Chelsy Chat and Older & never seen before PICS! part 6

Started by WOW, December 15, 2010, 08:55:08 PM

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Yep. People on here thought Dan and Chelsy were dating and so did the media and there were in pictures of them in Portugal together. I don't remember a mention of Dean and Chelsy dating although it seems they are friends.


QuoteUm, it was Dan Philipson people were talk :blowkiss:ing about. Memory isn't always 100% reliable.
ah so i made a huge confusion then..changing the names... :laugh10: :laugh10: :laugh10: mistake and i apologise... :blowkiss:

It was a name confusion really...for one minute i though that people were going crazy...forgetting theyre comments in the past  :laugh10: :laugh10: :laugh10:

So were back on track...
its not the guy i was thinking of...
Apologise for the confusion!!!! 

The thing is it wouldnt be the first time poeple say someone says something and them say they didnt...or say something else...
Thats why i jumped on the conclusion that or am i really nuts...or i dont know....
But anyway it was a name confusion...
Thanx for the observatios ladys!!!!
And my sincere apologies to wannabe for the confusion... .sticky
so whos the dean  guy anyway  :laugh10: :laugh10: :laugh10:

Anyway does anyody knows what happenned with lucy???
Ive been away from the forum for some time...took some time off my work ...and not only lucy but many old members are gone...or they have changed theyre names..i believe the old ones are really wannabe...psm...sandy..britanny...i saw satrine also...
But no signs of hale, kate and other wich the name doesnt come to my mind now!!!


No problem Anita. No one is perfect, although I do have an excellent memory. OT when I change my mind or make an error, I'm not afraid to admit it.Via blackberry.


Ah yeah i know u have an excellent memory...especially when its about somethins that says something positive of something u defend or like..or is in acordance with ure views...but when its the other way aroung sometimes its better to just dont say anything...or keep things in the dark....
But were all humans in the end...whos perfect anyway  :shrug:

I know im not and my memory is not excellent but sometimes it works perfectlly good ...
I mistaken the names but not the usual actions...
Thas the only reason i jumped so fast into the conclusion u were denying having said something u probablly have said many times...
Was because i remember uve done it a couple of times before...and im sure just like before u would never admit it and again would be just tipical...

Anyway, this time, it was a mistake... confusion between dean and dan... just when i was laughing so much about the coincidence of thoughs and he possibility of he being gay  :laugh10: :laugh10: :laugh10:
Anyway i still believe on it!!!

And of course im definetelly not afraid to admit a mistake...or a mind change....why not???
I do admit my mistakes and apologise for all the confusion!!!!

Im actually very open to the possibilities of making no god to know everything....and i this case of talking about other people life how will i knows what goes on theyre lifes and minds when im always basing myself into personal perspectives and not in  facts!!!!!
So i believe were always doomed to get things right or wrong...But anyway by the way i do believe theres always a limit for changing... Opinions are opinions and they can change depending on the many things...
But make constant change sof points of view dont seems good..
At least for me me it ends up showing some lack of personality or maybe consfusion into deciding what we thinks its right or worng..wich is normal i believe since we dont have any concrete foundation to bae our views...i mean judging people we dont know dailly for simply judging may seem a little comples and even cruel to deal with sometimes...
unless u do it simply for plager wich is ok i believe, not right or worng..but ok!

I mean we write things because we think we cant really reach people...but sometimes i wonder what they would though if they came here and read some comments about themselves...
it probablly must hurt sometimes...some views...but most of the times i believe it probablly makes them laugh...
as i think we discuss a lot of nonsensed things most of the times...
Because most of the times thats what the media publishes..anyway....

Im talking about me and  in general anyway.... not anyone in particular  :)
Ive noticed that as i always though after the wedding a lot of old and very firm opinions would change drastically and so they did...a lot of people seemed to just forgot everyhting and restart from zero...wich is try to have some diferent perspectives...

Me anyway as hard as i tryed i cant see anything diferent from anyone yet....wills, kate, chels, harry...
Theyre fame levels are dferent..theyre acting difrentlly..theyre images....
but my views about these people remains the same actually...

Maybe about chelsy...i agree that his year should end with some decision from her o the professional life line...otherwise even myself will be oblige to admit that she wll start looking like a joke... <_<

Anyway...lets wait to see....


What a grump! Of course, she is smiling when a man is near and the cameras catch her, but not when she is alone. Harry look at this. She looks pretty when she isn't pouting.


It's unbelievable how much she's changed for the worst over the years  :o  she used to be cute and natural a few years back but she's aging so badly and is barely recognizable. Her face is too puffy and bloated, she uses too much eyeliner, and foundation has become a must for her in order to hide those unflattering bags under her eyes, i can hardly remember the last time I've seen her without make up the last couple of years (except for beach pics). And why on earth does she insist on matching her lips with the rest of her face it's so unappealing, use some color Chels :notamused:

"Party prince" or "caring prince"?
"I am both of them, and if that's a problem with anybody, then I'm very sorry."

Harryite #138 (#12-007)


When were those pictures taken?  :hmm: She is a girl with a lot of friends I like that about her ...there must be something about her ...


But are those TRUE friends?
Surrounding yourself with too much friends isn't actually a good thing specially since most of them aren't for real. Chelsy is popular and most people befriend her for that, do you really think all of them are trustworthy? She comes across as a girl who loves the attention she gets and likes to be surrounded by "friends" regardless if they're for keeps or not, Chelsy doesn't know how to choose her friends wisely, she's friends with anyone who wants to be friends with her.

"Party prince" or "caring prince"?
"I am both of them, and if that's a problem with anybody, then I'm very sorry."

