Kate: Mental Health Charities and Patronages

Started by TLLK, November 06, 2014, 07:29:06 PM

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Very happy to see her champion this cause :)


The visit was not publicised beforehand due to security reasons, being a prison. However journalists were there and the event got covereage, that should be enough. They all knew about it, royal reporter's and photographers just kept it under wraps.
I think her involvement in mental health issues is admirable, this is a direct link to supporting children before it gets too late. Catching the problem and treating it at a young age would prevent such cases once they're older.

'I was reminded today how addictions lie at the heart of so many social issues and how substance misuse can play such destructive role in vulnerable people's lives. I saw again today that a failure to intervene early in life to tackle mental health problems and other challenges can have profound consequences for people throughout their lives.
'I am grateful to the women I met for sharing their difficult personal stories with me. It is encouraging to learn how organisations like RAPt are offering specialist support to help people break the cycle of addiction and look forward to a positive and crime free life.'


Quote from: tiaras on September 25, 2015, 03:06:09 PM
The visit was not publicised beforehand due to security reasons, being a prison. However journalists were there and the event got covereage, that should be enough. They all knew about it, royal reporter's and photographers just kept it under wraps.
I think her involvement in mental health issues is admirable, this is a direct link to supporting children before it gets too late. Catching the problem and treating it at a young age would prevent such cases once they're older.

'I was reminded today how addictions lie at the heart of so many social issues and how substance misuse can play such destructive role in vulnerable people's lives. I saw again today that a failure to intervene early in life to tackle mental health problems and other challenges can have profound consequences for people throughout their lives.
'I am grateful to the women I met for sharing their difficult personal stories with me. It is encouraging to learn how organisations like RAPt are offering specialist support to help people break the cycle of addiction and look forward to a positive and crime free life.'

Wise of the media to respect the prison's security instructions laid down prior to the visit.  :nod:


"The visit reflects the Duchess's interest in learning how organisations support people living with substance misuse issues, and the impact of addiction within the wider family network. As Patron of addiction charity, Action on Addiction, she is aware that addictions lie at the heart of so many social issues and the destructive role that substance misuse plays in vulnerable people's and communities' lives."
—    Kensington Palace


Quote from: KaTerina Montague on September 25, 2015, 08:07:13 PM
This is an event I am happy she took part in. I'm happy when those in power use their celebrity to out a spotlight on those in prison.
Also notice how this event has nothing to do with sports or dressing up but the same people still have to find something to complain about.  LMAO desperation has set in when you have to criticize her having a purse.
Kate is lazy, but this is one time I will give her prop's.
Pleased to see that the public is being given the opportunity to know that programs to help inmates with addiction issues exist and that rehabilitation remains part of the goal for ending what can be a continuous cycle returning inmates.



She's in this for the long haul," Peter Fonagy, CEO of the Anna Freud Centre in London, tells PEOPLE in this week's issue.

"She is interested in mental health for real – that is to say that her interest is deep and genuine."

The charity visit is just the beginning of the royal mom's busy fall. She's set to join her husband Prince William and brother-in-law Prince Harry at the hotly anticipated England-Wales rugby match this Saturday. She'll also make an appearance at the London premiere of Spectre and is set to help Queen Elizabeth host the Chinese president next month. There will be a steady flow of further engagements leading up to Christmas, royal sources have told PEOPLE.

As she does, Kate, 33, is picking up experience and widening her own knowledge of the issues. But Fonagy says he also believes the charity can learn from her, as Kate's awareness of the sector is growing and her ability to build support is formidable.

"She was very up-to-date about the whole field," he adds. "She's a very knowledgeable and wise person, and I feel we would benefit from her enormously. I hope that something can come from this where we are able to fulfill some aspect of her interests and ambitions in this area."


100WomeninHedgeFunds @ 100_WHF
Kensington Palace has announced that HRH The Duchess of Cambridge will attend @100_WHF's London Gala on 27 Oct.


This will be the Duchess' second time at the event. The Art Room will be the beneficiary for that evening's event.  William and Harry have also been guests in the past.
100 Women in Hedge Funds Link to the organization's site.


