Re: Royal Privacy and Security Throughout the Years

Started by Chiana, January 01, 2014, 06:33:20 AM

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Quote from: Curryong on August 14, 2022, 01:24:08 PM
But you were saying that the Cambridges only holiday on Crown property like the Scilly Isles because it?s such good PR and so cheap and traditional. Jordan is overseas, the family wouldn?t have stinted themselves, the nanny went with them and so did the RPOs. I didn?t say anything about hotels.

And what are we to make of the other trip overseas to Courchevel? They weren?t staying with the ?French royal family? there, but in a luxury ski resort, complete with skiing lessons for the kids and RPOs. That?s very far from Balmoral and the Scillies. The truth is that the Cambridges do holiday abroad, stay in excellent hotels and don?t stint themselves ever. They are like all the others bar the Queen. Even the Wessexes go to Switzerland and other overseas jaunts. So don?t let?s go down that road of pretending that the Cambridges just love cheap summer holidays within Britain.

The *main* thing is that the Sussex's are NOT working royals anymore and they themselves gave that up to make more money....the Cambridges, the Wessex's and so many other royals in the family actually DO the job so they are entitled to some vacation time while the Sussex's do what in Ca?  I haven't seen them do much except that stunt in the a speech here and there is not much work and just what does Meghan do all day long, sure she has children as does the Cambridges and the Wessex's (their children are a bit older and can fend for themselves) yet not the Cambridge children and even with a nanny William and Catherine are hands on parents. 

Work wise, say in the year 2022 so the number of events to help other people, Harry vs William and Meghan vs contest there!  Seems that lifestyle in Ca is a very laid back easy going sit in the sun and drink  While in the UK, royals in the Firm actually go out to events and promote the people and the country for the better good of the same...the people and the country as a whole.  Not much coming out of Netflix or this Spotify thing that they signed on the dotted line now is there? Bet in time these will blow up in their faces as they have done next to nothing for all that money they signed up for.

Best thing anyone can do about the Sussex's is just sit back and watch the ball drop...on them!  There is nobody to put the blame on for the Sussex's are doing it their way and it is showing.


Quote from: Nightowl on August 15, 2022, 02:26:44 AM
The *main* thing is that the Sussex's are NOT working royals anymore and they themselves gave that up to make more money....the Cambridges, the Wessex's and so many other royals in the family actually DO the job so they are entitled to some vacation time while the Sussex's do what in Ca?  I haven't seen them do much except that stunt in the a speech here and there is not much work and just what does Meghan do all day long, sure she has children as does the Cambridges and the Wessex's (their children are a bit older and can fend for themselves) yet not the Cambridge children and even with a nanny William and Catherine are hands on parents. 

Work wise, say in the year 2022 so the number of events to help other people, Harry vs William and Meghan vs contest there!  Seems that lifestyle in Ca is a very laid back easy going sit in the sun and drink  While in the UK, royals in the Firm actually go out to events and promote the people and the country for the better good of the same...the people and the country as a whole.  Not much coming out of Netflix or this Spotify thing that they signed on the dotted line now is there? Bet in time these will blow up in their faces as they have done next to nothing for all that money they signed up for.

Best thing anyone can do about the Sussex's is just sit back and watch the ball drop...on them!  There is nobody to put the blame on for the Sussex's are doing it their way and it is showing.

So wealthy people who aren?t royal aren?t entitled to any vacations? That would come as a laughable surprise to those who are loaded as a result of inherited wealth. No holidays for them then! And actually what I posted was an answer to Wannabie?s posts averring that the Cambridges only take holidays on Crown property like the Scillies. My post was to point out that just isn?t so.

What does it matter to you what the Sussexes do with their time? Are they costing you any money? Are they ringing you up asking for you (or anybody else who dislikes them) to help with their domestic arrangements? Anti Sussexites seem to regard it as a personal insult to them that the couple are enjoying family life in California. 

And ?that stunt in the Netherlands? happened to be the Invictus Games which from the beginning has helped enormously with wounded vets mental and physical health. Even the British media praised it again this year.

As for the royals going out and about promoting the people and the country. Well, it?s pretty obvious you don?t live in the UK as for many of the population, members of the BRF are somewhere between a yawn and a joke. People just don?t care about them and their doings in the way that foreigners imagine they do. And polling has showed that more and more, especially among the young. Just wait until after the Queen?s death and see how popular Charles and Camilla are.

