Prince Harry and Meghan Markle relationship

Started by stepperry, November 02, 2016, 08:10:43 PM

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Quote from: Eri on November 22, 2016, 11:07:46 AM
^ I don't feel sorry for Liz ... obviously she is a weak head of her family who allows this nonsense to happen and the new generation to ran her legacy to the ground ... I haven't figured out yet if she hates confrontation or just doesn't care ...

I would say she has a lot of compassion for the younger siblings in the family.  They know they won't be monarch but the only career allowed for them to take is in the forces.  They can't set up business (look what happened to Edward when he tried) they can't forge careers in the law or business that must be so frustrating for them its time to let the younger brothers  take on a career of their choice and say good luck to them rather than insist they do nothing but royal engagements.


Some here are being ridiculous ... he is obviously embarrassed to be seen with her and sent her on her merry way after just three Days ... not a man in love more a man who will regain his senses once the sex warms off and she will be just one of his many exes ... she knows this and that is why she is milking this "relationship" for all she can ... she created drama so he would put that statement out there but he will never be seen with her ...


Quote from: sandy on November 23, 2016, 01:35:39 AM
Camilla was a divorcee and Charles was a divorced man (he divorced Diana before she died) and not widower. He was able to marry Camilla in a registry office with the blessing. He did not get the Church wedding.  Charles had to wait to marry Camilla for 9 years after he divorced Diana, one reason was that his grandmother did not want the marriage in her lifetime. I think he would have married Camilla whether or not Diana died. He was still a divorced man not a widower. Kate did play the media during the breakup, for several weeks.  Kate's family did babble to the press. Uncle Gary gave an embarrassing interview recounting WIlliam and Kate's stay at his home. There were also reports that William "lent" bodyguards to Kate.

Exactly, we were talking about church wedding, it would be difficult if not impossible. Prince Harry would need the Queen's permission to marry. Unless he goes the route of his great-uncle and renounces his title & privileges. There would be no impediment for Harry and Meghan.

I'm sure Charles was always in love w/ Camilla. But he wants to be king badly. So they waited. Can you imagine Meghan waiting 5 or10 years to get permission? Or can you imagine Harry getting a 9-5 job and give up privileges.... yeah... far fetched.

As I stated before... Kate's immediate family kept their sh*t together. Her parents are together. She and her siblings are a unit (at least in public). Kate didn't have social media to manipulate the limelight. She & William just went about their relationship since University. If after 7 years, William decided to look another way, hey IMO, Kate can "use or manipulate" the paps that have been hounding her for years to her advantage.

See the difference I keep pointing out is that William and Kate were in a 10-year relationship. As they grew together and got more serious, I'm sure she slowly got to use bodyguards, drivers, assistants as well as tutors to teach her about Royal responsibilities.

My annoyance w/ this VERY NEW "vacation relationship" is ALL the drama made after just a couple of weeks or months of dating. GET IT ? With all their work & obligations, I don't think they've been in the same city for a total of a month. It's a vacation relationship and she's creating so much drama to be the damsel in distress, thus making this whole issue bigger. It's embarrassing for both sides. Meghan wants to be portrayed as this strong woman, yet she's being a drama queen just to be a princess.  :royalsneeze: And like I said before, I could've given her the benefit of the doubt if she'd laid low. But she kept poking her head in social media in time w/ events such as that we won't forget "Harry's new girl". To me, that tells a lot about her character and her motives.

I think it's easy for foreigners, especially Americans, to say "leave them be", "or as long as they're happy" "who cares" .... Because you're not paying the taxes that supports the Royals' security, upkeep of palaces, etc, etc. Whatever embarrassment the Royal family does will go down w/ Britain's history, not yours. The Queen knows her responsibility to her people, I don't know if the other royals do. So heck yah, Prince Harry did look like a whiny kid w/ his letter. His privileged life comes w/ responsibility and dignity. Thus all the papers were mocking him. And I guess someone graffitied Meghan's graffiti ... guess that tells it all.


^ She is obviously used to get VERY serious VERY fast in her relationships and he is not ... that is why she has to use the "race card" and the "snowflake act" for him to continue to have an interest in her ... too bad it won't last his attention spam is as short as her marriages ...


