Chelsy & Harry Relationship Speculation Part (do we need another) 3

Started by WOW, June 18, 2011, 05:08:57 AM

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QuoteElder sister Lady Katie Percy, a former car mechanic and racing driver, married financier Patrick Valentine in February at Alnwick, a wedding attended by Pippa and Chelsy Davy, Prince Harry's ex.

Just before the wedding, Missy split up with her boyfriend, the Royal Wedding usher Tom van Straubenzee. She is now planning a road trip around Europe with her best friend Chelsy Davy this summer

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Today's Pippa & Percy update refers to Chelsy as Harry's ex, but US weekly is claiming they are still together.

Last summer, US weekly was one of the last to acknowledge the H&C split, so I am inclined to believe Jobson's NOTW article from earlier in the week & this most recent mention. BUT, since Harry has re-activated his FB account, I feel like his temper tantrum could be over & they have reunited. OTOH, Chelsy could be "pulling a Kate" and being seen out and about to show Harry what he's missing.  Then again, Richard Palmer mentioned that the paps only find Chelsy newsworthy when she's known to be dating Harry... so, the recent Chelsy spottings could be indicative of a rekindled romance.  Does that clear things up for ya, WOW?


Why would people believe a US publication over a British one? I'm not saying their not back together but just b/c Harry has activated his FB again to me doesn't mean necessarily their together again.
QuoteRichard Palmer mentioned that the paps only find Chelsy newsworthy when she's known to be dating Harry... so, the recent Chelsy spottings could be indicative of a rekindled romance.
I simply don't believe that. The paps don't know for sure what's going on in their relationship only H & C do. They will follow her until he starts dating someone else (if he ever does). Also Harry will be supposedly coming to the US for more military training for several weeks I wonder if he'll pull another strip bar incident and take home girls with some of his friends like he did when he was in Canada?


Let's not forget that Harry is busy with military training and also coming to the US later this year or early next year..than he will more than likely go to Afghan so he will be pretty busy the next year+ to make any sort of serious commitment to Chelsy as far as marriage goes. I still feel like they are over but nobody will confirm it or deny it.  Let's wait and see how "serious' this is if Chelsy actually starts her 'career"


^^ Other than Robert Jobson, NOTW, Katie Nicholl, DM thinks they're split.

QuoteChelsy Davy has not been invited to the next big Royal Wedding following her latest split from Prince Harry.

Article posted in Prince Harry's board/Going Single to Zara's wedding thread.

If they can't hold a trimester together,  I say part ways.


I don't get why she should invite her cousin's "ex'' to her weeding especially if they were never close but she better be careful Harry might be "on" with Chelsy by then and that could be awkward LOL...anyway I think I found Harry and Chelsy's song LOL:


"Quit Playin' Games (With My Heart)"

Baby, oh

Even in my heart I see
You're not bein' true to me
Deep within my soul I feel
Nothing's like it used to be
Sometimes I wish I could turn back time
Impossible as it may seem
But I wish I could so bad baby
Quit play's games with my heart

Quit playin' games with my heart (with my heart)
Before you tear us apart (my heart)
Quit playin' games with my heart
I should've known from the start
You know you've gotta stop (from my heart)
You're tearin' us apart (my heart, my heart)
Quit playin' games with my heart

I live my life the way
To keep you comin' back to me
Everything I do is for you
So what is it that you can't see
Sometimes I wish I could turn back time,
Impossible as it may seem
But I wish I could so bad, baby
You better quit playin' games with my heart


Quit playin' games
Baby, baby the love that we had was so strong
Don't leave me hangin' here forever
Oh baby, baby this is not alright, let's stop this tonight

Baby, oh
Quit playin' games
Na na na na na na
Na na na na na baby
Na na na na na
Sometimes I wish I could turn back time,
Impossible as it may seem
But I wish I could so bad, baby
Quit playin' games with my heart


Quit playin' games with my heart
Na na na na na na
Na na na na na baby
Na na na na na


I don't think JObson the world's foremost authority. I think observation is the key--if he's seen really dating someone else steadily then of course it'  is over. And if she is seen seriously dating someone else it's over.