100 Women in Hedge Funds: Letter from Duchess of Cambridge

Letter from Kate.

Double post auto-merged: October 13, 2015, 11:57:44 PM

Past charity recipients and their royal patron  include:
2010-Centrepoint-Prince William
2011-Child Bereavement-Prince William
2012-Skill Force-Prince William
2013-Action on Addiction-Duchess of Cambridge
2014-Well Child-Prince Harry


Roya Nikkhah ‏@RoyaNikkhah
The Duchess of Cambridge, patron of @Place2Be will attend Headteacher Conference Nov 18 looking at how schools can help tackle mental health

HRH The Duchess of Cambridge - Royal Patron of Place2Be


Glad to see that she is acknowledging that mental illness can sometimes be related to unresolved issues during childhood. It's only been in recent decades that the subject has been addressed in elementary schools with one-on-one and small/large group counseling sessions. Programs like this one can make a difference in a student's life by providing them with the necessary coping skills.

?The Duchess of Cambridge tells of her 'wonderful and secure childhood' | Western Daily Press

Double post auto-merged: November 18, 2015, 04:20:42 PM

A speech by The Duchess of Cambridge at the Place2Be Headteacher Conference

Kate's speech from today's engagement.

Double post auto-merged: November 18, 2015, 05:14:20 PM

Home - ITNSource News

ITN video


Quote from: HsHCharlene on November 18, 2015, 07:21:58 PM
Her speech seemed fine to me in general. She spoke slowly and clearly as she should. But she did look down a bit too much I think. She may have only read it once or twice but at times she looked unsure about what point was coming next or how the sentence ended. Overall, a good speech and is as expected since she doesn't do speeches very much. But she may have needed more practice in doing it so that the words flowed a bit more conversational and that she looked better comfortable with the words.
I agree that it was a good speech and that she does require more practice to become comfortable with speaking before an audience. IMHO the message about the need for early intervention by mental health professionals is what is truly important.

Double post auto-merged: November 18, 2015, 10:24:33 PM

Quote from: sandy on November 18, 2015, 09:18:49 PM
Kate should not be looked on as an "expert" on this topic. Royals call attention to causes, she read a scripted speech. Her hair flipping was distracting and she needs a shoulder length "do" and the hair pulled away from her face.
Out of curiosity @sandy do you truly believe that people consider her to be an expert on the subject of mental health treatment in school age children? IMO she's a royal patron who is highlighting a cause that she represents.


I am 100% sure that all BRF members who have given a speech, have used their personal experience, in order to relate with the theme.

HM with her family for Christmas message
Charles with his organic foods for climate change
William with Diana for one or several of his ex moms charities
Harry with his military for Invictus, others his mom for sentebale, as recent as this past Oct 29 veterans speech, he said his me experience in war.

People use their own experience to relate and click.


Quote from: michelle0187 on November 19, 2015, 01:37:15 PM
Quote from: wannable on November 19, 2015, 10:47:38 AM
I am 100% sure that all BRF members who have given a speech, have used their personal experience, in order to relate with the theme.

HM with her family for Christmas message
Charles with his organic foods for climate change
William with Diana for one or several of his ex moms charities
Harry with his military for Invictus, others his mom for sentebale, as recent as this past Oct 29 veterans speech, he said his me experience in war.

People use their own experience to relate and click.
That example was boastful. It sounded like "we need to help them but luckily I didn't"
I disagree. IMHO it sounded to me that she was grateful for her safe and secure childhood, but she's aware that she is fortunate. Children and teens who are lucky enough to be raised in healthy and stable environments can often be unaware of their peers' less fortunate home lives. Once they realize that some of their classmates are not living in similar situations, they can come to understand how blessed they were to have such a childhood.

It seems to me that having researched the charities that were presented as options, the Duchess has chosen ones that can help children/teens in the UK that are in need of a safe, secure and stable home life.

Double post auto-merged: November 19, 2015, 08:30:10 PM

Quote from: wannable on November 19, 2015, 10:47:38 AM
I am 100% sure that all BRF members who have given a speech, have used their personal experience, in order to relate with the theme.

