Princes' Privacy Complaints to the PCC Resolved Through Negotiation

Started by cinrit, October 05, 2014, 12:14:13 PM

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QuoteObjections by two members of the royal family about newspapers publishing pictures of them have been settled to their satisfaction by the Press Complaints Commission.

Prince Harry and his friend Cressida Bonas complained about the Daily Mirror running two pictures of them which they said invaded their privacy.  Their complaint was resolved when the PCC negotiated the removal of the pictures from the paper's website plus the removal of an accompanying article.
Prince Andrew complained to the PCC that The Sun had intruded into his private life by publishing photos of him on a beach, "which was effectively private, and where he had a reasonable expectation of privacy."

He believed the pictures must have been taken from the sea using an exceptionally long lens. The Sun agreed the lens was long but said the photographer had been on land at the time.

More: Princes' privacy complaints to the PCC resolved through negotiation | Media |

Always be yourself.  Unless you can be a unicorn.  Then always be a unicorn.


Sorry that people have their privacy invaded by the press but glad to see that the issue was resolved and apologies issued.


Apologies are easy and the photos have already served their purpose for the media.  It is really nothing but a slap on the wrist for them.  The real test is if they do it again.  And they will.  There needs to be true consequences in order to stop these people from continuing to invade the privacy of the Royals
GNU Terry Pratchett


 📰 exactly, but it still seems to happen with the same photographer! He sold those pic to the daily mirror.

His clients are usa Z rag mags lately.