Prince Harry and Meghan Markle relationship

Started by stepperry, November 02, 2016, 08:10:43 PM

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This Cressida girl is  mute issue!! THEY are not together now! Some need to just accept it!!


I also think Cressida moved on and does not take this at all seriously. She and Harry are OVER and maybe she realized Harry was  not that interested in the first place.


I really  do not think  Cressida  was a good match for him.

I think Chelsy  was  a  better match.

I think MM can be a  good  match.

Of course, speculation only.  None if his  girlfriends   talked to the media  or  were  habits/personalities,  etc. were known by the media.

Double post auto-merged: December 01, 2016, 02:49:48 AM

Time will tell.  I think MM  is  older and wants to settle down. I think PH is older and wants to settle down.
People their age group  sort  of stop dating  around without  establishing first  off of the other is looking for causal  or   looking for possible long term..marriage...etc.
I think PH  has  done well  being 3rd wheel  with PW and  PK. LOL!!!
I  hope of MM s his one, and PH, her one, then I hope it last and I hope she get the  support from TBT.   She  would  need to  move  soon to  TUK to  really  feel, see, live,  under the pressure,  fish bowl,  read the  nasty Brit press,  everything.
Get immersed in the good, bad, ugly.  Time.


If Harry wants to marry Meghan, he is going to do just that and we all know it.  So if you don't like it, then lump it!!! 

The Brits and everyone else can complain all they want. It won't change a thing nor prevent Harry from doing what he wants!


Quote from: Yale on December 01, 2016, 02:28:28 AM
This Cressida girl is  mute issue!! THEY are not together now! Some need to just accept it!!
Yale as you are ardent fan of Meghan she is a fan of Cressida. It is not a war of gfs and fans right? So calm down! You aren't attacked for sheer pushy agenda and firm belief Harry will have to marry Meghan and they are done deal already. It was said about Cressida and they dated for longer time. If you push your agenda and I see it quite often online recently by Meghan fan crew, at least, have a respect and don't look so desperate and rude! :hmm: :eyes:

Double post auto-merged: December 01, 2016, 12:17:56 PM

Quote from: Yale on November 27, 2016, 08:20:39 PM
I am not a fan. I had never heard of or watched " Suits" and I had never heard of Meghan Markle til the news broke that Prince Harry was dating her. I'm excited that she's American and half black.  It is different and new. It's a breath of fresh air the vroyals  needed. That family has been dull since Diana's death. No one cares about Camilla!.

And no, I don't intend to start watching Suits".
You look very aggressive promoting Meghan and slashing anyone who does not share your point of view. Remember, Meghan is just a gf. Just a gf! Even as a wife, she is not royal born, she would be a married in! Like Anne Boleyn and Catherine Howard, they were stumping their feet and behaved with threats to any critical voice and look on their destiny. It is just a forum so don't be so much involved in the life of some actress you have never met :hi: :orchid: :orchid:


@sandy If you don't see how Megan has made him unpopular you haven't been on the Internet ... but I think it has more to do with him being a lesser and lesser Royal as Kate continues to make him irrelevant and he continues to refuse to find an actual J.O.B while not performing his Royal duties ... Megan is just an excuse though ... the core issue here is Harry is a 30 something years old man who refuses to work or act like an adult in his private life throwing tantrums and acting on a whim and his outperformed in the J.O.B department by his 90 something grandfather ... that is why people finally have enough of him and he is now the new Andrew ... I wouldn't want to be Harry when the Court Circular with the annual duties performed by Royals is out and Harry is humiliated again by his grandparents ... and KATE  :eyes: ...


Cressida B made Harry 'unpopular' as you call it with the moron Daily Fail commenters and Twitter crowd. And he recovered. He is no more unpopular than Willie boy. The two of them and the Queen come consistently in the top three royals for popularity in all the polling of the British public that has been done in the past ten years.

Newsflash, the Queen is 91 next year, Prince Philip 96. How long do you think they can keep going at their age? How many 100 year olds have you seen in public life?

Willie, Kate, Harry and the woman Harry marries will be  performing  full time Royal duties. The transition is on. It's been going on for about 18 months. William won't have an outside job, Kate won't have an outside job, Harry won't have an outside job and his wife won't have a part time job.

