Chelsy Yvonne Davy

Started by Princessinwaiting, January 16, 2014, 02:53:53 PM

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I wonder why some take everything I say about CHELSY DAVY ( a stranger) so PERSONALLY and regress to being 13 ... very weird ... not everyone is gonna like her get over it !!! I am free to express my opinion on her as she likes to still parade for the paps so you should live with the fact I am gonna express my opinion !!!


[mod]Post removed for insulting another member.[/mod]


^ Thank you I guess ... but why the advice? Because we don't agree? Me having a different opinion from yours means I should see a shrink?


If you want to know ,Your opinion isn't consistent it changes everyday and the constant aggression towards anyone who doesn't share your views is tiring and now almost hilarious .


People calling me names saying I am aggressive? :lol:  Please direct me to the post I called you names  :sneeze: which YOU DID !!!


[mod]Please stop with the personal insults. [/mod]
Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me


I think the only reason for some to deslike chels is coz she broke up with Harry..i see cressida doing the same and people seems to like her anyway...i think if chels was with Harry still she would be liked by the same hating her now...and would pass with all her flaws and mistakes and games like his gf does now...
thats what i dont get...i get is just contrdictions and it happens again and again and again..and no it dont make sense...
Is not about having ipinions we all do and were all free to express than..but then when u say i dont like chels coz she plays games while others plays games and u like them too...u just lost credibiltiys and peple will questionate and pick on this...
When u call pippa lazy and think that for the ones u like is ok to be lazy people wukl questioante on this as well...when u call someone ugly and then atack someone else for calling the ones u like is like  :loco:
Yeah it does happens a lot and it wont stop thats why i said theres no way a thread about chels keep on going because unlike it happens on other threads i dont think people can give good sensed views about whys and whys...I deslike chels coz she broke up with Harry...i deslike chels coz she dont dress good...i deslike chels coz she chose a carerr that dont fit with being a royal...i deslike chels coz she has pig nose...

I like all others coz of the same reasons...yeah weird  :shrug:

Is not about opinion or being negative is about being consistente in what ure saying i think..i deslike many people for many reason and i always back up all of my views..unless i dont have any then i say so..i deslike such person because i deslike...thats it... :shrug:
I deslike chels coz shes play games i love cressida even though she does the same..i deslike pippa coz shes a lazy socialite i adore the yorks even thouhg they do the same...seriouslly  :orchid:

I really hope cressida marries Harry..besides in a way or another she will be hated at some the same people that worships her it happened with all harrys exes...and as it will happen to anyone he will marry coz once ure there everyhting changes..or turn into gold or u turn into stone...and i think theres only one place for a Golden princess and thats its kate...fair or not it is what it is..whoever marries hary will be i feel sorrt for cressida if thats her destiny and i cant deny i feel very happy for chels coz shes out of it...
If not shes a fool...sriouslly...


really hope cressida marries Harry..besides in a way or another she will be hated at some the same people that worships her it happened with all harrys exes...and as it will happen to anyone he will marry coz once ure there everyhting changes..or turn into gold or u turn into stone...and i think theres only one place for a Golden princess and thats its kate...fair or not it is what it is..whoever marries hary will be i feel sorrt for cressida if thats her destiny and i cant deny i feel very happy for chels coz shes out of it...
If not shes a fool...sriouslly...
Maybe people like kate because she's actually much better than both of Prince harrys gfs ? Maybe it's the cold hard  truth . Maybe prince harry should find someone a little like kate it would do him a world of good.
British Royalty & other things. - ukmonarchy: Chelsy laughs at 00:17 so cute.

Video of chelsy


You know one might claim the only reason Chelsy is now this perfect human being being worshiped is because she and Harry broke up ... everything some claim Cressida does she did 1000 times worse she directly spoke to the press , she humiliated Harry posting their break up on her open FB , she leaked pictures of her and Harry , her friend Olivia was her spoke person and directly spoke to the press ... I could go on and on ...