Ridiculous is one who still can't see the seriousness of dating. Harry assumed to the world that he was dating her, Defended her from the trolls attacks, and he had never done that to any other GIRLFRIEND, If this is not serious , what else would it be? :lol: :lol: :lol: :hehe: :hehe: :hehe: :blowkiss: :blowkiss:


Quote from: Cat00 on November 23, 2016, 01:11:54 PM
Ridiculous is one who still can't see the seriousness of dating. Harry assumed to the world that he was dating her, Defended her from the trolls attacks, and he had never done that to any other GIRLFRIEND, If this is not serious , what else would it be? :lol: :lol: :lol: :hehe: :hehe: :hehe: :blowkiss: :blowkiss:

It's called a rash, immature & knee-jerk reaction. He's being the knight in swing armor. And like you said: "He has never done that to any other GF"... and THAT is why I don't think this will get approval from her majesty nor the monarchy.

IMO, the fact that it was "leaked" shows that he wasn't protective enough in the first place. But as I believe it was leaked from Meghan's camp, I believe Harry & KP were blind sided. They weren't prepared for the backlash and the prying into her background.

I believe Kensington Palace was pushed to a corner w/ the "race  and victim card" and it'll make Harry look weak and politically incorrect NOT to defend someone he's seeing just because she's American & mixed race. For the Prince, well, he just wants what he wants and he'll whine about it.  :windsor1: I do believe he believes he's in love or in lust, and he wants to date Meghan. But as to how long and how viable this relationship is long term... still remains to be seen. IMO, this is still a "vacation relationship" and not a "real life relationship".

In the first place, if he was serious (like serious enough to marry her) ... he wouldn't cringe even when her name is inappropriately brought up by dignitaries. He'd just smile and move on. But because he knows that BECAUSE of Meghan, all his work on this tour would be shadowed... well, hence the cringe. JMO.

Double post auto-merged: November 23, 2016, 01:45:32 PM

oh.. and btw... Harry's letter to the press was released around the time of the Prince of Wales' tour in the Middle East. It overshadowed the work and press and everything else Prince Charles and the Monarchy wanted to promote.

so... like I saw.. Harry's "letter of defense" was rash, immature and a knee jerk reaction. I don't think his Papa was all too happy about the whiny tone either.

why does QE II have to deal with these spoiled offsprings...  :eyes:


Quote from: Cat00 on November 23, 2016, 01:11:54 PM
Ridiculous is one who still can't see the seriousness of dating. Harry assumed to the world that he was dating her, Defended her from the trolls attacks, and he had never done that to any other GIRLFRIEND, If this is not serious , what else would it be? :lol: :lol: :lol: :hehe: :hehe: :hehe: :blowkiss: :blowkiss:
What I am not seeing is any pictures of Harry and his flavor of the Month that is why she is forced to wear those bracelets to prove something ... none of his two very serious girlfriends had to do that ... he was proud to be seen with them all over the place ... Cressida got to sit with him while he was performing an official duty ...


Quote from: Cat00 on November 23, 2016, 01:11:54 PM
Ridiculous is one who still can't see the seriousness of dating. Harry assumed to the world that he was dating her, Defended her from the trolls attacks, and he had never done that to any other GIRLFRIEND, If this is not serious , what else would it be? :lol: :lol: :lol: :hehe: :hehe: :hehe: :blowkiss: :blowkiss:

In addition, Harry has been travelling back and forth to see her, not once but SEVERAL TIMES and staying at each others houses. He is thinking about paying for her a  security when she is in Britain.

I ignore certain ones here because  what I have read is clear and I am not debating the point any longer.


^ What you have read is pure speculation by rags who are desperate to marry him off to ANYONE ... there is no proof he has been in Toronto to see her ... unless you have pictures you can't accuse anyone of making things up because YOU are doing the same thing ... pictures or it didn't happen ... no one is doubting the two are sleeping together but big whoop Harry sleeps with a lot of women and has an history of getting naked in a room full of strangers ... if this woman gets anywhere near "official girlfriend" territory then I am Jennifer Lopez ... after the Tour she is to never be heard of again as Harry will be spending the Holidays with his family when he is back and Liz and Chuck will be heard  :windsor1: ... if he was anywhere near serious about this girl she wouldn't have spend a weekend in London just to be send on her marry way and he would actually be seen with her and acted like a proud boyfriend which he obviously isn't ...


Just the fact of him saying to the world that he is dating her and also defend her, is already the real proof of a serious relationship, if I were his ex girlfriends, had been very jealous :vday2: :hehe: .The photo is just a detail, just a matter of time . I found it so cute he defended her, so romantic :hug: :hug:


Meghan's sister was on ET last night to set the record straight.  There is no real family conflict.  They got into an argument 5  or 6 years ago over their parents.  Meghan took her mother's side and her sister took their father's.  They were out of touch for a while but talked last week she said.  She also told Meghan, that she was so proud of her.  She got teary eyed and emotional. She said that  the person that interviewed her lied and twisted what she said etc.  She never said anything negative about her.