Harry will be a King's son in the next reign and will do full time Royal duties with his wife and his brother and sister in law in Charles's slimmed down monarchy which is coming.

In William's reign Harry, as the King's only sibling, will also be doing full time Royal duties as George will be going to university and then into the armed services, just like his father and will probably not be doing Royal duties until he's in his thirties, again like his father.

We don't know whether Charlotte will ever be a full time Royal. And if you think that the Royal family will be able to to everything with just William, Kate and George doing it all, I have a bridge to sell you! King William will need his only brother and his only brother's wife on duty, and George will probably need him too.


Well time will tell. PP was wasn't popular in the beginning himself making the Queen at times unpopular during her reign. PP has won the admiration of the people for his work and there is no reason to believe if Harry marries Meghan she too will win over people and keep Harry as one of the most popular royals.


Meghan unpopular just because half a dozen envious people with several different profiles are attacking her on the internet? In the instagran of her 99% are messages of praise. And if Harry wants to marry her, the opinion of these "deluded" people will not matter.


^^^ Again it's not Cressida's or Megan's fault Harry has become less and less popular in this past two/three Years ... again ... the issue here is he refuses to find a J.O.B or be a full time Royal all while dating unsuitable women and putting ignorant statements out there ... that is what is transforming him in the new Andrew right now ...


Harry never liked Cressida, only blind not to notice. He always seemed bored next to her, "fed up" and she was never popular. She is dull, has no charisma, is uninteresting ... so much that she is always alone, can't maintain a relationship with anyone :thumbsdown:


Quote from: Eri on December 01, 2016, 02:13:31 PM
^^^ Again it's not Cressida's or Megan's fault Harry has become less and less popular in this past two/three Years ... again ... the issue here is he refuses to find a J.O.B or be a full time Royal all while dating unsuitable women and putting ignorant statements out there ... that is what is transforming him in the new Andrew right now ...

He's not in the least the new Andrew. Being a member of a royal family doesn't rely on popularity contests. Nevertheless, as I put in my post, you are ignoring every poll done by YouGov and other reputable companies that have placed him William and the Queen in the top three of popular royals in poll after poll. There's a bit of a difference between that and the Twitter crowd. Anyone can say anything on the Internet.

As I already explained before, Charles and his sons and their wives are going to be centrepieces in the new slimmed down monarchy of King Charles. William is stopping his ambulance piloting within months as soon as his contract is finished (and he's hardly ever there anyway.) When he was in Canada on tour was he also doing his job with EAAA, his job!!  Kate doesn't have a full time job. Harry, like them, will be a full time Royal, as will his wife.

His grandparents aren't going to go on for ever, unfortunate though that is. And then the younger generation of royals will take over FULL TIME Royal duties.

I'd like you to explain to me how a person would be able to have a full time outside job and also be available to go on Royal tours, of which Harry's done two this year. Incidentally, at the end of the year his engagement numbers will be above Kate's because of the Caribbean tour.


Quote from: Eri on December 01, 2016, 12:20:43 PM
@sandy If you don't see how Megan has made him unpopular you haven't been on the Internet ... but I think it has more to do with him being a lesser and lesser Royal as Kate continues to make him irrelevant and he continues to refuse to find an actual J.O.B while not performing his Royal duties ... Megan is just an excuse though ... the core issue here is Harry is a 30 something years old man who refuses to work or act like an adult in his private life throwing tantrums and acting on a whim and his outperformed in the J.O.B department by his 90 something grandfather ... that is why people finally have enough of him and he is now the new Andrew ... I wouldn't want to be Harry when the Court Circular with the annual duties performed by Royals is out and Harry is humiliated again by his grandparents ... and KATE  :eyes: ...

Prince Charles made it clear Harry will be part of his scaled down monarchy. It is going to take about 20 years for George and Charlotte to be able to contribute to royal duties. William is the one who should be taking up duties since he is directly in line. Why does he not think that it's bad for his granddad to outperform him? He's the one who should be embarrassed. who are the "people" who have enough of him? You don't speak for all.