Harryite #138 (#12-007)


Quote from: Maria5583 on August 11, 2011, 04:52:18 PM
What a grump! Of course, she is smiling when a man is near and the cameras catch her, but not when she is alone. Harry look at this. She looks pretty when she isn't pouting.
Just curious, but do you usually walk down the street by yourself smiling at nothing? I'm genuinely wondering, because personally I don't. I don't see anything unusual about the fact that she isn't grinning. It looks like a glum day weatherwise, and she's alone. Not on the phone, not even listening to an iPod or something. She's just walking. And in general when I'm just walking all by myself down a street, I don't smile at nothing. If something happens, or I see something interesting or bump into a friend, obviously my expression changes. But Chelsy's alone in those pics, only people around are the paps. I wouldn't be smiling either.
Harryite #0094   


I wouldn't walk alone in the streets with a grin nor a scary face - specially with a hoodie.


Quote from: sillyjobug on August 11, 2011, 08:44:42 PM
Quote from: Maria5583 on August 11, 2011, 04:52:18 PM
What a grump! Of course, she is smiling when a man is near and the cameras catch her, but not when she is alone. Harry look at this. She looks pretty when she isn't pouting.
Just curious, but do you usually walk down the street by yourself smiling at nothing? I'm genuinely wondering, because personally I don't. I don't see anything unusual about the fact that she isn't grinning. It looks like a glum day weatherwise, and she's alone. Not on the phone, not even listening to an iPod or something. She's just walking. And in general when I'm just walking all by myself down a street, I don't smile at nothing. If something happens, or I see something interesting or bump into a friend, obviously my expression changes. But Chelsy's alone in those pics, only people around are the paps. I wouldn't be smiling either.

I don't smile but I do look more pleasant than that. Who doesn't? She looks like she is going to kill someone.  :teehee:



She looks mad, probably at the photographer. I don't know when the photos were taken, but if they were taken after she and Harry have broken up then she may be extra mad the at the intrusion, since she is no longer dating royalty and is a private citizen. I guess I would have had the same facial expression as she does.

I hope I will would not pair a cute blue dress with biker boots and hoodie though :)

She does have long and nicely shaped legs. William and Harry have different types, but they both like them with long and shapely legs.


I dont see what the big deal is with her pics. How many of u walk down street beautiful, happy, and camera ready?  NONE. I bet all of us probably would look the same or even worst. I am generally a very happy person but when no one is around I don't smile. I would b somewhat upset too if I had a photographer all up n my face. It wouldn't matter if I was dating or broken up with someone. Sometimes it is nice to have space. Leave the poor girl alone. She seems to b out of the picture so b happy. Ur wish has been granted.


She looks harsh, rough & what the kids would call "fugly." But, she usually does!


sorry didn't know were to put it, new chelsy sighting:

@Rosie_NixonRosie Nixon

I could eat the food at Hakkasan every night of the week. Chelsy Davy was in the house tonight, looking tanned, gorgeous - and unattached

Is Hakkasan in London?
cherryite # 009


I just think it's a shame she used to be so fresh faced and pretty and now it seems the smoking, sun and booze are catching up to her (and the more than occasional bad judgment in makeup).


She looked like a youthful 25, when she was 21. Now, she looks like her 30s haven't been kind to her.


Quote from: Georgiana on August 12, 2011, 04:25:24 AM
sorry didn't know were to put it, new chelsy sighting:

@Rosie_NixonRosie Nixon

I could eat the food at Hakkasan every night of the week. Chelsy Davy was in the house tonight, looking tanned, gorgeous - and unattached

Is Hakkasan in London?
Yes in LOndon! :clap:


Quote from: Georgiana on August 12, 2011, 04:25:24 AM
sorry didn't know were to put it, new chelsy sighting:

@Rosie_NixonRosie Nixon

I could eat the food at Hakkasan every night of the week. Chelsy Davy was in the house tonight, looking tanned, gorgeous - and unattached
Is Hakkasan in London?

^  Rosie Nixon
@Rosie_Nixon London
Editor of HELLO! magazine


I also dont walk around smiling alone on the street..seriouslly if i start doing that someone send me to a sanatory  :laugh10: :laugh10:

That only happens with crazy people or those who are drug addicted or very drunk...high..seriouslly...
Is this for real shes been judged for not smiling at cameras  :hehe:
Thats why i love her  :clap:

In my view honestlly...opinions are opinions but i always have a feeling that people are so extremelly harsh on chels about everyhting...from her clothes to her her nationality and hger circle pof friends...and blablabla...mostlly for personal reasons than for good sensed reasons..
I mean come on!!!Seriouslly i look at the girl and obviouslly she changed..EVERYONE changes...phiscally..mentally..its life!!!!
I honestlly look at her an i can see that gorrible women some says she become...she did lost a HUGE amount of weight thorugh the years....the loss of weigh changes peoples bodies and faces...and so did with chels...but yet she seems pretty normal to me...
She does look angry but so she always did...with excpetion from when shes seen among friends...

I honestlly cant see this huge diference in her beauty department...and especially when someone is 26 and said to age especially coz of cigarettes..i mean are people serious?!?Millions smokes and they dont look older coz of it...i do think that she will end up getting old soon coz of sun thats for sure,but from cigaretes and drinking...serioully....

I also always have the impression that those who criticize her and say that shes aging very badlly...and looks very ugly are those who automaticallt thinks that the middletons sistersare amazinglly gorgeous and have aged so damn welll...coz the middletons have amazing genes..People can see the results of theyre very healthy and amazing diets and life style  :wink:
Its definatelly and exposed on theyre faces and  on theyre wonderfull skin  :laugh10: :laugh10: :laugh10: :laugh10:

Thats why i seriosully gave up the discussions..its not worthy it...people in the end judge for simple plager of doesnt make any my view honestlly....