Re: Royal Privacy and Security Throughout the Years

Started by Chiana, January 01, 2014, 06:33:20 AM

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@wannable-I have to agree that the Princess Royal definitely "nails it" when it comes to royal work. As to her advice to the younger generation of royals, IMO it is worth reading and considering.


Very worth reading, reinventing wheels. Review the history of that particular wheel, analyze with the team, if it works and can't be improved ''yet'' because of the times, leave it put, next.  The modernization of the monarchy comes with and when there is new technology, new fillintheblank to replace the old boiler, which turns out to be more energy efficient, manpower efficient, and to know what I mean, and that is with everything.

It's like politicians reinventing/re inaugurating/repainting giving a building a wash and clean and a lick of cement to look fresh/trademark it by changing the name of the building...LOL

Princess Cassandra

You are right, the article is well worth reading. So many direct quotes revealing her very practical forthright nature. She is a person who uses few words to say much, but I didn't realize how truly warm she is. As far as reinventing the wheel is concerned, I'm afraid that's a trial for most generations. They must learn the hard way, just as we did. I am wondering who she was really describing, though; the only ones I can see doing things differently are the Sussexes, who were already in process of leaving when the interview took place. Unless she means the Cambridges doing the emotional health approach, which I really feel is needed.


Man who threatened Princess Royal was found on grounds of Gatcombe Park ? Royal Central

:orchid: :windsor1: :windsor: :royalsneeze: :fuming: :thumbsdown: :angeldevil1: :cry: :( >( :censored2: :blink: :hmm: :ahhh: :ugh: :notworthy: :Jen:
I think I'm the only one here that has written a letter to the Queen and got a letter back from the Lady in Waiting..... :P :happy15: :wed:

Princess Cassandra

I don't understand why this man hasn't been admitted to a psychiatric hospital or ward. Clearly he is very ill and is a potential threat to himself and others. Also, his behavior and repeat of the original call must make everyone in the area feel unsafe and uncomfortable.  I just don't understand. 


@Princess Cassandra I don't understand it either especially since there is a pattern of behavior here.

Princess Cassandra

Quote from: TLLK on August 21, 2020, 03:31:49 PM
@Princess Cassandra I don't understand it either especially since there is a pattern of behavior here.
Also, there are children living on that estate.  But hopefully everything is now under control.


I dont know if she was hurt, probably more annoyed.. and I think she wasn't al that close to Charles, but he was her brohter... and there was a coolness between her and Diana.  I think that yes, Charles was Zara's godfather and it was expected that she would be godmother to one of C's children.. but when she wasn't asked, she found an excuse to avoid hte christening.


The Royal Year in Review: the Princess Royal ? Royal Central  :snowflake:

QuotePrincess Anne?s year usually comes to an end with her tucking over 500 engagements under her belt and the words ?hardest working royal? ringing in her ears. This year has been very different for the Princess Royal. As well as turning 70, she?s seen her usual pattern of life turned upside down. But Anne, as you would expect, has turned that to her advantage and packed out her diary in a new way that has still left her at the top of the tree when it comes to regal duty.

We should be seeing Mr. O' Donovan's BRF engagement count in the coming days along with the ones from media sources as well as private individuals. I only hope that those tallying used the printed court circular and not the online one. :notamused:


No stabbing comment, but it has to do with Princess Anne's Gatcombe Park.

Princess Anne's home estate

She was the first British royal to compete in the Olympics, and now Princess Anne is giving fellow horse-lovers a chance to trot in her footsteps.

The Queen?s daughter, who turns 71 tomorrow, has opened her glorious Gloucestershire estate to allow riders to practise in the grounds for ?25 an hour.

?By kind permission of HRH The Princess Royal and Gatcombe Park Estate, Gatcombe Park XC Hire offers a small selection of cross‑country fences available for schooling,? confirms a spokesperson.

The Princess Royal competed in the 1976 Games, and her former husband, Mark Phillips, won Gold in Munich in 1972.


Admiral Sir Timothy Laurence tests positive for Covid-19

QuoteSophie Corcoran, PA
Wed, 22 December 2021, 7:26 am?1-min read
In this article:

Read more on this topic

Admiral Sir Timothy Laurence, the husband of the Princess Royal, has tested positive for coronavirus.

A royal source said Anne and her husband will now not be spending Christmas with the Queen as they will be isolating.

Earlier this week, it was revealed the Queen would be spending her first Christmas without her husband, Prince Philip ? who died in April ? at Windsor Castle.