Double post auto-merged: December 01, 2016, 02:44:01 PM

Quote from: Eri on December 01, 2016, 02:13:31 PM
^^^ Again it's not Cressida's or Megan's fault Harry has become less and less popular in this past two/three Years ... again ... the issue here is he refuses to find a J.O.B or be a full time Royal all while dating unsuitable women and putting ignorant statements out there ... that is what is transforming him in the new Andrew right now ...

Why are you assuming he's less popular? He seems popular now.

Double post auto-merged: December 01, 2016, 02:45:21 PM

Quote from: Curryong on December 01, 2016, 01:43:51 PM
Cressida B made Harry 'unpopular' as you call it with the moron Daily Fail commenters and Twitter crowd. And he recovered. He is no more unpopular than Willie boy. The two of them and the Queen come consistently in the top three royals for popularity in all the polling of the British public that has been done in the past ten years.

Newsflash, the Queen is 91 next year, Prince Philip 96. How long do you think they can keep going at their age? How many 100 year olds have you seen in public life?

Willie, Kate, Harry and the woman Harry marries will be  performing  full time Royal duties. The transition is on. It's been going on for about 18 months. William won't have an outside job, Kate won't have an outside job, Harry won't have an outside job and his wife won't have a part time job.

Harry will be a King's son in the next reign and will do full time Royal duties with his wife and his brother and sister in law in Charles's slimmed down monarchy which is coming.

In William's reign Harry, as the King's only sibling, will also be doing full time Royal duties as George will be going to university and then into the armed services, just like his father and will probably not be doing Royal duties until he's in his thirties, again like his father.

We don't know whether Charlotte will ever be a full time Royal. And if you think that the Royal family will be able to to everything with just William, Kate and George doing it all, I have a bridge to sell you! King William will need his only brother and his only brother's wife on duty, and George will probably need him too.

I think Charlotte would and should be a full time royal. She's the "spare" and "spares" do contribute. A royal Princess after generations of senior royal Princes would be a refreshing change. Charlotte should be doing full time duties.


Quote from: Eri on December 01, 2016, 12:20:43 PM
@sandy If you don't see how Megan has made him unpopular you haven't been on the Internet ... but I think it has more to do with him being a lesser and lesser Royal as Kate continues to make him irrelevant and he continues to refuse to find an actual J.O.B while not performing his Royal duties ... Megan is just an excuse though ... the core issue here is Harry is a 30 something years old man who refuses to work or act like an adult in his private life throwing tantrums and acting on a whim and his outperformed in the J.O.B department by his 90 something grandfather ... that is why people finally have enough of him and he is now the new Andrew ... I wouldn't want to be Harry when the Court Circular with the annual duties performed by Royals is out and Harry is humiliated again by his grandparents ... and KATE  :eyes: ...

I do that because so many attack her for no reason.  Secondly, I love the fact that she is American and biracial.


^ And some like her for NO reason ... just like it happens with EVERY public figure out there ... not everyone is going to like her or have rational reason to why ... just ask poor Cressida ...


Poor Cressida? Maybe she herself does not feel she is to be pitied. She moved on most likely. Harry though spoke publicly about Meghan as his girlfriend, he did not do the same for Cressida. Maybe Harry and Cressida realized they were not right for each other which is only sensible.


Harry returns on Sunday.  I wonder where he is taking her on this romantic trip he has planned?  I read that  they are leaving almost as soon as he gets back.  They'll be gone a week.


-I  agree with everyone or parts of their posts.