I hate to tell you this, but being a senior royal isn?t akin to working on a coal face or in any truly intellectual occupation. A few hours a week at most on the job for pretty well all of them. Even when Anne does multiple engagements she often bunches them up into one day a week. And for that they get accommodation help (and the Sussexes have paid off the FC expenses so let?s not go there) and in the Cambridges? case three homes once Adelaide Cottage is fixed up. Plus Daddy and Grandma?s paying their expenses.

It would be nice to see some raging on this forum from those who loathe the Sussexes about Andrew still living at the very grand Royal Lodge and still receiving 24/7 security. Over the years he and his wife have done more harm to the reputation of the BRF than the Sussexes could ever do. Corrupt money laundering money for access attempts, dodgy friendships with oligarchs and a pedophile (something Charles knows as well) freebie holidays all over Europe and a court case involving a sex trafficking victim Andrew had to pay out for. But no, Andrew gets off scot free here and at home with Mummy as well.


Why bring other people into this conversation when it is just about the Sussex's?  I don't like them....they LIED and told more LIES......period!  And I do not like or trust
a LAIR ever.  I hit a nerve and for that I am sorry so the end of this conversation before it explodes into something neither of us want.  :notamused:


They've been on a long holiday since quiting work for the Monarchy. Like 11monthsholiday/1monthwork. Their local security is lucky.

The couple lucky? only if it didn't involve trashing people.


Oh, yes a very nice  long holiday.  One thing it seems like that people don't see about them....they bad mouthed their family in front of the whole world and told lies after more lies and that shows the very type of people that this the kind of person to represent other people or a country?  I don't think so in my book.....and please this is what is happening now with them.....not a decade ago.  Nobody is perfect and all the members of any royal family make mistakes and some learn and some don't.  The Sussex's took it one step further by lying about HM and the royal family to the world....sure people have disagreements with family and keep it in the family not out there for every one to read and talk about.

And what really bugs me is that they did this Oprah interview while Philip was dying, this is HIS GRANDFATHER and GRANDMOTHER no less and for Meghan to lie also about them......I so cherish my grandmothers (grandfathers died early in life) and so wish I could talk to them today and hug Harry so mean and hateful and lack of compassion for his own family? I have so little family left anymore and I cherish each member now more than ever....losing my sister recently has just devastated me yet I treasure each moment with her to this day......What the hell is Harry thinking when he trashes his family on national TV no less?  I can say if I was a member of that royal family, he would hear from me loud and clear and no holding back either...that is the worst kind of betrayal he could do and I expected that of Meghan from the first....she sure has shown the very type of person she is and it is very ugly and nasty. Her behavior is on her only as is Harry's is on blaming HM or anyone else for their decisions ever.


I?m not sure if Cambridges will allowed to release the pictures or NO!! But will private last time William and Catherine did bring George and Charlotte to first day of school and release the pictures up to Cambridges decisions to release the pictures from Palaces you know William protect their kids from paparazzi and media not since late Diana,Princess of Wales back to 1997 but William and Harry is grownups adult both brothers is married,dad and have children of their own but William and Harry have rightful private not since his mother?s death but this not photocall before Diana?s death paparazzi and media been follow Diana anywhere include USA,UK and world get on Diana but William and Harry wouldn?t tolerate on his mom?s target get pictures William and Harry warned paparazzi and media no release pictures include children and haunted his mother?s death

The Royals & Television Media, Tabloid Press/Photographer Pack
See #85 and #86 on privacy of late Diana,Princess of Wales


Quote14 AUGUST 2015
Kensington Palace has today sent the attached letter to leaders of media industry bodies and standards organisations in the UK and in other international markets.

In recent months, there have been an increasing number of incidents of paparazzi harassment of Prince George. And the tactics being used are increasingly dangerous. This letter is being published now to inform the public discussion around the unauthorised photography of children. It is hoped that those who pay paparazzi photographers for their images of children will be able to better understand the distressing activity around a two-year old boy that their money is fuelling. We also feel that the readers who enjoy the publications that fuel this market for the unauthorised photos deserve to understand the tactics deployed to obtain these photos.

