Re: Royal Privacy and Security Throughout the Years

Started by Chiana, January 01, 2014, 06:33:20 AM

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A Judicial Review is a type of court case in which a claimant challenges the lawfulness of a decision made by a public body or government department.

More: Prince Harry: What are judicial review proceedings the Duke of Sussex wants to bring against Home Office?



It is a type of court case in which a claimant challenges the lawfulness of a decision made by a public body or government department, such as the Home Office, according to the Judiciary UK website.

A judge reviews the way in which a decision has been made.

The court is not really concerned with the conclusions of that process and whether they were right or wrong, as long as the right procedures have been followed.

The court will not re-make the decision.

If the claimant wins, the decision can be declared unlawful, or quashed.

That will usually mean the decision has to be taken again. While the public body could reach the same decision again, it may follow a proper procedure that leads to a different decision result.

Harry Djokovic


Prince Harry launches legal action against Government claiming it is 'unsafe' for family to return | Daily Mail Online

Prince Harry Files Legal Claim Over Right to Pay for UK Protection |

Prince Harry makes desperate plea to return home to UK with Meghan Markle | HELLO!

Prince Harry seeks judicial review after Home Office stops him from paying for police protection in UK | UK News | Sky News

UK too dangerous for us to visit, says Prince Harry | Prince Harry | The Guardian

Prince Harry news: Duke 'already moaning about something' just days into new year | Royal | News |

Meghan and Harry news: Sussex fans voice security fury | Royal | News |

Prince Harry's latest claim about UK return raises eyebrows among royal experts | Royal | News |

Piers Morgan erupts at Prince Harry for demanding police protection | Royal | News |

Prince Harry news: Duke to fight removal of police protection in UK | Royal | News |

Prince Harry files claim to Home Office asking to fund his own security while in UK | ITV News

Piers Morgan slams Harry and Meghan for wanting police protection - Mirror Online

Prince Harry offered to pay for his own security while in the UK but was 'refused' - Mirror Online

Prince Harry says it's 'not safe' to bring his family to UK - read statement in full - Mirror Online

Prince Harry slammed as ?beyond appalling? over police protection row that is ?hurting? the Queen

Piers Morgan blasts Harry for ?brazen double standards? over police protection row and ?appalling? timing for the Queen

Harry insists UK is still his ?home? after Megxit but claims it's not safe for Archie & Lilibet to visit grandad Charles

Prince Harry launches legal action against UK claiming it's 'unsafe' for his family to return without police bodyguards

Prince Andrew ?WON'T lose his ?300k-a-year security detail? amid sex abuse case as Harry calls for bodyguard cash back

Prince Harry becomes first member of The Royal Family to take legal action against Her Majesty?s Government ? Royal Central

Duke of Sussex would pay police protection and also security reasons for himself,Meghan and his two children also what his statement says but he no longer HRH but he remains as Harry,Duke of Sussex I understand what articles says about what happened on his mom?s death in 1997 and paparazzi and media chase his mother to death in tunnel not under Harry?s watch


From the article that @PrincessOfPeace shared above.  (Thought it might provide some answers to the questions about what the Duke of Sussex is requesting.)

QuoteWhat is a judicial review?

It is a type of court case in which a claimant challenges the lawfulness of a decision made by a public body or government department, such as the Home Office, according to the Judiciary UK website.

A judge reviews the way in which a decision has been made.

The court is not really concerned with the conclusions of that process and whether they were right or wrong, as long as the right procedures have been followed.
QuoteThe court will not re-make the decision.

If the claimant wins, the decision can be declared unlawful, or quashed.

That will usually mean the decision has to be taken again. While the public body could reach the same decision again, it may follow a proper procedure that leads to a different decision result.
At what stage is Harry?s claim?

QuoteLegal representatives for Harry applied for permission to bring judicial review proceedings against Home Secretary Priti Patel on September 20, according to a spokesperson.

Judicial review claims have a threshold test before they can proceed.

The court will consider whether there is an arguable case for a judicial review, a decision that typically will be made without a hearing.

If permission is granted, the claim would proceed to a substantive hearing.


on the net, it is being posted over and a half truth or untruth that the Q and govt refuse him police protection for him and his familyEVEN with him wanting to pay for it.

