Prince Harry's army career

Started by v_voom, January 21, 2013, 07:33:33 PM

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Quote from: Lothwen on January 24, 2013, 03:27:39 AM
I don't think the "behind closed doors" comment meant anything other than "this is my private life and you (the press) are not invited."

I agree with that interpretation of his comment :)
"It does not do to dwell on dreams, and forget to live" -Dumbledore


isnt this the truth i mean a lot of people especially me being his fan seem to say "oh the press hate him" the palace doesnt protect him enough and hes not heir thats why but what about all the stuff hes done ????n what about him taking responsiblity for his actions ??? -----------duh !!

anyway the fact that he  focused on his job and did it is amazing hats off to harry being deployed and all deserves praise but his candid intervview did more harm than good and yet a lot of mags trashy tabloids suppported him so yeah if harry haas a playboy rebel rep. its his doing .
Surround yourself with people who are going to lift you higher.


Did any family members greet him at the airbase?
Mark Twain:
"Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it."
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please."

Serena-my cat

Quote from: georgiana996 on January 24, 2013, 07:56:40 PM
isnt this the truth i mean a lot of people especially me being his fan seem to say "oh the press hate him" the palace doesnt protect him enough and hes not heir thats why but what about all the stuff hes done ????


Harry should. ...  look more into the .... life of his uncle(andrew)  :flower: And learn from mistakes.
Now ...he's beautiful man, a military ,a guy funny and authentic  :Lothwen: ...  And when his good appearance... 'decrease'?

King GeorgeV:"I cannot trust myself to speak of the Queen when I think of all I owe her".

***my English certainly includes some mistakes, I apologize for that...***


Most of the top rated comments on the Daily Mail story have rightly pointed out that most soldiers don't get interviewed when they come back from war, and that the question shouldn't have been asked, and that soldiers will all deal with the trauma of war in their own way. 
You may think you're cool, but do you have a smiley named after you?
Harryite 12-005

Okay, fine.  Macrobug is now as cool as I am


Harryite #0009

Blue Clover

I wonder will the papa will start stalking him?  I will be happy to see a few photos TBH.  :thumbsup:


I am SURE PH will get this little bit of black humour funny.!! Time to lighten up all the folks who found his comments in poor taste. Enjoy the smile.
Dramatic moment Prince Harry runs for an ice cream van during Afghanistan interview - YouTube


Well the press DOES hate him  :wellduh: it's sad they can't give him his due and instead of treating him like the hero he is risking his life to protect the freedom from terrorists of those "journalists" who complain about him killing TERRORISTS  :loco:...they treat him like a criminal of course he complains the man can't win!!! He is treated like a criminal for doing HIS JOB and they act like he killed someone when he goes wild ON VACATION if I was Harry I would tell hem to kiss my Royal behind on DAILY basis!!!  :lol:


 :lol: I refuse o believe Harry is te victim he never was he gets away with more than any other family member can hrs no victim nor villain he's spoilt like the rest of them .
Surround yourself with people who are going to lift you higher.


^ With what does he exactly get away with? They asked for his head for being naked in his suite while they practically gave Kate a  Medal for being naked OUTSIDE where she could be photographed from THREE DIFFERENT ANGLES !!! Nobody asked she gave up her Title then but they did ask for Harry's  :happycry:...and please had Willy killed any TERRORIST they would have crested a statue to WORSHIP him for it they would have rolled the red carpet for him when he got back home and they would have been on their knees WORSHIPING him but somehow Harry didn't get that...


Papers greet Prince Harry as a hero and overlook his jibes against them | Media |
This one was an article about all the other articles, which I thought was interesting. Would have liked more opinion and less rehashing though, Guardian!

Is Harry an old-fashioned warrior prince? | UK news | The Guardian

Wars like Afghanistan should never be a theatre for celebrity | Simon Jenkins | Comment is free | The Guardian

QuoteA prince appears to have killed an enemy in battle. When Prince Harry was asked on television whether "if called upon, you will fire, and presumably you have and will kill the enemy?" Prince Harry said: "Yeah, so lots of people have … everyone's fired a certain amount." Question and answer might seem ambiguous, but the tabloids went berserk. The remark was no more than a confirmation of what the co-pilot of an attack helicopter is required to do. But was it wise even to hint at killing?