HM with her family for Christmas message
Charles with his organic foods for climate change
William with Diana for one or several of his ex moms charities
Harry with his military for Invictus, others his mom for sentebale, as recent as this past Oct 29 veterans speech, he said his me experience in war.

People use their own experience to relate and click.


Kate tied to the word family in her speech is correct. Who else but family first, seconded by friends, thirdly by teachers are the major sources detecting early signs and symptoms of mental illness.

This is worlwide recognized in psychiatric scientific papers. Anyone can find published research in the Internet.


I do not know what you mean, but what I Said is factual, anyone can read research papers all over the Internet by psychiatrists, and that is that.

So, by the same token, if the mental illness person has a broken family, no friends, leaving teachers with an average of 25 students per classroom. It makes it even harder to detect. 75% of detecting mental illness comes from Family!, as per research papers. 

In conclusion, Kate's speech is on target and well informed using her own childhood experience.


Kensington Palace ‏@KensingtonRoyal
The Duchess will join pupils and their families in festive activities @afcevents to reflect on the positive progress made this term


Duchess of Cambridge upset listening to alcohoic mother's who lost her children | Royal | News | Daily Express

I can understand the need to remove children from the care of their parents while they receive the necessary treatment to help overcome their addiction issues. It's not an easy or pleasant task for anyone involved. Glad to see that in this case that the mother has made  progress and remained sober long enough to be reunited with her children.


Quote from: TLLK on December 10, 2015, 06:55:49 PM
Duchess of Cambridge upset listening to alcohoic mother's who lost her children | Royal | News | Daily Express

I can understand the need to remove children from the care of their parents while they receive the necessary treatment to help overcome their addiction issues. It's not an easy or pleasant task for anyone involved. Glad to see that in this case that the mother has made  progress and remained sober long enough to be reunited with her children.

Before recovery, they do not realize the damage and hurt, addiction and alcoholic parents is the largest risk group worlwide for children.

Once in the road to recovery, which also means acknowledging the harm done to their closest, what they want is their children back. Professionals asses and cannot discrimate a parent who has been free of chemicals largely in the brain, seconded by polluted blood stream, and sober for the period of time required for visitation rights, starting a new life visiting their kids, because of  A vast percentage of one parent custody divorced from the addicted/alcoholic spouse.

Sadly the same above issues with children happen to cancer and AIDS parents. The other parent will feel safe with a professional assessment if their children may or not visit an ailing person, is the disease contagious, how, etc, although the lack of knowledge make people to discrimate, especially when it's about addiction.

That what ifs are stronger in mind to the custody parent and children who actually saw what mommy or daddy did whilst drugging or drinking. Afraid of relapse. So, yes a recovering parents wish to prove and show by actions of being sober to their closest is actually an excellent sign to stick with a new life and out with the bad.

I wish Kate would talk more about this openly, the marketing tool of visiting action on addiction places is good, but they do need more of a voice now so people can understand not only the addicts, but the families and what they go through.


^^^Hopefully among this generation and future ones the stigmas attached to mental illness and learning disabilities will diminish. The information on how to seek a diagnosis, an understanding of their loved ones' situation and the available  therapies/treatments is being shared to a wider audience in recent years.



QuoteThe Duchess of Cambridge has said she has said she is "incredibly proud" to be Patron of children's charity Place2Be in a video message supporting Children's Mental Health Week. Kate shows her caring and considerate nature in the clip, as she says that she and Prince William believe "every child deserves to be supported through difficult times in their lives."

During the video message, the Duchess talks to four young schoolchildren who have benefitted from Place2Be's work. She also touches upon the theme of this year's Children's Mental Health Week – building resilience and teaching children to "bounce forward" from life's challenges.

Read more:
Kate Middleton interviews schoolchildren in video supporting Children's Mental Health Week: watch here
"You've done it before and you can do it now. See the positive possibilities. Redirect the substantial energy of your frustration and turn it into positive, effective, unstoppable determination". ~ Ralph Marston


Duchess Calls For Emotional Support In Schools

"But teachers are not counsellors and sometimes schools need professional support to make sure that problems in childhood don't spiral into bigger mental health issues later in life."-A statement that I completely agree with.