children attending school in London, the journey to Sandringham every weekend becomes more difficult.

A source told the Mail on Sunday: ?Anmer Hall made sense while William was a helicopter pilot in East Anglia and it was useful for Christmases at Sandringham, but it doesn?t really work any more.

?It?s a little too far away for weekends, but Windsor is a perfect compromise. They are eyeing up options in the area.?

Windsor is already the main residence for The Queen, with the 95-year-old monarch spending the majority of her time at Windsor Castle.



Thanks 😊 Feeling better but it does require antihistamines that make me drowsy.


Kate Middleton wants to send Prince George to old school: 'Let him spread his wings' | Royal | News |
I understand Kate makes decisions for their kids education than traditional Eton College but we have wait and see 🙏🏻🤞🏻


What are some of the all girls schools that Princess Charlotte could attend?


Here's a site that ranks UK secondary schools by test results etc.. However I believe that the Cambridges will consider both co-ed and single gender schools for their three children. William's cousin Louise is currently enrolled at all girls St. Mary's Ascot. Home - St Mary's School Ascot

Best Schools - Girls' Boarding Schools by A Levels and Pre U


If they go single sex I do think they will send the boys to Eton. Beyond the Wales boys, the Kents and Glouceter men have also attended. As have the male grandchildren of Princess Margaret. And of course the Spencer tradition.

Marlborough would make sense for Charlotte. Kate and Eugenie attended it so there is a good family link.

If they send Charlotte to Marlborough (which starts at 13) they may consider sending her to St George's Windsor prior which starts at 11. Both Eugenie and Louise attended it prior to their senior schools.

options for Charlotte with some royal link and close to London and Windsor:
-Marlborough: Kate and Eugenie
-St George Ascot- Princess Beatrice
-St Mary's Ascot- Lady Louse currently attends. Lady Marina and Amelia Windsor, and Margarita Armstrong-Jones all attended as well (as well as some foreign royals)
-Hathfield School-  Princess Alexandra, Lady Helen Taylor, and Serena Armstrong Jones all attended

As for the boys the options are likely (unless they go further away)
-Eton like their dad
-Marlborough if they decide to go co-ed and send all the kids to the same boarding school

If the boys go to Eton but they want to send them to boarding before 13, I'd suspect they'd follow their dad's lead and go to Ludgrove first. Its 30 minutes from Windsor so nice and close.


Quote from: TudorQueen on September 04, 2021, 08:17:26 PM
If they go single sex I do think they will send the boys to Eton. Beyond the Wales boys, the Kents and Glouceter men have also attended. As have the male grandchildren of Princess Margaret. And of course the Spencer tradition.

Marlborough would make sense for Charlotte. Kate and Eugenie attended it so there is a good family link.

If they send Charlotte to Marlborough (which starts at 13) they may consider sending her to St George's Windsor prior which starts at 11. Both Eugenie and Louise attended it prior to their senior schools.

options for Charlotte with some royal link and close to London and Windsor:
-Marlborough: Kate and Eugenie
-St George Ascot- Princess Beatrice
-St Mary's Ascot- Lady Louse currently attends. Lady Marina and Amelia Windsor, and Margarita Armstrong-Jones all attended as well (as well as some foreign royals)
-Hathfield School-  Princess Alexandra, Lady Helen Taylor, and Serena Armstrong Jones all attended

As for the boys the options are likely (unless they go further away)
-Eton like their dad
-Marlborough if they decide to go co-ed and send all the kids to the same boarding school

If the boys go to Eton but they want to send them to boarding before 13, I'd suspect they'd follow their dad's lead and go to Ludgrove first. Its 30 minutes from Windsor so nice and close.

We have wait and see let Kate decision choices for their kids education selection nearby Windsor Castle but Kate want nearby Middletons

William and Harry did went Eton College follow Spencer tradition included his great-grandfather,grandfather and his uncle


I am 95% sure the Cambridges will send their children to Marlborough College. 

William doesn't need convincing, he has his university sweetheart girlfriend, then wife, has lived, seen her, sibling, the family for 18 years ongoing and is happy with it. 

RR's are reporting that the couple will be announcing if not next week by Christmas the ''weekend'' life at Windsor Castle for School and Queen.


NOTE: RR's via Podcast.  I don't think we are all listening to information reported by all them including the Sussexes Omid Scobie.

It's not new but the fashionable thing to do, podcast and people listening rather than reading.

My birthday was this past Sept. 2, bday gift audio book ''Greenlight''. 4.5/5