She can forward she said because she did not want lies  about their family impacting  Meghan's relationship with Harry. 

Meghan's sister also said that this stuff needs to stop and that Harry and Meghan are entitled to their privacy.  She is 100% spot on!  She is SO RIGHT!!!


This young lady may have many interests and qualification in the public arena, which matches Prince Harry's... and maybe as some have said , he may be better with an older  (not too much older) lady, however this one, one has to question her love for Prince Harry and would be loyal and supportive of him and his duties, or does she already love the limelight.... Her family need to back off. They remind my of the Beverly Hill Billies (*).. I simply cannot see her family and the royal family ever sitting down to a bar be cue or a royal wedding. I hope Prince Harry  realizes the pitfalls that will come with Meghan and her family . Let them both have fun in this relationship, but to know nothing is written in stone... Meghan has been married , and had an affair or two, even breaking off a 2 year relationship to be free for Harry's pursuit...   Hopefully this romance will endure and then fade off.  ALL IMO of course!



Why pitfalls? Is Harry by any chance an innocent kid? Meghan has flaws? Yes, everyone has. No one's good enough for Harry, if it depends on some people, he'll be single forever. People who judge others without knowing, it makes me tired! <_<


We don't know what broke Meghan and her ex the chef up. All I've read in the press is from the Toronto Globe, a daily paper  that reported ages ago that the chef was saying by June that he and his girlfriend were no more. All the rest is speculation, the story that the chef cooked dinner for Harry and the Trudeaus' guests, that Meghan was there and slipped Harry her number etc etc has been built on by those who took an instant dislike to MM. It's a scenario that was first put forward by an anonymous poster in the Lola Hearts blog for goodness sake. Anyone can say anything when they post like that!

The only people in Meghan's family who've spoken are half-siblings who apparently aren't particularly close to her any more and have only said nice things anyway. The half sister went on ET to correct what the tabs had printed on her FB.

I would like Harry to be happy. If he is happy with Meghan, fine. If it's someone else in a year or two, fine. However, as he's found, every girlfriend he is ever going to have is going to be destroyed on social media, dissected, faults and exaggerations picked over, hated for her appearance, profession, character etc etc. Whatever happened to giving someone a chance?

By the way, Meghan has said nothing. An IG of two bananas and another one of a teapot is a signal to the world that 'I've got a Prince! See how great I am!' Perleeze!

Big deal that she walked near the DM office when shopping in London. Crown Princess Mary probably walked all over Copenhagen when she was dating Fred, including near newspaper offices. The difference with her is she wasn't being followed by people from the revolting Daily Fail.

Harry had better find a plaster Saint next time, straight out of a convent. Even if he did there would be DM commenters and people on social media criticising her for hiding away in a convent. 'What's SHE got to hide', 'Hate nuns,' and thousands of other spiteful remarks.

Harry can't win. He's better off pleasing himself and who cares what the population (who doesn't know her or him) thinks!


"Who cares what people think"

That sounds absolutely lovely, but unfortunately for Harry, he's a prince born into an institution funded by tax payers so he ought to be more mindful of the company he keeps. I want him to be happy as I'm sure everyone does, absolutely. But all he has to do is find someone with some discretion, a person who won't use him to advance her brand before they even get the chance to get to know each other. Someone who's family is not yapping on about his nephew and niece that has nothing to do with them. It's so inappropriate and tacky. Also, Kate has already set the bar really low so how hard can it be. I like Harry, I really do, and to me he's the best of the bunch, but he needs to get his personal life together. You mean to tell me he can't find a nice girl from Cornwall or wherever,  come on...


 :goodpost: ^ SPOT ON!

Like I said before, if Harry renounces his titles & privileges.... heck, then he can say... "it's our lives, no one else has a say in that or can meddle in our affairs". But Harry getting a 9-5 job... yeah... just think about it. And question will be, will Meghan still want him when he's an ordinary citizen. If she does, then more power to them.

"Meghan has said nothing..."  well, on the contrary, her sneaky innuendoes is much cruder than if she's actually said an official statement for people to please leave her be. But NO... she wants to keep people suspended and look at her social media posts. Which, btw, are always timed to share the limelight w/ Harry's work or news. And bodyguards w/ big black SUVs :hmm:... I mean, how much do you want to get noticed around Toronto.