One more: Prince Harry may be a captain, but he is no marvel | Editorial | Comment is free | The Guardian

Oh, found another one ;). 'Some guys look at me as Prince Harry, not Captain Wales, which is frustrating' | UK news |
"It does not do to dwell on dreams, and forget to live" -Dumbledore


Well done to Prince Harry and all the other guys returning from their deployment. They have done a great job.  :notworthy:


Wow, so now Harry is being criticized for talking his job as a soldier. It was a stupid question, what is the point of asking a soldier, in a war zone, whether they killed? Their operation is to kill the terrorists.

He did not cherish it. He stated it as a matter of fact.

You may be against war, but there are wars and it is the soldiers' duty to take out the terrorists. It is as simple as that.

He never said killing is similar to video games. He talked about the dexterity of his fingers and the little buttons on the control panel.

Harry gets away with anything. Yes of course. He has served 20 weeks in Afghanistan, mind you I wouldn't have survived living there one week. He hasn't officially been back yet, he is still in the military base decompressing, or something, so I've read. And yet he is already been criticized for his answers regarding his tour of duty.

Harry gets away with anything? Yes, right. The Sun printed Kate's nude pictures, not Harry's.

William is put down for every single achievement of his, while Harry's praised for moving his little finger. Wait, it is the opposite.

The only thing about Harry is, he owns his flaws and mistakes, does not try to use the Diana card or sue media. So as we all have faults, we like a prince who also is not perfect, who makes mistakes. So yes, the public tends to forgive him, not because of who he is, but how he has handled everything so far and how personable he is.

I am glad that he is safely back.

I've never been a soldier, I've never operated a military helicopter with guns to blow up the enemy. My job does not involve physically hurting people, neither does it involve saving people's lives. So I have no idea how it feels, what it is like. I cannot interpret his words in any way, I will not pretend I can empathize with him and what he's done and what he's gone through, because none of us can. Same is true for all other soldiers. We can only offer our support to them.


I think Harry gets away with everything when it comes to the people... The people supports him no matter what, and we kind of see that in this forum also, but he doesn't get away with anything when it comes to the press. William and Kate are the opposite, they always win with the media, but not so much with the general opinion of the people.
Harryite #0009


I don't know about William and Kate not winning with the population in general.  They absolutely have detractors here at this forum, but I know of two other forums dedicated to royalty where they are very well liked and admired, and where Harry is seldom mentioned.  Of course, I know of another forum where the Cambridges are disliked heartily.  I would say that both Harry and the Cambridges have people who like them and people who don't.  No one more so or less so than the other.

Always be yourself.  Unless you can be a unicorn.  Then always be a unicorn.


^ What has he done that doesn't grant "forgiveness" ?  :Lothwen: People are very forgiving towards public figures in general just look at Charlie Sheen and the fact Chris Brown can still win Grammy's  and have number 1 Albums after the Rihanna thing...


So there you go, he gets away with things, you just admitted it. :wink: And that was my point.
Harryite #0009


^ I wasn't saying that  <_<...I was saying that if Chris Brown gets a second chance Harry CAN get away with being naked IN HIS ROOM not OUTSIDE (like someone I know) IN HIS ROOM !!! People will LAUGH IT OFF like it's NORMAL because he did NOTHING wrong!!! As for the latest nonsense I blame the IDIOT asking him what was up in a WAR ZONE asking Harry if he killed the enemy in A WAR ZONE is like asking Alicia Keys if she sings when she is in the studio  recording an Album <_< that was STUPID!!! Harry is British's rags FAVORITE PUNCHING BAG so of course they blew that OUT OF PROPORTION like always!!!


And I was replying to the posts saying that he can't get away with anything. He does, doesn't matter if it's huge or not.
Harryite #0009


^ But again what is there to "get away" with? A 27 years old going wild in Vegas is hardly shocking  :orchid: and Harry is a HERO for killing TERRORISTS just saying...never forget that...


Eri, then why was it brought up that he doesn't get away with anything? I wasn't the one who said that in the first place? You've got me all confused now.
Harryite #0009


You know, just because a reporter asks a question, it doesn't have to be answered.  "I'd rather not talk about that" or "I'd rather not answer that" is a good enough answer.  Harry likes to think that he's just one of the guys, and in a way he is, but bottom-line, he's still a Royal ... and just like all the other Royals, he needs to remember that what he says and does reflects on his entire family who is known worldwide.  And that for the most part, he's not just one of the guys.  But it's water under the bridge now, most of the media has moved on as it usually does.

Always be yourself.  Unless you can be a unicorn.  Then always be a unicorn.