-PH YES will marry  who he wants.
-PH  is  popular and  not  lazy. He and PW  and PK NEED  to take on more duties  or duties from  PP and QEII.  YES, PP  and   QEII still need  duties, but t their age, they  do a  duty  a  day.
-BRF  amoung their subjects, Commonwealth depends  on each member's  popularity , mystery  behind the palace  walls, and  being seen out there  by their subjects.
--Some of you like  Cressida. Fine. He  wanted to be an actress and a  woman cannot be  an actress and  PH's  wife. He did not want, EVER THOUGHT  SHE DID NOT want him either. They dated. Dated  for a while.  Broke it off and each went  on their ways. Pics  after of Cressida  shows a  girl   who moved  on with her life and career.
Chelsy said  she did   not want the job. She moved  on.
-BRF  is most dominate  RF  or well know  .  PH  cannot  marry  a  , goodness  5 th, 6th, cousins.  Marrying ehhh? Weird.  QVictoria  has  descendents in every  European RF   so it has been said.
PH is not related to  MM.
-Some of you  are  all for MM  for whatever reasons  just  like  some of you still  do   not  agree with K  as  PW 's choice.
--MM,   think , looking  t it, the bodyguard hired, the press release,  might be  serious  as in marriage...things  already discussed.  TBRF do not do that  until  . K never got that. Diana   and Fergie never got tht until.
Yes, it  was PH  's release, but TPTB still had  to know, approve that message. Yes, PH  is paying for the  bodyguard. I  thought the bodyguard  was while MM is  in  England. Does he have her  with a bodyguard  while she  is in  Canada  or The USA  too? Hmmm.. That  is extreme.

•   Bi-racial. Does not matter to me. PH issued that  statement  because  of the ugly  things  being said about MM.  That shows he took a  special measure. He nor any  other BRF man did this.
If he marries  MM, fine. M  only comment is that she  will have the hardest time of it.  She will need H and TPTB  to be clear with her on her chosen life and duties and expectations and  keeping the nasty American press  away  from her and  bad  British press.  What  I mean is   in Black America? Is she woke? Princess  M, is she a  sellout?   Why and is the ODR  a matter of personal choice ?  Black Congressional Caucus extends an invitation to M, Duchess of  Sussex.
Princess M declines  invitation to yet another  HBCU  as guest  commencement  speaker.  Black community leaders in    Compton  asks native daughter, MM, Duchess of  Sussex  to  support  Boys/Girls Club there.  Ans.  from  Buckingham Palace  was a  "thoughtful  decline." What  is  MM, Princes  comments  on BLM ?
The list folks goes on and on here. Oh , one last  one  personal  and unreal for her  would  no way  no how  could she and her kids visit  her mother at her mother's  home  in Compton.  It  would  B Nat. Security in a high crime area but crazy terriosts, etc.  Even K's  folks moved  to a more  secluded  manor.  Their other home was not in a high crime place, but still.  They moved.  They  have big security  by TOTB  when the BRF  (PW and  family  ) are there.  They might have  security  at their  Midds' Manor  all the time.  It  is  not  a high crime area, but  you have  religious  zealots and crazy  Brits  to  contend with  .YES, who knows if PW  gave them money. Maybe PH will buy  a home  in a gated  Calabassas  , Hidden Hills  for  M-in-L.  M, Duchess sister  gives interview to  American journalist________  of  how  she has  not helped her wheelchair bound sister et she  is patron of many   places in GB for  the disabled.   Seriously, MM has a  half –sister who is wheel chair confined and this girl ahs already  out of the gate  given an interview saying that M does not support her...that MM turned her back on her.  I do not know how the girl got  confined to a wheelchair  or how close they were or why  she feels MM should support her  FINANCIAL and for life.
That  is  my  only  point abut him marrying MM. She needs to  know, see, understand, learn, see it  up close. Live  in  for  a  bit  before they get married.  .  K  had years to learn  from the sidelines and  she still faltered   in  some ways. Their life is so easy  in a sense , then  not  in another sense


Prince Harry, the HIV counsellor and some very awkward questions about Royal sex lives

By Harry's reactions in this article one could think he was afraid to answer such questions. I wonder if he and Meghan are having sex or are they waiting?


Quote from: Yale on December 01, 2016, 10:15:01 PM
Prince Harry, the HIV counsellor and some very awkward questions about Royal sex lives

By Harry's reactions in this article one could think he was afraid to answer such questions. I wonder if he and Meghan are having sex or are they waiting?