Chelsy puts boot in over 'cheat' Harry - 3am & Mirror Online

Chelsy Davy announces end of relationship to Prince Harry on Facebook - Telegraph


To me cressida is doing everyhting chels is acused of doing and very openlly and explicitlly and in a very fast way seriouslly...she even have a pr working for her wich is a proved way to say she hired professional to speak on her behalf...maybe if they break up it will become more cleaer coz some suffer from the obssession for Harry and everyone and everyhting linked to him..and obviouslly it last until he link exists once it dont its over.. :Lothwen:

There was never proof of many things chels was acused of...when she posted thing son ehr PRIVATE fb she was being stalked just like cressida is now and her fans find it all terrible but with chels is well deserved i guess...cressida having a pr is also ok...chels was never proved to have spoken publiclly ..she was quotted saying to friends or friends or friends..leaked info like cressida does a lot by the way..still for her is ok obviouslly...Bubbles for some weird reason is  :censored: in the mind of some but aparentlly she way more into royal circle than cressida and chelsy togeuther...wich by logic at leats in my view proves again shes not that bad and fake otherwise she wouldnt be that well accepted and everywhere ..she would have disaperaded by now and she havent  :hmm:

Chels has a fb, so does cressida...diferebce is that cressida was open for almost a ywar chels wasnt ever...she was really stalked...chels posts pics and info on her fb so does cressida have "friends" that leaks info and both are stalked ...chels smokes and partys and does cressida...the only diference is theyre carerr choices and age i guess..ohh and the whole diferent times theyre dating Harry..wich makes a huge diference and have a huge impact on boths images and how theyre portrayed...i mean chels was harassed 24/7..cressida isnt...also in the mind of some elitists...cressida having a mother whos a lady makes her perfect...chels is a monster...
Taking such "diferences" apart theyre pretty much the same and doing the same things..only diferente time ,treatments..same old views anyway... :shrug:

Again not surpsies that some who liked chels adores cressida now...ajust like before adoring cressida they were all about florence...and if cressida break up with Harry and starts dating someone new the same will happen to cressida the same behaviour and acusations...and like chels i think whoever hated chels once will still hate on cressida  :lol:
Coz again i would love to see this new love sainthood some talks about happenning with chels..but i cant..sorrt...
People who hated on chels still hates on ive said maybe now shes not manace anymroe and wont marry Harry some have chillded about her and finally decides to give some credit to the girl about her positive points...its Always the same about all exes seriouslly..not only on royals cases...if cressida breaks up with Harry the same will happen..many will say oh she wasnt that bad...
Unlike some who now love her for whathever reason and the moment shes out of the game will hate deadlly on they do..whathever the reason is anyway  :Lothwen:

About kate i dont think shes better than point is...shes married to the future king and that whats makes her special and number one Always!!!!Harry can marru rihanna or a scientist  :lol:
Kate will always be better for media coz she will be queen whoever marries Harry wont.My views anyway...


Kate could be equally hated but she's not there must be some reason why she's received so warmly by the public . :orchid:

Double post auto-merged: January 19, 2014, 10:17:51 AM

So who is he?


I will never get the Cressida vs Chelsy thing since they couldn't be more similar  :Lothwen: ... BOTH girls are GREAT in their own way no one is "better" than the other ... the point here is Chelsy obviously wasn't Princess material and she knew it that is why she AND Harry decided it was for the best to part ways ... now ... is Cressida Princess material who knows the jury is still out on that one ... The Palace seems to think yes though if you compare how the two girls have been treated  by The Palace Chelsy was a girlfriend he would eventually move on from Cressida seems to be treated as a keeper ...


Not sure what you mean by "Princess Material?"

What exactly is that?  Beatrice and Eugenie are born princesses, and they have their share of critics.
So, for that matter, does Kate.

Diana Spencer was once considered ideal "Princess Material", and we all know how that turned out.

I'm assuming that it means how well someone will adapt as a member of the RF, and there's simply no way of determining that until it happens.  Anyone who marries Harry will have a certain grace period, but it will be a very short window in which to prove herself, imo.


