Duke & Duchess - To Clear Their Calendars for August (Threads Merged)

Started by Lothwen, July 30, 2014, 03:17:06 PM

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This month off is beyond pathetic, shame on the pair of them. 
Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me


Clear their calendars... Sounds like some 'journo' is on something not kosher... I bet the Palace knows they would be crucified beyond repair if they went on a fancy Caribbean vacation after the 6M mansion William has decided not to use and this pointless gap year...
"You don't have to be pretty. You don't owe prettiness to anyone. Not to your boyfriend/spouse/partner, not to your co-workers, especially not to random men on the street. You don't owe it to your mother, you don't owe it to your children, you don't owe it to civilization in general. Prettiness is not a rent you pay for occupying a space marked 'female'." Diana Vreeland.

Lady Adams

QuoteThe Duchess no longer walks Prince George through Kensington after she was snapped in the Royal park last year.
Zara and Mia routinely get photographed when they're out at horse events. And guess what? Zara ignores them and goes about her business! Sensible thing to do. Kate is sounding obsessed with privacy, to the point of detriment.
"To avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing." --Elbert Hubbard, American writer


"You don't have to be pretty. You don't owe prettiness to anyone. Not to your boyfriend/spouse/partner, not to your co-workers, especially not to random men on the street. You don't owe it to your mother, you don't owe it to your children, you don't owe it to civilization in general. Prettiness is not a rent you pay for occupying a space marked 'female'." Diana Vreeland.


I don't think it's herself that Kate is concerned about in the park; it's probably George.  Can't blame her ... I wouldn't want strangers, journalists or not, taking pictures of my baby without permission, either.

Also, let's don't forget that the Cambridges have not said they're clearing their calendar, nor did they say that they're taking a month off.  The media said that.  They are traveling to Belgium on Monday to join King Philippe and Queen Mathilde for a day of ceremonies, and to the Tower of London on Tuesday.

QuoteThe Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry will represent the Royal family at national commemorative events. The couple will attend a ceremony at the Cointe Inter-allied Memorial in Liege, Belgium with King Philippe and Queen Mathilde of Belgium on Monday.

They will then travel to St Symphorien cemetery in Mons, Belgium, where they will be joined by Prince Harry for a service.

World War One centenary: legion of tributes to those who gave so much - Telegraph

QuoteOn Tuesday, it’s to the Tower. Will and Kate will walk through the poppy field and each will plant a ceramic poppy in the moat.

To the Tower! See what Duchess Kate will see there | Entertain This!

Always be yourself.  Unless you can be a unicorn.  Then always be a unicorn.


^^ I agree. For heavens sake, Kate, walk in the Park with your toddler if you want to! I know photographers can be a nuisance, but it is the scarcity of photos of George that is causing paps to behave like vultures.

If Kate took a regular walk in the Park with her son in a stroller security officers would stop those who wished to poke their cameras in the baby's face and within weeks interest would probably die. It's no good being precious if you're a public figure.

Lady Adams

"To avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing." --Elbert Hubbard, American writer


The proof is in the adorable little pudding that is Estelle.  :vday2:
"You don't have to be pretty. You don't owe prettiness to anyone. Not to your boyfriend/spouse/partner, not to your co-workers, especially not to random men on the street. You don't owe it to your mother, you don't owe it to your children, you don't owe it to civilization in general. Prettiness is not a rent you pay for occupying a space marked 'female'." Diana Vreeland.


^ totally off topic but I do admire the way Daniel and Victoria manage to gracefully deal with the press when it comes to their family without treating them like theyre their enemies.


I think Curry, HistoryG  make good points  reagarding K walking in the park with her son.

I want to add....
SHE is not a  private citizen and cannot  expect   not to  be photographed  beyond the walls  of her  palaces and  castles and estates.
She  cannot  have the same rights as a private citizen.  Who wants to photograph regular people., If  a regular person is being photographed, he/she  needs to call the police  because the  is  some crazy person planning  who knows what.   It  is not a big deal for  K to  photographed with her child.  PO are there. Camera  lense are  not  up in her face  or the child's face. They  probably  do the long lense thing. From the pic out there, it is kind  of fuzzy.