H has police protection when in England.

He and his family will not  have RPOs , those with the highest ranking Intel, etc.EVEN IF HE WATS TO PAY FOR IT.

Is anyone here from England to explain  govt levrls of security there?
Here, celebrities can and do buy their own security from whatever security firms they    want and how much security they want and need.
You can do the same. Lic to carry. Brinks, ADT, car alarms, buy a home in a gated community, etc.

HOWEVER, you cannot nor a celeb entertainer, athlete buy American SecretService, USA FederalMarshals, etc.

Whst Harry is asking for is although he is nota working royal anymore or lives even in TheUK, as PrinceHenry , he wants to buy RPOs, Intel knowledgable law enforcement who can share communication with his  American security.

He was denied this.
He is appealing.
He will be denied again.

Since he and his wife fear for their lives there, are not friends or close with the BRF per the Oprah interview, why gothere?

Enjoy Qs Jubliee from the safet, security , comfirt of their armed, secure, CA mansion.

What the real reason is, he wants his staus changed to that of highest rank where it was before with RPOs etc do that he and his wife would be globally ranked as where they were prior steping down, back, and away from the BRF.

In other words, they could then get American SS for at home and govts to supply security for them , for one day, someday 2023 latest, as they want to start SussexRoyaWorld Tours to TheCommonwealth nations , other countries , etc.

Grifters grift.

In Canada before their Demand Ransom letter of wanting half- in / half - out, Canadian RM  and taxpayers footed the bill. Here for her baby shower, as the diplomat she was, American SS was provided.
Both countries were supposed to do this.




She said if he is allowed  this armed police, then every entertsiner celeb, dictators kid, etc can get it to if they pay gor it.

Ken Wharfe ps comments
Royal protection officer KEN WHARFE on Prince Harry's demands for security during trips to UK  | Daily Mail Online


If the Home Office concedes Harry's wishes, it will set a precedent.  When there is a precedent then any other VIP Celeb will request upon arriving the UK.

It's deeper than what the HO will decide, because Harry is in the look out to destroy or grab (IMO) freebies, any loophole, he will MILK it.  So IF he wins, then it will also mean that they accept he is a Royal that needs protection, he will then seek it to be ''international''. That was always his initial Exit strategy, which the couple published in their website. AND their lawyer wrote in their communication today.  So it's all tied up, the HO lawyers will have to work every ''sentence'' of the documents Harry's lawyer set forth.

(It's like Harry Djokovic are loophole brothers  :sarcastic: ) On a serious note it is very serious, I mean I've read so much in this past 2 weeks about loopholes and a team of lawyers that can ''actually'' beat the system (and reading directly from the lawyers and watching the court in youtube, and they shared full transcripts, I learned a lot) A team of lawyers is very costly, a famous person like Harry, any team would die to offer service. There's not only fame in their buffet CV but loads of money to make. Djoko 1st round win, Australia paid with tax payers moneys converted in USD 500,000.  Imagine a problem that takes months...


'Princess Anne doesn't get full time security and her protection was shot,' says ex-royal cop | Daily Mail Online
Princess Anne didn?t get full time security or protection since her kidnapped in 1974

Why the Queen will not comment on Prince Harry's legal fight for UK security | HELLO!
Private matter for HM Queen Elizabeth II and Palace articles says Prince Harry is birth in London,UK plus his country of UK

Quote"The UK will always be Prince Harry's home and a country he wants his wife and children to be safe in. With the lack of police protection, comes too great a personal risk.

Quote"Prince Harry hopes that his petition ? after close to two years of pleas for security in the UK ? will resolve this situation. It is due to a leak in a UK tabloid, with surreptitious timing, we feel it necessary to release a statement setting the facts straight."