I think he takes a stab at giving opinions, sometimes he's right, sometimes he's wrong.  IF they(Jobson and other members of the press) hit the jackpot an d get something right, they can write how they predicted such and such an event and it happened.


Since this concerns Chelsy as well, I decided to post it on this thread.

Harry insists on being 100% single, the article is on Daily Mail.

Is he trying to provide Chelsy with some privacy while she travels and parties? Being the official gf, she would be scrutinized more closely and criticized a lot and maybe they are trying to avoid that.

Or people's speculation that they are having a casual relationship is correct.

Now that Chelsy is in London, I don't think they would have been able to be keep it private for weeks. Last time she were there, they were seen together, photographed together and Harry alone leaving her apartment. Their affair is the next big thing and I am sure there is a lot of pursuit by the paparazzi to get a shot.

Now I wonder whether they were properly together at the wedding. She is said to be Harry's plus one, but maybe she was just another guest, not a plus one. After all Joss Stone who knew William rather casually got an invitiation, why not the ex of the brother who is still on friendly terms with them all?

But then why go to South Africa if not for Chelsy? Botswana, yes, he went there without Chelsy before and seems like it is a favourite of his. South Africa in August? I don't know, sounds suspicious.

Any thoughts?


well, just like Chelsy, he has some friends who live in South Africa, so he may go there to see them and not her. But I think when he says South Africa he means Botswana, and it makes sense because we all know how much he LOVES that place!


"Granny I've got to go, send my love to the corgis...I've got to go, bye. God save you, yeah, that's great ..."

Louisiana Lady

... The latest article says Harry is 100% single with no intentions at all of dating and  it really  looks like Chelsy standing with her back to the camera in the first picture chatting with him at the concert !!!....The are just absolute soul-mates and are so perfect together !!!.....I had read about a month ago he was to meet up with Chelsy in July with Ms.Percy in I think Spain so who knows???....I feel there are MANY MANY secrets that NONE of us know in regards to their relationship and it could very well be to keep Chelsy safe if he indeed is deployed again next year...   Well maybe later in the future when they are a bit older and  BOTH ready to settle down things WILL work out ....  Both have wonderful careers awaiting them and time has a way to work things out,  especially if they cherish and are devoted each other ...I do really think that they love each other very much!!! ....The RIGHT time will come for BOTH of them...I wish them both the VERY BEST !!!!!!!!!


I think if it were Chelsy the Mail probably wouldn't miss the chance to print that they have been seen together and not label her as some unknown blonde.


Yes, that's something that I tought about it: going to south africa in august. The time sounds perfect for them to pass some time together, and yes harry has some friends in douth africa as well, but it's just weird he's going there without her (just a opinion).


^IIRC, it's been 5 years since he founded Sentebale, and he wanted to do something special to mark the occasion. Perhaps he wants to visit Lesotho? Isn't it surrounded by SA?


Yes, maybe you're right, but considering that he seems to be really busy, and he said that he will probably take some vacation, he probably wants some time (one week or two) to relax, and not to work...


Quote from: rapunzelrapunzel on June 26, 2011, 12:40:43 AM
I think if it were Chelsy the Mail probably wouldn't miss the chance to print that they have been seen together and not label her as some unknown blonde.


It's been about a year since Chelsy went back to Africa and to our knowledge the two has seen each other a total of a few weeks in the last 12 months. Not because of the harsh realities of life, but because they felt like it!?! They have seen each other for a week or two in February, allegedly taken a vacation in Africa before the wedding, during the wedding period they spent a few weeks together. Not all this time was spent exclusively with one and another. There were many reports of them going out alone.

And that is it.