A thread dedicated to the  forms of protection provided to royals around the globe over the centuries and in the 21st century. This includes discussion of past and current security threats.

Shocking video shows crossbow-wielding man threatening to 'assassinate the Queen' | Daily Mail Online

Police investigate video after Windsor Castle security breach | UK news | The Guardian


This potential attacker is apparently a radicalised very young man who appears to have obsessed over a particularly infamous incident in the history of what was then British India. Quite why the Queen had to pay for a massacre that occured a good seven years before she was born at a time when the Raj was presided over by officials in her grandfather?s reign (George V) heaven only knows.


Reportedly senior members of the British Royal Family who receive full time protection are unhappy with the changes being made to their security as long time Protection Officers are being moved out. According to this article that includes: The Queen, Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall and the Cambridge family. All other working members of the BRF: The Wessexes, Princess Royal, The Gloucesters, Duke of Kent and Princess Alexandra of Kent only have protection when they're performing official duties. The extended family members pay for security privately if they wish it but those living at a royal palace ie: Kensington Palace or on the Windsor Castle Estate do benefit from some peripheral security that does monitor the entrances and the grounds of these locations.

Royals 'are concerned' as security shake-up sees some of their most trusted police guards moved on  | Daily Mail Online

QuoteSenior royals are up in arms over the removal of some of their most trusted police bodyguards as part of a security shake-up.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and the Duchess of Cornwall are among members of the family who have expressed ?concern? after recently losing some of their most loyal and longstanding personal protection officers.

Even the Queen is understood to have privately expressed her ?disquiet? over changes to the way they are protected.

It is understood that a number of family members have been left upset after Scotland Yard instigated a reorganisation of their security arrangements.

The changes are being rolled out by high-flying Metropolitan Police Commander Helen Millichap, who is in charge of Protection Command.

She is said to have ?ruffled feathers? with her determination to ?open up? the ranks of the team of specialist officers who guard VIPs, known as Royalty and Specialist Protection (RaSP).

One of the most senior female officers at Scotland Yard, Yorkshire-born Cmdr Millichap, who was educated at Bradford Grammar School and Cambridge University, has insisted that long-standing bodyguards ? known as personal protection officers (PPOs) ? are moved to other roles in order to open up the division and make it less ?cliquey?. She is said to believe the role should not be seen as a job for life.

But members of the Royal Family, who are guarded 24 hours a day by their protection officers, are understood to be deeply unhappy. And some of them are fighting hard to keep their favourite bodyguards with them in face of huge pressure from the Met.

?Protection officers occupy very unique positions with MRFs [members of the Royal Family],? said a source. ?They are with them 24 hours a day and it understandably takes a long time to build up a good relationship of confidence and trust.

?Several very well-liked and respected officers have been moved on from their roles, not through any fault of their own.

While I believe that the article was likely written in response to the Christmas Day breach at WC and the newly discovered video assassination threat to the Queen, it appears that the royals expressing concern had made their thoughts known prior to the event. It can take a long time to establish a successful  working relationship with any person though there must be added pressure when it comes to trusting someone tasked with your safety.

More on the ongoing investigation into the security breach and the video assassination threat.

Met Police investigating video following Windsor Castle security breach | The Independent


Here's an archived article from the Daily Telegraph with more information about the ongoing investigation. Reportedly it is an act of revenge for a massacre that occurred in India in 1919. It also discusses the recent breaches associated with people attempting to gain access to Prince Andrew.

QuoteAn intruder who broke into the grounds of Windsor Castle on Christmas Day carrying a crossbow has been sectioned under the Mental Health Act.
On Sunday night a video emerged on social media of a masked man with a crossbow vowing to "assassinate the Queen".
The video, obtained by The Sun, shows a man in a black hooded jumper wearing a white mask saying: "I?m sorry for what I?ve done and what I will do. I will attempt to assassinate Elizabeth, Queen of the Royal Family."
The man, who says he is an Indian Sikh, goes on to say that this is "revenge" for those who have died in the 1919 Jallianwala Bagh massacre, as well as those who have been "killed, humiliated and discriminated on [sic]" on account of their race.
The Jallianwala Bagh massacre, also known as the Massacre of Amritsar, took place on April 19, 1919. British troops opened fire on a large crowd of unarmed Indians in the Punjab region of India which was then under British colonial rule, killing hundreds and causing over a thousand casualties.
Scotland Yard on Sunday night confirmed that they are assessing a video following the intruder's arrest.
The man from Southampton was arrested with the weapon after apparently using a rope ladder to scale a metal fence to enter the gardens at the Queen?s Berkshire residence.
It is understood he was spotted on CCTV ?within moments?, triggering a team of armed response officers to arrest him at 8.30am, just hours before the Queen was due to celebrate Christmas with her family