The vast majority of publications around the world ? and all British publications ? have refused to fuel the market for such photos. This is an important and laudable stance for which The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are hugely grateful. They have enjoyed sharing an increasing number of photos of their children and look forward to continuing to take them to more public events as they get older.

From: Jason Knauf, Communications Secretary to TRH The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and HRH Prince Henry of Wales, 14th August, 2015

I am writing to provide an overview of the current challenges facing Kensington Palace as we seek to protect Prince George and Princess Charlotte from harassment and surveillance by paparazzi photographers.  I hope our experience will inform the ongoing effort to uphold standards on the protection of children in a rapidly changing media landscape.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have expressed their gratitude to British media organisations for their policy of not publishing unauthorised photos of their children.  This stance, guided not just by their wishes as parents, but by the standards and codes of the industry as it relates to all children, is to be applauded.  They are pleased also that almost all reputable publications throughout the Commonwealth ? in particular Australia, Canada, and New Zealand ? and in other major media markets like the United States have adopted a similar position.

The Duke and Duchess are glad that leaders in the media industry share the view that every child, regardless of their future public role, deserves a safe, happy, and private childhood.  They have been delighted to share official photographs of Prince George and Princess Charlotte in recent months to thank the public for the thousands of kind messages of support they have received.  News photographers have had several recent opportunities to take photos of the family and these will be a regular occurrence as both children get older.

Despite this, paparazzi photographers are going to increasingly extreme lengths to observe and monitor Prince George's movements and covertly capture images of him to sell to the handful of international media titles still willing to pay for them.  One recent incident ? just last week ? was disturbing, but not at all uncommon.  A photographer rented a car and parked in a discreet location outside a children's play area.  Already concealed by darkened windows, he took the added step of hanging sheets inside the vehicle and created a hide stocked with food and drinks to get him through a full day of surveillance, waiting in hope to capture images of Prince George. Police discovered him lying down in the boot of the vehicle attempting to shoot photos with a long lens through a small gap in his hide.

It is of course upsetting that such tactics ? reminiscent as they are of past surveillance by groups intent on doing more than capturing images ? are being deployed to profit from  the image of a two-year old boy.  In a heightened security
environment such tactics are a risk to all involved.  The worry is that it will not always be possible to quickly distinguish between someone taking photos and someone intending to do more immediate harm.

This incident was not an isolated one. In recent months photographers have:

? on multiple occasions used long range lenses to capture images of The Duchess playing with Prince George in a number of private parks;
? monitored the movements of Prince George and his nanny around London parks and monitored the movements of other household staff;
? photographed the children of private individuals visiting The Duke and Duchess's home;
? pursued cars leaving family homes;
? used other children to draw Prince George into view around playgrounds;
? been found hiding on private property in fields and woodland locations around The Duke and Duchess's home in Norfolk;
? obscured themselves in sand dunes on a rural beach to take photos of Prince George playing with his grandmother;
? placed locations near the Middleton family home in Berkshire under steady surveillance

It is clear that while paparazzi are always keen to capture images of any senior member of The Royal Family, Prince George is currently their number one target.  We have made the decision to discuss these issues now as the incidents are becoming more frequent and the tactics more alarming.  A line has been crossed and any further escalation in tactics would represent a very real security risk.

All of this has left The Duke and Duchess concerned about their ability to provide a childhood for Prince George and Princess Charlotte that is free from harassment and surveillance.  They know that almost all parents love to share photos of their children and they themselves enjoy doing so.  But they know every parent would object to anyone ? particularly strangers ? taking photos of their children without their permission.  Every parent would understand their deep unease at only learning they had been followed and watched days later when photographs emerged.

The Duke and Duchess are of course very fortunate to have private homes where photographers cannot capture images of their children.  But they feel strongly that both Prince George and Princess Charlotte should not grow up exclusively behind palace gates and in walled gardens.  They want both children to be free to play in public and semi-public spaces with other children without being photographed.  In addition, the privacy of those other children and their families must also be preserved.