I think Chelsy herself would have decided she wasn't "Princess Material."  I don't think I am "Princess" material either.  I like being in control of my life and my privacy, and you lose a lot of that when you're in the public eye.
You may think you're cool, but do you have a smiley named after you?
Harryite 12-005

Okay, fine.  Macrobug is now as cool as I am


^ Exactly!!! Being Princess Material is adapting to Royal life and the total loss of privacy it means you accept your life isn't yours anymore ... Chelsy didn't love Harry enough and personally that is what bothers me about her as a Harry fan she lived the " the life" for Years on the back of his name she loved it but when it came down to it she didn't love him enough to make sacrifices and that is the bottom line I don't get how a HARRY fan can like her honestly ...


^As a Harry fan, I will answer that question.  My liking or disliking Chelsy has nothing to do with her relationship with Harry.  That was never the foundation for my feelings towards her.  The relationship between them ended up being one that ran its course, without leading towards marriage.  That doesn't mean they didn't love each other, or that anyone was "at fault." Their relationship didn't work out, but that doesn't mean I have to choose one over the other.
You may think you're cool, but do you have a smiley named after you?
Harryite 12-005

Okay, fine.  Macrobug is now as cool as I am


Took Chelsy 5 yrs to decide she did not want royal life ok she was young but she is very bright


Quote from: Eri on January 19, 2014, 11:35:35 AM
I will never get the Cressida vs Chelsy thing since they couldn't be more similar  :Lothwen: ... BOTH girls are GREAT in their own way no one is "better" than the other ... the point here is Chelsy obviously wasn't Princess material and she knew it that is why she AND Harry decided it was for the best to part ways ... now ... is Cressida Princess material who knows the jury is still out on that one ... The Palace seems to think yes though if you compare how the two girls have been treated  by The Palace Chelsy was a girlfriend he would eventually move on from Cressida seems to be treated as a keeper ...

But thast waht everyone has been saying..u and sassafrás are the ones constantlly bringing bash to chelsy and putting cressida on i dont get one minute u bash chels coz shes not like cresida the next u say theyre similar ad u dont understand why people are fighting... :shrug: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Just like u call pippa ugly but the u get nervours when people say that bea is ugly  :Lothwen:
Or just like u think kate is lazy when shes eeeing working but u think cressida is great while she vacations and noone can says the opposite  :sneeze:
Sometime si shard to follow ure line of thinking...and im being serious not at all sarcastic..really  :flower:

As ive said on my first post if people focus on chels and what she is doing...and not on chelsy against cressida  :catfight:
Whos better tha who as some likes to do..there wont be fights...but i guess these 1 or 2 postre wont ever just never worked and i dont think this time will be wonder here we are page 2 of the battle  :catfight:
Again  :orchid:

I dont think cressida is bad and i dont think chels is perfect...i dont get why this silly dicussions maybe coz one is always pout on a pdestal and the other is alwauys blamed even when they do the same things  :shrug: :orchid:
I think ive been saying this for ages anyway...i hope it clears that once people stops seeing anyone else but cressida bonas as shit maybe the fights will stop...coz well the wolrd is big, people are diferente and not everyone share the same view that cressida is great and the rest is the rest...also not everyone has this capacity of loving and hating someone in question of seconds...but whathever...

In a general way i dont see any reason for a chels thread coz honetslly what has been up to latelly??There are new pics???If people have new info and pics ok..wich i doubt..chels has been very out of the scene even for fans...i dont see why dicuss her if not for haters to have a blast with bashing...coz aparentlly fans cant get toguether and comment old pics or old times without someone callin her pig nose or worst than the whole world..but i guess thats how it is anyway...