Ummm, lets just say they  are  32 and 35. :consoling1:

The questions,  ehhhhhh,   :happy17: I have to check out that link.  I  hope he just said he  cannot  answer questions due  to protocol  or had  one of his   staff say so.  BRF does not equal celebrityville   for them and  their sujbects.  Entertainers they  would gladly  do a show and tell. Forget about answering  questions, LOL!!! :teehee:

Double post auto-merged: December 01, 2016, 11:16:07 PM

Quote from: Yale on November 25, 2016, 05:28:20 PM
Some of you really need to give it a rest and move on.  Everyone gets it that you don't like that Harry is in a relationship with Meghan.  But your objections wouldn't make a difference to Harry even if he knew about them. Harry is going to do what he
wants to do.  He and Meghan have probably discussed all this, about what would happen if the story broke so they were ready.

American black women are made of super strong stuff.

  She loves Harry and he loves her and they will not let anyone to interfere.  Now just watch want I'm telling you!

A poster posted this in a recent post and I am going to back it up by posting it again:

"Harry can't win. He's better off pleasing himself and who cares what the population (who doesn't know her or him) thinks!"


None of you have a say in Harry's choices.

Double post auto-merged: November 25, 2016, 05:33:34 PM

Quote from: Vesper on November 24, 2016, 05:34:50 AM
"Who cares what people think"

That sounds absolutely lovely, but unfortunately for Harry, he's a prince born into an institution funded by tax payers so he ought to be more mindful of the company he keeps. I want him to be happy as I'm sure everyone does, absolutely. But all he has to do is find someone with some discretion, a person who won't use him to advance her brand before they even get the chance to get to know each other. Someone who's family is not yapping on about his nephew and niece that has nothing to do with them. It's so inappropriate and tacky. Also, Kate has already set the bar really low so how hard can it be. I like Harry, I really do, and to me he's the best of the bunch, but he needs to get his personal life together. You mean to tell me he can't find a nice girl from Cornwall or wherever,  come on...

This is Harry we are talking about...
And do you really think he cares about or would care what you have said above or if anyone agrees with you? No!

------------"American black women are made of super strong stuff."------------
This is very  stereotypical . It is not a complement  nor is it  true.  It is a back handed complement.  Bllck Amer. women  are no stronger than White Amer  women, Chinese  Amer.  women, etc.

What  I have been posting about  MM  having it  really hard  and  needing more support  from  TPTB and  PH  , way more so  than K had and  MM  being  protected from American press and Brit  is proven by  your post.


Quote from: FanDianaFancy on December 01, 2016, 11:07:51 PM
Quote from: Yale on December 01, 2016, 10:15:01 PM
Prince Harry, the HIV counsellor and some very awkward questions about Royal sex lives

By Harry's reactions in this article one could think he was afraid to answer such questions. I wonder if he and Meghan are having sex or are they waiting?

Ummm, lets just say they  are  32 and 35. :consoling1:

The questions,  ehhhhhh,   :happy17: I have to check out that link.  I  hope he just said he  cannot  answer questions due  to protocol  or had  one of his   staff say so.  BRF does not equal celebrityville   for them and  their sujbects.  Entertainers they  would gladly  do a show and tell. Forget about answering  questions, LOL!!! :teehee:

Double post auto-merged: December 01, 2016, 11:16:07 PM

Quote from: Yale on November 25, 2016, 05:28:20 PM
Some of you really need to give it a rest and move on.  Everyone gets it that you don't like that Harry is in a relationship with Meghan.  But your objections wouldn't make a difference to Harry even if he knew about them. Harry is going to do what he
wants to do.  He and Meghan have probably discussed all this, about what would happen if the story broke so they were ready.

American black women are made of super strong stuff.

  She loves Harry and he loves her and they will not let anyone to interfere.  Now just watch want I'm telling you!

A poster posted this in a recent post and I am going to back it up by posting it again:

"Harry can't win. He's better off pleasing himself and who cares what the population (who doesn't know her or him) thinks!"


None of you have a say in Harry's choices.