Rest assured that we continue to take legal steps to manage these incidents as they occur.  But we are aware that many people who read and enjoy the publications that fuel the market for unauthorised photos of children do not know about the unacceptable circumstances behind what are often lovely images.  The use of these photos is usually dressed up with fun, positive language about the 'cute', 'adorable' photos and happy write ups about the family.  We feel readers deserve to understand the tactics deployed to obtain these pictures.

We hope a public discussion of these issues will help all publishers of unauthorised photos of children to understand the power they hold to starve this disturbing activity of funding.  I would welcome constructive conversations with any publisher or editor on these topics.  And I would ask for your help as we work to encourage the highest standards on the protection of children in every corner of the media.  The Duke and Duchess are determined to keep the issues around a small number of paparazzi photographers distinct and separate from the positive work of most newspapers, magazines, broadcasters, and web publishers around the world.

The text from this letter, which has been sent to a number of people in leadership positions, will be placed in the public domain to raise awareness of the issues discussed.

Jason Knauf,
Communications Secretary, Kensington Palace
From seven years ago in 2015 not happened since late Diana,Princess of Wales back in 1997 but when William and Harry have rightful privacy no release the pictures of Cambridges and Sussex kids also without permission or consent from Cambridges and Sussex or authority Without permission from Kensington palace,Buckingham Palace and Clarence House to release the pictures


Quote from: sara8150 on August 16, 2022, 08:34:51 PM
I?m not sure if Cambridges will allowed to release the pictures or NO!! But will private last time William and Catherine did bring George and Charlotte to first day of school and release the pictures up to Cambridges decisions to release the pictures from Palaces you know William protect their kids from paparazzi and media not since late Diana,Princess of Wales back to 1997 but William and Harry is grownups adult both brothers is married,dad and have children of their own but William and Harry have rightful private not since his mother?s death but this not photocall before Diana?s death paparazzi and media been follow Diana anywhere include USA,UK and world get on Diana but William and Harry wouldn?t tolerate on his mom?s target get pictures William and Harry warned paparazzi and media no release pictures include children and haunted his mother?s death

The Royals & Television Media, Tabloid Press/Photographer Pack
See #85 and #86 on privacy of late Diana,Princess of Wales

I believe that just as we saw Princes William and Harry on their first days of nursery, primary and secondary school that we'll see photos of the Cambridge children when Prince Louis starts school this September just like his siblings did in 2017 and 2019. If the speculation is correct that all three will be attending the same school, then we'll likely see them together in their new uniforms.


Quote from: TLLK on August 17, 2022, 04:13:17 AM
I believe that just as we saw Princes William and Harry on their first days of nursery, primary and secondary school that we'll see photos of the Cambridge children when Prince Louis starts school this September just like his siblings did in 2017 and 2019. If the speculation is correct that all three will be attending the same school, then we'll likely see them together in their new uniforms.



:orchid: :windsor1: :Jen:

Why would someone want to kill the queen? I wouldn?t!  :royalsneeze: :P :happy15: :notworthy: :cry: :no: <_< :windsor: :thumbsdown:
I think I'm the only one here that has written a letter to the Queen and got a letter back from the Lady in Waiting..... :P :happy15: :wed:


Prince Harry 'tried to circumvent Royal household over security concerns', court told.

Legal papers claim Duke of Sussex orchestrated a meeting with Sir Mark Sedwill after he felt his fears weren't 'given proper consideration'.

Prince Harry 'tried to circumvent Royal Household and lobbied No10 adviser over security concerns' | Daily Mail Online


Prince Andrew is likely to lose his fulltime security RPOs in December, according to the Sun, and as always with the tabloids, consider the source! I love the Al Capone-like ?armed cops? bit this trashy paper has popped in the article. The only likely thing Andrew will be in danger of is being shouted at by members of the public or an egg or tomato being thrown, at least in Britain.

Prince Andrew's fury after ?3m-a-year taxpayer-funded armed cops to be removed within weeks | The Sun

All the same I wouldn?t be surprised if it?s true. The RF are very cost conscious these days and there was a minor stink in the media some time ago about Andrew still having RPOs and the taxpayer forking out for them. I was always surprised at Andrew getting the fulltime security and Anne and the Wessexes not, to be frank. He will have to pay for his own security now if this article is correct. However all the Andrew writing to the Met and the Home Office to complain seems to me to be typical Sun padding and journalistic imagination.


