Catherine Howard

Started by amabel, December 31, 2010, 07:24:58 AM

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Quote from: Savanna on January 20, 2011, 07:01:54 PM

Oh no, it still exists. I just had no clue about it which I find odd as I lived so close by  :shrug: :)

As to Catherine, I always thought she grew up in (some sort of) poverty.
her fatehr was a younger son of the Duke of Norfolk and was poor, and had a huge family.... so she was reared with her step grandmother...


I see. Thank you, amabel :flower:


I've been meaning to post this highly romanticized song about Catherine Howard, by Blackmore's Night.  Purported portraits of Catherine Howard are included in the video, as well:

Always be yourself.  Unless you can be a unicorn.  Then always be a unicorn.


Quote from: Lothwen on January 20, 2011, 07:06:00 PM
I've noticed that whenever people talk about CH they always mention how "young" she was, but I think we have to remember that back then, there wasn't such a thing as "adolescence."  Most young girls were married off by the time they were 15.  Although, to be fair, I think that CH could have been 25 and still gotten into trouble. I don't think her age was a problem, but her maturity was. 
Even though girls were being married off far younger back then, they still went through the adolescent stage (even though it wasn't identified back then).  I do believe Catherine would have made the same mistakes regardless of her age, because of how she was brought up.  It doesn't seem there was ever any consequences for her actions


Why was the date of Catherine Howard's birth not recorded?


Catherine's father was a younger son of the 2nd Duke of Norfolk, who had sired twenty one children. Lord Edmund Howard married a widow with five children. She went on to have six more with Edmund. It is believed Catherine was the tenth child of her mother. Easy to get lost in the crowd with that number of family members! Of course not all survived by any means, but the Howards were still a very large family.

It was often the case in those days too that a baby wasn't added to the parish records until baptism day. It was unthinkable that any child would go without a baptism while births were sometimes ignored. Among poor rural folk that often assisted infanticides of unwanted babies. I don't know whether Catherine's baptismal records survive or not, but through the centuries so many records of all sorts have been destroyed or just rotted away.


I dotnt think there was registration of births, just records of baptism.. but even so, that may not have happened for every sinlge baby, even upper class ones..


No there was no official registration of births in England and Wales until the 1830s. However, some parish priests msde notes of births in gentry families.

This article is quite interesting and goes into the history of parish registers.

History of Parish Registers in England Genealogy - FamilySearch Wiki