Double post auto-merged: November 25, 2016, 05:33:34 PM

Quote from: Vesper on November 24, 2016, 05:34:50 AM
"Who cares what people think"

That sounds absolutely lovely, but unfortunately for Harry, he's a prince born into an institution funded by tax payers so he ought to be more mindful of the company he keeps. I want him to be happy as I'm sure everyone does, absolutely. But all he has to do is find someone with some discretion, a person who won't use him to advance her brand before they even get the chance to get to know each other. Someone who's family is not yapping on about his nephew and niece that has nothing to do with them. It's so inappropriate and tacky. Also, Kate has already set the bar really low so how hard can it be. I like Harry, I really do, and to me he's the best of the bunch, but he needs to get his personal life together. You mean to tell me he can't find a nice girl from Cornwall or wherever,  come on...

This is Harry we are talking about...
And do you really think he cares about or would care what you have said above or if anyone agrees with you? No!

------------"American black women are made of super strong stuff."------------
This is very  stereotypical . It is not a complement  nor is it  true.  It is a back handed complement.  Bllck Amer. women  are no stronger than White Amer  women, Chinese  Amer.  women, etc.

What  I have been posting about  MM  having it  really hard  and  needing more support  from  TPTB and  PH  , way more so  than K had and  MM  being  protected from American press and Brit  is proven by  your post.

"American women are made of super strong stuff"

I stand by what I said in that post. And it is indeed a complement in my view. And news articles have said the same thing too. That Meghan is tougher than most people think, that she is made up of tougher stuff than his past GF's in order to withstand the pressures of all this.


Yes, I can go the " American women being made of strong stuff." That is more general. Yes, generally speaking, American  women  , being  in a  larger  country, a  republic  country  with a  democratic system,  etc., yes , I can see that  statement  true.

Yes,  media  her and people, including Black  people  like saying, Blck women are strong women because they  always had  to be the backbone of their  families...
It is : myth, stereotypical,  unfair, not true,  ugly, racists,  offensive and more. YES, Blacks like saying this  and they  do not understand   that is  not true and  is not a complement.
Everytime some of them say something  about  Blck women like  at  conferences, sorority  things, etc. they  always  say "Strong Black Women" as if they  are complementing themselves.

You said, "strong stuff." Like what  ? Kyrptonite!!  What???!!!????!! Made of what? Supersonic blood!

For Blcks who say this,  same thing. Strong how.  Taking further, they  are usually  referring to  being a single mom  and raising   family  . What  is there  storing about that? Nothing.
They often  refer to  women who had  multiple kids,  multiple jobs? There is nothing strong  about being  breadwinner, head of household  and  doing it alone without  the partner/father  and one set of kids.
Proof-Social  problems  are mainly because of lack of father  in household...etc.
This phrase goes right along with the nasty,  stereotypical big  Black  a  gorilla,  in other words, hung like a horse.
That is NOT a  complement  nor is it true.
Some Blck people lovelove saying that stereotype  too. It does not  make it cute, funny,  etc.

I know you are standing by  your statement there . Like I said and I agree with  you, Amer. media says it and even Black people say it.

What you said, brings it back  to  proof about my post if PH marries MM, then TPTB, OH,  will have to really protect ad support her and make  sure she understands her from the nasty  Brit press and  American press and Black  American press  with  all of their stupid claims they will want to  make on this girl  who  does not belong to them. She  would belong to herself, her husband , her children and her  country, TUK and The Commonwealth. Her life would be there and not here to accept an award at  the NAACP Image Awards. her life and duties  are apolitical and  are there  and  not here. The Black  media  will  bombard  this poor girl.



It doesn't seem she is made of "hard stuff" to me ... she made Harry put that ignorant statement out there whining about things I haven't seen her suffer from ... she is either a whiner who can't take the heat or an attention seeker who knows using the "race card" is the only way she can get Harry's attention ... too bad he won't be caught dead in public with her though ...


^ Well lets go back in history here a bit Eri Diana was never seen in public with Charles pre engagement either yet he still married her now didn't he?


And who said she was the one who asked Harry to make that statement to defend her? Harry took that attitude because he loves her and wanted to protect her from the press and the trolls. Yeah Sure that she needs something to get her attention. :lol: :lol: :lol: Clearly he is very involved with her and wanted to protect her what he never did with any girlfriend

And in relation to her sister in a wheelchair, we can not judge because we don't know the real story. Her sister has already proven to be envious, vindictive, bitter and opportunistic, so...