Ex counter Terrorist chief (now retired) states that Meghan received ?credible and disgusting threats to her life? (from presumably several organisations and members of the public) during her time as a royal.

Meghan Markle 'faced many credible and ''disgusting'' threats to her life' | Daily Mail Online


Meghan Markle faced ?very real? threats from far right - says terror cop - YouTube

QuoteThe most senior serving ethnic minority officer in the country, as head of counter-terrorism he was the man at the very top during the Manchester Arena bombing, the London Bridge attack and the Salisbury poisonings.

Tonight, hours before leaving the Metropolitan Police, he's been speaking exclusively to this programme about battles with his own colleagues on racism, falling out with the government, protecting the royals - and the inside story of the terror plots he foiled, and those he didn't.

IMHO it's worth a watch for this very interesting opportunity to learn about the counter-terrorism as well as royal protection in the UK from one of the country's top CT chiefs. Note-There is only a short portion that is about the Sussexes and the threat that they received. It's about a third of the way into the interview around the 4 minute mark if that's what you are looking for.


Great video, why is he retiring?

The retirement age at the Met Police is 60, he's 54


This seems reasonable for Andrew to not have security that is fully armed.  He is not  a working member of the BRF anymore.


And so Charles will be paying the 3 million a year from his own private fortune, according to the Fail of course. However, if that?s correct, what a charming gesture. Yes, Andrew, I?ll pay, in spite of the fact that apparently you (and Fergie) have sold your Swiss chalet. And as usual, it comes out (via this article) that this couple owe money to others as well. Gee, what a shame Epstein can no longer provide a few dollars towards their lifestyle, lol!


Quote from: Curryong on December 19, 2022, 08:28:27 PM
And so Charles will be paying the 3 million a year from his own private fortune, according to the Fail of course. However, if that?s correct, what a charming gesture. Yes, Andrew, I?ll pay, in spite of the fact that apparently you (and Fergie) have sold your Swiss chalet. And as usual, it comes out (via this article) that this couple owe money to others as well. Gee, what a shame Epstein can no longer provide a few dollars towards their lifestyle, lol!
so what if Charles pays? Nobody wants andrew to get money form the tax payer, and he will need security at times.  So his brother may well pay for him.  waht is the problem?


Quote from: Amabel2 on December 19, 2022, 09:03:37 PM
so what if Charles pays? Nobody wants andrew to get money form the tax payer, and he will need security at times.  So his brother may well pay for him.  waht is the problem?

There will certainly be a problem with the British taxpayer if, as is possible and is suggested by one of the articles I read, Charles channels it through Duchy of Lancaster money (indirectly through the taxpayer to help support relatives) and then claims it through tax as coming from his private moneys. You can bet your bottom dollar that the media, especially the tabloids will be going through the annual accounts next July with a fine tooth comb. 


why not let Charles decide what to do, rather than attacking him


Quote from: Amabel2 on December 19, 2022, 09:43:04 PM
why not let Charles decide what to do, rather than attacking him

Well it?s not me that?s printing what?s been said about this development in every tabloid! Of course it?s up to Charles. However, the Press are just telling HIM with these stories that THEY will be keeping on eye on what happens with this in the future.


Quote from: Amabel2 on December 19, 2022, 09:03:37 PM
so what if Charles pays? Nobody wants andrew to get money form the tax payer, and he will need security at times.  So his brother may well pay for him.  waht is the problem?
I wonder if the late Queen made this request to her heir? I wouldn't be surprised if RAVEC had determined that Andrew faced a greater security risk than Anne, Edward, Sophie and her cousins and would continue to need security for awhile.


And in other Windsor security related news today, the Extinction Rebellion protestor who threw eggs at King Charles wants the monarch to give evidence in his defense.  :blink:

Student charged with threatening behaviour after eggs thrown at King Charles during walkabout | Daily Mail Online

QuoteMr Thelwell said today: 'I am charged with section four of the public order act.

'My plea hearing is on the 20th of January I will plead not guilty, of course.

'The charge relates to someone feeling fear of imminent physical violence.

'The question is did the King fear imminent violence? So I don't know how to get an answer to that without getting a statement from him.'

Asked if he would also call the King to give live evidence, he replied: 'These are questions for my solicitor I think. It should be fun.'