Note- I did not say  she did not have human rights  same as anyone else.

Semantics  .  The heading is making it seem like  KnW are clearing their calendars. It was cleared for them.  Ok, true. HRH and BRF  are cleared for  Aug. n  Sept.  We  get that. This is  nothing new.   Still,   as  Loth says,

Quote from: Lothwen on July 30, 2014, 09:17:06 PM

It's my understanding that the Royal Family usually spends August "on vacation", so this isn't out of the norm, but please, don't try to convince us that they "deserve" a vacation after having worked for 2 days.  Especially when their "work" consisted of watching sports.

I agree.

I want  to add if hey should want to go to Mustique, then they will!!!   I would not be  surprised  if they  do not go  someplace  . Maybe not there  so far  but  to Ibiza? SoOf France?   Tie it in there to visit  PA and expectant  HSH, Char.  make it yet another official  vacation visit. There is nothing no one can do about it if they take a get -away  vacation.    The media  might  report  it  in a way  to rev up themselves and the people. It  would be  a  hot story   far  a few  2-3 weeks.  Then it  is off to next story...alls forgotten.  It does seem likely that they  , esp. K , has  her time full with her home renovations.


I don't believe Zara or Daniel and Victoria have a possible deep hatred for photographers and how they can ruin a royals life. William and Kate have put George on display and have provided pictures, the desire for more and more and more will never cease and they have decided their own way to protect their son.
I swear this entitlement some have when dealing with royals is so sick, like they have no valuable reason to not want to be photographed especially with their child.
I also want to take back my earlier post, I fell into the lame trap of believing what a magazine says is true.  More than anything they are making this crap up like everything else.


^I don't think it's an entitlement; more like a "you're a public figure and that's part of being in the eye of the media". I can't control what William and Kate do with George, but personally I admire the way that Victoria and Daniel deal with them as a part of "the job" type of thing even if they don't like it.


Quote from: XeniaCasaraghi on August 03, 2014, 07:22:44 PM
William and Kate have put George on display and have provided pictures, the desire for more and more and more will never cease and they have decided their own way to protect their son.
I swear this entitlement some have when dealing with royals is so sick, like they have no valuable reason to not want to be photographed especially with their child.



Quote from: XeniaCasaraghi on August 03, 2014, 07:22:44 PM
I swear this entitlement some have when dealing with royals is so sick, like they have no valuable reason to not want to be photographed especially with their child.

Absolutely agree. I can see where the Cambridges would like to preserve their familial privacy, and that's admirable for the sake of George and the inevitable "K2". Eventually, they really won't be able to shelter themselves or their family.

I wonder if it continues, would their apprehensions with acclimating their child(ren) be detrimental to the tenuous symbiosis of the RF and the public? You already have William who seemingly begrudges his position but definitely not the perks. If they bring up a second generation who aren't properly socialized and accepting of their what the public perceives as their "getting their tax dollars worth", what next?

Either way, I don't think Georgie will be a king, so whatever...
"No one is dumb who is curious. The people who don't ask questions remain clueless throughout their lives." - Neil DeGrasse Tyson


Quote from: HistoryGirl on August 03, 2014, 07:44:49 PM
^I don't think it's an entitlement; more like a "you're a public figure and that's part of being in the eye of the media". I can't control what William and Kate do with George, but personally I admire the way that Victoria and Daniel deal with them as a part of "the job" type of thing even if they don't like it.
I agree, I have always cited Victoria and Daniel as an example of gracefully acknowledging theirs and their daughter's position, William and Kate may have the right to do as they wish, but they are not being as graceful and realistic about reconciling their privacy with their public role as Victoria and Daniel. They are preserving their familial privacy while at the same time, presenting their family to their subjects thoughtfully and gracefully, subjects who feel appreciated because they are sharing their family with them while maintaining their privacy, unlike the UK subjects who are thrown the crumbs of a picture three or four times a year.
"You don't have to be pretty. You don't owe prettiness to anyone. Not to your boyfriend/spouse/partner, not to your co-workers, especially not to random men on the street. You don't owe it to your mother, you don't owe it to your children, you don't owe it to civilization in general. Prettiness is not a rent you pay for occupying a space marked 'female'." Diana Vreeland.