Someone said "Kate set the bar low"... yeah, well.. the Middletons are looking pretty rosy right now, especially for the institution. Can you imagine Pippa talking to ET about their "family issues" only after a FEW months of William & Kate dating????

I keep reiterating a few months.... but it's probably just a total of a few days or a month MAX that they're together in one city. I don't begrudge Harry dating... but the thought of weddings is just laughable. It's just the American magazines jumping the gun to sell papers and fashion magazines hoping for Grace Kelly days... again, just to sell papers. It's annoying.

I know a lot of people are in denial here... but public opinions on all the papers and article comments says it all. And IMO, What the Brits say definitely weighs more than foreigners. It's their institution, their money and their history.

Double post auto-merged: November 24, 2016, 09:12:01 AM

The sad fact is... this whole thing is beginning to resemble the Wallis Simpson affair. And w/ the outbreak of social media and 24-hour news, it's like the whole thing on steroids. It's really embarrassing.

I was hoping Harry has more dignity & sense of responsibility than Edward VIII. Because by all accounts, Edward VIII was a selfish jerk(and i'm being nice w/ my words, lots of accounts used harsher descriptions for the Duke & Duchess of Windsor).

I mean seriously Harry, help out your grandmother in restoring dignity to the Monarchy. Enough w/ the scandals.


Quote from: Curryong on November 24, 2016, 03:34:03 AM
We don't know what broke Meghan and her ex the chef up. All I've read in the press is from the Toronto Globe, a daily paper  that reported ages ago that the chef was saying by June that he and his girlfriend were no more. All the rest is speculation, the story that the chef cooked dinner for Harry and the Trudeaus' guests, that Meghan was there and slipped Harry her number etc etc has been built on by those who took an instant dislike to MM. It's a scenario that was first put forward by an anonymous poster in the Lola Hearts blog for goodness sake. Anyone can say anything when they post like that!

The only people in Meghan's family who've spoken are half-siblings who apparently aren't particularly close to her any more and have only said nice things anyway. The half sister went on ET to correct what the tabs had printed on her FB.

I would like Harry to be happy. If he is happy with Meghan, fine. If it's someone else in a year or two, fine. However, as he's found, every girlfriend he is ever going to have is going to be destroyed on social media, dissected, faults and exaggerations picked over, hated for her appearance, profession, character etc etc. Whatever happened to giving someone a chance?

By the way, Meghan has said nothing. An IG of two bananas and another one of a teapot is a signal to the world that 'I've got a Prince! See how great I am!' Perleeze!

Big deal that she walked near the DM office when shopping in London. Crown Princess Mary probably walked all over Copenhagen when she was dating Fred, including near newspaper offices. The difference with her is she wasn't being followed by people from the revolting Daily Fail.

Harry had better find a plaster Saint next time, straight out of a convent. Even if he did there would be DM commenters and people on social media criticising her for hiding away in a convent. 'What's SHE got to hide', 'Hate nuns,' and thousands of other spiteful remarks.

Harry can't win. He's better off pleasing himself and who cares what the population (who doesn't know her or him) thinks!
Personally I am whatever about this whole "relationship" I have no strong feelings towards this woman more power to her whatever she is doing ... what I find mind blowing is people who ABUSED and NAMED CALLED  a 23 years old Cressida and her whole family actually liking this one and treating this twice separated 35 years old like an innocent snowflake who can't be criticized ... that is mind blowing ... I can not see Cressida survive half of the things that this woman and her family did in such a short time and that is the only issue I have with this whole situation ... as for Harry ... he is a useless 30 something years old who refuses to work for a living and lives off the public purse so the public will judge him and his girlfriend whose security he wants to be provided by the public purse ... if he wants people out of his face he needs to take his Di money and Queen Mother money and go live in Africa like we all know he wants to ... until then ...


Quote from: PaulaB on November 23, 2016, 06:28:22 AM
Quote from: Eri on November 22, 2016, 11:07:46 AM
^ I don't feel sorry for Liz ... obviously she is a weak head of her family who allows this nonsense to happen and the new generation to ran her legacy to the ground ... I haven't figured out yet if she hates confrontation or just doesn't care ...