Prince Harry's demands spark huge row - but does UK owe him protection? | Royal | News |

Princess Anne ?doesn't get full-time protection and her aide was shot!' Harry security row | Royal | News |

Lilibet news: UK slammed for 'denying' Queen chance to see Archie and great-granddaughter | Royal | News |
I can?t believe Harry did that and HM Queen Elizabeth II still waiting for meet Lilibet how rude of Harry and Meghan

Queen 'holds the card' in Prince Harry's security clash - 'Doesn't need another dagger' | Royal | News |

Prince Harry fury as Piers Morgan savages 'shameless and entitled' Duke of Sussex | Royal | News |

Prince Harry's court fight over security needs would be 'in realms of the surreal' | Royal | News |

Archie Harrison and Lilibet Diana's trip to UK hopes dampened over Harry's security row | Royal | News |

'Why can't Harry pay privately' Russell Myers highlights huge precedent set by Charles for | Royal | News |
Prince Charles and Camilla have 24/7 security and protection reasons and Cambridges also have 24/7 security and protection reasons IF Harry must pay security and protection on his own for Meghan and kids also

Why Prince Harry is requesting a judicial review - Security demands explained | Royal | News |



Prince Charles 'paid for security' for Camilla before they married and she became royal - Mirror Online

Five reasons why Prince Harry says he needs police protection in UK - threats and chases - Mirror Online

What has Prince Harry said about paying for his family's security in the UK? - Mirror Online

Queen 'won't help Prince Harry secure police bodyguards for UK trip' amid funding row - Mirror Online

Prince Harry's new war with the royals as he takes on Home Office over security - Mirror Online

'Prince Harry's security legal squabble is both breathtaking and baffling' - Russell Myers - Mirror Online

Prince Harry fears for his family's safety in UK after being ?chased by photographers? - Mirror Online
I understand what Harry says on his mom?s death due paparazzi tried get pictures of her in 1997 but Harry is dad of two and he protective of Archie and Lilibet but Harry vowed he would bring his kids to UK if NOT for safety what Harry said in statement on his claims about his mom?s death we have wait and see 🙏🏻🤞🏻

Meghan Markle 'WON'T return to the UK' as police protection row is 'very good excuse', blasts royal expert

Prince Harry's sense of grievance over his own life choices knows no bounds

Prince Harry behaving like a shameless hypocrite when Queen least needs it is wearisomely inevitable, says Piers Morgan

What Prince Harry?s police protection row really means - The 3 deeper issues behind royal clash

Truth behind Prince Harry?s biggest whines ? from 'painful' childhood to millionaire?s ?money struggles? & security row

Prince Harry slammed as ?beyond appalling? over police protection row that is ?hurting? the Queen

Prince Harry in legal fight to pay for UK police protection


Quote from: sara8150 on January 17, 2022, 05:03:41 PM
Prince Harry seeks right to pay for UK police protection when in Britain - CNN

Two things.
When reading this and every and any story in the news on anything, one really has to double, triple , cross check sources and seek out facts on your own.

This article, like Omids, Sussex friend, family, and mouthpiece, says Prince Henry is being denied police protection for himself and his family even with him willing yo pay for police protection. In other words, big, bad meanie QE and the British govt will not allow him yo pay for police protection for  his family family.
Horrible racists Q, RACISTS BRF, and RACISTS country is the message out there and that is NOT TRUE.

This story is not true.

He can pay for security protection and buy/ purchase via from as many security agencies as he wants.
He can have three or four companies working for him. One company of vehicles, bodyguards for each of his family.
He can have no less than a dozen motorcade of vehicles of motorcycles and dummy automobiles if he wants to buy , contract security companies.


He cannot buy RPOs, ScotlandYard, Intelligence , armed guards and govt police.

In the USA, he has private security from a firm who are armed.
His private security does not work with or communicate with or consult with or be consulted on or have access to or adhere to US SecretService, CIA, FBI, or even Santa Barbara Police Deot.
In the USA, everybody, ordinary people  can carry?.biy a gun.  Own a gun.
We have companies, places with private security who are armed, gun carrying.

In the UK, govt police are armed from what I gather and local citizens and private security firms are not armed. Please those in England, let me know if this is true, how your world works.

PH is no longer living in England or a Senior working member of BRF, etc. as he was before Jan 2020 and the BRF princely privileges he had are no longer.

Next thing.
24 hours news tv channels.
Social media.

BRF is in the year 1982 as for communication.
Maybe 1979.
The BRF is not in the 2023, yes, not 2022, but 2023 lol, for communication like the rest of the world.

Deny nor confirm.
Say nothing.
Stiff upper lip.
Forward, ahead.




2 weeks into the new year, shenanigan #1.  (I'm going to count them this year)