In a statement issued on Sunday night, a Metropolitan Police spokesman said: ?A 19-year-old man from Southampton was arrested on suspicion of breach or trespass of a protected site and possession of an offensive weapon.
?Security processes were triggered within moments of the man entering the grounds and he did not enter any buildings.
?Following a search of the man, a crossbow was recovered. The man was taken into custody and has undergone a mental health assessment - he has since been sectioned under the Mental Health Act and remains in the care of medical professionals.?
The security breach is likely to lead to a review by police to establish what lessons can be learned from the incident.
Dai Davies, a former royal protection officer, said one possible threat such an armed intruder could have posed was a crossbow bolt being fired at a windscreen and then hitting an occupant of one of the vehicles arriving at the Windsor chapel.
The security threat can often be at its highest when VIPs are going to or from a known location,? he said. ?The bolt from a high-powered crossbow could possibly go through an armoured glass window - they can be very powerful weapons.?
About an hour after the Christmas Day arrest, the Queen welcomed Prince Charles and Camilla to the castle. The Earl and Countess of Wessex along with their children, Lady Louise, 18, and Viscount Severn, 14, also attended a Christmas Matins service in Windsor Castle. The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester also visited the castle for the service at the private chapel.

It has been widely publicised that the Queen, 95, was having Christmas at Windsor instead of Sandringham due to concerns over the spread of the new Covid variant.
Mr Davies said although the security breach was tackled by police at the earliest possible moment, protocol dictates that a senior officer would conduct a thorough review to see what lessons can be learned.
?The security operation went to plan,? Mr Davies continued. ?I don?t think there were any failings in security at all. They reacted precisely as you would expect them to.?
The police investigation is likely to consider how the suspect got from Southampton to Windsor so early on Christmas morning when rail and bus routes were suspended. It raises the prospect he could have driven up very early or arrived in the town on Christmas Eve and stayed overnight in a hotel or bed & breakfast.

Muthu Kesavan, a Windsor businessman, said he saw some police activity shortly after the arrest on Christmas Day.
"I was working and I saw the police cars driving around the castle at around 9am,? he said. ?I imagine it happened around the back of the castle because it was all normal at the front gates.?
Two weeks ago, a woman was arrested after she ran up to Prince Andrew?s car and banged on the window. The security breach happened as the Duke of York drove into the Windsor estate.
In April, a 44-year-old woman who claimed to be engaged to Prince Andrew was let into his official Windsor residence by security guards.
The smartly-dressed Spanish woman was said to have wandered around the grounds of his Grade II listed Royal Lodge in Great Windsor Park. She has since been sectioned under the 1984 Mental Health Act.


Darth Jones, Sith Lord, Star Wars helmet...

The 👮🏻‍♂️ did the right thing, sectioned MHA 1983 to 🏥


 This is from the article that @sara8150  posted above. It does discuss what is currently known about the alleged intruder, royal security threats from the past and more recent security breaches that have happened at WC and largely directed at Prince Andrew.

His poor parents are reportedly and understandably  shocked and dismayed.

QuoteJaswant Singh Chail uploaded a pre-recorded video to Snapchat at 8:06am on Christmas Day, 24 minutes before a man was arrested by police inside the grounds of Windsor Castle.

It has sparked a major internal security review at the estate looking at how someone could have got so far into the grounds.

Chail, who was raised in a ?500,000 semi-detached house on a private estate in North Baddesley, Southampton, has now been pictured for the first time after his father, Jasbir Singh Chail, told MailOnline something had 'gone horribly wrong with our son and we are trying to figure out what'.

Mr Chail, 57, added: 'We've not had a chance to speak to him but are trying to get him the help he needs. From our perspective, we are going through a difficult time. We are trying to resolve this issue and it's not easy.'

First picture: Crossbow-wielding Windsor Castle intruder who 'wanted to assassinate the Queen' | Daily Mail Online


^ Today is the 5th anniversary of Carrie Fisher, Princess Leia Star Wars.


Quote from: wannable on December 27, 2021, 05:55:37 PM
^ Today is the 5th anniversary of Carrie Fisher, Princess Leia Star Wars.

Do you think that may have been part of his motive?  I?m not so certain.  He seems to be more delusionaL/free flowing.  To go from Sikh to Sith etc doesn?t bode well for his mental health stability.   

Scary gaps in security.