I do like chels for what she is and not necessarilly coz of her relationship with Harry as some does..i dont think they broke up coz she didnt loved him enough to take on royal duties..maybe she didnt..but i dont think so..i think they broke up coz well she didnt wanted royal life and who can blame her..or maybe they wasnt so in love anymore..maybe she was scared by the whole royal wedding thing...shes a human as others are seriouslly...i do have the impression the same acusing chels of not loving harry enough or played games with him coz shes evil...One day if cressida decides to jump out in a few years or divorce from him ...will they say that she didnt loved him enough or that she was playing games with him the whole time..seriouslly...i know i wont..even me whos not  a fan will think the girl made decisions whathever be happy and go live ure life...whathever gone late seriouslly  :orchid:

I think some deslike chels coz they deslike and period and they just dont admiitt i dont think anyone changfes views so drastically coz a couple broke up..seriouslly...besides given how some changes ideas and opinion so quicklly who views anyway...but then again i respect people sviews..we all have ours... whathever theyre basdd on  :shrug: :thumbsup:

I think for this thredea to work people nee to fícus on chels and simply forget about chels the royal gf or wife..coz that wont happen so i dont see the need to bash the girl or praise her coz she might be or not in the mind of some a good or bad royal gf/wife...seriouslly.If people can manage to focus on her and life and what shes doing now and how she is living now ojk..if not i dont see any poitin to dicuss someone just dont exist anymore a fan and i got over it i just dont understanf why others cant...
But still each one with theyre views i guess  :shrug:


Quote from: robynrose on January 19, 2014, 06:26:34 PM
Took Chelsy 5 yrs to decide she did not want royal life ok she was young but she is very bright

Right - 5 years is a long time, if she's so "bright" why did it take so long? IMO - she enjoyed the perks.


^Or she was in love, or didn't want to admit that her relationship was over.  I stayed with a guy who was verbally and emotionally controlling and abusive for about 4 years longer than I really should have, just because he was my first serious relationship and I thought that I should have gotten married.  It's difficult to end a long-term relationship, even when you know you need to.
You may think you're cool, but do you have a smiley named after you?
Harryite 12-005

Okay, fine.  Macrobug is now as cool as I am


Quote from: Eri on January 19, 2014, 05:50:35 PM
^ Exactly!!! Being Princess Material is adapting to Royal life and the total loss of privacy it means you accept your life isn't yours anymore ... Chelsy didn't love Harry enough and personally that is what bothers me about her as a Harry fan she lived the " the life" for Years on the back of his name she loved it but when it came down to it she didn't love him enough to make sacrifices and that is the bottom line I don't get how a HARRY fan can like her honestly ...

Excuse me but being famous is not being in control of your life? Pardon ? We are always in control of our life if we are ready to admit it or not ,even the queen is in control of her life having cameras flashing doesn't change who you are you still have the flexibility and power to change or go and be what you want and be who you are ! Chelsy chose what she wanted and so did harry there's nothing more than that !


Quote from: Lothwen on January 20, 2014, 05:04:47 AM
^Or she was in love, or didn't want to admit that her relationship was over.  I stayed with a guy who was verbally and emotionally controlling and abusive for about 4 years longer than I really should have, just because he was my first serious relationship and I thought that I should have gotten married.  It's difficult to end a long-term relationship, even when you know you need to.

Why did she even start it?


Quote from: Lothwen on January 20, 2014, 05:04:47 AM
^Or she was in love, or didn't want to admit that her relationship was over.  I stayed with a guy who was verbally and emotionally controlling and abusive for about 4 years longer than I really should have, just because he was my first serious relationship and I thought that I should have gotten married.  It's difficult to end a long-term relationship, even when you know you need to.
They broke up multiple times she always got back  :orchid: when an event she knew would be covered worldwide would take place ... strangely enough she left Town immediately after that leaving Harry single but God knows she would scream "cheater" through her friend Olivia when she decided to actually grace London with her presence  :orchid: let me show you :

She left Town after this:

She left Town after this:

She left Town after this:

She left Town after this:

Weird isn't it?


Why did she start her relationship with Harry?  The same reason millions of women start a relationship, I would suppose.  Why does anyone start a relationship?

And as for their multiple break ups and make ups, my ex and I went through the same thing. We would take a break from each other (always his idea) and get back together (again, always his idea) until the last break-up, which I initiated, and there was no make-up from that.
You may think you're cool, but do you have a smiley named after you?
Harryite 12-005

Okay, fine.  Macrobug is now as cool as I am