Not the dictionary definition of a devoted couple, in love with each other and putting in every effort to make things work.

William's been lucky to find someone steady while he was at university. Someone who understood what being a royal girlfriend is and ready to take it all in stride.

I am really curious to see whether Chelsy makes it to Zara's wedding... Now that would stir the pot.

Right after posting this I saw the this:

QuoteHarry had earlier arrived at the festival with ex girlfriend Chelsy but the pair split to party in separate VIP areas.

And in a crushing blow for the blonde beauty, 25, Harry confirmed he was on the market.

He told us: "I am 100% single – I'm not seeing anyone at the moment. I'm too busy with work to do anything.

"Dating is the last thing I've got time for."

They have an awful lot of direct quotes from Harry. Does he seem to eager to make the world, and us, and me included, to believe he and Chelsy are over?

Glad to read this:

Quote"But I'm afraid I can't say I'm a fan of The Only Way Is Essex. I've not seen it – it's not my kind of thing."


I agree with you, but it's important to understand that they're relationship was all the time. Harry was in Iraq, Afeganistan, will probably be there when he finishes his training; harry is a busy guy, not that he's busy right now (that's why I have a hard time when I read what he supposely said). So, it's means that harry doesn't have a lot of time to pass to find a gf or to spend time enought to have one... For me the one who 'complicates' the relationship it's him, not necessarily her. It's hard to be dating a militar man, even harder when he's a royal and needs to do a lot of things in his position.


^ Agree. That's why I said William has been lucky. They are not normal guys and their girlfriends should be meeting additional qualities, not all necessarily desirable ones by you and me*, to date them.

* Kate's being nicknamed Waity Katie, being labeled work-shy, accused of turning a blind eye on William's dabbling in other women.


Quote from: mihrocha on June 26, 2011, 01:01:19 AM
Yes, maybe you're right, but considering that he seems to be really busy, and he said that he will probably take some vacation, he probably wants some time (one week or two) to relax, and not to work...

I can't find the article, but I remember that April was the actual anniversary, and Harry couldn't celebrate because of his brother's wedding. Instead, the report said he was planning something later in the summer.

I don't think a visit to Lesotho is "work" to him.

Louisiana Lady

.."Quote"...Harry had earlier arrived at the festival with ex girlfriend Chelsy but the pair split to party in separate VIP areas is a direct quote from the paper today .....or it's actually Sunday over there but still Saturday night here in the States...LOL.....Anyway, what-ever the relationship status they are reported to have and even if they went to chat with other VIP's is the fact is that they still arrived together....hmmmmmmm..


Arriving together and being in a romantic relationship aren't the same.

If you are suggesting there is any romance left between them, than Chelsy is a bigger dunce than I used to think! Harry spent the night with the Only Way is Essex Girl... NOT Chelsy. Even if some people think Chelsy could be described as an Essex girl, Harry spent the night with an actress, NOT Chelsy. Kinda pitiful if they are still together.

Louisiana Lady

Oh I totally agree that just arriving with someone and being in a romantic relationship is absolutely different.  I just have a feeling things are not as they seem,  regardless to what is said or done and ESPECIALLY in front of the press.....Some statements can be just  a way of diverting attention from the real truth what-ever that may be???...Haven't we all done that at times in our personal situations to keep people out of our business and knowing the real truth...I know that I have and I'm certainly no celebrity or royal...JMO


^ If they are trying to give a false impression, why arrive together at the first place.

If you arrive together, knowing it will be on the press, why go to the trouble of spending the whole time apart? Why not not arrive together? Is it hard for them to arrive separately?

I don't know. Either they are playing a silly game, with these not very well planned diversions and Harry's on the record statement of being "100% single" (but closing the door to possible relationships too), he doth protest too much... Or they are really two exes, who are on friendly terms, with or without benefits... Harry wants to be single and play the field. I can imagine Chelsy being upset with that decision, since her last four years were planned around Harry, so are her future career plans.