Yeah, I mean realistically William and Kate can do whatever they want with their child, i mean it's *their* child and I would never presume to tell them what is right or wrong. But personally speaking, I admire people that look at the situation and say "man, this blows, but let's get on with it". I was watching Modern Family and Jay (the father) said the best quote ever: "I've always seen life like a series of doors. Sometimes you get to choose the door you go through, and sometimes you don't get that choice. But you still have to walk through it. So either you can go through kicking and screaming, or walk through with your head held high." And personally I think that's the way Daniel and Victoria do it even though Daniel hates the press game and I'm assuming so does Victoria cause it is annoying.

Admiring the way in which certain people do things through your personal values is not telling someone that does it differently that they're wrong and they need to change.


Remember the headline in the Washington Post when Kate was pregnant? "The World's most famous baby". To compare what the BRF must put up with and endure both in Britain and around the world with what the Swedish royals deal with is no comparison.

London is one of the major media hubs in the world, with all due respect to Victoria and Daniel, practically no one outside of Sweden cares about their family and isn't going to pay a million £ for long lens photos of Estelle.

It wouldn't matter how many photos are released or how many photo ops are arranged the tabloids and paps would still stalk Prince George in hopes to get the 'candid' money shots.


Good points  Daisy.

Once again, we go to the other extreme. I am not knocking you, Xenia, but  just wanting to bring balance back  .

There is  some entitlement with the Royals which is fair  . Fair for them. Fair for their media  which is their subjects to  bring forth   to their sbujects of their Kingdom.
NO, no one is they have no rights as humans, as aprents  to havea private family.
They do. Of course they and they will.
They MUST  be phootgraphed at times .
It  gives them the much needed  good pr  they want to show their subjects to keep this dog and pony show going  for their gain.
PG is a baby. He being photgraphed  from a  long distance away with his mother is not harmful to him as a baby.
His playtime with his friends are private. As he grows, he will , see Daisy's post, learn about his role, his world, his Kingdom, how the world works, etc. When he enters school , first days  , as PD did with PH and PW, there will be  if PW and K allow it  and should be  photographs. Inside the school, no.    Now rumor is K will not to the park with a stroller so he cannot be photographed. So will  they think keeping him in a bubble is good?  The park is different from the grounds  of KP which  is like a park, private park.
And so it goes.

When  even as adults, PW  and PH were allowed  to live free of the press during his college years. Press at the  first day or something and graduation.
It is a give and take.  there is a balance. PK is not  like PD  in fame . When on one of the annual ski trips, remember PD  tried to block the press and asked for them after they took the pics, to please leave the kids alone.  In fairness, some pics. Done. At first, start of vacation. Private vacation time after  should be honored by the press and the PO's, TPTB should ensure it  for  WnK and should have been for PD and kids.

PW and K really  WANT  less press. Lessas possible for their child(ren).
I do not agree and do not see how they  can get away  with the media like this, but they  are and will it seems.  I  do not think they  are going to have their child(ren) photographed that much and no way near like PH and  PW were.
I think they want the same life with the media for their children as  D/D Wessex have for their kids.

Ridiculous  demand but with this Golden couple, it seems,  what they want, they get!

YES, the child was photographed on the tour. He was not there for all things with them and not the  whole time either at the zoo, etc.
They ,I am sure,  had family  time there too away  from the wombat cage  whatever it was. Fair enough.

They  really  have given him far less media  press than PW rec'd. Photogs took pics at PW ,although respectfully and from a distance,  but  at the  home.
PW and PK released a still picture of their child.
PK 's dad  took a still picture to send  of the child as an infant.  They did not even have offical press  members  or one of official photogs  take the honor for his/her career.
There are a few other still pics  of PW nK's  child.

