DJ's prank the hospital & nurse death - All Articles / Discussions : Part 2

Started by SophieChloe, December 23, 2012, 08:02:45 PM

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I  do not think suicide  is selfish.
That  is  the  new  feel-good  catch  phrase  given for  the family/friends  to use to  accept   and  for  them to  try  to understand  ,  deal with  a  loved  doing  this  which  is  not  the  family/friends  fault  but  they  have  to  make  sense  of something  horrible  some kind  of  way.  I  am  not  blaming  the  person who  killed themself and I  am not  balming the  family/friends.

I do  not  fault the  family/firends.

The  person  who  committs  suicide is  not selfish  as in not  thinking  about  anyone else but their own self and pain  is  not  true because they  simply  are  not  thinking. They  are  not  in their right  mind. They  are  not  being  locially.  Logic,  being rational,  healthy  in the mental  or  phsyical  is not there.
The  person  is not there.
The  person  's  mind  left  .
The  person  is  at  such  a  low  palce  they  see  no  other  logically  way  to  deal  with their  pain and to make  it  better  for their  family adn friends.

The  case of  this  woman.

     [ Well  she  shamed  her  family.  The  hopsital  staff  all  knew  how  stupid  she  was.  She   felt  stupid. A  dummy. Unfit. About  to lose her  job.  Shame  her family. Never  get  a job  back  in this  profession  and  probably  the closest  she  would ever get  to  a  hopstial  was being  a patient and then  still, no  hopstial  would  want the likes  of   her  as  a patient because  she  is  an imbecile. Probably  she  was a scapegoat there  at the  hosptial for the  higher  ups because  was  she  the  nurse  or  switchboard operator. Well,  regardless what  can  you really  expect  though  when you  have  a darkie, and Indian  take  on such  a  job anywhere  near  this.]

I  put what  I  said  in brackets. Don't  slame me for saying  me  saying this , saying I  am  awful, raicsts  etc. I  am  only saying  it  from what   must  have  been  her  perspective.

The  point is  we  really  cannot say  suicide is  selfish  if  you  at  it  from another  way.

My  other  point  is  that there  is  ajoke, hoax,  funny,  and then  there is  crossing  the  line  where  it  is  illegal  or close  to it  or  can  push  people  over the  edge  or  cause  mass   panic  or  hysteria  with the public  or  involve  others .

These  shock jocks  crossed the line.  It
is  easy  to say, well, it is  not their  fault  the  nurse  was crazy. It is their  fault they  crossed the line.

Here  in the US , we  have  lots  of  this  as the  new thing  and  people  are  doing  it  as fun. It  is  really  bullying.
Good  case here  was  a Rutgers  univerisity  student  taped  his  gay  roomate ahving  sesx and then put  iot  on line.  It  was  meant to  be funy  . A joke.
The  gay  boy  killed  himself.
The  other  boy  went to trial  and  I  think  he  got  off.
Can  you say  the gay boy  who  killed himself  was selfish?
Here  for the  world  , his world  of  family, friends, to  see  him  having sex, and  with  another  boy  no less. No, he  was  not  off  the closet  yet to  those in his  world.
If  he  were  in the role  of RayJ  and  with  a girl, well, having sex  ,  it  may  have  been different  for  him.
(FYI,  Britonites,  Ray J  was  the guy  who  was in film  with  Kim K SuperK Kim Kardashian.)


^^ I was thinking of the same boy, FanDianaFancy.  it happened only two or three years ago at Rutgers University.  There were two people involved in recording the roommate and putting the recordings online.  The girl pled guilty and got community service.  The guy who set up the camcorder was convicted on 15 counts and got 30 days in jail, three years probation, 300 hours of community service plus, and a $10K fine.  There was talk of deporting him (I believe he was Indian), but that was dropped.

Always be yourself.  Unless you can be a unicorn.  Then always be a unicorn.


You  got  it Cindy. Yes , that  is  it.  This  nurses' case  does remind us  here  in The USA  of that recent case.
Yep, living here,  we  see these  things  now  all the  time.
There  are  other cases  too, but  I  cannot  recall them right  off.
I  lost  info  on the Rutgers case.
The  vidoetaper  roommate  got  off  without  much  of  a penalty.
Thanks for the  information. I  lost track of the case  , the results .
The  guy  with the camcorder got  off with  really nothing  of a sentence  there  so  makes it  easier for the  next  person  to  try  something like this  for  humor  because  no example  was set.
Part of the  law's problem  is that  technology has  advanced  far  over  the  law  and  people's ethics.

Once  on www, it  is there  forever.

Blue Clover

I don't think suicide is selfish either. Based on the research I have read, people commit suicide when they run out of hope that things are going to change.

KaTerina Montague

Saying suicide is selfish doesn't equate to not having compassion for the victim. I have stated numerous time that I am aware she was sick and in pain. But again she was thinking of her pain not the pain her actions would cause those who love her. And please do not assume that those of us who believe her act was selfish have never had to deal with depression or suicide.
The Rutger's student was named Tyler, again calling his act selfish does not mean I have no compassion for him. But I still think his parents would prefer having their gay son alive than dead. All I am sayin is the act of suicide might end their pain but it begins new pain for their loved ones. Despite that I am very aware that to actually do it you have to be in deep despair and extremely emotionally unwell.


Many people committing or considering suicide Do believe that as well as ending their own pain, it will help their loved ones, whom they are sure are tired of having to help them to deal with their depression, ill health, or whatever.  Its not all THAT long ago since some would say that a gay man was afflicted with such a horrible proclivity that he SHOULD end his life...

KaTerina Montague

I am ending this conversation because nothing is too to come from it; to me suicide is a selfish act especially when you have children who love you and need you. I am vieiwing it from the sid eof the people left behind, you view through the person commiting suicide; the end enough said.  And just because a person thinks their loved ones would be better off doesn't make it true. As I said earlier I'm sure Tyler's parents would prefer a gay son to a dead son. And once again want to say that just because I feel suicide is a selfish act doesn't mean I have no sympathy for the victim and understand how irrational their minds are at such a time.


"You don't have to be pretty. You don't owe prettiness to anyone. Not to your boyfriend/spouse/partner, not to your co-workers, especially not to random men on the street. You don't owe it to your mother, you don't owe it to your children, you don't owe it to civilization in general. Prettiness is not a rent you pay for occupying a space marked 'female'." Diana Vreeland.


QuoteAustralian DJ Behind Hoax Call to Duchess of Cambridge's Hospital Sues Radio Station for 'Not Providing a Safe Workplace'

One of the Australian DJs behind the 'royal phone call' prank that led to the death of a nurse is suing her radio station for failing to provide 'a safe workplace'.

Mel Greig, 31, pretended to be the Queen when she and co-host Michael Christian phoned King Edward VII Hospital in London in December and was put through to the Duchess of Cambridge's room.  The prank, during which the pair learned details of the Duchess's morning sickness, caused uproar in Britain and led to the death of Jacintha Saldanha.

It was revealed today that Miss Greig is taking legal action against Southern Cross Austereo radio group as it was learned she has been far from happy with her treatment.

Australian DJ behind hoax call to Duchess of Cambridge's hospital sues radio station for 'not providing a safe workplace' | Mail Online

Always be yourself.  Unless you can be a unicorn.  Then always be a unicorn.