I would say she has a lot of compassion for the younger siblings in the family.  They know they won't be monarch but the only career allowed for them to take is in the forces.  They can't set up business (look what happened to Edward when he tried) they can't forge careers in the law or business that must be so frustrating for them its time to let the younger brothers  take on a career of their choice and say good luck to them rather than insist they do nothing but royal engagements.
I agree @PaulaB. Phillip and Elizabeth  must know that the latter part of the  20th century would be difficult for their younger children. Edward tried to make a go of a career outside of the royal bubble, but it failed. The Dutch royals appear to have found the right formula as Beatrix and Claus' younger sons were not raised to play a role within the royal family but to work in a career with minimal royal appearance. I hope that other royal parents are raising their "spares" to consider a life without the guarantee of working for the "firm."


It's nice that some try to have careers outside. Apparently, Queen Elizabeth II's nephew is furniture designer and part of the board at Christie's UK. So good for him and his family.


This charade will be over the minute Chuck gets his hands on Harry ... they will be spending a lot of time together ... ''Meg" is to not be heard of again ... in fact ... I wonder if she got her marching orders when she was in London and that is why she left so quickly ... New Years Eve time will be interesting to say the least ...


Well Chuck should be the last person to get his hands on Harry. Chuck was allowed a privilege denied his great uncle.


^ Well I think Harry got rid of her anyways ... no woman spends two/three Days with her new boyfriend of a few weeks that she knows she won't be able to see for weeks between his Tour and his obligations with his family during the Holidays ... something went on that weekend ... by the way ... I didn't know Cam was a twice divorce American will ties to Hitler's Ambassador  :lol: ... who knew ...


No Cam was a divorced adulteress as well as her husband each breaking up the others marriages. The big issue was the church and succession so before anyone condemns Meghan for being divorced that would be the pot calling the kettle.


I think there are several differences w/ Charles and Edward VIII. Most important was that Charles was willing to wait because he wants to be King. Diana passed away, so he was able to re-marry. I don't think the British people would've accepted Camilla otherwise if Diana was still living. Plus, Camilla was willing to forgo the big wedding and was given the title of duchess & not princess. ( I don't know if she'll be Queen, but from my understanding, she won't be) So you think Meghan will be willing to forgo the big wedding and the title "Princess"??? haha :lol:

My impression is that Edward VIII wanted to leave all his responsibilities to his brother George just to be w/ Wallis Simpson. And by all accounts, the duke and duchess of Windsor liked to entertain and party and live the high life.  They were treated like celebrities by people who wanted to touch royalty (w/c was a downgrade for them, but they had to have income) And everyone says they're not nice and very arrogant to people below their station. Plus that picture w/ Hitler really repulsed me.

So a factor here is how much of Harry is like his father and how much like Edward VIII. Is Harry willing to wait for things to calm down to retain his title AND responsibilities AND get his choice of wife? Or does he just want to live the high life and be a B-celebrity? And btw, if you think Harry is like Charles, then I guess he'll eventually go back to his first love... w/c is Chelsy. And even if Charles lets Harry gets his wish, Harry won't get the go-signal anytime soon, plus there's still the Queen.

AS for Meghan, unfortunately for her, everything is now online and documented. And no, she isn't just divorced once, she's had several controversial overlapping relationships. #2 She's an American actress. And no, not like Grace Kelly, she's had skimpy photos and steamy scenes on tape ( if you don't think that matters, then you haven't been paying attention to the Monarchy) #3 I don't remember Camilla's brother or half sister or children going on Entertainment Tonight to give interviews ? Did they?  :lol: I mean, it's all just embarrassing. :eyes: #4 the way Meghan's playing social media to get attention and limelight, she won't last long even if she does enter the royal family. (btw, she gained 200K follower on IG in the past couple of weeks, I'm sure she was hoping for more) But she has to remember, it's the crown and the institution that is the center and not a single individual. I could go on and on... but I think most people get it.

And lastly and most important, Brits don't seem to like her. I think that says it all.


Quote from: Trudie on November 25, 2016, 12:34:56 PM
No Cam was a divorced adulteress as well as her husband each breaking up the others marriages. The big issue was the church and succession so before anyone condemns Meghan for being divorced that would be the pot calling the kettle.
For God sake ... this is not about how bitter you are about things that happened 30 Years ago with people you don't even know ... this is about Harry and his flavor of the Month ... there is no point of you being here if you have no interest in having a conversation about THE TOPIC AT HAND ... her being divorced twice is more an issue in terms of her not being able to make a marriage work than anything else given that Harry is a MINOR Royal who bares no importance ...