PW was photographed far more  and had many more still pictures out there too.


Well, it's only been a year since Prince George was born, so it's hard to say exactly how much Wil land Kate plan to share him during his childhood.  That said, so far there's been:
-hospital steps photocall
-two pictures of him with W&K in the first month after his birth
-christening pictures and video
-mothers' day family photo
-two official engagements during the Aus/NZ tour
-five embarking/disembarking plane photocalls during the Aus/NZ tour
-fathers' day polo outing
-three pictures for his first birthday

(And that's leaving aside the unofficial photos of him:  in the park with Kate and then with the nanny, those taken through car windows, on the tarmac with Kate on vacation, etc.)

So in terms of official exposure to the public:  there have been ten events/outings where the press could take photos and video, and four occasions on which the BRF has released their own pictures of him.  In one year--especially his first year--I just don't agree that's insufficient. 

Maybe Victoria/Daniel have chosen to do more or different things, but nothing says their method is the one that every Royal family must follow.  Especially since the BRF generally does things differently than the continental Royals, and especially since there is WAY more worldwide media attention on W&K than there is on Victoria and Daniel.

Lady Adams

^^ Remember, the christening was not open to the press. We were even wondering if they'd release photos.

Out of the nine of the events open to the press, 7 of those were in Aus/NZ...doesn't that seem unfair to England?
"To avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing." --Elbert Hubbard, American writer


^^Agreed. The British Press and paps especially are probably a thousand times more feral in terms of chasing a story/photo than elsewhere in Continental Europe and Scandinavia.


Quote from: Lady Adams on August 03, 2014, 09:29:56 PM
^^ Remember, the christening was not open to the press. We were even wondering if they'd release photos.

Out of the nine of the events open to the press, 7 of those were in Aus/NZ...doesn't that seem unfair to England?

BRF christenings are always private affairs and at least for me I don't really care where George is photographed. He looks the same in Australia and he does in England and with 70 million people in Britain almost no one will see him in person anyway even if he accompanied W&K everywhere they go.


Before/after the Christening was open to the press, which is how we got all the videos and candid photos.  I don't blame them for wanting to have a small ceremony free of a bunch of photographers -- AFAIK, the BRF never allows the media into the ceremony itself.

And yes, many of the appearances were in Aus/NZ.  But they were open to press from all over, and certainly the British press published a ton of pictures and videos.  I don't really see why it matters where those events were, they were part of Royal duties and they allowed all of the public to see George.


Quote from: Canuck on August 03, 2014, 09:19:01 PM
Well, it's only been a year since Prince George was born, so it's hard to say exactly how much Wil land Kate plan to share him during his childhood.  That said, so far there's been:
-hospital steps photocall (In person)
-two pictures of him with W&K in the first month after his birth (Pictures)
-christening pictures and video (Pictures)
-mothers' day family photo (Picture)
-two official engagements during the Aus/NZ tour(ABROAD PR TOUR)
-five embarking/disembarking plane photocalls during the Aus/NZ tour (ABROAD PR TOUR)
-fathers' day polo outing (Unofficial papped photos at a closed upper-class event)
-three pictures for his first birthday (Pictures)
So, basically, the UK public saw him the day he was born and then they were thrown photos.

Quote from: Canuck on August 03, 2014, 09:19:01 PM
Maybe Victoria/Daniel have chosen to do more or different things, but nothing says their method is the one that every Royal family must follow.  Especially since the BRF generally does things differently than the continental Royals, and especially since there is WAY more worldwide media attention on W&K than there is on Victoria and Daniel.
That still leaves Daniel and Victoria more thoughtful, and graceful about sharing the family with the public who are their subjects than William and Kate.
"You don't have to be pretty. You don't owe prettiness to anyone. Not to your boyfriend/spouse/partner, not to your co-workers, especially not to random men on the street. You don't owe it to your mother, you don't owe it to your children, you don't owe it to civilization in general. Prettiness is not a rent you pay for occupying a space marked 'female'." Diana Vreeland.